thick plank forming a ridge along the side of a wooden ship -
a raised mark on the skin (as produced by the blow of a whip); characteristic of many allergic reactions
A streak or mark made on the skin by a rod or whip; a stripe; a wheal. See Wheal. -
(Carp) A timber bolted to a row of piles to secure them together and in position. -
(Naut) A wale knot, or wall knot. -
To choose; to select; specifically Mining, to pick out the refuse of (coal) by hand, in order to clean it. -
To mark with wales, or stripes.
In wood ship-building, one of the strakes of heavy outside planking above the turn of the bilge. In wooden war-ships, the main wales extended from the lower gun-port sills to the bottom plank, the middle wales between the main-deck ports and the gun-deck ports, and the channel wales, sometimes called strings, between the spar- and main-deck ports. See bend, 3 . -
Specifically, to sort or pick (coal) by hand at the mine or breaker. -
A rod. -
A ridge or plank along the edge of a ship. Compare gunwale. -
A timber bolted to a row of piles to secure them together and in position; a wale-piece. -
A wale-knot. -
A ridge in cloth, formed by a thread or a group of threads; hence, a stripe or strain implying quality. -
A streak or stripe produced on the skin by the stroke of a rod or whip. -
A tumor, or large swelling. -
To mark with wales or stripes. -
To weave or make the web of, as a gabion, with more than two rods at a time. -
A picking or choosing; the choice; the pick or pink of anything; the best. -
To seek; choose; select; court; woo. -
Choice; good; excellent. -
An obsolete form of weal.
wāl a raised streak left by a stripe: a ridge on the surface of cloth: a plank all along the outer timbers on a ship's side -
to mark with wales -
wāl (Scot.) the choice or pick of anything -
to choose
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. walu, a mark of stripes or blows, probably originally, a rod; akin to Icel. völr, Goth. walus, a rod, staff. √146. Cf. Goal Weal a wale
Six hundred people lined up outside a dental office in Carmarthen, Wales. nytimes.com
Filmed in the UK by BBC Wales. variety.com
Serious general histories of Wales are rare enough. nybooks.com
A Whitesnake fan is suing the Newport (Wales) council after claiming to have missed the beginning of one of the band's gigs. 1057thehawk.com
Wales squad for autumn Tests. bbc.com
Live on BBC One Wales &S4C. bbc.com
He was arrsted in Wales Sept 17. jsonline.com
Last week, Newsnight aired a report on allegations related to sex abuse in Wales in the 1970s and 1980s. thestar.com
On Nov 2, "Newsnight" aired false claims by an abuse victim involving an ex-Conservative Party politician at child- care homes in Wales. businessweek.com
He was born Dec 14, 1943, in Lake Wales, Fla. To Henderson and Ella May and lived most of his life in Pine Island. cape-coral-daily-breeze.com
BULLETIN BOARD Golf outing supports North Wales man with ALS . phillyburbs.com
Wale predicts DC sports results. espn.go.com
The life and legacy of the best-selling novelist of The Rebel Outlaw: Josey Wales is explored. thinktv.org
Carter's earlier novel, Josey Wales, had been turned into a successful film by actor Clint Eastwood. bhm.org
The Indians defeated the Wildcats 35-13. Who will win, Immokalee or Lake Wales. naplesnews.com
This work is supported by a PPARC rolling grant to the University of Wales Aberystwyth.
Angular momentum transport and proton-alpha differential streaming in the solar wind
The case d = 1 is slightly different: Flatto, Odlyzko and Wales [11, Theorem 6.1] proved that for the discrete time random walk starting from the uniform distribution WL/L2 converges to a certain law.
The small world effect on the coalescing time of random walks
Moreover, we used the classification obtained by Wales in and to prove that seven-dimensional exceptional quotient singularities do not exist (see ).
Sporadic simple groups and quotient singularities
In fact, there is an extensive literature containing important results related more or less strictly to our sub ject, both before and after Dempwolff ’s work (e.g. results due to Hering, Wagner, Suprunenko, Huffman, Wales, Tiep, Guralnick, Saxl and others).
On generators and representations of the sporadic simple groups
This meeting was organised under the auspices of STAR, the Solar Terrestrial and Astrophysical Research working group of SCAR, with John Storey (also of the University of New South Wales) becoming the vice-chair with responsibilities for astrophysics within STAR.
The History of Astrophysics in Antarctica
The English crown was not to fall to his lot, but Edward transferred the title of Prince of Wales to his own son. "A History of England Principally in the Seventeenth Century, Volume I (of 6)" by
Gloucester is on the western confines of England, near the southeastern borders of Wales. "Richard III" by
Tell him from me I hope when he is a Don he will write the History of Wales. "War Letters of a Public-School Boy" by
Let us now journey westward from the Dee into Wales, coming first into Flintshire. "England, Picturesque and Descriptive" by
Harries (John), bishop of Wales, 439. "Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 5, January-June, 1852" by
The Prince of Wales and other officers were there. "How I Filmed the War" by
Wales trembled slightly when he replied to the question he had been awaiting. "Carmen Ariza" by
His grandfather came to America from Wales about the year 1700, accompanied by his family. "Glimpses of the Past" by
And, if you are there, you may as well mention the reason for my going to Wales, or, you see, it will look like a positive slight. "Under False Pretences" by
These others are some of the Hilton House, Miss Wales. "Betty Wales Freshman" by
I fain ha'e wish'd to be,
If fifteen hundred waled wight men
You'll grant to ride with me."
And dream Nemedian tales
Of Kings who sailed in ships from Spain
And lent their swords to Wales.
The fairest in your crown:
The stream and field rich harvest yield,
And fair and dale and down.
So long o'er London held his rod,
I fear that guilty Wales must feel
The edge of his avenging steel.
When London felt the frowns of fate;
And this in thee, Wales, shall be seen,
If thou dost not forsake thy sin.
A day, when fighting 'mongst us most prevails —
A day, to do the errands of the fiend —
Such is the sabbath in most parts of Wales!