accord or comport with "This kind of behavior does not suit a young woman!"
To be suitable to; to suit; to become. "That name best befits thee."
To suit; be suitable to; become. -
To fit; furnish with something fit.
be-fit′ to fit, or be suitable to: to be proper to, or right for -
befit′ting; pa.p. befit′ted
What Befits a Leader in Hard Times.
Jane Fonda , Jillian Michaels Push Online Viewers To 'BeFit'.
You should be able to find something befitting your theater plans and decor within Hallmark 's library of six million licensed images.
It was befitting that Howard and Hampton , two teams who came into Saturday's matchup having combined for one win in 12 games, would have trouble making shots and holding onto the basketball.
Things have never been more divine at the House Befitting Heaven after a $52 million renovation.
It oozes with the enthusiasm and ambition befitting a grom at the beach, and rightly so.
As befits a state with some 253 miles of shoreline on Long Island Sound and countless others along and around its rivers and lakes, Connecticut is a good place for islands.
Amendment 8 befits hypocrisy of religious right and its political serfs.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A senior US official says Washington should expand its military ties with Indonesia , befitting a relationship between two robust democracies.
As befits a band known for their visual element, the records will released as picture discs.
Jane Fonda , Jillian Michaels Push Online Viewers To 'BeFit'.
But questions are arising over why such an honor befits the man who in 1926 assumed a leadership role in Rhode Island's Roger Williams Klavern No 16, Ku Klux Klan .
He thought about it for three years, and befitting the engineer he is, it was the numbers that helped prompt Athens-Clarke County Deputy Manager Bob Snipes to decide to retire, effective next month, after nearly 40 years in government.
MIDWAY — He showed up wearing golf clothes, but Zach Blair's workmanlike effort Wednesday morning at Solider Hollow was more befitting a hardhat and steel-toed boots.
Befitting a film about Edgar Allan Poe, "The Raven" is dark and grisly and ghoulish.
But thou sayest truly, the golden ornament would, indeed, but ill befit thy condition and daily wants. "The Bravo" by
I will take such a one as you shall choose, and set up an equipage befitting our condition. "Clarissa, Volume 4 (of 9)" by
Kippy, as befitted a warrior of parts, was the first to recover. "Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 153, Sept. 5, 1917" by
Because I think it befits me, while the play (sport) lasts, to join in it. "A Selection from the Discourses of Epictetus With the Encheiridion" by
The mighty palm in the centre of Gordon Square had a neat railing round it, as befitted the Palladium of the village. "At Last" by
Only Opee-Kwan was brave, as befitted the head man of the village. "Children of the Frost" by
Sometimes she is richly apparelled, as befits a queen; anon she sports the motley trappings of a mountebank. "A Versailles Christmas-Tide" by
For the glory of our age in which heroes are wanting, it befits you to remain that which you are. "Paris under the Commune" by
After which she produced a bottle labelled "Port wine" from the cupboard, and, filling four glasses, celebrated the occasion in a befitting but sober fashion. "At Sunwich Port, Complete" by
I shall most readily concur in whatever measures the wisdom of the two Houses may suggest as befitting this deeply melancholy occasion. "A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents," by
Shattered, faint-
But his brow wears calm befitting
Martyred saint;
Heaven when my life is done,
Payment as befits a poet--
For my poem pay a son.
A decent education,
His views would have befitted well
A far superior station.)
A crowned king to lee;
But, or that I taste meat and drink,
Reproved shall he be."
Methinks but discord were;
The prayerful silence of the soul
Is best befitting her.
I pour the dirge of the Departed Days,
For well the funeral song
Befits this solemn hour.