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Valor at Vauzlee: A Galaxy Unknown, #2
Valor at Vauzlee: A Galaxy Unknown, #2
Valor at Vauzlee: A Galaxy Unknown, #2
Ebook416 pages6 hours

Valor at Vauzlee: A Galaxy Unknown, #2

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A captured Raider officer, eager to secure his freedom, informs Space Command Intelligence of a planned attack on a convoy by a massive Raider armada. An effective spotter network and intelligence system usually allows the pirates to avoid SC warships, so for the first time in Galactic Alliance history, a task force of Space Command warships might have an opportunity to engage a fleet of pirate ships in mortal combat.

The Space Command Admiral at Higgins SCB pulls out all stops to surreptitiously assemble a force of ten ships, the most that can be secretly diverted, to face off against the Raider ambushers. One of those ships happens to be the Prometheus. Jenetta Carver, the newest Lt. Commander in Space Command, on her way to Earth for a medal ceremony for acts of outstanding valor, finds herself again caught up in a life or death situation. The Prometheus arrives at the rendezvous point, a month from Higgins SC Base, to await the arrival of the other ships, and a call for help from the convoy.

Only two other ships have reached the RP when the convoy is attacked. Captain Gavin of the Prometheus, in his capacity as task force commander, decides that they can't wait for the others, so the three SC warships race off to face a Raider warship force they expect will number forty plus.

107,000 Words - 334 Pages

Release dateAug 17, 2015
Valor at Vauzlee: A Galaxy Unknown, #2

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book was fabulous. I couldn't put it down and I'm looking forward to reading the next one.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    oh I loved it! , it was so well written I couldn't put it down. Am now going to read the next book and I really hope she would put more romance in her life then it will be perfect ?.

Book preview

Valor at Vauzlee - Thomas DePrima

Chapter One

~ February 20th, 2268 ~

Eighteen thousand! Chairman Andrei Gagarin snarled loudly and viciously at the fifteen council members seated around the orotund table. The violent life of a smuggler, slaver, and drug lord had given him a permanent sneer, and he exuded a sinister presence that the most expensive suits and assiduous grooming could never completely disguise. His vitriolic delivery, expelled with the force of a solar flare, rebounded off the smooth, unadorned walls of the spacious elliptical chamber and returned to again assault the eardrums of his fellow council members. A short man, standing no more than five feet, five inches, Gagarin was nevertheless powerfully built. His barrel chest, short coconut-brown hair, and dark beady eyes were in no small part responsible for the nickname 'Pit Bull,' conferred upon him by intimidated subordinates. An obvious reference to the vicious and deadly canine species on Earth, it was frequently whispered but wisely never spoken aloud by anyone who placed value upon his or her life.

Eighteen thousand! Gagarin reprised just as loudly and vehemently. Do you know how long it takes to recruit eighteen thousand employees? Do you know how long it takes to screen them? Do you know how much it costs to train them? With each shouted question, his anger and vocal pitch seemed to escalate.

The massive Raider organization, created through the merger of a dozen large, independent smuggling operations more than a decade earlier and growing steadily since its inception, had just suffered its first major setback. And that reversal of fortunes had been perpetrated by, of all people, a lone female ensign in the Galactic Space Command— one operating without the knowledge or involvement of her superiors.

The meeting hall where the eighty-year-old pirate was again giving voice to unremitting anger toward the responsible Spacc ensign was as secure as the headquarters of any nation's intelligence service. Located in the sheltered industrial complex of a legitimate business conglomerate, a combination of the most advanced electronic jamming equipment and sound-deadening building materials available made eavesdropping on conversations, celebrations, and tirades that took place within the room impossible. Each of the council members was believed to be a respected member of the conglomerate's executive pool, and in fact, they were. The Raider organization, universally accepted as the scourge of the galaxy, had long ago begun wrapping itself in a cocoon of legitimacy to hide its activities and give it a means to easily move large concentrations of currency. It even hijacked its own shipments occasionally, but never so much that bona fide insurers became overly suspicious.

No one suspected that each of the council members was also a key figure in the Raider hierarchy. As members of the powerful Lower Council, they spent their days planning and coordinating nefarious deeds that would be perpetrated throughout the known galaxy.

Plus, Gagarin continued, thick blue veins in his massive neck standing out like lengths of nylon cord, "fifty-four of our warships were utterly destroyed, and dozens of snared and repaired passenger liners, cargo ships, shuttles, and space tugs were reduced to so much worthless scrap. I'm not even taking into account the two warships, along with another two thousand employees, which she destroyed during ship-to-ship engagements, nor the two battleships she appropriated. Most significantly, our only base in that deca-sector of space was obliterated. Obliterated, people. Now, I want to know what you intend to do about it."

