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What do private mortgage lenders do?
Private mortgage lenders are investors who lend their money to people to buy or refinance a home. Because they’re private individuals and companies, they are free to set interest rates, terms and qualification criteria as they see fit.
How much does a private mortgage lender cost?
The cost of borrowing from a private mortgage lender is much higher than that of borrowing from a major lender. In addition to higher interest rates, you may also be asked to pay for mortgage default insurance and an origination fee of up to 2%. The cost of borrowing from a private lender will go up with the amount of risk they’re taking on.
What do you need to qualify for a mortgage from a private lender?
While each private lender’s guidelines are different, you will generally need to have satisfactory credit and have enough income to make your mortgage payments. You will also need to have a sizeable down payment, as private mortgage lenders may require you to pay a minimum of 35% from your own funds.
What should I ask my mortgage broker if I’m considering a private lender?
When considering a private lender, ask your mortgage broker what will happen if things don’t go according to plan. Ask about the penalties for breaking the mortgage early, whether you can port the mortgage to a different home and what fees you may have to pay at renewal.