the dead body of a human being "the cadaver was intended for dissection","the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse","the murderer confessed that he threw the stiff in the river","honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay" -
United States politician responsible for the Missouri Compromise between free and slave states (1777-1852) -
United States general who commanded United States forces in Europe from 1945 to 1949 and who oversaw the Berlin airlift (1897-1978) -
a very fine-grained soil that is plastic when moist but hard when fired -
water soaked soil; soft wet earth
A soft earth, which is plastic, or may be molded with the hands, consisting of hydrous silicate of aluminium. It is the result of the wearing down and decomposition, in part, of rocks containing aluminous minerals, as granite. Lime, magnesia, oxide of iron, and other ingredients, are often present as impurities. -
To clarify by filtering through clay, as sugar. -
To cover or manure with clay.
The material resulting from the decomposition and consequent hydration of the feldspathic rocks, especially granite and gneiss, and of the crystalline rocks in general. As thus formed, it almost always contains more or less sand, or silicious material, mechanically intermixed. After this has been separated, the clay itself is found to consist of a hydrated silicate of alumina, but it is not yet positively made out that there is one definite combination of this kind constituting the essential basis of all the substances to which the name clay is applied. All clays contain hygroscopic water, which may be expelled by heating to 212° F.; but they also contain water in chemical combination, and when this is driven off by ignition the clay loses its plasticity, which cannot be restored. Ordinary clay contains more or less lime and other impurities, which render it to a certain extent fusible. The purer varieties are refractory, and are known as fire-clay (which see). (See also pipe-clay, china-clay, porcelain-clay, and kaolinite.) The plasticity of clay is of great importance, as without this quality it could not be easily worked into the various shapes for which it is used. On what condition it depends has not as yet been clearly made out. -
Earth in general, especially in the Scriptures, as the material from which, according to the account in Genesis, the body of the first man was formed. -
Moist earth; mud; slime. -
Any viscous plastic mixture used as mortar or cement. -
The human body; especially, a dead body. -
Figuratively, anything which is easily molded, shaped, or influenced. -
Formed or consisting of clay; characterized by the presence of clay; clayey: as, a clay soil; a clay hovel. -
To cover or manure with clay. -
To purify and whiten with clay, as sugar. -
To puddle with clay.
klā a tenacious ductile earth: earth in general: the human body: short for clay-pipe, a tobacco-pipe made of baked clay -
to purify with clay, as sugar
Feet of clay - If someone has feet of clay, they have flaws that make them seem more human and like normal people.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. clǣg,; akin to LG. klei, D. klei, and perh. to AS. clām, clay, L. glus, gluten, glue, Gr. gloio`s glutinous substance, E. glue,. Cf. Clog
A wood-fired clay oven turns out artisanal flatbreads with crispy crusts and unusual, well-chosen toppings at this pizzeria.
Clay Aiken, the former American Idol runner-up, has dissed the baddest girl in pop music – Rihanna, and has video of his put down.
Enova, Facebook / Clay Patrick McBride, Victory Records.
Understanding Clay Body Formulation , Part 3.
Understanding Clay Body Formulation , Part 2.
As a general rule, no clay can do everything.
That's why there are many different moist clays offered by ceramics suppliers.
Ephrata resource officer explains jobSnyder/Clay School four-way stop on hold in Clay.
A book a month for newborns through children age 5 living in Clay County at no cost to the family.
It was while we were digging clay on the Midges that I learned a bit more about Eliza.
Ry Craike and Clay Marzo don't mind the conditions in WA.
Clay Central-Everly FFA officers serve lunch to one of the estimated 130 farmers who attended their Feed the Farmers Day fundraiser on Friday at the Green Plains Grain offices in Everly.
(AP) – A ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court means Gadsden will be in the Class 6A football playoffs rather than Clay-Chalkville.
Brodus Clay News Archive from SmackDown.
6850 Clay School Rd, Collinsville, IL 62234.
Lecture notes from the Clay Institute School on Geometry and String Theory held at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK.
Noncommutative aspects of open/closed strings via foliations
In fact, an analytical proof of confinement is now one of the Clay Institute’s “Millennium Problems” for which there is a one-million dollar prize .
Quark Soup al dente: Applied Superstring Theory
Thanks are due to support staff at the University of Kentucky (UK): Eva Ellis (Dept. of Physics & Astronomy) and Richard Mullins for responding swiftly and efficiently to all requests for assistance, and to Clay Gaunce of UK Tech Support and other members of the Tech Support team for assistance beyond the call of duty.
Conference Summary: The Cosmic Agitator - Magnetic Fields in the Galaxy
Acknowledgments. I am deeply indebted to my advisor Mladen Bestvina, and extend many thanks to Matt Clay, Mark Feighn, Chlo ´e Perin, a nd Zlil Sela for listening carefully and critically to my musings on Krull.
Krull dimension for limit groups II: aligning JSJ decompositions
Conducting studies on immersed granular flows remains of primary interest. A host of geophysical or industrial issues deals with mixtures of grains and fluid as submarine avalanches , snow flows or clay suspensions .
Friction and dilatancy in immersed granular matter
He had bitter quarrels with Clay, Calhoun and Webster over the U. S. Banks. "History Plays for the Grammar Grades" by
D'Ucello was trying to break through the Mask of Clay. "The Saracen: The Holy War" by
Her name is Louisa Clay. "Good Luck" by
Clay and coloring are added and something of the nature of glue; and it is then put into a mould. "Makers of Many Things" by
Shall we go to Doctor Clay? "Dave Porter and the Runaways" by
The bund was a ditch of clay-like mud. "Peter the Brazen" by
Here is Mr. Clay, who has been watching the reckoning of the caught fish. "Round the Wonderful World" by
Henry Clay drew a Henry Clay from his pocket and began to smoke vigorously. "Dave Porter in the Far North" by
The gills are adnate or attached to the stem, rather crowded, this, somewhat toothed on their edges, clay-cinnamon color. "The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise" by
The river, swollen by melting snow and stained green by glacier clay, was running fast. "Partners of the Out-Trail" by
"Spirit, thou wert fine clay:"
This do,
Thy praise who knew.
To the ear within the ear,
But dense
To clay-sealed sense.
Wash away, wash away,
Wood and clay will wash away,
My fair Lady.
Moist in the pit,
There are horses to trample
The rushes through it.
With lips of Silence set;
Eyes that no tear can wet
Again: a thing of Clay.
In rare and common day,
And shown in symbol and sign
Of power divine.