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Fine Dictionary


Palmerin, the unrecognized son of Princess Griane and Prince Florendas, grew up in a peasant family. He is aware of his princely descent through a dream and begs Florendas (who does not know that he is facing his son) to knight him. During the ceremony (left), a young woman enters with a helmet and a sparkling shield. On the shield is an arm with the same mark as Palmerin wears on his cheek. Next to Palmerin and Florendas is the dwarf Urbande. After numerous adventures, Palmerin ends up at the court of the emperor (right), where he is helped out of his armor by the wife of the emperor and Polinarde, their daughter.
Palmerin, the unrecognized son of Princess Griane and Prince Florendas, grew up in a peasant family. He is aware of his princely descent through a dream and begs Florendas (who does not know that he is facing his son) to knight him. During the ceremony (left), a young woman enters with a helmet and a sparkling shield. On the shield is an arm with the same mark as Palmerin wears on his cheek. Next to Palmerin and Florendas is the dwarf Urbande. After numerous adventures, Palmerin ends up at the court of the emperor (right), where he is helped out of his armor by the wife of the emperor and Polinarde, their daughter.
Abraham and his army (of 318 who grew up in his house) conflict with Chedorlaomer and his allies to free Lot. Title and caption in Latin in the bottom margin.
Abraham and his army (of 318 who grew up in his house) conflict with Chedorlaomer and his allies to free Lot. Title and caption in Latin in the bottom margin.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
The number of VCRs in the United States grew from 52,565,000 in 1987 to 86,825,000 in 1997, a 39.5% increase.
  1. (pa.t) Grew
    grōō of grow.
  2. (vs.i) Grew
    to shudder: to feel horror or repulsiveness
Grant Hill
I grew up to always respect authority and respect those in charge.
Grant Hill
If children grew up according to early indications, we should have nothing but geniuses.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
If there are things you don't like in the world you grew up in, make your own life different.
David Thomas
I wept not, so to stone within I grew.
Dante Alighieri
Henry David Thoreau
Whether the flower looks better in the nosegay than in the meadow where it grew and we had to wet our feet to get it! Is the scholastic air any advantage?
Henry David Thoreau
I grew up in a very large family in a very small house. I never slept alone until after I was married.
Lewis Grizzard

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Scand.; Dan. gru, horror, with suff. -som; cf. Dut. gruwzaam, Ger. grausam.

Usage in the news

Both classes joined the series last year as exhibition classes and quickly grew in popularity.

Ren and Nathan grew up in Burley on a dairy farm.

He grew up in a small town in Nebraska and loves the lifestyle that comes from small-town life.

Fo'Castle Farms grew from early fruit stand to be store, lunchroom.

The Courtailler brothers grew up in this medieval Alpine town, children of a butcher who went broke, who divorced his wife and moved to a job in a meatpacking plant far away.

The Canton native grew up with a passion for the ringing battlecry of the Mississippi State University Bulldogs.

Megyn Marie Kelly, 40, grew up in Delmar, N.Y. Where she dreamed of becoming a cowgirl as a child.

She grew up in Ripton where she received her early education.'s Carly Noel talked to Olympian Lauren Crandall , who grew up in the Pittsburgh area, before she heads to London.

I was born and grew up in Northern Ireland.

"I'm a kid that never grew up.".

I grew up in Las Animas in the 1950s and 1960s.

Lee Maynard's 1988 semi-autobiographical novel Crum is set in the small, poor West Virginia town where he grew up.

Sunshine Law grew from crusading editors, Watergate scandal.

They all grew up on the cul -de-sac at the end of South Fairview Avenue in Dover.

Usage in scientific papers

In models of cosmic inflation, quantum field theoretic effects on scales larger than the cosmic horizon are supposed to have led to density fluctuations that then grew into galaxies.
Cosmic Problems for Condensed Matter Experiment

Stretched by the quasi-exponential expansion of spacetime, these fluctuations served as the primordial seeds for inhomogeneities that later grew under the influence of gravitational instability.
Primordial Fluctuations in String Cosmology

Following this development, the number of string inflationary scenarios, in particular of the “brane inflation” type, grew almost without bounds.
Primordial Fluctuations in String Cosmology

New tasks have been continuously added to the summarization issue as approaches became more robust and resources grew larger. were amongst the first to tackle the update summarization problem.
Improving Update Summarization by Revisiting the MMR Criterion

In the following section, I introduce further concepts, that grew from the analysis of deep inelastic lepton-hadron collisions, namely the eikonal approximation, Wilson lines and color dipoles.
The Status of Parton Saturation and the CGC

Usage in literature

The more he thought of it the stronger his wrath grew. "The Eyes of the Woods" by Joseph A. Altsheler

At last the houses grew few and scattered, and finally he left them behind. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1909 to 1922" by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Well then, my great-uncle, old Sir William, wished me to have it when I grew up. "Robert Elsmere" by Mrs. Humphry Ward

They all grew a little noisy over their father's gifts. "Allison Bain" by Margaret Murray Robertson

As he handled them they grew to an immense size. "Thirty Indian Legends" by Margaret Bemister

The country grew rougher. "The Border Watch" by Joseph A. Altsheler

She brooded incessantly and grew to be watchful and suspicious. "The Goose Man" by Jacob Wassermann

At last he grew very tired, when he saw a man coming towards him with a good stout stick in his hand. "Children's Literature" by Charles Madison Curry

Olga's revenge was far from being complete: her thirst for blood grew as it was fed. "Historic Tales, Vol. 8 (of 15)" by Charles Morris

Thanks to the fine birch-trees, that grew in abundance around, our boat-builders had procured the very best bark. "Popular Adventure Tales" by Mayne Reid

Usage in poetry
What I took in my hand
grew in weight. You must
understand it
was not obscene.
N was a Nut that grew
High up upon a tree;
Papa, who could not reach it,said,
'That's much too high for me!'
Thus grewe the little Valentine,
Belov'd of king and peers,
And shew'd in all he spake or did
A wit beyond his years.
A rose-cheek rosier grew;
Rose-lips breathed low;
"Since it is here, and YOU,
I hardly know
Why wattle should not do."
I plucked a primrose young and pale
That grew beneath a tree
And then I hastened from the vale
Silent and thoughtfully.
My overwhelming sorrows grew,
Till I could speak no more;
Then I within myself withdrew,
And called thy judgments o'er.