Andrei, since the base, ships, and people have been either destroyed, captured, or killed, Councilwoman Erika Overgaard said, carefully pushing aside a small lock of platinum blond hair that had slipped down over her eyes from her expensively coiffed hairdo, there's nothing that can be done about it except write it off as a business expense. We certainly can't recover anything of value from the detritus. As you've said, the assets are gone. At sixty-four, Overgaard was one of the younger members of the council. Her area of expertise was drug manufacture and smuggling.

Gagarin glared intently at Overgaard, long enough for her to begin squirming in her impeccable ten-thousand-credit, two-piece business suit. Gagarin could make one feel like a small child being taken to task by an angry parent, even when innocent of any wrongdoing. Personal warmth was a descriptive term that would never be used in the same sentence as Gagarin's name, unless it was to aver that he had none.

I agree, Councilman Bentley Blosworth said calmly as he stared somberly into his tea mug. There's nothing to be gained here. You should be concentrating on your two upcoming operations. The seventy-two-year-old councilman finally looked up to gaze at Gagarin over the edge of his large cup as he took a noisy sip of deep brown beverage. The introverted, hirsute-challenged little man, whose specialty was bank fraud and money laundering, didn't fear Gagarin half as much as he probably should have. Over the years, a number of Lower Council members had passed away from rare diseases after brief illnesses or from deadly accidents which occurred under unusual circumstances.

No! Chairman Gagarin screamed. I'm not going to simply write this off the books. Our losses exceed a trillion credits. I want the Spacc responsible to feel our wrath.

I, too, am of the opinion that we should simply drop this matter, Councilman Arthur Strauss said calmly. Unlike Gagarin, Strauss had the slick, polished look of a true business executive or perhaps even a successful politician. Of mainly Slavic ancestry, he was tall and handsome, with a smile that could melt the hearts of most women. At sixty-six, his thick, wavy hair was still a dark, chocolate brown. His association with, and support from, certain members of the Upper Council made him the second most powerful member of the Lower Council. His words carried as much weight as any five of the lesser members combined, so Gagarin couldn't simply dismiss Strauss's viewpoint as he had that of the others.

"Her death would be a cause célèbre, Strauss continued. We certainly wouldn't want Space Command to learn that we were responsible; she would become a martyr in their eyes and have every Spacc seeking retribution.

What do we know about her, Councilman Strauss? Gagarin demanded.

"We've only just begun to develop a file on her. Although we begin collecting information on Space Command cadets who choose to follow a career in political science or intelligence while still at the Academy and for officers selected to attend the Warship Command Institute as soon as such selection is made, we normally don't begin collecting information on other officers until they at least attain the rank of Lieutenant. And we almost never pay attention to Engineering, Economics, Science, Medical, or JAG officers until they attain the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Anything our people might have gathered at Raider-One while she was being— 'adjusted,' is gone. We know she's an ensign, comes from a prominent military family, and is highly intelligent. Although she consistently placed at the apex of her classes in mathematics and science, she was ranked near the bottom of her class at the Academy due to reported indecisiveness. For that reason, she was judged to be totally unsuitable for command. Apparently, even their intelligence people didn't feel she was worth a recruitment effort. While she was our slave, she received our age prolongation process and a substantial DNA rewrite. Although attractive to begin with, by the time the DNA changes have finished altering her body, she'll look like a goddess. No normal man will be able to resist her charms. We had expected to reap considerable profit from offering her sexual services at one of our resorts, and if the modification process was later found to be without— side-effects, we intended to administer such modification to all future pleasure slave acquisitions."

Don't remind me about that fool Arneu. He should have sent copies of his research documentation to headquarters at periodic intervals. If he had, the billions we invested in developing that science wouldn't have been lost when Raider-One was destroyed.

Gagarin had been looking forward to receiving the age prolongation and recombinant DNA processes himself soon, and had been working with genetic researchers to develop a model for his new body. He would be tall and handsome, like Strauss, and his new appearance would finally make him an acceptable candidate for investiture on the Upper Council. His cherished dream had died with the entire scientific group at Raider-One, and he couldn't let go of his desire for retaliation against the individual responsible.

Where is this woman now? Gagarin demanded.

Our people on Higgins report that Ensign Carver has been posted to an insignificant position in an obscure area of their Science Section, assigned to study recently gathered data on a globular cluster. She presents no further threat to us.

It doesn't matter. I want you to continue your investigation. I want to know everything about her.

How deep do you wish us to go?

I want to know how old she was when she cut her first tooth.

Strauss grimaced ever so slightly and nodded. Maximum depth then. But if you must have your pound of flesh, I suggest you wait for a while. Wait six months or a year until the public eye is completely off this young girl and then arrange a simple accident. I'm a firm believer in that old saying about revenge being a dish best served cold.

