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The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Workbook: Revised and   Updated
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Workbook: Revised and   Updated
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Workbook: Revised and   Updated
Ebook312 pages4 hours

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Workbook: Revised and Updated

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Required reading for both developing and experienced leaders, this one-of-a-kind workbook companion to a leadership classic outlines the core leadership principles that will make you more effective, more influential, and more successful—wherever you are in your career.

If you’ve never read The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, you’ve been missing out on one of the best-selling leadership books of all time. In this companion workbook, leadership expert John C. Maxwell shares powerful insights gleaned from his forty-plus years of leadership success. Maxwell helps you:

  • Take your leadership skills to the next level
  • Discover life-changing principles of influence, empowerment, intuition, and legacy
  • Observe your own career and evaluate yourself, using an evaluation tool that reveals your leadership strengths and weaknesses
  • Learn from stories and observations from the worlds of business, politics, sports, the military, and non-profit organizations so you can transform as a leader 

Each of the twenty-one lessons contains the following sections:

  • Definition of the Law: Understand the law and how it operates 
  • Case Studies: Explore three primary cases—some positive, some negative—that reveal and illustrate the law.
  • Leadership Insight and Reflection: Draw important personal conclusions about the impact of this law on your life.
  • Taking Action: Assess yourself in this law and develop specific action steps to grow or make important changes.
  • Group Discussion Questions: Explore the core issues and share your insights through a guided discussion with your group.

This workbook isn’t designed to be merely a theoretical exercise. It’s meant to help you become a better leader. And while you can easily go through this study on your own, there’s nothing more transformational than learning with other like-minded people. So, gather a group of any size and see what happens as you help each other become the kind of leaders that people want to follow.

Release dateSep 16, 2007
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Workbook: Revised and   Updated

John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker who has sold more than 33 million books in fifty languages. He has been identified as the #1 leader in business and the most influential leadership expert in the world. His organizations - the John Maxwell Company, The John Maxwell Team, EQUIP, and the John Maxwell Leadership Foundation - have translated his teachings into seventy languages and used them to  train millions of leaders from every country of the world. A recipient of the Horatio Alger Award, as well as the Mother Teresa Prize for Global Peace and Leadership from the Luminary Leadership Network, Dr. Maxwell influences Fortune 500 CEOs, the presidents of nations, and entrepreneurs worldwide. For more information about him visit

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    The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Workbook - John C. Maxwell




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    © 2007 by John C. Maxwell

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

    Thomas Nelson, Inc. titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail

    Scripture quotations noted CEV are from THE CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH VERSION. © 1991 by the American Bible Society. Used by permission.

    Scripture quotations noted The Message are from The Message: The New Testament in Contemporary English. Copyright © 1993 by Eugene H. Peterson.

    ISBN: 978-1-4185-2615-3

    ISBN: 978-1-4185-7483-3 (eBook)

    Printed in the United States of America

    07 08 09 10 VIC 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



    21 Laws Leadership Evaluation


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    Anyone Can Steer the Ship, but It Takes a Leader to Chart the Course

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    Leaders Add Value by Serving Others

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    Trust Is the Foundation of Leadership

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    People Naturally Follow Leaders Stronger Than Themselves

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    Who You Are Is Who You Attract

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    People Do What People See

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    People Buy into the Leader, Then the Vision

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    When to Lead Is As Important As What to Do and Where to Go

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    Appendix: Suggestions for Leadership Growth



    EVERY BOOK IS A CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE AUTHOR AND THE INDIVIDUAL reading it. Some people pick up a book hoping for a bit of encouragement. Some devour a book’s information as if they were attending an intensive seminar. Others find in its pages a mentor they can meet with on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

    The thing I love about writing books is that it allows me to talk to many people I will never personally meet. That’s why I made the decision in 1977 to become an author. I had a passion to add value to people that energized me to write. That passion still burns within me today. Few things are more rewarding to me than being on the road and having someone I’ve never met approach me to say, Thank you. Your books have really helped me. It’s why I write—and intend to continue writing!

    Despite the deep satisfaction of knowing that my books help people, there is also a great frustration that comes with being an author. Once a book is published, it freezes in time. If you and I knew each other personally and we met weekly or monthly to talk about leadership, every time we got together I’d share with you something new I’d learned. As a person, I continue to grow. I’m constantly reading. I’m analyzing my mistakes. I’m talking to excellent leaders to learn from them. Each time you and I were to sit down, I’d say, You won’t believe what I just learned.

    As a conference and event speaker, I often teach the principles I write about in my books, and I’m constantly updating my material. I use new stories. I refine ideas. And I often gain new insights as I stand in front of an audience. However, when I go back to books that I’ve written previously, I first become aware of how I’ve changed since I’ve written them. But second, I become frustrated because the books can’t grow and change along with me.

    That’s why I got excited when my publisher, Thomas Nelson, asked if I would like to revise The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership for a special tenth anniversary edition. When I originally wrote the book and workbook, they were my answer to the question, If you were to take everything you’ve learned about leadership over the years and boil it down into a short list, what would it be? I put on paper the essentials of leadership, communicated as simply and clearly as possible. And soon after the book was published and it appeared on four different best-seller lists, I realized it had the potential to help a lot of people become better leaders.


