influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering "He palavered her into going along" -
a transmission line for high-frequency signals
A simpleton; a dupe.
A simpleton; gull; dupe; fool. -
To fondle; caress; flatter; fool with flattery or caresses. -
To persuade by fond pleading or flattery; wheedle; cajole. -
Hence To manage or guide carefully; control in a gentle way: as, to coax a horse into a trot. -
To use cajolery or gentle pleading.
kōks to persuade by fondling or flattery: to humour or soothe: to pet -
one who coaxes
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary M. E. cokes, a simpleton; of obscure origin.
Solution to help installers provide PoE over Coax straight out of the box.
Veracity debuts HIGHWIRE PowerStar Ethernet and PoE over Coax device.
Police were investigating around the Vermillion High School area Friday after another parent reported that her son and a friend were approached by a man trying to coax them into his car.
Kelly's going to need some coaxing.
Andrew Robison travels the world coaxing prints and drawings from collectors and looking for great buys.
He fancies himself a good dancer, sometimes coaxing fellow lineman Breno Giacomini and Paul McQuistan to awkwardly move along to the mesmerizing beat.
The story, which could be described as "Grumpy Old Men" with pugilists, follows two boxers who, 50 years after their last fight, are coaxed out of retirement for one final match.
Retailers are gearing up for the holiday seasons, and have every intent of coaxing their shoppers into filling a shopping cart, such as this one at a central Pennsylvania Rite Aid.
Veracity debuts HIGHWIRE PowerStar Ethernet and PoE over Coax device.
Elkins developed a sophisticated method of coaxing the horses into hidden corrals with food or water and using remotely controlled gates to quietly contain them.
Public radio fans know well the cranberry concoction NPR's Susan Stamberg tries to coax us to make every Thanksgiving.
KABUL, Afghanistan – Afghanistan wants Pakistan to free more Taliban detainees to help coax the group into negotiations to end the 11-year-old war.
You'd need coaxing, making that special someone work hard before giving your heart away.
The word in city kitchens is that milk coaxed from the udders of heritage pigs is not the "new dairy," butchers are not the new rock stars and neo-Tiki fare is not going to take the culinary world by storm.
Panasonic debuts new Coax- LAN Converter.
It may be possible to coax extra SNR (as much as 40%) from the observations by switching to one of the other modes but if the observation is not prepared carefully the data could prove useless.
On the use of electron-multiplying CCDs for astronomical spectroscopy
In particular, it is not clear how to coax it into computing the loop generating function L2(z ).
Three lectures on free probability
We expect that the electrostatic coupling between the antenna and the nanotube segment itself is much too small to actuate the CNT, which was confirmed by a lack of response of the CNT quantum dot to a d.c. voltage applied to the coax.
Probing the charge of a quantum dot with a nanomechanical resonator
The inner and outer coax is copper and the air side waveguide is aluminum.
Lifetime Testing 700 MHz RF Windows for the Accelerator Production of Tritium Program
During the high power accep tance tes t ing the ou ter coax ia l surface temperatures of the windows are compared to this data as a tool to indicate any problems.
Lifetime Testing 700 MHz RF Windows for the Accelerator Production of Tritium Program
His father and Marie often tried to coax him into conversation. "The Silver Lining" by
It was delightful to be coaxed, and by the boys, too. "'Lizbeth of the Dale" by
Aunt Florence said some boy had coaxed him off somewhere, but she was desperately afraid that he laid crushed in some hospital. "A Modern Cinderella" by
But Phillis persisted, and the red glow was soon coaxed into a cheerful blaze. "Not Like Other Girls" by
A fire was soon started, for every one of the scouts knew all about the coaxing of a blaze, no matter how damp the wood might seem. "The Banner Boy Scouts Snowbound" by
Before they parted, Mary had coaxed pussy on to her knee; for Mrs. Jenkins would not part with baby, who was sleeping on her lap. "The Grey Woman and other Tales" by
They coaxed her to eat and she managed to make a meal that satisfied them. "Rimrock Trail" by
When I get home I shall coax mamma to tell me all about it. "Our Bessie" by
She must coax Hugh to put it right. "Wee Wifie" by
May we not coax them ashore? "The Book of Saints and Friendly Beasts" by
into the house and give you
your own corner,
a worn mat to lie on,
your own water dish.
To pleeas yo, for aw like nowt better;
An' if aw find aw connot get her
To lend her aid,
Into foorced measure then aw set her,
The stupid jade!
And arts that never tire,
They tie the rose-trees each to each,
The lilac to the brier,
Making for graceless things a grace,
With steady, sweet desire.
Across the gate; she jumped him low,
To coax him to begin and feel
His infant steps returning, peel
His mortal pride, exposing fruit,
And off with hat and apron suit.
And sure there's no reason
Such things should be seen. But Donegan's daughter
From over the water,
'Twas she made the slaughter In Ballyporeen.
Nor she of faintness or despair.
Inflamed with hope that she might win,
If she but coaxed him to begin,
She used all arts for making fain;
The mother with her babe was Jane.