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Fine Dictionary


Juice saber ca.1820, with scabbard and bandstand Copper hilt. Five-shaped cross-guard with two buttons. Half-round baffle plate, light colored. Single-cutting iron blade (partly blued?). Black leather sheath with copper top and bottom band. On the top strap a copper strap, with a white leather strap with copper buckle and swivel. Two slots ground inside: 1825.
Juice saber ca.1820, with scabbard and bandstand Copper hilt. Five-shaped cross-guard with two buttons. Half-round baffle plate, light colored. Single-cutting iron blade (partly blued?). Black leather sheath with copper top and bottom band. On the top strap a copper strap, with a white leather strap with copper buckle and swivel. Two slots ground inside: 1825.
  1. (n) juice
    any of several liquids of the body "digestive juices"
  2. (n) juice
    the liquid part that can be extracted from plant or animal tissue by squeezing or cooking
  3. (n) juice
    electric current "when the wiring was finished they turned on the juice"
  4. (n) juice
    energetic vitality "her creative juices were flowing"
An emblem with two representations. Upstairs, two hands in the clouds squeeze the juice from a few bunches of grapes on a vine. The juice is collected by a chalice. Below a few ears of corn.
An emblem with two representations. Upstairs, two hands in the clouds squeeze the juice from a few bunches of grapes on a vine. The juice is collected by a chalice. Below a few ears of corn.
Automatic juice weigher, in operation at the Toelangan Sugar Factory in East Java, 1921. Part of the binder with photos of machines from NV Machinefabriek Braat in Soerabaja, Soekaboemi and Jogyakarta, from the period 1908-1942.
Automatic juice weigher, in operation at the Toelangan Sugar Factory in East Java, 1921. Part of the binder with photos of machines from NV Machinefabriek Braat in Soerabaja, Soekaboemi and Jogyakarta, from the period 1908-1942.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
Heavier lemons produce more, and tastier, juice
  1. Juice
    jūs The characteristic fluid of any vegetable or animal substance; the sap or part which can be expressed from fruit, etc.; the fluid part which separates from meat in cooking. "An animal whose juices are unsound.", "The juice of July flowers.", "The juice of Egypt's grape.", "Letters which Edward Digby wrote in lemon juice .", "Cold water draws the juice of meat."
  2. Juice
    jūs To moisten; to wet.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
Heavier lemons contain more and tastier juice
  1. (n) juice
    The watery part of vegetables, especially of fruits; the expressible or extractive fluid of a plant or fruit.
  2. (n) juice
    The fluid part of an animal body or substance; in the plural (its most common use in this sense), all the fluid constituents of the body.
  3. (n) juice
    See the adjectives.
  4. juice
    To moisten or provide with juice.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
Another name for licorice is "Sweet Wood" or "Spanish Juice."
  1. (n) Juice
    jōōs the sap of vegetables: the fluid part of animal bodies
And must I wholly banish hence these red and golden juices, and pay my vows to Abstinence, that pallidest of Muses?
Sir William Watson
Wayne Dyer
When you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out -- because that's what's inside. When you are squeezed, what comes out is what is inside.
Wayne Dyer
Henry Ward Beecher
Fear secretes acids; but love and trust are sweet juices.
Henry Ward Beecher
Drinking freshly made juices and eating enough whole foods to provide adequate fiber is a sensible approach to a healthful diet.
Jay Kordich
There's a subterranean impetus towards pornography so powerful that half the business world is juiced by the sort of half sex that one finds in advertisements.
Norman Mailer

Stew in your own juices - If you leave someone to stew in their own juices, you leave them to worry about the consequences of what they have done wrong or badly.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. juse, F. jus, broth, gravy, juice, L. jus,; akin to Skr. yūsha,

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.,—L. jus, broth, lit. mixture.

Usage in the news

Janie Hoffman founded Mamma Chia , whose fruit juices with chia seeds are sold nationwide.

Chia seeds can be sprinkled on oatmeal, made into pudding, added to juice or baked into bread.

