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How to Lead When You're Not in Charge: Leveraging Influence When You Lack Authority
How to Lead When You're Not in Charge: Leveraging Influence When You Lack Authority
How to Lead When You're Not in Charge: Leveraging Influence When You Lack Authority
Ebook223 pages4 hours

How to Lead When You're Not in Charge: Leveraging Influence When You Lack Authority

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Are you hungry to help others through leadership but don't feel like you have the authority?

One of the greatest myths of leadership is that you must be in charge in order to lead. Great leaders don't buy it. Great leaders--whether they have the official authority or not--learn how to be an influential presence wherever they are.

In How to Lead When You're Not in Charge, author and pastor Clay Scroggins explains the nature of leadership and what's needed to be a great leader--even when you answer to someone else.

Drawing from biblical principles and his experience as the lead pastor of Buckhead Church in Atlanta, Georgia, Clay will help you nurture your vision and cultivate influence with integrity and confidence, even when you lack authority in your organization or ministry.

In this book, Clay will walk you through the challenge of leadership and the four basic behaviors all great leaders have and how to cultivate them:

  • Leading yourself
  • Choosing positivity
  • Thinking critically
  • Rejecting passivity

With practical wisdom and humor, Clay Scroggins will help you free yourself to become the great leader you want to be so you can make a difference. Even when you're not in charge.


"This book will be one of the most, if not the most, pivotal leadership books you'll ever read." - Andy Stanley

"If you're ready to lead right where you are, this book can show you how to start." - Dave Ramsey

"Read this book! The marketplace is full of leadership messages, but this one is a stand out." - Louie Giglio

Release dateAug 22, 2017

Clay Scroggins

Clay Scroggins is the lead pastor of North Point Community Church, providing visionary and directional leadership for all of the local church staff and congregation. As the original and largest campus of North Point Ministries, ranked by Outreach Magazine in 2014 as the Largest Church in America, NPCC averages over 12,000 people in attendance. Clay works for Andy Stanley, one of the greatest leaders on the planet, and understands firsthand how to manage the tension of leading when you’re not in charge. Starting out as a facilities intern (a.k.a. Vice-President of Nothing), he has worked his way through many organizational levels of North Point Ministries and knows all too well the challenge of authority deprivation. Clay holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from Georgia Tech as well as a Master’s degree and doctorate with an emphasis in Online Church from Dallas Theological Seminary. He lives in Forsyth County, Georgia, with his wife, Jenny, and their four children.  

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The author tells of his journey in pastoral ministry and how he has learned, as the subtitle said, to leverage influence even though he was not the boss.He speaks of a common condition among many: the feeling of not being able to do much because one is not in a position of power. One can find no end of criticisms of the way things are being done, and the conceit that if one was in charge, how one would do things differently. The author does well to demonstrate the difficulties of these views, and the realization that anyone and everyone has a bit more "authority" than they think they do: they have the power of their influence. The author encourages people to manifest leadership skills in ways to advance the organization's interests and to "lead from behind" through example and influence. The goal seems to be for one to be able to get to the position of full leadership. The author writes in that now common and popular attempt to sound like the average guy, and for my taste used way too many not funny preacher type jokes and deprecating humor; it might work well in the pulpit, but it doesn't translate well in a book format. I understand that the author is attempting to write to speak to the church/business world of the cult of leadership, but I found that to be a major detriment to the work. The core truth of the work - that each and every one of us can use their gifts and skills in the position in which we find ourselves to advance the cause and leverage our influence to benefit others even if we are not in charge, and too many are paralyzing themselves either by thinking they can't do anything until they're in charge, or expecting those in charge to tell them exactly and specifically what to do without taking initiative themselves to find problems to solve - is true no matter where one is in an organization or group, and remains true even for all of those who will never be the top leader. Then again, I am a sharp critic of the cult of leadership which is all the rage in Evangelicalism, so take it for what it is worth.On a detail level, the example given about the why and the what toward the end, regarding canceling the assembly on Memorial Day weekend because of low attendance and thus low morale among staff, embodied everything that is wrong about the spectator/performance/production mentality about the Sunday morning assemblies in far too many parts of Evangelicalism. Terribly sad.There's some great advice here about how a person can work effectively and leverage their influence without having primary authority and responsibility. In a real sense that is true of all of us since none of us are Jesus. But the end goal should not necessarily be about becoming a leader as much as becoming a truly effective servant. The truly effective servant understands leadership, encourages and facilitates leadership, empowers leadership, and all without having to be the leader - and this is a virtue which the book does not consider, and is all too sorely lacking not just in modern society but indeed within Christianity.

