belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler "golden age of imperial splendor","purple tyrant","regal attire","treated with royal acclaim","the royal carriage of a stag's head" -
befitting or belonging to an emperor or empress "imperial palace" -
relating to or associated with an empire "imperial colony","the imperial gallon was standardized legally throughout the British Empire" -
of or belonging to the British Imperial System of weights and measures -
a piece of luggage carried on top of a coach -
a small tufted beard worn by Emperor Napoleon III
A game at cards differing from piquet in some minor details, and in having a trump; also, any one of several combinations of cards which score in this game. -
A gold coin of Russia worth ten rubles, or about eight dollars. -
A kind of fine cloth brought into England from Greece. or other Eastern countries, in the Middle Ages. -
A luggage case on the top of a coach. -
An outside seat on a diligence. -
Anything of unusual size or excellence, as a large decanter, a kind of large photograph, a large sheet of drawing, printing, or writing paper, etc. -
The tuft of hair on a man's lower lip and chin; -- so called from the style of beard of Napoleon III.
Of or pertaining to an empire, or to an emperor or empress. -
Of or pertaining to supreme authority, or to one who wieldsit; sovereign; supreme; august; commanding. -
Fit or suitable for an emperor; hence, of imposing size or excellence. -
In the old German empire, a city directly subordinate to the empire, having a seat and vote in the Reichstag. The constitutions of such cities varied greatly, some being democratic and others aristocratic. Of the fifty-one impperial cities existing in the eighteenth century, nearly all lost their practical independence in 1803, and were annexed to other states. Three of them —Hamburg, Bremen, and Lübeck - are members of the modern German empire. -
A gold coin issued by imperial authority; specifically, a Russian gold coin of the eighteenth century, of the value of 10 rubles. The half-imperial, of 5 rubles, is still coined. -
In architecture, an imperial roof or dome. -
The top of a carriage, especially of a diligence; hence, a case for luggage carried on the top of a coach. -
A small part of the beard left growing from the middle of the chin near the under lip, the rest being shaved off: so called from the emperor Xapoleon III., who wore his beard in this way. -
Anything of unusual size or excellence, as a large decanter, etc. -
A size of writing-paper, 22 × 30 inches; also, a size of printing-paper, 22 × 32 inches. -
A size of slates, 2 feet wide and from 1 foot to 2½ feet in length. -
A rich fabric in use throughout the middle, ages, the material and nature of which are unknown, except that it was often enriched by the use of gold. -
A game at cards mentioned as having been played by Henry VIII. -
A beverage made by dissolving half an ounce of cream-of-tartar in three pints of boiling water, and adding four ounces of white sugar and half an ounce of fresh lemon- peel. -
A member of the imperial or emperor's party; a soldier of the imperial army. -
An imperial personage; an emperor.
im-pē′ri-al pertaining to an empire or to an emperor: sovereign, supreme: commanding, of superior size or excellence -
a tuft of hair on the lower lip (from its use by Napoleon III.): a kind of dome, as in Moorish buildings: an outside seat on a diligence: a size of writing-paper, 22 × 30 in.; also of printing-paper, 22 × 32 in
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. emperial, OF. emperial, F. impérial, fr. L. imperialis, fr. imperium, command, sovereignty, empire. See Empire
Imperial, California (NAPSI)—Professional athletes often recognize the value of chiropractic care—some, however, really appreciate it.
A celebrity owner sang the praises of Chrysler's mighty Imperial.
The suspect was spotted paddling north about 200 yards off Imperial Beach, near the Mexican border.
UN seeks to sweep away last traces of imperial age.
In 1980, on a dare from a girlfriend, 20-year-old Jacques Torres marched into the palatial Hotel Negresco in Nice to ask the imperious chef Jacques Maximin for a job.
Terrapin Beer Co.'s W 'n' B Oatmeal Imperial Stout.
Duke Blue Devils forward Mason Plumlee celebrates scoring with guard Quinn Cook during the 2012 Battle 4 Atlantis Championship in the Imperial Arena at the Atlantis Resort.
Imperial County Continues To Struggle With Teen Pregnancy.
A South Carolina man passing through the Imperial Valley bought a California Lottery Mega Millions ticket worth $190,535 last week.
Although Damascus was their capital, the Umayyads did not build an imperial mosque—at least at first.
Is the Imperial Presidency Inevitable.
We now face a cult of imperial presidential power.
Serial killer Anthony Sowell sentenced to death Judge Dick Ambrose sentenced serial killer Anthony Sowell to death for the murder of 11 women found in and around his Imperial Avenue home in Cleveland back in Oct 2009.
Vancouver Island 's Imperial Outpost.
The Imperial Animal by Lionel Tiger, by Robin Fox Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 368 pp.
The atom chip devices in use at Imperial College were fabricated by the nanosystems group of Professor M.
Progress in atom chips and the integration of optical microcavities
For the YbF molecule, this value is an enormous 26 GV/cm . A group at Imperial College, including the authors of this article, are currently in the process of measuring de using the YbF molecule .
Preparation and manipulation of molecules for fundamental physics tests
Walecka, J. D. 2004, Theoretical Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics, 2nd Edition (London and Singapore: Imperial College and World Scienti fic) .
Observational Tests of Neutron Star Relativistic Mean Field Equations of State
Markov point processes and their applications, Imperial College Press/World Scientific Publishing, London/Singapore.
A J-function for inhomogeneous point processes
Polzik, eds., Quantum Information with Continuous Variables of Atoms and Light (Imperial College Press, 2007). S. D.
Photon subtraction from traveling fields - recent experimental demonstrations
The Prince Imperial of France had been a cadet with us. "The Chronicles of a Gay Gordon" by
The same imperious will of all the Thaines to do as he chose was his heritage, too, and he walked the prairies like a king. "Winning the Wilderness" by
Dante was not a Ghibelline, though he longed for the interposition of an imperial power. "The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 07" by
He hasn't a great deal to say for Imperialism. "Gilbert Keith Chesterton" by
City of London Imperial Volunteers mounted infantry. "History of the War in South Africa 1899-1902 v. 1 (of 4)" by
This is a heavy crime; for the growth, manufacture, and sale of tobacco is a strict Imperial monopoly. "A Tramp's Wallet stored by an English goldsmith during his wanderings in Germany and France" by
Her Imperial Highness, my pious mother, had a terrible way of punishing her children. "Secret Memoirs: The Story of Louise, Crown Princess" by
He took possession of the imperial palace, and made the senate acknowledge him. "The Formation of Christendom, Volume VI" by
He appears and vanishes unexpectedly, and lives in the mouths of the Yellow River and the Imperial Canal. "The Chinese Fairy Book" by
Please make my excuses to his imperial highness and the rest of the company. "The International Spy" by
Is life worth sin?
Where are the imperial years? and how
Are you Faustine?
Republic or Imperial—
If war inclined, they both shall find
We're rather tough material.
On the ruin'd rampart grew,
Where, the sons of freedom braving,
Rome's imperial standards flew.
Blest proof I had not tried in vain
To give imperious passion law,
And hide my bosom's conscious pain.
My own distress I'll learn to scorn;
I'll bid imperious anguish rest,
While smiles my pallid lips adorn.
Meanwhile, with matchless grace,
The stately ship, unconscious of her foe,
Drew near the trysting place.