Very well, Chairman Gagarin said. I can be patient for a while since she represents no further threat. You have your six months.

"My six months?"

It's your idea to wait, Gagarin said. "And in six month's time I'll either be reading about the unfortunate death of one Ensign Jenetta Carver, or we'll all be reading about the untimely demise of one Arthur Stephen Strauss, Deputy-Comptroller of MedZip Electronics.

Strauss effectively masked the loathing he felt towards the man. He certainly didn't underestimate the ability of Gagarin to make good on his threats and decided it was time to make some arrangements of his own.

Chapter Two

~ February 20th, 2268 ~

It's about damn time they acknowledged what you did out here, Lt. Commander Gloria Sabella, first officer aboard the freighter Vordoth, said from the comfort of her comparatively spacious quarters aboard ship. The Vordoth was presently floating, sans cargo, in a parking orbit around Higgins Space Command Base, which was in turn floating in geosynchronous orbit around the planet Vinnia. After a harrowing and nearly disastrous trip through an area of space dominated by Raiders, the freighter's crew was enjoying a well-deserved liberty while its next cargo load was assembled. Especially after putting you through hell with that ridiculous general court-martial for destroying an enormous enemy base without permission, the thirty-two-year-old Merchant Services officer added.

One of the best parts of my day was when I told off my supervisor in the Science Section, Lt. Commander Jenetta Alicia Carver said gleefully to the bedside com unit image of her best friend in this part of space. There was a definite twinkle in her azure eyes. You should have seen the positively ridiculous look on her face. It was all I could do to keep a straight face.

I can picture it. I don't know why she's in the service to begin with if she's opposed to killing these murdering pirates. Doesn't she know we're at war?

I think her only interest is her astrophysics work and Space Command offers the best opportunity to study in space.

Maybe. Hey, we have to celebrate!

Okay, but not tonight.

Why not tonight?

I have a date, sorta.

"What's a sorta date?"

A few days ago, Commander Spence asked me to have dinner with him tonight.

At the mess hall? Gloria asked jokingly.

"No-o-o. At a restaurant on the shopping concourse."

So, stepping out with the handsome lawyer? Gloria asked rhetorically in a teasing voice.

Well, I have to eat dinner anyway.

Of course you do, dear. You know I'll want a full report afterwards?

Yes ma'am. Written or oral?

Oral will be sufficient.

Want to go shopping tomorrow? I'll give you a full report then.

Okay. What time?

I'll meet you at the shuttle dock at 1000 hours.

"I'll be there. And afterwards you'll come back here to the Vordoth for dinner and a little celebration with your friends."

Okay, I look forward to it.

Have a good time tonight, Jen.

Thanks, Gloria. See you tomorrow.

Jenetta stabbed her right index finger lightly at the disconnect switch and then immediately recorded messages to her mom and dad, and each of her four brothers. She told them about her promotion, the medal awards, and about her new posting. She added that she hoped they would all be able to get together when she got back to Earth.

With her messages sent, Jenetta turned her attention to preparations for her date. As a result of the DNA manipulation performed on her by the Raiders while she was their captive, she continued to grow, and the dress uniform provided by Commander Spence for the court-martial had already been tailored twice to conform to strict SC regulations on length. Until a few months ago, she'd been five-foot-four, but since then she'd grown almost two inches. According to the doctors at the base hospital, her body was working overtime to complete the modifications programmed into her DNA by the Raider scientists. The genetic diagnosticians at the hospital lab predicted that she would eventually be just over five feet, eleven inches tall.

Fifteen seconds in the InstaPress cabinet left the skirt and tunic of her dress uniform crisp and wrinkle free. She then excitedly attached her new insignia of rank to the epaulets and her new command insignia to the collar. She took a step backward and smiled proudly at the gold inverted 'V' that sat above a flame design of blood-red garnet on each side of her collar. All command officers wore an inverted golden 'V' insignia, symbolic of an early spaceship blasting off from a planet, but only currently serving or former line officers could wear the insignia that included the scarlet flame at the base. The posting was more than she could ever have hoped for given her dismal graduation ranking at the Academy, and it meant even more to her than the new rank. A single golden pip was attached beside the left collar insignia.

A pip proclaims that the officer has been the officially appointed commanding officer of an active duty warship. Although many different configurations exist for combat operations and support, only Space Command destroyers, frigates, cruisers, and battleships fall under the umbrella term of warship. As far as Jenetta knew, no other currently serving line officer has been permitted to wear a pip before attaining the official Space Command rank of Captain, the rank normally required for appointment to warship command. A red pip is indicative of current warship command, while each golden pip represents a past command.

