vacuum flask that holds liquid air or helium for scientific experiments -
Scottish chemist and physicist noted for his work in cryogenics and his invention of the Dewar flask (1842-1923)
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary After Sir James Dewar, British physicist
Another Taste of Dewar 's.
Phoebe Ann Dewar and Dwaron O'Neil Williams, both of Campbellsville, will exchange wedding vows on Saturday, Dec 29.
Bacardi Finalizes Land Buy For Dewar 's Facilities.
Allen Dewar , of 510 Wells St, died today.
Among his survivors is his wife, Anne Crumpler Dewar .
Dewar 's White Label Holiday Gift Pack.
The Dewar 's Holiday Gift Pack is a gift you can genuinely love.
Dewar's Signature is a little-known ultra-blend Scotch, the label's top of the line.
Dr William Dewar, of Paupack, PA. And John Stopka, of Montrose, PA, planted a serviceberry tree during the recent CCC Festival at Promised Land State Park.
Twinkies were invented basically because a bakery manager named James Dewar wanted to get more use out of his shortcake pans.
Dewar said in an interview he was "startled" by Baird's response.
Fasken Expands in South Africa by Merging with Johannesburg 's Bell Dewar.
The church was full, the occasion was emotional and all eyes were on her, but Debbie Loyd Dewar called on her training as a lawyer.
Projecting the Pride of Dewar.
Now that he's signed, what kind of player will Dewar's Ronnell Lewis be for Oklahoma.
The setup (Figure 6) comprises a 1 T magnet called PCMAG, which is currently run using persistent current and a LHe reservoir, that is filled using LHe dewars.
Development of a TPC for an ILC Detector
Due to its low stopping power, roughly 12 m of LN is required to shield the crystals from the ambient γ -ray flux at the intended experimental site at Gran Sasso. A test of the naked operation of a crystal in a 50 l dewar has been successful[42,43].
Neutrino Mass Patterns and Future Double-Beta Decay Experiments
The main part of the satellite is a huge dewar which maintains a cryogenic environment for 18 months.
General Relativity in Space and Sensitive Tests of the Equivalence Principle
The main part of the experimental payload located inside the dewar are gyroscopes made from superconducting rotating spheres and a telescope.
General Relativity in Space and Sensitive Tests of the Equivalence Principle
The external cylindric tanks are liquid nitrogen dewars, whereas inner cylinders are the copper cryostats containing germanium detectors.
Recent advances in neutrinoless double beta decay search
Dewar was a butcher by trade, a young man, some eighteen months married, and father of a baby girl. "A Book of Remarkable Criminals" by
DEWAR, John, inventor of a popular Scotch beverage without which no cold day is complete. "Who Was Who: 5000 B. C. to Date" by
It was afterwards set by Dewar, whether with the same accompaniments or not, I have forgot. "The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes I-VI." by
By James Dewar, F.R.S.E., F.C.S., Lecturer on Chemistry, Edinburgh. "The Education of American Girls" by
Dewar, Captain E. J., 287, 292. "History of the War in South Africa 1899-1902 v. 1 (of 4)" by
This instrument has been very kindly lent to me by Professor Dewar. "The Story of a Tinder-box" by
DEWAR, SIR JAMES (1842- ), British chemist and physicist, was born at Kincardine-on-Forth, Scotland, on the 20th of September 1842. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 8, Slice 3" by
As has been said, it was by adopting this principle of self-intensive refrigeration that Professor Dewar was able to liquefy hydrogen. "A History of Science, Volume 5(of 5)" by
Liquid hydrogen was first collected by J. Dewar in 1898. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 7" by
Heans had been entangled in the signal line, but he managed to release himself, and Dewar bobbed up a few seconds later. "The Book of Buried Treasure" by
Is a better man than you are.
None of you asses
Can condense gases
Came the tidings sad and sure
That among the many fallen,
Fell the clansman Norman Dewar
Prompt to do, calm to endure;
And among your very noblest,
Set God's hero Norman Dewar.
Strong to do and to endure,
And among these brave and noble,
At his post stood Norman Dewar