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Fine Dictionary


Night watch extension from the northwest. The shutters, on which the slats hang, shield the southwestern sidelight from the Night Watch. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to improve the lighting of the Night Watch, it was decided to build a new room for the painting. The Nachtwacht extension is opened on 16 July 1906. The light enters through a high, partly shielded window on the south side. The Night Watch hung in this extension until 1926.
Night watch extension from the northwest. The shutters, on which the slats hang, shield the southwestern sidelight from the Night Watch. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to improve the lighting of the Night Watch, it was decided to build a new room for the painting. The Nachtwacht extension is opened on 16 July 1906. The light enters through a high, partly shielded window on the south side. The Night Watch hung in this extension until 1926.
  1. (v) shutter
    close with shutters "We shuttered the window to keep the house cool"
  2. (n) shutter
    a hinged blind for a window
  3. (n) shutter
    a mechanical device on a camera that opens and closes to control the time of a photographic exposure
Room with fireplace in the middle. The mantelpiece is closed with two shutters. Above it a round medallion with a Bacchic scene. On the left, a servant opens a door.
Room with fireplace in the middle. The mantelpiece is closed with two shutters. Above it a round medallion with a Bacchic scene. On the left, a servant opens a door.
One man in the party turns to the window, which is closed with shutters. Sheet 15 recto from a sketchbook with 33 sheets and 10 separate drawings.
One man in the party turns to the window, which is closed with shutters. Sheet 15 recto from a sketchbook with 33 sheets and 10 separate drawings.
A garden house with open window shutters and a sundial. In the foreground two ornamented fountains, in the background a garden and rainbows. In the bottom margin a four-line German text.
A garden house with open window shutters and a sundial. In the foreground two ornamented fountains, in the background a garden and rainbows. In the bottom margin a four-line German text.
Farmer or man with pipe and drinking cup in a window opening with a shutter that opens outwards. Print from a series of eight prints after scenes by A. van Ostade.
Farmer or man with pipe and drinking cup in a window opening with a shutter that opens outwards. Print from a series of eight prints after scenes by A. van Ostade.
Farmer with pipe in a window opening with a shutter that opens outwards.
Farmer with pipe in a window opening with a shutter that opens outwards.
House in a bivouac, painted white and with painted shutters, three officers in front of the entrance. Tipped-in photo in an album with 87 photos about the construction of the Gajoweg in North Sumatra between Bireuen and Takinguen between 1903-1914.
House in a bivouac, painted white and with painted shutters, three officers in front of the entrance. Tipped-in photo in an album with 87 photos about the construction of the Gajoweg in North Sumatra between Bireuen and Takinguen between 1903-1914.
A hooded woman leans out of a window with horizontal shutters.
A hooded woman leans out of a window with horizontal shutters.
Farmer or man with pipe and drinking cup in a window opening with a shutter that opens outwards. The print is part of a portfolio.
Farmer or man with pipe and drinking cup in a window opening with a shutter that opens outwards. The print is part of a portfolio.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Camera shutter speed "B" stands for bulb.
  1. Shutter
    (Photog) A mechanical device of various forms, attached to the aperture of a camera lens for opening and closing to expose the plate. It is usually designed so that the time during which the aperture is opened may be varied by a manual dial or by some automatic mechanism, thereby allowing proper exposure of a photographic film under different intensities of light.
  2. Shutter
    A movable cover or screen for a window, designed to shut out the light, to obstruct the view, or to be of some strength as a defense; a blind.
  3. Shutter
    A removable cover, or a gate, for closing an aperture of any kind, as for closing the passageway for molten iron from a ladle.
  4. Shutter
    One who shuts or closes.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) shutter
    One who or that which shuts. A lid; a cover; a casing.
  2. (n) shutter
    Hence, specifically— A frame or panel of wood or iron or other strong material used as a cover, usually for a window, in order to shut out the light, to prevent spectators from seeing the interior, or to serve as a protection for the aperture. There are inside and outside shutters. Inside shutters are usually in several hinged pieces which fold back into a recessed casing in the wall called a boxing. The principal piece is called the front shutter, and the auxiliary piece a back flap. Some shutters are arranged to be opened or closed by a sliding movement either horizontally or vertically, and others, particularly those for shops, are made in sections, so as to be entirely removable from the window. Shutters for shop-fronts are also made to roll up like curtains, to fold like Venetian blinds, etc.
  3. (n) shutter
    In organ-building, one of the blinds of which the front of the swell-box is made. By means of a foot-lever or pedal the shutters of the box can be opened so as to let the sound out, or closed so as to deaden it.
  4. (n) shutter
    That which closes or ends.
  5. (n) shutter
    In photography, a device for opening and again closing a lens mechanically, in order to make an exposure, especially a so-called instantaneous exposure occupying a fraction of a second. The kinds of shutters are innumerable, the simplest being the drop or guillotine shutter, in which a thin perforated piece slides in grooves by gravity when released, so that the perforation in falling passes across the field of the lens. The more mechanically elaborate shutters are actuated by springs, and are commonly so arranged that the speed of the exposure can be regulated.
  6. (n) shutter
  7. shutter
    To provide or cover with shutters.
  8. shutter
    To separate or hide by shutters.
  9. (n) shutter
    In founding, a gate or movable partition designed to cut off the runner to a mold from the channel in which molten metal is flowing.
  10. (n) shutter
    The name given by Inigo Jones, the architect, to the side scenes or slips which he used in his pomps and masques.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. Shutter
    one who, or that which, shuts: a close cover for a window or aperture:
  2. Shutter
    (phot.) a device for opening and closing a lens

