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Fine Dictionary


Iron measuring stick, on one side measurement in decimeters, on the other side in aune. Front inscription: 12 DECIMETRES; signature: BARADELLE A PARIS. Reverse inscription: AUNE.
Iron measuring stick, on one side measurement in decimeters, on the other side in aune. Front inscription: 12 DECIMETRES; signature: BARADELLE A PARIS. Reverse inscription: AUNE.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Aune
    A French cloth measure, of different parts of the country (at Paris, 0.95 of an English ell); -- now superseded by the meter.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) aune
    A French cloth-measure, now superseded as a standard measure by the meter. The use of the aune métrique, nouvelle, or usuelle, equal to 1⅕ meters or 47¼ English inches, established in 1812, was forbidden after 1839. The old measure of this name varied at different places: at Rouen it was the same as the English ell, 45 inches; at Paris, 46¾ inches; at Lyons, 47¾ inches; at Calais, 68½ inches. Formerly written auln.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. See Alnage

Usage in the news

One in particular came from my good friend and scale modeler, Earl Aune .

Aune Joins Yankees For $1 Million.

The Yankees have signed their second-round pick, Austin Aune , to a $1 million bonus.

In Interview with Bruce Aune , President Rejects Rosen's Comments on Ann Romney.

KCRG-TV9's Bruce Aune interviews President Barack Obama at the White House on Thursday, April 12, 2012.

To say it was a hectic week for Austin Aune of Argyle (Argyle, Texas) would be a massive understatement.

See Jonathan Aune 's Mugshot.

See Jonathan Aune 's Mugshot Jonathan Aune 's mug shot.

See Jonathan Aune 's MugshotPHOTO: See Jonathan Aune 's Mugshot.

From left, Haller Middle School students Arielle Canlas, Ashlynn Low, Heleena Horrer, Chase Roskelley and Nathan Aune are all members of the school's P3 club, which collects juice pouches and sends them off to be recycled.

The Norwood Young America City Council heard a report on the swimming season from pool manager Jenni Aune during its regular meeting on Monday, Oct 8.

Tornado researchers Maciej Stachura, left, Jack Elston and Tom Aune of the University of Colorado use an unmanned aircraft.

Manatee 's band program has been so successful, said Aune, "we're looking to capitalize on the students' interest in music".

Despite racking up 112 carries in last two games, Little Elm's Ke'aun Kinner keeps on churning.

LITTLE ELM — Ke'aun Kinner takes the handoff, runs 5 yards, crashes into tacklers and then fights for 2 more yards.

Usage in scientific papers

These methods have shown some promise for large problems (Strickland et al., 2011; Aune et al., 2011), although more work is needed on approximating the log density (Simpson, 2009; Aune and Simpson, 2011).
Think continuous: Markovian Gaussian models in spatial statistics

Assume that Aun := fn → f and prove that f ∈ R(A).
A characterization of unbounded Fredholm operators

If Aun → f and un → u, then Bun − F un → f , and the above argument shows that Bu − F u = f so Au = f .
A characterization of unbounded Fredholm operators

In 1987, Mateescu and P ˘aun studied state observability in completely specified deterministic finite automata without non-accessible states .
Answers to Questions Formulated in the Paper "On States Observability in Deterministic Finite Automata"

Mateescu, A., P ˘aun, G.: On states observability in dete rministic finite automata.
Answers to Questions Formulated in the Paper "On States Observability in Deterministic Finite Automata"

Usage in literature

He tuk de basket in, en had a long talk wid Aun' Peggy. "The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue" by Various

AUNE comes in from the right. "Pillars of Society" by Henrik Ibsen

Je vie des visages long comme un aune, change de couleur vingt fois pendant que je parlois. "The History of England from the Accession of James II." by Thomas Babington Macaulay

I pity you for the inundation of your good countrymen, which overwhelms you; 'je sais ce qu'en vaut l'aune. "The PG Edition of Chesterfield's Letters to His Son" by The Earl of Chesterfield

His letter to Aune could not fail to be circulated through the army. "Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, Complete" by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

All de ducks Aun' Meeley been fattenin' up fur you done got loose en gone ter water. "The Battle Ground" by Ellen Glasgow

So I 'low ez he paid Aun' Peggy ten dollars fer to goopher de grapevimes. "The Conjure Woman" by Charles W. Chesnutt

It is aunly a matter of indiveedual feeling. "Headlong Hall" by Thomas Love Peacock

A. McVille, N. D. Aune, Theo. "Trees, Fruits and Flowers of Minnesota, 1916" by Various

Aun' Mary, my dear, I want my cheeld back! "News from the Duchy" by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

Usage in poetry
Triste cosa es el sueno
Que llanto nos arranca;
Mas tengo en mi tristeza una alegria...
iSe que aun me quedan lagrimas!
Yo voy por un camino, ella por otro;
Pero al pensar en nuestro mutuo amor,
Yo digo aun: ?Por que calle aquel dia?
Y ella dira: ?por que no llore yo?
Al brillar un relampago nacemos,
Y aun dura su fulgor, cuando morimos:
iTan corto es el vivir!
La gloria y el amor tras que corremos,
Sombras de un sueno son que perseguimos:
iDespertar es morir!