serve as a crew member on -
an organized group of workmen -
the men and women who man a vehicle (ship, aircraft, etc.) -
the team of men manning a racing shell -
an informal body of friends "he still hangs out with the same crowd"
A company of people associated together; an assemblage; a throng. "There a noble crew Of lords and ladies stood on every side.", "Faithful to whom? to thy rebellious crew ?" -
The company of seamen who man a ship, vessel, or at; the company belonging to a vessel or a boat. -
krṳ (Zoöl) The Manx shearwater.
An accession; a reinforcement; a company of soldiers or others sent as a reinforcement, or on an expedition. See accrue, n. -
Any company of people; an assemblage; a crowd: nearly always in a derogatory or a humorous sense. -
Nautical: The company of seamen who man a ship, vessel, or boat; the seamen belonging to a vessel; specifically, the common sailors of a ship's company. In a broad (but not properly nautical) sense the word comprises all the officers and men on board a ship, enrolled on the books. It has received this interpretation in law. -
The company or gang of a ship's carpenter, gunner, boatswain, etc. -
Any company or gang of laborers engaged upon a particular work, as the company of men (engineer, fireman, conductor, brakemen, etc.) who manage and run a railroad-train. -
Synonyms Band, party, herd, mob, horde, throng. -
An archaic preterit of crow.
krōō a company, squad, or gang, often in a bad or contemptuous sense: a ship's company. -
krōō of Crow.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary From older accrue, accession, reenforcement, hence, company, crew; the first syllable being misunderstood as the indefinite article. See Accrue Crescent
An area of I-10 could be closed for multiple days while transportation crews repair a water pressure problem.
Rest areas on the eastbound and westbound sides of I-10 at San Simon will remain closed until crews with the Arizona Department of Transportation repair water systems at the rest facilities.
A Los Angeles-based film crew spent Tuesday morning at the Boardman Police Department.
If you saw Paper magazine's Mickey Boardman sporting a crew cut at the Cynthia Rowley show yesterday, it wasn't a salute to the troops.
Crews Remove Iconic Sycamore from BODO .
The crew that wheels at the farm is a dedicated bunch.
AT 1 am on a recent Saturday, the area around ground zero in Lower Manhattan appeared deserted except for a crew from Con Edison.
Photos courtesy of Skeleton Crew Theater of Greenfield, Mass.
Don Straub, kneeling second from left, poses with his crew in 1944.
Saturday night at the NAA Marketing conference in Orlando and the crew is hungry.
Reaper Crew's championship comeback caps undefeated run.
The rigging crew works on the largest of the Steelroot sculptures at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.
The Apollo 17 crew reported that from space, Earth looks like a big blue marble.
Construction crews began working in the area Sept 10 and will continue through about Nov 1.
Crews surround court facility with 14 Conex boxes as short-term security fix.
We would like to thank all the members of the PPS testbeam crew for their support during the testbeam campaigns of the last years.
Planar Pixel Sensors for the ATLAS tracker upgrade at HL-LHC
We also thank the NSBF balloon crews that have supported the HEAT balloon flights.
Measurements of the Cosmic-Ray Positron Fraction From 1 to 50 GeV
We acknowledge the benefit from the DESY II accelerator crew and the test area maintainance group.
Tests of a fiber detector concept for high rate particle tracking
Similarly, no facility can operate without an experienced safety crew.
Reference Design Project Book: NUSEL-Homestake
As was done in Homestake operations, mine safety will be handled by a crew selected from the workers listed above, and especially trained. Homestake’s crew has won many national awards.
Reference Design Project Book: NUSEL-Homestake
The news got round among the crew, and however the officer may have felt, there was no indifference there. "A Prisoner of Morro" by
But I ain't going to give in to a mutiny right before the face and eyes of my own crew. "Blow The Man Down" by
The typical British North American crew of the nineteenth-century sailing ship is the Bluenose crew. "All Afloat" by
The bos'un was, although hard on the crew, not brutal, and he never struck them. "The Call Of The South" by
The two men of the ship's crew had it in mind to be infinitely suspicious of anybody examining their ship. "Space Platform" by
A trireme of the days of the Persian War with fifty or sixty oars would thus have a crew of 150 or 180 rowers. "Famous Sea Fights" by
The cutter's crew will be quite sufficient. "The Flag of Distress" by
They had discovered something which kept most of the crew under suspended animation for years upon years. "Hunters Out of Space" by
I trounced one of his own crew, a six-foot bully with a dirk and pistols. "Blackbeard: Buccaneer" by
With only two exceptions, the officers and crew of the Josephine were all old sailors. "Dikes and Ditches" by
In that infernal spot
Is het by Satan's impish crew
And kept forever hot.
Why dost gymnastics do?
Is such example dignified
To set before your crew?"
Deeper than plummet lies,
Float ships, with all their crews,
No more to sink nor rise.
With that fell crew behind,
And as they sped the people said
Death rode upon the wind.
Exclaimed the knightly crew,
"To ask of such a noble lord
What you know he cannot do."
Up came the felon crew.
They flailed him with their dead bodies
They heeded not his rue.