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. scyttan, to bar—sceótan, to shoot.

Usage in the news

Supervalu shuttered Sunflower Market, its minimalist-fresh format, last year.

Asahi Kasei To Shutter US Spandex Operation.

DNC again ties Mitt Romney to shuttered Kansas City steel plant .

Shuttered are locations in Meriden, Conn. Elgin and Schaumburg, Ill. And Ticonderoga N.Y.

The shuttle's Dean Street station closed for business just after midnight, the first subway station shuttered since 1962.

"The line starts behind the rope," a cashier announced as lunch-hour bargain-seekers bombarded the registers at Midtown's soon-to-be-shuttered Coliseum Books on Friday afternoon.

Leonardo DiCaprio played a 1950s-era cop in Shutter Island and a stealer of dreams in Inception.

Temporary Shutter Movin' On Up.

This is critical in keeping your camera still when using a shutter speed of 1/60 of a second or slower.

Summit Business Media Shutters Florida Underwriter Magazine.

Contra Costa supervisors are expected to vote today on whether to shutter four fire stations as part of a cost-saving plan to keep the county's fire district solvent.

The snack food maker is shuttering its factories, creating a selling frenzy on Amazon and eBay.

More details on Citronelle's shutter due to water damage.

Unemployment aid applications spiked a month ago after Sandy shuttered businesses in the Northeast.

Flint School District moving early childhood center to shuttered Summerfield Elementary.

Usage in scientific papers

This shutter remains open for a very brief time interval, during which one photon escapes.
Complementarity in the Bohr-Einstein Photon Box

We should therefore expect that the box cannot possess both a definite value of its energy and a definite time at which the shutter opened.
Complementarity in the Bohr-Einstein Photon Box

However, in order to be able to say something about the photon, we have to calculate back to values of the relevant quantities at the time the shutter opened and the photon escaped.
Complementarity in the Bohr-Einstein Photon Box

In 2006 the total shutter-open time made up 50.3% of the clear science time.
Ten Year Review of Queue Scheduling of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope

For under-subscribed programs (not enough targets to fill their TAC-allocated time), the program completion percentage is calculated from the completed versus requested shutter-open time at each priority.
Ten Year Review of Queue Scheduling of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope

Usage in literature

We examined all the rooms, the doors and walls, the shutters and loopholes, and I was satisfied with the inspection. "The Cryptogram" by William Murray Graydon

The fourth was of heavy timber, and contained a door and a shuttered window. "The Camp in the Snow" by William Murray Graydon

Build a little chamber and provide it with a door, windows, and window-shutters. "Fragments of science, V. 1-2" by John Tyndall

But there we stop till next morning, when father unlocks the door at seven and Bart takes down the shutters. "The Opal Serpent" by Fergus Hume

A shutter slammed sharply somewhere in the house above, and something stirred fearfully in the shadow of the room. "Mr. Opp" by Alice Hegan Rice

The sun was slanting through the shutters. "Explorers of the Dawn" by Mazo de la Roche

A strong wooden shutter alone closed it. "Popular Adventure Tales" by Mayne Reid

Benny, why haven't you taken off those back shutters? "The Opened Shutters" by Clara Louise Burnham

The sun was gleaming in golden needles through the interstices of his window shutters. "Her Mother's Secret" by Emma D. E. N. Southworth

We noticed one where the doors and shutters were still in place, but rotting from the fantastic hinges that supported them. "The Last American" by J. A. Mitchell

Usage in poetry
The shutters are fast,
And the red curtains hide
Every hint of outside.
But hark, how the blast
Whistled then as it passed!
Close the door; the shutters close;
Or through the windows we shall see
The nakedness and vacancy
Of the dark deserted house.
The horses, under the axletree
Beat up the dawn from Istria
With even feet. Her shuttered barge
Burned on the water all the day.
I undid the shutter a week thence,
But not until after I'd turned
Did I call back his last departure
By the upland there discerned.
I opened my shutter at sunrise,
And looked at the hill hard by,
And I heartily grieved for the comrade
Who wandered up there to die.
Not in the street and not in the square,
The street and square where you went and came;
With shuttered casement your house stands bare,
Men hush their voice when they speak your name.