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This book on the cover looked to be about leadership in business and started out that way but then the references to the Bible and religion started to creep in more and more. That is when I saw the book was not only tagged for leadership but also spirituality and that is when I lost interest. I could have done without the Bible lessons.

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How to Lead When You're Not in Charge - Clay Scroggins


Autonomy is a myth.

It’s a myth passed from one generation of wannabe leaders to the next. Eventually, every leader is forced to come to terms with the reality that everybody is accountable to somebody. Like most life lessons, the sooner a leader embraces this, the better. Leaders who wrap themselves in the security blanket of If I were in charge or When I’m in charge as an excuse for poor performance and lack of initiative will most likely never be in charge. On the other hand, the real leaders in an organization will find a way to lead the charge until they are in charge. Ultimately, those are the folks great leaders put in charge.

I’ve been on both sides of this equation. I remember sitting in a restaurant with my leadership team the Monday after I announced to a ballroom full of folks that we were starting a new church. The six of us had worked together for several years. I smiled and said, "Congratulations, we are they!" You know, they—the folks everybody in management complains about. We were they. I’m not sure it had dawned on us that from that point forward we didn’t really have anybody to complain about or blame.

That was twenty-two years ago. They are still they and they have gone the distance to build an extraordinary organization. They were prepared for the day they finally became they. I chose that particular team because they had led well in an organization that neither honored nor encouraged leadership. I’d watched ’em lead when they weren’t in charge. So I knew they were the group to put in charge. When you find people who can get things done in an organization conspiring against them, you’ve found leaders.


Great leaders leverage influence and relationships over title and position. When a leader is left with nothing to leverage other than title and position, the end is near. The best leaders lead like they’re not in charge even when they are. The best leaders become the leaders by mastering the art of leading when they’re not in charge. And that’s why the book you’re holding in your hands will be one of the most, if not the most, pivotal leadership books you’ll ever read. If you want to build a leadership culture in your organization, you should make this book required reading for everyone on your team.

I’ve had the privilege of working with Clay Scroggins since he was a student at Georgia Tech. Clay has been an integral part of our organization for fourteen years. He started out as an intern. When he graduated from Tech with an industrial engineering degree, we hired him to lead our student ministry. His parents probably were . . . well . . . they’re happy now.


Clay was our student pastor when my kids were in high school. So I was paying attention. When he was twenty-five, I asked him to start filling in for me on Sundays when I was gone or taking a break. When he was the whopping age of thirty, I asked him to step into the lead pastor role of the third-largest campus in our network of churches. Now Clay serves as lead pastor of North Point Community Church—my old job.

Clay was making a difference in our organization long before he was in charge of anything significant. Everything he touched got bigger and better whether he was in charge of it or not. Several years ago, I asked him at the last minute to do the teaching at our bimonthly all-staff meeting. He chose to talk about what he had learned about leading beyond his title, position, and authority. It was amazing. I remember thinking, I could never talk about this with any moral authority because I’m in charge. My wife, Sandra, turned to me and said, This needs to be a book! I agreed but didn’t mention it to Clay. Sometime later, he asked me if I thought this would be a good book topic. I said, Absolutely.

So here it is.

This isn’t theory. These principles and applications are organic. They are rooted in organizational reality. If you aren’t convinced already, you will be. You don’t have to be in charge to make a difference. You can lead without being in charge!



Writing these next few paragraphs has been my favorite part of this entire process. In Romans 16, the apostle Paul had a full-on chapter of his own acknowledgments and it just seems like a great idea for all of us. These are mine . . .

Thank you to my wife, Jenny. I still remember the first time we met. I thought you were pretty amazing then, but I had no idea. No matter where we go, I’m home with you. Thank you for allowing me the margin to write this book. You have been steadfast, loving, incredibly supportive, and in it with me from the first keystroke. It’s you and me till the end! Thank you to our kids. I hope being pastor’s kids offers more than it costs you.

Thank you to my parents and sisters. I had the greatest childhood I could’ve imagined. I just hope Jenny and I can create the same amount of love, stability, and joy you gave me. To Lee and Donna, your love for Jesus is creating a legacy that our children’s kids will certainly benefit from. Thank you!

