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Fine Dictionary


Interesting fact
Never mind what you saw in the film "The Poseidon Adventure." The biggest wave on record, reported by a reliable source, was estimated to have attained a height of 112 feet. It was measured, at some distance, I hope, by a tanker traveling between Manila and San Diego in 1933. The wind was blowing at 70 mph at the time.
  1. (n) by-blow
    the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. By-blow
    A side or incidental blow; an accidental blow. "With their by-blows they did split the very stones in pieces."
  2. By-blow
    An illegitimate child; a bastard. "The Aga speedily . . . brought her [his disgraced slave] to court, together with her pretty by-blow , the present Padre Ottomano."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) by-blow
    A side or accidental blow.
  2. (n) by-blow
    An illegitimate child.
  3. (n) by-blow
    A calamity or disaster out of the common.
  4. (n) by-blow
    A blow that misses its aim.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (ns) By-blow
    a side blow: an illegitimate child
Norman Vincent Peale
Cushion the painful effects of hard blows by keeping the enthusiasm going strong, even if doing so requires struggle.
Norman Vincent Peale
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
One ship drives east and other drives west by the same winds that blow. It's the set of the sails and not the gales that determines the way they go.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
We seldom lose our faith by a blow out, usually is just a slow leak.
Source Unknown
Simon Dach
Then come the wild weather, come sleet or come snow, we will stand by each other, however it blow.
Simon Dach
Martin Luther
The human heart is like a ship on a stormy sea driven about by winds blowing from all four corners of heaven.
Martin Luther
In America all too few blows are struck into flesh. We kill the spirit here, we are experts at that. We use psychic bullets and kill each other cell by cell.
Norman Mailer

Blow by blow - A blow-by-blow description gives every detail in sequence.


Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. bi, big; Ger. bei, L. ambi.

Usage in the news

Like nylon socks with loafers, the man purse has long been an object of ridicule and derision, sported mostly by Eurotrashy guys who still blow-dry their hair.

The jogger discovered had been struck by a blow dart , but did not need medical attention.

A man who was threatening to blow up a mobile-home park was killed by a King County sheriff's deputy in Fall City on Monday after he wrestled a Taser from the deputy .

NORMAL – Illinois State used an offensive explosion to start the second half to blow by Fairleigh Dickinson , 91-58, Tuesday night at Redbird Arena in the second round of the South Padre Island Invitational.

An explosive cache of confidential diplomatic cables disclosed by WikiLeaks sent the State Department scrambling to savage relations worldwide Monday as top officials branded the whistle-blowing group "criminals" and "terrorists.

Speed as well as depth by the Douglass Trojans dealt a blow to the Tecumseh Savages Friday night.

Blowing up ice - that's exactly how crews are clearing ice jams in Chugiak caused by the devastating September flooding.

Jeff Beck Thelonius Blow By Blow.

As the candidates debate the economy , they're boosting the bottom line of those bringing you the blow-by-blow account.

The USA was dealt a blow, however, when star Lauren Cheney was ejected with a straight red card in the 68th minute after retaliating for a hard foul by the Argentines.

Albans took a big blow yesterday afternoon, with the announcement that the Energizer plant will be closing by next September.

An effort by a group of well-known Islanders to assume control of the historic Mukai Farmhouse was dealt a blow Thursday when a King County judge ruled the group had not orchestrated the takeover legally.

NEW DELHI—The Indian Amateur Boxing Federation has received a double blow with the government withdrawing its support within hours of the federation being suspended by world governing body AIBA for not following proper electoral procedures.

In the vast high desert, where thousands of square miles were kept company only by a chill wind blowing across the scrub brush, people settled the land for reasons that were as slim as hopes.

This Is The State That Blows Themselves Up The Most By Frying Turkeys.

Usage in scientific papers

In other words, X ′ is defined by (the restriction to Σ′ of ) the same linear function λ : N → Z as before blowing-up.
Desingularization of toric and binomial varieties

It follows that we can reduce the order over every chart by a finite number of analogous blowings-up.
Desingularization of toric and binomial varieties

Then Xl+1 is the strict transform of Xl by the blowing-up Ml+1 → Ml determined by the star-subdivision Σl+1 of Σl .
Desingularization of toric and binomial varieties

Unlike the case of a toric hypersurface, however, in general it is not possible to desingularize X by blowing up with each successive centre an arbitrary component of the maximal Samuel stratum.
Desingularization of toric and binomial varieties

Consider the strict transform X1 = X ′ of X0 = X by blowing up A6 with centre any of these components; say, u = v = w = y = z = 0.
Desingularization of toric and binomial varieties

Usage in literature

Then he drove away all his workmen, and by his magic called up the storm-winds to blow his bellows. "Finnish Legends for English Children" by R. Eivind

Ralegh desired to convince the class of the futility of resistance by sudden blows. "Sir Walter Ralegh" by William Stebbing

He was still half-dazed by the blow he had received, and his heart was filled with black rage. "The Day of Judgment" by Joseph Hocking

These are used by the Indians to make the arrows of their "blow-guns," of which more hereafter. "Popular Adventure Tales" by Mayne Reid

Nor would the Jews be the only persons who would be anxious to hasten the end by giving the deadly blow. "The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 03" by Various

Shell, seizing an axe, by quick and well directed blows ruined every musket thus thrust through the walls, by bending the barrels. "An Historical Account of the Settlements of Scotch Highlanders in America" by J. P. MacLean

In a naval sense, it does not blow home when a sea-wind is interrupted by a mountainous range along shore. "The Sailor's Word-Book" by William Henry Smyth

Each was restrained from striking a blow by the knowledge that the other two would instantly combine against him. "The Huntress" by Hulbert Footner

Stanley had felt the blows of Wyndham on his face, but that was as nothing to the torture endured at that moment by Paul. "The Hero of Garside School" by J. Harwood Panting

Yes, often, when I was a child; and I used to make them float in the air by blowing them upwards. "Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2" by Jane Marcet

Usage in poetry
Husband fond and children dear,
Crushed and stricken by the blow,
Banish ev'ry anxious fear,
While we lay the lov'd one low.
Oh weep not o'er thy children's tomb,
Oh Rachel, weep not so!
The bud is cropt by martyrdom,
The flower in heaven shall blow!
The winds blow sweet by Connelbush,
They fan my brow and cheek,
And in the pauses, when they hush,
I hear the streamlet speak.
Blow, west-wind, by the lonely mound,
And murmur, summer-streams—
There is no need of other sound
To soothe my lady's dreams.
May fortitude beneath this blow
Fail not the gallant Gallic nation!
By past experience, well we know
Her genius for recuperation.
The keenest frost that binds the stream,
The wildest wind that blows,
Are neither felt nor fear'd by them,
Secure of their repose.