mental ability "he's got plenty of brains but no common sense" -
a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter -
a witty amusing person who makes jokes
A mental faculty, or power of the mind; -- used in this sense chiefly in the plural, and in certain phrases; as, to lose one's wits; at one's wits' end, and the like. "Men's wittes ben so dull.", "I will stare him out of his wits ." -
Felicitous association of objects not usually connected, so as to produce a pleasant surprise; also. the power of readily combining objects in such a manner. "The definition of wit is only this, that it is a propriety of thoughts and words; or, in other terms, thoughts and words elegantly adapted to the subject.", "Wit which discovers partial likeness hidden in general diversity.", "Wit lying most in the assemblage of ideas, and putting those together with quickness and variety wherein can be found any resemblance or congruity, thereby to make up pleasant pictures in the fancy."
To know; be or become aware: used with or without an object, the object when present often being a clause or statement. Present tense: I wot (wote), thou wost (erroneously wottest, wotst), he wot (erroneously wotteth); plural we, ye (you), they wit. -
Preterit tense: I, etc., wist (erroneously wotted). -
Infinitive: wit (to wit); hence, to do to wit, to cause (one) to know. -
[The phrase to wit is now used chiefly to call attention to some particular, or as introductory to a detailed statement of what has been just before mentioned generally, and is equivalent to ‘namely,’ ‘that is to say’: as, there were three present—to wit, Mr. Brown. Mr. Green, and Mr. Black. -
Present participle: witting, sometimes weeting (erroneously wotting). Compare unwitting. -
Past participle: wist. -
Knowledge; wisdom; intelligence; sagacity; judgment; sense. -
Mind; understanding; intellect; reason; in the plural, the faculties or powers of the mind or intellect; senses: as, to be out of one's wits; he has all his wits about him. -
Knowledge; information. -
Ingenuity; skill. -
Imagination; the imaginative faculty. -
The keen perception and apt expression of those connections between ideas which awaken pleasure and especially amusement. See the quotations and the synonyms. -
Conceit; idea; thought; design; scheme; plan. -
=Syn.6. Wit, Humor. In writers down to the time of Pope wit generally meant the serious kind of wit. -
In more recent use wit in the singular generally implies comic wit; in that sense it is different from humor. One principal difference is that wit always lies in some form of words, while humor may be expressed by manner, as a smile, a grimace, an attitude. Underlying this is the fact, consistent with the original meaning of the words, that humor goes more deeply into the nature of the thought, while wit catches pleasing but occult or farfetched resemblances between things really unlike: a good pun shows wit; Iiving's “History of New York” is a piece of sustained humor, the humor lying in the portrayal of character, the nature of the incidents, etc. Again, “Wit may, I think, be regarded as a purely intellectual process, while humor is a sense of the ridiculous controlled by feeling, and coexistent often with the gentlest and deepest pathos” (H. Reed, Lects. on Eng. Lit., xi. 357). Hence humor is always kind, while wit may be unkind in the extreme: Swift's “Travels of Gulliver” is much too severe a satire to be called a work of humor. It is essential to the effect of wit that the form in which it is expressed should be brief; humor may be heightened in its effect by expansion into full forms of statement, description, etc Wit more often than humor depends upon passing circumstances for its effect. -
One who has discernment, reason, or judgment; a person of acute perception; especially, one who detects between associated ideas the finer resemblances or contrasts which give pleasure or enjoyment to the mind, and who gives expression to these for the entertainment of others; often, a person who has a keen perception of the incongruous or ludicrous, and uses it for the amusement and frequently at the expense of others. -
To play the wit; be witty: with an indefinite it. -
See wite.
wit to know -
1st pers. sing. Wot; 2d, Wost (erroneously Wot′test); 3d, Wot (erroneously Wot′teth):—pl. 1st, 2d, 3d, Wot; pa.t. Wist (erroneously Wot′ted); pr.p. Wit′ting, Weet′ing (erroneously Wot′ting); pa.p. Wist -
wit understanding: a mental faculty (chiefly in pl.): the power of combining ideas with a ludicrous effect, the result of this power: ingenuity: : -
wit a person of understanding or judgment, esp. a person who has a keen perception of the ludicrous and can express it neatly. -
wit (rare) imagination -
wit (obs.) information
At your wits' end - If you are at your wits' end, you have no idea what to do next and are very frustrated.
