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Fine Dictionary


  1. (v) dupe
    fool or hoax "The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone","You can't fool me!"
  2. (n) dupe
    a person who is tricked or swindled
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Dupe
    dūp One who has been deceived or who is easily deceived; a gull; as, the dupe of a schemer.
  2. Dupe
    To deceive; to trick; to mislead by imposing on one's credulity; to gull; as, dupe one by flattery. "Ne'er have I duped him with base counterfeits."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) dupe
    A person who is deceived; one who is led astray by false representations or conceptions; a victim of credulity: as, the dupe of a designing rogue; he is a dupe to his imagination.
  2. dupe
    To deceive; trick; mislead by imposing on one's credulity: as, to dupe a person by flattery.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Dupe
    dūp one easily cheated: one who is deceived or misled
  2. (v.t) Dupe
    to deceive: to trick
Arthur Hugh Clough
If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars.
Arthur Hugh Clough
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true.
William Hazlitt
A hypocrite despises those whom he deceives, but has no respect for himself. He would make a dupe of himself too, if he could.
William Hazlitt

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F., prob. from Prov. F. dupe, dube,; of unknown origin; equiv. to F. huppe, hoopoe, a foolish bird, easily caught. Cf. Armor. houpérik, hoopoe, a man easily deceived. Cf. also Gull Booby

Usage in the news

A nurse was found hanging in her room three days after she had been duped by a hoax call from Australian DJs about the pregnant Duchess of Cambridge, a UK inquest was told.

The chairman of the Australian radio network has called the apparent suicide of one of the nurses duped by the prank "truly tragic.".

LONDON — A nurse at the hospital that was duped by a prank call from two Australian radio DJs concerning Prince William's pregnant wife, Catherine, has apparently committed suicide, the hospital confirmed Friday.

A hoax call from Australia duped staff at the London hospital where.

A Tennessee military veteran who claimed he was a war hero has been sentenced to 2 ½ years in federal prison for duping federal agencies out of nearly a half-million dollars in benefits.

The Grammy voters seem to have been DUPED into nominating a TERRIBLE song called "I Can't Live Without You" by someone named AL WALSER for Best Dance Recording.

Don't get duped by the Grandparent Scam.

" was kind of duping them," Grimshaw says.

Nurse duped in Kate Middleton pregnancy hoax apparently hung herself .

I was duped by Jose Vargas, illegal immigrant .

In Bart Layton's slippery documentary 'The Imposter ,' it's a battle between dupe or be duped.

Marylanders duped by cash prize scheme to get refunds.

Rowling feels 'duped' by Cameron over hacking inquiry .

Rowling says she feels duped and angry over hacking inquiry response.

"I am merely one among many who feel duped and angry," says author J.K.

Usage in scientific papers

Giannantonio et al. 2006, 2008a, Pietrobon et al. 2006, Raccanelli et al. 2008; see Dupe et al. 2010 for a review of recent results and more references) to look for evidence of a decay of the gravitational potential due to the influence of dark en ergy.
Cosmological Measurements with Forthcoming Radio Continuum Surveys

One candidate for dup’ing is the function solve: We know that the parameter t to solve is an unevaluated expression, and decoupling that from the t that we pass to doSomethingElseWith will allow the garbage collector to clean up the tree as solve proceeds to process it (Figure 3, second row).
dup -- Explicit un-sharing in Haskell

Another candidate for dup’ing is the function rate: As this is the function whose return value is taken into account when deciding whether to pick the argument or not, we know that in most cases, its argument will not be used any more.
dup -- Explicit un-sharing in Haskell

Usage in literature

Do you think I'm a fool to be duped by you? "Sister Carrie" by Theodore Dreiser

ROOK, sharper; fool, dupe. "Every Man In His Humor" by Ben Jonson

Would he be duped by the Governor's ruse of establishing a State Camp at this time? "The Crisis, Complete" by Winston Churchill

We have no quarrel with the duped and oppressed, but we war against the agents of oppression. "An Essay On The American Contribution And The Democratic Idea" by Winston Churchill

They had been duped, for they had just acquitted him. "Therese Raquin" by Emile Zola

But then how had they been duped, and who had duped them? "The Eustace Diamonds" by Anthony Trollope

I should have seen the sickly romance which ends in dupes and deceivers. "What Will He Do With It, Complete" by Edward Bulwer-Lytton

I imagined that I had learned enough to justify me in treating them as flagrant cheats, and himself as their egregious dupe. "A Strange Story, Complete" by Edward Bulwer-Lytton

A few, indeed, are so infantine that one is ashamed to be their toy; but most are so knowing that one is afraid to be their dupe. "My Novel, Complete" by Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Are the rich never duped in the price they pay? "Paul Clifford, Complete" by Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Usage in poetry
Dupes of Fate, that treads you down
Wear awhile your tinsel crown
Be ye happy, if ye may,
In the years that pass away.
Curse on such thinking! let us play
At Free Will, though we be
The gnatlike creatures of the day,
The dupes of Destiny . . .
The merle is merry in the may—
Tommorow's time to pray.
Not well to be a dupe in this good universe,
Where there is nothing to allure in happiness
Save in it wriggle aught of shameful and perverse,—
And not to be a dupe, one must be merciless!
The hills remain, the woods, the waves;
And they alone are dupes or slaves
Who, spurning Nature's breast,
Too high would soar, too deep would sound,
And madden vainly round and round
The orbit of unrest.
What then should trouble thee? For if he be
One of the many only, a mere Jew,
You will not blush to such a one to seem
A man, as he thinks all mankind to be.
One, that to him should bear a better aspect,
Would seem a fool--a dupe.
"I fear to die;"--"Let not your spirits sink,
You're always safe, while you believe and drink."
How strange to add, in this nefarious trade,
That men of parts are dupes by dunces made:
That creatures, nature meant should clean our