Same as Gault.
Clay; brick-earth. [Prov. Eng.] Specifically -
In geology, the lowest division of the Upper Cretaceous series. The galt is a stiff clay, sometimes sandy or calcareous, dark-blue in color. with layers of pyritous and phosphatic nodules, and occasional seams of greensand. It varies from 100 to 200 feet in thickness, and forms a marked boundary between the Upper and the Lower Cretaceous rocks. -
A boar pig.
. See Gault.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary See Gault
Market Share easily wins Galt .
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the Galt House.
The holidays are coming to life at the Galt House in downtown Louisville.
Michael Kirby / Auburn Journal Placer's Gama Gomez, left, gets tangled up by Galt's Freddy Gonzalez during Thursday's playoff.
2 Seed Placer Opens At Home Thursday vs Galt.
Michael Kirby/Auburn Journal)Placer's Hillmen will open the CIF Sac-Joaquin Section Div IV playoffs Thursday when they host Galt.
Blogger John Galt picks up this story from the Austrian newspaper Wiener Zietung.
Alaska visit might have had effect on John Galt's thinking.
Hair By Gerome Ragni, James Rado, and Galt MacDermot Delacorte Theater, Central Park 212-539-8500.
Theragenics Receives FDA Clearance for Galt VTI Valved Tearaway Introducer.
Theragenics Galt VTI Valved Tearaway Introducer.
The 35th annual Bell Awards was held at the Galt House.
Animal Control officer shot to death in Galt.
Galt Joint Union Elementary School District's application was selected from 372 submitted in November.
Before John Galt, there was Jesus.
Galt on-Watson process whose offspring distribution has finite variance.
Mixing times for the interchange process
Redemption of Kenneth Galt, The. "Thurston of Orchard Valley" by
Ian was with Maximus and Sunna in the Galt landeau. "An Orkney Maid" by
Moir was one of John Galt's chief friends, and, like a good comrade, he brought out a rival book. "Law and Laughter" by
But Galt declined the honour. "The Day of Sir John Macdonald" by
Galt had another card to play. "The Railway Builders" by
A. T. Galt, in the session of 1858, advocated the federal union of all the British North American provinces. "George Brown" by
Moir was one of John Galt's chief friends, and, like a good comrade, he brought out a rival book. "Lavengro The Scholar, The Gypsy, The Priest" by
Complete autonomy as to the first mode was early maintained by Galt and Macdonald. "The Day of Sir Wilfrid Laurier" by
The reader may have heard of the "Valley of the Lunatics," or Glen-na-galt, in that country. "Chapters in the History of the Insane in the British Isles" by
Redemption of Kenneth Galt, The. "Vashti" by
die Höhe für uns zu erringen;
doch galt es für uns auch an diesem Tag,
recht schwere Opfer zu bringen.