Brevity is the soul of wit - The best way to communicate intelligently is to be concise and not to use unnecessary words.
Mother wit - Native intelligence; common sense
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. witen, pres. ich wot, wat, I know (wot), imp. wiste, AS. witan, pres. wāt, imp. wiste, wisse,; akin to OFries. wita, OS. witan, D. weten, G. wissen, OHG. wizzan, Icel. vita, Sw. veta, Dan. vide, Goth. witan, to observe, wait, I know, Russ. vidiete, to see, L. videre, Gr. , Skr. vid, to know, learn; cf. Skr. vid, to find. . Cf. History Idea Idol -oid Twit Veda Vision Wise (a.) & (n.) Wot
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. wit, from the verb above.
Witnesses say 3 civilians dead. armytimes.com
CNN's Mike Schulder witnesses a fierce firefight in Fallujah. cnn.com
A large crowd witnesses the bat child's antics. kdhx.org
Heather McClintock's Photos Bear Witness to Uganda's Long Civil War. metropulse.com
Photojournalists gave their lives to bear witness . columbiamissourian.com
12-year-old witnesses father, Chris Belcher , "strangling" his wife, Gwendolyn Belcher . tsp.com
Disgraced former TV reporter Rob Koebel was a key witness in Dan SabanÂ's recent trial. phoenixnewtimes.com
A 53-year-old man was injured after witnesses say he fell from Belvedere Castle in Central Park Monday. abclocal.go.com
As God is My Witness. inc.com
David Staffeldt, EAA 570227/Warbirds of America 551902, witnessed the recovery and provided a firsthand account, along with these exclusive photos. eaa.org
Witnesses describe 'massacre' in city under siege. ashingtonpost.com
Witnesses said they heard screams for help coming from a home on Avenue 20 1/2 near Road 26 in Madera County. abclocal.go.com
He occassionally watches the witnesses. kbtx.com
Defense attorneys presented a new witness who supports previous testimony from another witness that four drug dealers committed the crimes instead of Bower. kxii.com
A Reno County judge threw out a witness who was acting unruly during a murder trial on Tuesday. kfdi.com
The tree T on K and the map σ witness that K D is iterable (in L[x† ], and hence in V ).
A simple proof of \Sigma^1_3 correctness of K
Lyapunov function witnessing positive recurrence is available.
Computing stationary probability distributions and large deviation rates for constrained random walks. The undecidability results
Let f ∈ E q(X1)k and let g be the k -cell and h, h′ be the (k + 1)-cells which must witness this property as in definition 39.
Weak Omega Categories I
These authors suggest that we are witnessing the formation of a nucleus.
Evidence for a warm ISM in Fornax dEs - II. FCC032, FCC206 and FCCB729
Afterwards, a first partial sky surveying will be started wit h it.
A Prototype for the PASS Permanent All Sky Survey
Perhaps this man has seen Joseph, or talked with Jacob, or witnessed the wonders of the exodus. "Pilgrimage from the Alps to the Tiber" by
Six Venetian noblemen were judges, though there were many other witnesses of the feat. "A Man's Value to Society" by
But somehow Helene kept herself calm and strong after witnessing Henri's terrible death. "Shaman" by
You know you will have to be a witness? "The Macdermots of Ballycloran" by
There is the story of a spirit, "which," says he who wrote it to me, "I no more doubt the truth of than if I had been a witness of it. "The Phantom World" by
There must be witnesses also. "Victor's Triumph" by
But with the naming of the next witness a stir of interest ran sharply around the room. "The Shepherd of the North" by
Little gleams of his underlying purpose which his levity masked, struck Joe from time to time, setting his wits on guard. "The Bondboy" by
But when a witness has been indicated, the witness must speak. "The Landleaguers" by
And he made the mistake of trying to wield his wits a little. "The Missourian" by
In the Redeemer's blood
And bear thy witness with my heart,
That I am born of God.
Men have such little wit!
His sin I ever will chastise
Because I gave him it.
On your flight across the skies,
As you chase the silver twilight
When the golden sunset dies.
Immortal prophecy?
And feel, when with thee, that thy footsteps trod
An everlasting road?
The voice within had call'd his name !
And he told all he witnessed
At the Oracle of flame !
Just as clearly and distinctly,
I have seen another time
The same things that now I witness,
And 'twas but a dream.