For the last two decades, our church has been a massive gift in my life. Andy and Sandra, thank you alone doesn’t cut it. You have led our church with so much integrity, faithfulness, and humility. I’m in tears thinking about how much gratitude I have for both of you. And thank you to an amazingly gifted team of volunteers and staff who sacrificially lead every week. I’ve been trying my hardest to repay, but I’ll never be able to match the gift you’ve been to me.

Thank you to those who were instrumental in helping me write this book:

• Ben Ortlip: You told me the key to writing was to begin the day by putting my face on the ground and begging God to inspire me. If nothing else, you told me, it would cause the blood to rush to my head. That was fantastic advice and still makes me laugh.

• Suzy Gray and Belinda Randall: It’s really difficult to work with people you don’t enjoy, and this whole thing has been a blast for me because of you! You two are servant-hearted, smart, and so driven. Thank you.

• Ryan Pazdur: You’ve made this whole process so easy. Thank you for your patience, kindness, graciousness, and honesty.

• Justin Elam: On the morning of March 19, 2014, I was hurriedly trying to finish this talk for our all-staff meeting. You agreed to meet with me that morning and you gave me illustrations, one-liners, stories, and quotes that were so inspiring to me. I owe you a lot.

• Lane Jones: Thank you for telling me to be me when I was writing. That was huge.

• Matt Bevier: Thank you for reading a few of these chapters early on. Your words from across the world were bigger than you’ll ever know.

Thank you to my bros Bryson and Brad. Most people let everyone know a few things, but we’ve chosen to let a few people know everything. I think it’s just better that way. Thank you for being such a huge encouragement and inspiration to me.

Thank you to Megan Gross for keeping life organized and fun.

Thank you to our NPCC leadership team. Most of what I’ve learned about leading without authority, I’ve learned from each of you.

Oh, and thanks to Brad Jones. Is that what you were looking for?




I guess I’ve always wanted to be a leader.

Perhaps it started with the safety patrol in fifth grade. As if being the oldest in elementary school was not enough of an ego boost, our school selected a few of the most eager kids to serve on the team that patrolled the carpool lane. Something came over me as I put on that yellow hard hat and reflective sash. I had swagger. With just the slightest hand gesture, I could force two tons of steel to come to a complete stop. That’s power.

Maybe it started when I entered the student government presidential race in tenth grade. For some odd reason, I was on this creative kick, trying to leverage popular hip-hop songs as my campaign slogans.

Back that thing up and vote for Clay. Thank you, Juvenile.

Say my name, say my name and vote for Clay. I see you, Beyoncé.

It’s quite embarrassing now, but somehow it worked.

Or maybe it was when I subtly lobbied to be voted captain of the varsity baseball team. I was just good enough to make the team but not good enough to actually play. As disheartening as that was, becoming captain of the team seemed to be enough to satisfy my itch for leadership. What happens in the dugout is more important than what happens on the field became my stump speech.

Those were the moments I felt alive. Unfortunately, those times were few and far between. The rest of the time I was just another kid in class. When I had authority, I could lead. If I had no authority, I was just waiting my turn.

Sadly, through my high school years and beyond, I missed more opportunities than I took. I see that now when I look back on my first role in ministry as a student pastor. Our weekly event met on Sunday afternoons, but the best thing we were doing was mobilizing students to serve as small group leaders for kids during our morning services. Think about it. What would have helped you more as a student? Sitting in a class and listening to someone lecture you? Or actually leading your own group of younger kids and having to do some of the teaching yourself? The answer was as obvious then as it is now. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the courage to refocus our efforts and resources to encourage even more students to serve. Hindsight is 20/20, but the future doesn’t have to be so blurry if we wear the right glasses.

As I look back over my first few jobs, the common theme that has run through every one of them is regret. I regret the times I didn’t speak up. I regret the times I twiddled my thumbs, waiting for someone to tell me what to do. I regret feeling like a victim to the structure or hierarchy of the organization.

Life teaches us that the authority to lead and the opportunity to lead are a package deal. We think they go hand in hand like cranberry sauce and turkey. When we’re given the authority to lead—a title, a uniform, a corner office—then, and only then, will we have the opportunity to lead. But that’s just not true.


As we wait for the authority of leadership to present itself, are we supposed to just sit on the sidelines before we can attempt anything with even a resemblance to leadership? So it seems. Growing up, my perspective was that if you were in charge, you were naturally leading something. Parents were in charge and they seemed to be leading. The principal at school was definitely in charge. She seemed to be leading. Even the bus driver who was supposedly in charge of the bus yelled at everyone like he was trying to lead. The line leader in kindergarten was in charge, at least for the day. And what was everyone else in line doing? Just waiting until it was their turn.

