a soft mineral (calcium fluoride) that is fluorescent in ultraviolet light; chief source of fluorine
A fluid state. -
Menstrual flux; catamenia; menses. -
(Min) See Fluorite.
A liquid state. -
Menstrual flux. -
In mineralogy, fluor-spar.
flōō′or a mineral often described as chemically fluate of lime, but really calcium fluoride, found abundantly in Derbyshire—also Flu′or-spar, Flu′orite
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L., a flowing, fr. fluere, to flow. See Fluent
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A name given by the alchemists to all mineral acids because of their fluidity, from L. fluĕre, to flow.
Army Awards Afghan Deals to DynCorp and Fluor . online.wsj.com
Fluor Hanford and GPIC Accept Award at NSC 96th Annual Congress & Expo. nsc.org
National Safety Council Names Fluor Hanford and Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company 2008 Robert W Campbell Award Recipients. nsc.org
Ineos Fluor Canada Inc Nov 13, 2005 Printable format Email this Article Search. appliancemagazine.com
Mark Boncardo, commercial director, Ineos Fluor Canada Inc, was appointed chair of the HRAI Manufacturers Division, an association representing manufactures of products for the Canadian HVAC/R market. appliancemagazine.com
The Department of Justice is taking over a whistleblower lawsuit accusing Fluor Hanford of using federal money to lobby for funds for the HAMMER training center at Hanford. tri-cityherald.com
Fluor Hanford and GPIC Accept Award at NSC 96th Annual Congress & Expo. nsc.org
Ruhr Oel GmbH this week awarded a contract for a clean-fuels project at one of Germany's largest oil refineries to Fluor Daniel, the engineering and construction unit of Fluor Corp. ogj.com
Fluor Breaks Above 200-Day Moving Average. forbes.com
In the latest look at the underlying components of the S&P 500 ordered by largest market capitalization, Fluor Corp. forbes.com
Fluor Federal Services donated 50 reconditioned computers Monday to Columbia Basin College in Pasco. tri-cityherald.com
Hopkins will leave Fluor Corporation to become Chief Executive Officer of Portland-based NuScale Power LLC. blog.seattlepi.com
NuScale Power names ex- Fluor executive as CEO. blog.seattlepi.com
Feds intervene in lawsuit against Fluor. heraldnet.com
(AP) — The US Justice Department is intervening in a federal lawsuit against Fluor Hanford Inc and its parent company, Fluor Corporation. oregonlive.com
The agreement between the result presented here and the original disc/star contrast estimation can be seen as a welcome consistency check, since a new version of the FLUOR DRS was used to reduce the data and a more realistic stellar model was adopted.
A near-infrared interferometric survey of debris disc stars. II. CHARA/FLUOR observations of six early-type dwarfs
The CHARA/FLUOR interferometric measurement is represented by a fille d circle with error bar.
A near-infrared interferometric survey of debris disc stars. II. CHARA/FLUOR observations of six early-type dwarfs
Taking into account the coherence length of the FLUOR fringes (about 25 µm), the minimum on-sky angular separation for two separated fringe packets is 150 mas along the baseline direction, i.e., about 3.5 AU at the distance of ζ Aql.
A near-infrared interferometric survey of debris disc stars. II. CHARA/FLUOR observations of six early-type dwarfs
Finally, we have checked that we can find on the NextGen stellar atmosphere grid a low-mass stellar companion compatible in terms of flux both with our CHARA /FLUOR measurement and with the archival photometric data listed in Table 4.
A near-infrared interferometric survey of debris disc stars. II. CHARA/FLUOR observations of six early-type dwarfs
Map of the reduced χ2 distance between a binary star model and our CHARA/FLUOR squared visibilities for ζ Aql, as a function of the position of the faint companion.
A near-infrared interferometric survey of debris disc stars. II. CHARA/FLUOR observations of six early-type dwarfs
The centers of the fluor-spar cubes become negatively electric by the action of light. "Scientific American Supplement, No. 288" by
Stalactites may be represented by rough pieces of wood, which must be smeared with glue, and sprinkled with powdered fluor-spar, or glass. "Enquire Within Upon Everything" by
The fluor-spar taken from this mine is of a rich blue color, and is wrought into vases and cups, which were extremely beautiful. "Letters of a Traveller" by
This is the fluor acid which volatilises the siliceous substance. "Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4)" by
Fluor spar, and some other substances, when raised to a temperature still under redness, emit light. "Six Lectures on Light" by
I know not how many of you may be in the condition of this fluor-spar. "Fragments of science, V. 1-2" by
This I suspect to be the most frequent kind of fluor albus; the former one described at Class I. "Zoonomia, Vol. II" by
Phosphorescent substances, such as calcium sulphide show this effect, as also do various specimens of fluor-spar. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 8" by
Both quartz and fluor are found at Clifton. "On the magnet, magnetick bodies also, and on the great magnet the earth" by
Fluor-spar, a mineral of beautiful colors, composed by fluorine and calcium. "A Manual of the Antiquity of Man" by