out of fashion "a suit of rather antique appearance","demode (or outmoded) attire","outmoded ideas" -
the 24th letter of the Roman alphabet -
a woman who was formerly a particular man's wife "all his exes live in Texas" -
a man who was formerly a certain woman's husband
eks used adjectively in words like ex-emperor, to signify late. See Prefixes in Appendix.
Corzine, MF Global's ex-chief, said he didn't know where clients' money went. nytimes.com
NHL NOTES Ex-Flyers: Only brotherly love for Philly. phillyburbs.com
Friend of the Clog Brian James Kirk is running an interesting series over on ex-Inky columnist Tom Ferrick's Metropolis Web site this week, looking at the widespread use of surveillance video cameras by Philadelphia police. citypaper.net
Sotheby's to sell Mick Jagger's letters to ex-lover Marsha Hunt, inspiration for ' Brown Sugar '. vancouversun.com
Ex-Student Sues Brown Over Rape Accusation. nytimes.com
Bodyguard stole $18.8M worth of diamonds from Sultan of Brunei 's ex-wife, UK court hears. foxnews.com
The Sultan of Brunei 's ex-wife has accused a female bodyguard of stealing £12 million ($18.8 million) worth of rare diamonds from her London home and replacing them with worthless replicas. foxnews.com
Ex-basketball star Chamique Holdsclaw arrested. ajc.com
Some women struggle with addictions to shoes or shopping, but ex-Pussycat Dolls frontwoman Nicole Scherzinger now admits for the first time that her struggle was with bulimia . bnq.com
Some women struggle with addictions to shoes or shopping, but ex- Pussycat Dolls frontwoman Nicole Scherzinger now admits for the first time that her struggle was with bulimia . ifc.com
Acquaintances of a Scranton man on trial for arson and murder testified this morning that William Robert Woods told him he wanted to burn down his ex-girlfriend's home. thetimes-tribune.com
A grand jury recently indicted an Athens man on charges he burglarized the home of an ex-girlfriend, assaulted her relative, then tried to burn the home down last month. onlineathens.com
A Maine man has been convicted of trying to burn down his ex-girlfriend's house while she and her grandparents were asleep last December. abi.tv
Ex-pitcher Busby unlocks mystery of Yu Darvish. dallasnews.com
Twittering Ex-New Yorker Writer Dan Baum's Wife, Former Martha Gellhorn, Hides Light Under Bushel . observer.com
Exi := Ex/(1 − µi )Ex for some x near xi as in (0.3), where µi is the local monodromy around xi .) In the following theorem, H∗(U, E ) is the standard homology associated to the local system on U = X \ D .
Homology for irregular connections
The elements eX therefore give a basis of kL consisting of pairwise orthogonal idempotents, i.e., e2 X = eX and eX eY = 0 for X 6= Y .
Semigroups, rings, and Markov chains
If w is not generic, then this formula still makes sense, but one has to sum the eX having a common value of λX in order to get the primitive idempotents of R[w]; the eX themselves may not lie in R[w].
Semigroups, rings, and Markov chains
Indeed, this is trivial for x ≥ 0 (since ex ≥ +x and e−x ≤ ex ), while for x < 0 we have ex ≤ +x.
Perron-Frobenius spectrum for random maps and its approximation
The added strata are as follows: allowing TpQ to become a flex (but not a hyperflex) point yields the pro jective stratum of type E7 over the identity element.
Compactifications defined by arrangements I: the ball quotient case
The rhythm of the second measure in Ex. "Lessons in Music Form" by
Yes ma'am, I have not had it hard like lots of ex-slaves. "Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves" by
I am Dom Corria Antonio De Sylva, ex-President of the Republic of Brazil. "The Stowaway Girl" by
Ex eo igitur et Lysito est is Hercules, quem concertasse cum Apolline de tripode accepimus. "A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume II. (of VI.)" by
Dunno ob any ex-slaves votin' er holdin' office ob any kin. "Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves" by
You can't afford to let me tell the Highmarket folk that you two are ex-convicts! "The Borough Treasurer" by
At no time does the ex-Ranger stand in need of much sleep, even after the most protracted toil. "The Lone Ranche" by
I think it was one of the ex-President's party who walked along side of the ex-President. "The Attempted Assassination of ex-President Theodore Roosevelt" by
The wrath of the Vatican could only be appeased by ex-communicating him from the Church. "The Magnificent Montez" by
I am to meet Prince Buelow, ex-Chancellor, to-morrow and may fish up something interesting. "Face to Face with Kaiserism" by
The shoulder of your Christ
Find high
To lean thereby.
Whose fist hath not wax on,
Since Kit, stuffed wi' bother;
Tramps leeter than leather.
Poor TANTALUS, down there,
Pray borrow of Papa an ex-
Purgated LEMPRIERE.)
With working man and boss;
Mayor Valentine! they you unsex—
You surely are a horse.
And thus escape the eternal pyre,
No pirate's heart would dance with glee
Like mine, to see that maid--Ex-Pier.
Was inclined to lead to discord -- not to mention down-right crime.
For boomerangs and waddies were used freely in debate;
And, as a rule, ex-Ministers were spoken of as "late."