(Mining) Fluor spar; -- so called by Cornish miners.
A variant spelling of cand.
New Kansas coach Charlie Weis' rebuilding job got a little tougher after the Jayhawks apparently have lost starting linebacker Prinz Kande with a season-ending knee injury. blog.mysanantonio.com
Kansas linebacker Prinz Kande , right, laughs with fellow linebacker Steven Johnson during football practice on Monday, April 18, 2011 at the practice fields near Memorial Stadium. 2.ljworld.com
Linebackers Prinz Kande , right, wraps up Michael Reynolds during a morning practice on Thursday, April 19, 2012 at Memorial Stadium. ljworld.com
Before every Democrat from here to northern Oakland County turns " Kande Ngalamulume" into a dirty word for bailing out of a quixotic bid to unseat US Rep Mike Rogers, hold tight. lansingcitypulse.com
Kandes Bertrand (dob 12-28-87) of Gueydan, arrested for possession of cocaine. katc.com
Regarding the superconducting state the kand ω -dependence of the order parameter ∆(k, ω ) is important and yields the feedback of the superconducting state on the elementary excitations.
Analysis of the elementary excitations in high-T_c cuprates: explanation of the new energy scale observed by ARPES
The slight overestimation at 20 pc can be attributed to a) small number statistics and b) classification of K versus M stars that is based on a B-V color index being less or equal to 1.4 for a Kand larger for a M star.
Target star catalog for Darwin: Nearby Stellar sample for a search for terrestrial planets
It is from the blade of my kand-jiar that I should ask counsel! "The Wandering Jew, Complete" by
Narsinghpur and Kandeli are practically one town. "Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official" by
The two Waiyau, who joined us at Kande's village, now deserted. "The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to His Death, Volume I (of 2), 1866-1868" by
The latter contains the Oraons, Malers, Paharis of Rajamahal, Gonds and Kands. "Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon" by
They have three subdivisions, the Maratha, Telugu and Kande Bedars. "The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India" by
Opinion as to identification is fairly divided between Kefr Kenna and Kand-el-Jelil. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 5, Slice 2" by