Certainly; really; indeed. "As wis God helpe me." -
To think; to suppose; to imagine; -- used chiefly in the first person sing. present tense, I wis. See the Note under Ywis. "Howe'er you wis .", "Nor do I know how long it isFor I have lain entranced, I wis )."
An abbreviation of Wisconsin. -
Certain; sure: especially in the phrases to wisse, for certain, certainly; mid wisse, with certainty. -
Certainly; truly; indeed: same as iwis. -
A spurious word, arising from a misunderstanding of the Middle English adverb iwis, often written i-wis, and in Middle English manuscripts i wis, I wis, whence it has been taken as the pronoun I with a verb wis, vaguely regarded as connected with wit (which has a preterit wist). See iwis, and, for the real verb, see wit.
wis v. (in the form I wis) erroneously used as 'I know.'
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Due to mistaking OE. iwis, certain, AS. gewiss, for I wis,. See Ywis
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary I wis is the M. E. adv. i-wis—A.S. ge-wis, certainly; cf. Ger. ge-wiss.
Rewolinski, RLA, ASLA, has joined Stantec in Milwaukee, Wis. As a senior landscape architect . northstarpubs.com
She was born May 20, 1923 in Stevens Point, Wis. chestertontribune.com
Located on Wesfields health campus in New Richmond, Wis. ecmpostreview.com
MADISON, Wis — President Obama's senior campaign adviser David Axelrod is a former journalist who loves a good quip. ashingtonpost.com
(MILWAUKEE, WIS.) – December 15, 2010 – Master Lock Company has discovered the ideal method to maintain the performance and increase the life of security products. securityinfowatch.com
The American Club resort in Kohler, Wis. North of Milwaukee, offers spa suites that include in-room massage and a whirlpool. usatoday.com
The ship, named for Fort Worth, Texas, the 17th largest city in the United States and the 5th largest city in Texas, was built in Marinette, Wis. And was commissioned in Galveston, Texas, Sept 22. marinelink.com
About Marten Transport, Ltd Headquartered in Mondovi, Wis. rpmfortruckers.com
The worldwide core technology center for the new business unit is located in Hudson, Wis. ceramicindustry.com
Merlin and Jean Gandrud, Mt Pleasant, Wis. minotdailynews.com
Has added a Mitsubishi 510 Suprema waterjet machine with a 90,000-PSI KMT pump to its facility in Waukesha, Wis. thefabricator.com
Reports Norton's mom of Eau Claire, Wis. Subject. twincities.com
Wife of Dodger's catcher delivers baby on Wis. Sunday morning forecast. mur.com
Wife of Dodger's catcher delivers baby on Wis. koat.com
Wife of Dodger's catcher delivers baby on Wis. Area police investigate string of flashings. ptz.com
Otherwise we can use U to find |wiS ≡ |w ; wiS and, after all, to calculate G¨odel proposition pw (w).
The G\"odelizing Quantum-Mechanical Automata
Let us take the state of the system S to be |wiS .
The G\"odelizing Quantum-Mechanical Automata
Given the dissimilar weight wij between any two nodes i and j connected directly, the interaction Jij reads 1/wij if i and j are connected directly, reads 1/mins (wis + wsj ) if i and j are next nearest-neighbor and reads 0 for other conditions.
Effects of Weight on Structure and Dynamics in Complex Networks
We are grateful to the WIS for financial support making this possible.
Tensor Products of Random Unitary Matrices
In order to test the feasibility of lattice non-perturbative calculations in the QT gauge, it has been calculated the renormalisation constant ZA of the axial current by using WI’s on quark states.
Problems in Lattice Gauge Fixing
He wis above me, d'ye ken? "Tam O' The Scoots" by
E. A. Birge, State University, Madison, Wis., and enclosing thirty cents. "The Tree-Dwellers" by
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY, River Falls, Wis. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Great Barrington, Mass. "American Missionary - Volume 50, No. 9, September, 1896" by
Verily I wis that thou didst trump ye club aforetime. "Miss Mapp" by
I-wis, it was a thing all too dear To be bestowed, and wist not where! "Tudor and Stuart Love Songs" by
For this is our order, I-wis, Under the green-wood tree! "Fifteenth Century Prose and Verse" by
GRAY, ALMEDIA, suit under Wis. school suff. "The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (Volume 2 of 2)" by
Then the Belgian jumped up and shouted, 'Ee interfere wis my frien'! "Aliens" by
That wis a' he kent aboot it, an' th' Dutchman begood his yarn. "The Brassbounder" by
There's the 1st and 21st Wis. in Rousseau's Division, and the 10th Wis. "Si Klegg, Book 3 (of 6) Si And Shorty Meet Mr. Rosenbaum, The Spy, Who Relates His Adventures" by
To dry her tears, to laugh, to talk;
And free, as sick men are, I wis
To rise and walk.
That pipes so clear and strong;
For it cannot be a bird, I wis,
That sings such a wondrous song.
A joyfu' sicht, I wis;
Instead o' the shillin' a guinea lay there,
That by nae kent law was his.
Turns silver-gilt the golden mass
Of flowing hair, and pales, I wis,
The rose that deepened with that kiss—
The first—before our marriage was.
Oft as I say OSEE, OSEE, I wis,
Then mean I, that I should be wonderous fain
That shamefully they one and all were slain,
Whoever against Love mean aught amiss.
The land of the Gone-away Souls.
Yes, a lovelier region by far than this
(Though this is a world most fair).
The goodliest goal of all good goals,
Else why do our friends stay there?