First review, and I'm really not a deep or artsy person, so I'm not even going to try to break this down into philosophical arguments or anything.
It sounds good. It looks incredible. The characters are so unique and human and sympathetic (except for that one greasy Wen young master and his monster of a wife) and sometimes so infuriating (looking at you Jiang Cheng). The plot is amazing, the backstories well-woven and intriguing. But most importantly, it's just such an enjoyable show to watch.
If someone asks me if I have any complaints, I can't say I don't. Bring back the 40-minute episodes! 20 minutes isn't enough!
Just a few things YSK before watching:
- Season 1 is the prequel to everything. Nothing shown in the first two episodes took place yet, it basically tells the characters' backstories and how Wei Ying got to where he was. I know, I was confused too, especially since Mo Xuanyu's appearance is really similar to (read: the same as) young Wei Ying's.
- There really won't be any BL (gayness) since this was aired on Chinese TV. So people who don't like BL, go ahead and give this series a try, and those who came for the BL, try not to be too disappointed.
- The dynamic between the five clans is very interesting and well-written, but also really confusing at first. I suggest looking up a character/clan-map to keep on the side while watching.
Anyways, anyone who hasn't given Mo Dao Zu Shi a try, definitely should! This show has taken my heart hostage within the first three minutes of the first episode (at the 2-3 minute mark specifically, I've watched that flute+zombies sequence at least fifty times now), and it still hasn't given it back. I thought I was too old to fangirl over a fictional story, but it turns out I just haven't been watching the right ones! Words can't describe how much I love this. It's not really like a first love, but rather an obsessive, passionate love that takes hold of you when you were sure you wouldn't be able to feel such emotions again.
Mo Dao Zu Shi's episodes, released every Friday night, is pretty much the only thing getting me through the week right now. I don't know what I'm going to do, now that Season 1 is over... At least there's two more seasons to look forward to! See you in 2019!