    But now, years later, there are things I am no longer satisfied with in the original edition. I knew I could improve upon some ideas in the original edition. Some stories had become dated, and I wanted to replace them with new ones. I had also developed new material to better explain and illustrate some of the ideas. While teaching the laws for nearly a decade in dozens of countries around the world, I fielded thousands of questions about the laws. That process advanced my thinking beyond what it was when I first wrote The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Working on this tenth anniversary edition has allowed me to make those improvements.

    By far the biggest change I wanted to make to the original book centered on two of the laws.

    What? you may ask. "How can you change one of your irrefutable laws?"

    First of all, while teaching them I soon discovered that two of the laws were really just subsets of other laws. The Law of E. F. Hutton (When the Real Leader Speaks, People Listen) was really just an aspect of the Law of Influence (The True Measure of Leadership Is Influence—Nothing More, Nothing Less). When people around a table stop and listen to a leader speak, they are revealing that the speaker has influence. Because the ideas in the Law of E. F. Hutton were part of the Law of Influence, I merged those two chapters. Similarly, I recognized that the Law of Reproduction (It Takes a Leader to Raise Up a Leader) was assumed in the Law of Explosive Growth (To Add Growth, Lead Followers—To Multiply, Lead Leaders). For that reason, I combined them as well.

    The other thing that happened was that I began to realize that I had missed some things when writing about the laws of leadership originally. The first omission I discovered as soon as I had taught the laws a few times in developing countries. I found that in many of those places, leadership was focused on position, privilege, and power. In my paradigm of leadership, I took some things for granted. I see leadership primarily as a form of service and had never identified a law to teach that principle. The second oversight had to do with modeling leadership and impacting the culture of an organization. The result is the inclusion of two new laws in this tenth anniversary edition of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership:

    The Law of Addition: Leaders Add Value by Serving Others

    The Law of the Picture: People Do What People See

    From today’s perspective I ask myself, How could I have missed them? But I did. The good news is that you won’t! I feel certain that these two laws will add immeasurably to your ability to lead. Serving others and showing others the way are two critical components of successful leadership. I wish I could revise each of my books every ten years to include things I missed!


    There are two other things I’ve been reminded of as I’ve taught the 21 Laws these last ten years:


    Instinctively, successful people understand that focus is important to achievement. But leadership is very complex. During a break at a conference where I was teaching the 21 Laws, a young college student came up to me and said, I know you are teaching 21 Laws of Leadership, but I want to get to the bottom line. With intensity, he raised his index finger and asked, What is the one thing I need to know about leadership?

    Trying to match his intensity, I raised my index finger and answered, The one thing you need to know about leadership is that there is more than one thing you need to know about leadership! To lead well, we must do 21 things well.


    Despite the fact that we must do 21 things well to be excellent leaders, it is reality that none of us does all of them well. For example, I am average or below average in five of the laws—and I wrote the book! So what is a leader to do? Ignore those laws? No, develop a leadership team.

    At the beginning of this workbook there is a leadership evaluation. I encourage you to take it to evaluate your aptitude for each law. Once you’ve discovered in which laws you are average or below, begin looking for team members whose skills are strong where yours are weak. They will complement you and vice versa, and the whole team will benefit. That will make it possible for you to develop an all-star leadership team. Remember, none of us is as smart as all of us.


    Though I have made adjustments to the laws and updated the ways I teach them, some things have not changed in the last ten years. It’s still true that leadership is leadership, no matter where you go or what you do. Times change. Technology marches forward. Cultures differ from place to place. But the principles of leadership are constant—whether you’re looking at the citizens of ancient Greece, the Hebrews in the Old Testament, the armies of the modern world, the leaders in the international community, the pastors in local churches, or the businesspeople of today’s global economy. Leadership principles are unchanging and stand the test of time.

    As you read the following chapters, I’d like you to keep in mind four ideas:

    1. The laws can be learned. Some are easier to understand and apply than others, but every one of them can be acquired.

    2. The laws can stand alone. Each law complements all the others, but you don’t need one in order to learn another.

    3. The laws carry consequences with them. Apply the laws, and people will follow you. Violate or ignore them, and you will not be able to lead others.

    4. These laws are the foundation of leadership. Once you learn the principles, you have to practice them and apply them to your life.

    Whether you are a follower who is just beginning to discover the impact of leadership or a natural leader who already has followers, you can become a better leader. As you read and answer questions about the laws, you may recognize that you already practice some of them very effectively. Other laws may expose weaknesses you didn’t know you had. Use your review as a learning experience. The questions and exercises are included to help you apply each law to your life.

    You can certainly learn the laws of leadership on your own using this workbook. However, since leadership is about working with people, this workbook has been set up so that groups can learn about the laws together. The first three sections in each chapter (Read, Observe, Learn) are to be completed individually, and the last three sections (Discuss, Apply, Action) are most effective if reviewed in a group setting. Since individuals have different strengths and weaknesses, if you work together on each law, you will learn from each other. Before you get started working through the chapters, I recommend that you take the leadership evaluation, which you will find on the next few pages. That will give you a benchmark of where you are starting in the leadership growth process. Then when you are done with this workbook, complete the evaluation again.

    No matter where you are in the leadership development process, know this: the greater the number of laws you learn, the better leader you will become. Each law is like a tool, ready to be picked up and used to help you achieve your dreams and add value to other people. Pick up even one, and you will become a better leader. Learn them all, and people will gladly follow you.

    Now, let’s open the toolbox together.


    Read each statement below and score yourself for each, using the following scale:

    0 Never

    1 Rarely

    2 Occasionally

    3 Always


    Leadership Ability

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