Do you remember how that felt in school? I remember feeling so powerless, so helpless, and so impotent. I was one of thirty kids sitting in a row with a full bladder. Yet I couldn’t relinquish one drop of urine without someone with authority leading me to the bathroom. The reality is that ninety-nine percent of my childhood was me being led by someone with authority. When someone else is telling you what to do, you don’t have to lead anything. You don’t even have to think. You just learn to put your mind in neutral and go with the flow. When someone else is leading you, it seems as though there is no leading left to be done. So you just wait.

No one likes waiting for a turn to lead—to be the one making the decisions—but we all know what it feels like. You have ideas, but you feel like no one will listen because you don’t have the microphone. You’re not leading the meeting; you’re just in the meeting. When you tried to share your plan last time, you felt ignored. Or even worse, you felt like you were seen as a renegade or a thorn in the side of the one in charge. So you decide that maybe you’re just better off if you quit trying.

They’ll never listen.

It’s going to be like this forever. I’ll just shut up and go with it.

They just don’t get it, and there’s no sense in trying.

My first real job as an adult reinforced this. Though my desk sat on the seventeenth floor in a downtown Atlanta skyscraper like the rest of my team, everyone was eager to tell me what to do because his or her altitude on the organizational chart was higher than mine. And it seemed that the higher they were positioned on the chart, the lower the requested task was. I remember thinking, I don’t mind getting your dry cleaning, but I draw the line at picking up your snotty-nosed kid from daycare. Even I have my limits. I moved through my younger years assuming I had to be in charge in order to lead. And until I was in charge, I just needed to wait my turn.

One of my small joys in life is grocery shopping. Ever since our kids were old enough to sit up, they fawned over the grocery carts that look like little cars. Those carts are to grocery shopping what the iPad has become for the family road trip. How did we ever live without them? Game. Changer. Our kids still love sitting in the driver’s seat of the cart-car. They love the feel of the steering wheel in their hands. They love the power of having control of the cart.

But then there is that inevitable moment. That moment when the kids in the cart-car, happily driving along, suddenly realize the steering wheel doesn’t actually work. I’m cruising in the grocery store with my kids and they’re turning the steering wheel as the cart turns. Everything is working just fine. Suddenly, the kids notice the greatest aisle in the store—the candy aisle. Like Fourth of July fireworks, the bright colors and attractive packaging are putting on a show. So as quick as their little appendages can move, they aggressively begin turning the wheel. Left, left, left, left. But much to their chagrin, the cart doesn’t turn. It keeps moving straight ahead.

That’s when they turn and look up at you with that How could this happen? expression. It’s that dejected look of disappointment that screams, You tricked me. This wheel doesn’t work. It does nothing. It’s useless. Completely useless. Kind of like you as a parent, Dad.

And we learn, at an early age, that having the steering wheel is the only way to lead. And if that steering wheel is not attached to authority and power, it just doesn’t work. That’s what we’re taught by our life experiences. If we want the cart to move, we must be in control. We learn that the little wheel we’re handed is just a toy and doesn’t actually work. We think we must be in charge if we want to lead, if we want to turn the cart in a different direction. We come to see positional authority as a prerequisite for effective leadership.


Tragically, I had to land the job I had always wanted before I realized I had bought into this myth. For almost twenty years now, I have attended and now work for a large network of churches. Just after turning thirty, I was given a pretty substantial promotion. I was asked to move to one of our larger locations and become the lead pastor of that campus. It was one of those moments when I thought, Are you serious? I’m flattered, of course. However, I question your discernment because this job is huge and I secretly still want to be Puff Daddy’s hype man. Nonetheless, someone saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself, and I’m forever grateful. The new role was literally a dream come true.

I stepped into that job as an eager young leader, ready to shape our church into what I hoped it could be. I had strong opinions about how we should operate to serve our community best. Unfortunately, over the years, I had drifted toward an unhealthy mindset, feeling like a victim whose ideas weren’t valued or understood within the larger organization. I felt inhibited and constrained, like a tamed lion (or, at the very least, an eager meerkat) at the zoo, lying in my cage, having lost my ambition to lead.

I soon learned I was wrong, because as it turns out, the cage doesn’t even exist.

At the time, I knew I wasn’t leading to my full potential. But if you had asked me why, I would have played the victim and blamed the problems on the organization.

They just have a way of doing things.

They’re not open to change.

"They just want me to fit in the mold, toe the line, and follow the

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