The quickest recipe is to just add a tablespoon of chia seeds to 8 to 10 ounces of water or juice.

1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice.

cup lemon juice 1 Tbsp.

In another bowl whisk together yolks, orange zest, orange juice and oil.

2 tablespoons fresh lime juice.

3 cups bottled clam juice.

Plans to acquire Brookside Foods Ltd, a British Columbia-based confectionery manufacturer specializing in chocolate-covered fruit juice pieces.

Hope you're thirsty because here comes the juice train hauling 550,000 gallons of Tropicana orange juice which is enough juice to fill a glass for everyone in New York City.

Marcia Kiesel's modern version of this Chinese-American dish includes stir-fried egg noodles with chicken sausage, chiles, basil and an unexpected ingredient—orange juice.

Toddlers & Tiaras' stars chug back 'special juice.

Alana is seen drinking her 'special juice' before going on stage.

The pint of coconut water was hard to take, but I totally stalled out at bottle #5, a thick red juice called Justbeetit.

There was the 10 day juice fast that ended up lasting eight days because well, I really love solid food.

Usage in scientific papers

One can try to extract some extra juice from a set of experimental data by recasting them in a different way.
Fusion11 Conference Summary

Apple juice and iced tea can look very much like each other, but they do not taste the same.
A Guide to Comparisons of Star Formation Simulations with Observations

That is, some of them belong to taxonomies derived from other ones, and then cannot be directly placed within the FOOD type. This is the case of v i n o (w i n e ) , which is a zumo (juice). Both are top beginners for FOOD and one is a hyponym of the other.
Building Accurate Semantic Taxonomies from Monolingual MRDs

That is, some of them belong to taxonomies derived from other ones, and then cannot be directly placed within the FOOD type. This is the case of vino (wine), which is a zumo (juice).
Using WordNet for Building WordNets

Usage in literature

The aphis, or plant louse, often covers the young shoots of the vine, sucking its juices. "The Cultivation of The Native Grape, and Manufacture of American Wines" by George Husmann

How deliciously cool and sweet did the juice inside them taste! "In the Eastern Seas" by W.H.G. Kingston

Priscilla drank some peach juice from the tin. "Priscilla's Spies" by George A. Birmingham

The way the aloe-juice is collected is this. "Southern Arabia" by Theodore Bent

Polly," said Ben one sultry forenoon when she brought him a glass of sweetened lime-juice and water, "you're a kind little nurse. "Philosopher Jack" by R.M. Ballantyne

Put orange juice rind, and lemon juice into a cup, then fill with cold water. "My Pet Recipes, Tried and True" by Various

He wished that he had the juice to drink, for he was very thirsty. "An American Robinson Crusoe" by Samuel. B. Allison

It was moist, when found, with the natural juices of the plant. "As It Was in the Beginning" by Philip Verrill Mighels

But I don't dare to carry the juice up the steps, for if I spilled some just after Aunt Maria has them scrubbed for Sunday she'd be cross. "Patchwork" by Anna Balmer Myers

We soiled them badly with the red pie-juice. "Uncle Wiggily and Old Mother Hubbard" by Howard R. Garis

Usage in poetry
And a red juice runs on the green grass;
And a red juice soaks the dark soil.
And the sixteen million are killing. . . and killing
and killing.
If I were a poet, my sweetest song
Should have the bouquet of scuppernong,
With a racy smack in every line
From the savage juice of the muscadine.
With friends we love, though sweet to sip
The nectar'd juice at close of day,
Yet trust ye not the siren lip
That wins to cheat, and lures to slay.
Thou lonely tenant of the leafless vine,
Granted the right to grow thy mates beside,
To ripen thy sweet juices, but denied
Thy place among the wine?
We raked her again, and her flag came down,
The haughtiest flag that floats,
And the lime-juice dogs lay there like logs,
With never a bark in their throats.
With red berry juice on fair skin glowing,
Beautiful and gentle, you were like
Pink skies when the sun to rest is going
And, like new snow, you were sparkling bright.