a sedimentary rock formed by the deposition of successive layers of clay
(Geol) A fine-grained sedimentary rock of a thin, laminated, and often friable, structure. -
A shell or husk; a cod or pod. "The green shales of a bean." -
To take off the shell or coat of; to shell. "Life, in its upper grades, was bursting its shell, or was shaling off its husk."
A shell or husk. -
To take off the shell or coat of. -
Clay, or argillaceous material, which has a fissile structure, or which splits readily into thin leaves. Shale differs from slate in being decidedly less firmly consolidated; but there is often a gradual passage of one into the other.
shāl clay or argillaceous material, splitting readily into thin laminæ -
shāl a shell or husk.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. scealy, scalu,. See Scalme, and cf. Shell
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. sceale.
If you’re quizzed about today’s meeting, you’ll need to know about two main things: Marcellus Shale and DROP.
The project started with what seemed to be a simple question from a summer intern: How many Marcellus Shale wells does the state have.
Should New York be in any rush to end its ban on shale gas fracking.
Rig just outside of Towanda in Bradford County drills into the Marcellus Shale.
Now it's known for Marcellus shale drilling.
With a goal of satisfying 10 percent of its gas demand from shale by 2020, it held its first shale gas auction in June.
US releases estimate of Utica Shale reserves .
Total SA plans to challenge the French government's decision to cancel its exploration permit for a shale gas field in the Montelimar region of southern France.
CORPUS CHRISTI — Eagle Ford Shale activity is bringing a surge in business requests for the Port of Corpus Christi, including a spike in interest in the Rincon Industrial Park, port officials said.
Oil shale dreams alive on Roan Plateau.
The stark shale cliffs rise north of the interstate, towering over the town of Rifle.
Limits oil-shale development in Rocky Mountains .
Fluids from Marcellus Shale likely seeping into Pennsylvania drinking water.
Hydraulic fracturing in the UK has received guarded approval in a government review of a study about seismic events last year around a Cuadrilla Resources Ltd shale-gas well near Poulton-le-Fylde (OGJ Online, Nov 3, 2011).
BHP Billiton upbeat on Eagle Ford shale.
Let M be a finitely generated (sp(W ⊕ W ∗), gl(V ))module and Isp (µ) ⊂AnnM for some Shale-Weil tuple ¯µ.
A geometric approach to (g, k)-modules of finite type
The primitive ideals which correspond to the Shale-Weil sequences are called Joseph ideals (see Section 7).
A geometric approach to (g, k)-modules of finite type
We call a Shale-Weil nW -tuple ¯µ positive if µnW > 0 and negative otherwise.
A geometric approach to (g, k)-modules of finite type
Any positive Shale-Weil nW -tuple ¯µ determines an odd pair {L ¯µ , Lσ ¯µ } of Spin2nW -modules (cf. [M]).
A geometric approach to (g, k)-modules of finite type
The (sp(W ⊕W ∗), hW )-module Lµ is hW -bounded if and only if ¯µ is a Shale-Weil tuple.
A geometric approach to (g, k)-modules of finite type
This time I took a piece of coal-shale, with impressions of ferns, to show them. "A Critic in Pall Mall" by
Now her guide pulled up his horse so suddenly that it slid forward on stiff legs, its hoofs plowing the loose shale. "The Rustler of Wind River" by
Sand and shale rock were heaped up at the entrance. "The Pony Rider Boys in Alaska" by
His feet struck a shale bottom. "Astounding Stories of Super-Science, December 1930" by
Even then I dared not breathe or stir, so precarious was my hold on that treacherous shale. "Alaska Days with John Muir" by
Ware ,, 800 ,, ,, Silurian (Wenlock Shale). "Island Life" by
In the Dunstone district (the clay shales from which make the best cob) masonwork was 18d. "Cottage Building in Cob, Pisé, Chalk and Clay" by
As a matter of fact, she fell about nine feet, and lodged on a heap of shale. "The Head Girl at the Gables" by
A barren plain stood there, strewn with rocky shale, like a landscape on the moon. "Mask of Death" by
In the same two areas we find the Silurian rocks, shales and limestones with grits and flags. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 9, Slice 4" by
He eyes me as the basilisk:
I have turned, it appears, his day to night,
Eclipsing his sun's disk.
It has no beginning and never an end:
It's risky and rough and it's plumb full of troubles,
From Shifty -- that's shale -- up to Powder Cut Bend.
The sliding shale, the ragged pitch, the thunder and the rain,
The smell of coffee in the dawn that gilds the far divide;
Sing me a home beyond the start--but give me trails to ride.