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Text sheet with retrospective on the year 1702 and the calendar of 1703. Retrospective written in five text columns, three in Dutch and two in French. Below that the calendar of 1703.
Text sheet with retrospective on the year 1702 and the calendar of 1703. Retrospective written in five text columns, three in Dutch and two in French. Below that the calendar of 1703.
  1. (adj) retrospective
    concerned with or related to the past "retrospective self-justification"
  2. (n) retrospective
    an exhibition of a representative selection of an artist's life work
Furnishing during the French retrospective exhibition in the Drucker extension One of the rooms in the Drucker extension where an overview of works from Lenain to Cézanne was shown during the 'French retrospective exhibition' in 1926. Two benches are at right angles to each other. In the corner a view of a tapestry and two paintings. In the foreground is a table on which prints can be seen. Drucker extension first floor. Wide frieze, divided by painted figures. Wooden framed passage with three panels above. Wooden paneling, panels. Typical of the rooms in the Drucker extension are the sloping corners of the rooms.
Furnishing during the French retrospective exhibition in the Drucker extension One of the rooms in the Drucker extension where an overview of works from Lenain to Cézanne was shown during the 'French retrospective exhibition' in 1926. Two benches are at right angles to each other. In the corner a view of a tapestry and two paintings. In the foreground is a table on which prints can be seen. Drucker extension first floor. Wide frieze, divided by painted figures. Wooden framed passage with three panels above. Wooden paneling, panels. Typical of the rooms in the Drucker extension are the sloping corners of the rooms.
L'art et l'industrie d'autrefois dans les régions de la Meuse belge: souvenirs from l'exposition retrospective de Liége en 1881
Livret-guide du visiteur à l'exposition retrospective d'art industriel organization par le gouvernement (...) Bruxelles 1888 / par Gustave Vermeersch
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Retrospective
    Having reference to what is past; affecting things past; retroactive; as, a retrospective law. "Inflicting death by a retrospective enactment."
  2. Retrospective
    Looking backward; contemplating things past; -- opposed to prospective; as, a retrospective view. "The sage, with retrospective eye."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. retrospective
    Looking backward; considering the past.
  2. retrospective
    In law, retroactive; affecting matters which occurred before it was adopted: as, a retrospective act, law, or statute. In general, a penal statute, though expressed absolutely, is construed as applying only to offenses committed after it is passed. See ex post facto.
  3. retrospective
    Capable of being looked back to; occurring in the past; bygone.
Robert Louis Stevenson
The mark of a good action is that it appears inevitable in retrospect.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Louis Stevenson
It is the mark of a good action that it appears inevitable in retrospect.
Robert Louis Stevenson
When we recall the past, we usually find that it is the simplest things -- not the great occasions -- that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness.
Bob Hope
Malcolm Muggeridge
In retrospect, all these exercises in self-gratification seem pure fantasy, what Pascal called, licking the earth.
Malcolm Muggeridge
Ralph Waldo Emerson
So much of our time is spent in preparation, so much in routine, and so much in retrospect, that the amount of each person's genius is confined to a very few hours.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Paul Theroux
Travel is glamorous only in retrospect.
Paul Theroux

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. F. rétrospectif,

Usage in the news

21c presents a mini-retrospective of two new media artists.

The Broken Social Scene member's new LP includes bonus retrospective disc.

Mounting a major Damien Hirst retrospective was never going to be a picnic.

In retrospect, there were many people guilty of that.

Barry McGee's Untitled (2005) comes to Berkeley Art Museum as part of his retrospective.

Listening to this double-disc live recording, captured in Köln in 1994, almost 15 years later, we get a keen retrospective appreciation for what Khan and colleagues were up to, with the benefit of historical hindsight.

In retrospect, there were signs that Lackey 's elbow ligament was under assault for a number of seasons.

Today in our now-and-then retrospective, we share historic photos of Ballard Avenue in 1937.

Gary Oldman, in retrospect : 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' and four more of his essential films (video).

Dynasplint for the management of trismus after treatment of upper aerodigestive tract cancer: A retrospective study.

Fred Berman's retrospective at the University of Wisconsin -Milwaukee.

Ensor, Once Unloved , Gets a Retrospective.

"Underwater Swimmer" (1917) is part of the National Gallery of Art's retrospective on André Kertesz.

Major retrospective at the VAG examines the influential work of Ian Wallace.

In retrospect, George McGovern never had a chance.

Usage in scientific papers

Free probability was not discovered in the context of graph enumeration problems, or by tampering with the cumulant concept, although in retrospect it might have been.
Three lectures on free probability

However, retrospective sampling [Papaspiliopoulos and Roberts, 2008] and slice sampling [Walker, 2007] can both be used to avoid any approximations and deal instead directly with the full model.
Clusters and features from combinatorial stochastic processes

Retrospective Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for Dirichlet process hierarchical models.
Clusters and features from combinatorial stochastic processes

Our data demonstrate that the strength of this component correlates well with radio power, as is perhaps not so surprising in retrospect.
The radio background: radio-loud galaxies at high and low redshifts

Berthiaume, “Quantum computation”, in Complexity Theory Retrospective II, L. A.
New Trends in Quantum Computing

Usage in literature

Every thinker is retrospective. "Beacon Lights of History, Volume XIII" by John Lord

In this retrospection she was clearly conscious of the gradual change that had taken place within her. "Doctor Pascal" by Emile Zola

If I failed in that great object, I have one consolation in the retrospect of my past services. "The Explorers of Australia and their Life-work" by Ernest Favenc

Retrospective elucidations are valueless and sometimes irritating. "Play-Making" by William Archer

What can be more gratifying than such a retrospect as this? "A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents" by James D. Richardson

For retrospective, sentimental, or philanthropic thoughts she grants no leave of absence. "Somewhere in France" by Richard Harding Davis

Thus speaks the victor in calm retrospect of the long battle. "The Americanism of Washington" by Henry Van Dyke

She shook herself impatiently out of that retrospect. "Big Timber" by Bertrand W. Sinclair

In the mean time a retrospect to my own situation rendered a perseverance even in this industry difficult to be maintained. "Caleb Williams" by William Godwin

By a retrospective law, Roose was sentenced to be boiled to death, which was done accordingly. "The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction," by Various

Usage in poetry
To Acrocorinth's brow I climb,
And, lulled in retrospective bliss,
Descry, as through the mists of time,
Faintly the far Acropolis.
Then to these hearts I'll sing my lay,
With humble Kelvin for my theme;
My song shall be of life to-day,
And not a retrospective dream.
Through many a clime 'tis mine to go,
With many a retrospection curst;
And all my solace is to know,
Whate'er betides, I've known the worst.
ASHES of soldiers!
As I muse, retrospective, murmuring a chant in thought,
Lo! the war resumes—again to my sense your shapes,
And again the advance of armies.
And canst thou, goddess, in thy potent stream,
Bid Retrospection yield its power to thine?
And Memory its sceptre too resign,
Making the past like a forgotten dream?
On my leaving Clevedale for Barbados. WHEN Memory's sweet and mildly cheering light
Gilds the long retrospect of distant years,
Hope's lucid Star, in clear effulgence bright,
Shines on the prospect of our future cares.