After affixing the two ribbons from her medal cases onto the ribbon bar holder she'd picked up at Central Stores on her way back to her quarters, she attached the holder to the uniform and again stepped back to admire the tunic as it hung from the hook on the closet door. Perfect, she murmured to herself as she smiled.

With her uniform ready, the thirty-two-year-old blonde, who would for most of an extended lifetime not look a day older than twenty-one, took a leisurely bath. As she relaxed in the tub, she snacked on first an apple, then an orange, then a pear. Hunger was gnawing at her stomach and if she didn't take the edge off she'd be nibbling on the napkin or tablecloth while they waited for their food at the restaurant. Besides, a normal restaurant portion of food wouldn't sate her. The DNA changes that were modifying her body had given her the appetite of a teenager, or perhaps more accurately, the combined appetite of several teenagers. She hoped that once the changes were complete she wouldn't feel so ravenously hungry all the time.

After finishing her bath and polishing off two more pieces of fruit, she fixed her hair and then worked on applying her makeup. The pigmentation changes programmed into her DNA were starting to make their appearance, so it took surprisingly little makeup to achieve the subdued look she desired. As time passed, it would take even less, and then none unless she wished to either highlight a facial feature or make her natural coloration appear more subdued. When she was satisfied, she finished getting dressed, applied a hint of fragrance, and left for the lobby in the Bachelor Officer Quarters. The chronometer on the wall opposite the elevator showed two minutes before 1900 hours.

Lt. Commander Spence entered the lobby just as Jenetta stepped from the lift car. The handsome six-foot-one-inch JAG officer spotted her, smiled, then stopped in his tracks. The smile disappeared and he hesitated for a few seconds before continuing on to greet her.

What's going on, Ensign? he asked as he reached her, concern clearly evident on his face. Why are you wearing Lieutentant Commander's bars and medal ribbons?

Jenetta looked up into his trenchant, cobalt-blue eyes and smiled innocently. I was promoted today, she said simply.

Spence's first response was to run his right hand lightly over his short blond hair. Jenetta had observed the mannerism previously and knew it evinced a feeling of discomfort. Promoted three grades? That's a bit— unusual.

That's essentially what I said to Admiral Holt, but he and Admiral Margolan put the rank insigna on me anyway— personally. Admiral Holt said that since advancement from ensign to lieutenant(jg) is not really a promotion in the usual sense, but simply an upgrade at the discretion of a commanding officer when the new officer is considered deserving, it's really only a two-grade promotion. He said that by promoting me two grades, Space Command was just making up for the years the Promotions Selection Board had skipped over my name because they believed me to be deceased.

And the two ribbons?

"As you know, I was awarded the SC Star posthumously following the explosion of the Hokyuu. The award was suspended when I was found alive, so I wasn't permitted to wear the ribbon on my uniform during the trial, but the record has now been amended and I'm entitled to wear it in recognition of the almost eleven years I spent asleep in the escape pod. The Purple Heart was awarded for the broken arm I suffered during the retaking of the Prometheus."

And the gold collar pip?

"For recovering the Prometheus from the Raiders and returning it to Space Command, I'm being recognized as the ship's first commanding officer. Although largely an honorary appointment, it's nevertheless official, so I received the pip as de jure recognition of being the commanding officer of an active duty warship."

Lt. Commander Spence had dropped his arm to his side as she explained. Congratulations, Commander, he said smiling, when she was done. I'm sure the pip will only be the first of many in a long and distinguished career.

Thank you, Commander, she said, smiling widely. I hope you're right.

You look wonderful, by the way.

Thank you.

I'm surprised by your choice of uniform. I thought you didn't wear skirts and stockings?

I've had a change of heart. Lately I find them more comfortable than I used to.

Shall we go? Lt. Commander Spence asked, extending his left elbow.

I'm ready, Jenetta said, as she slipped her right hand beneath his crooked arm.

Exiting the BOQ lobby, they turned left in the wide walkway and headed for the lifts which would deliver them to the concourse level.

What else did they have to say? Lt. Commander Spence asked as they strolled.

Who, the admirals?


Oh, there were a few other things. I'll tell you over dinner, Jenetta said demurely.

Alright. I've made reservations at a little place called Gregory's for 1930. The food is always excellent and the service is without peer on the station.

Wonderful. But what'll we do until then?

Let's go down and see how busy they are. Perhaps they can fit us in early.

Gregory's, located on the shopping concourse in the civilian section of the base, was only a ten-minute walk from the BOQ.

How long have you been in the service, Commander? Jenetta asked as they walked towards the restaurant.

Now that we're technically in a civilian area, may I suggest we use first names?

Jenetta smiled. Okay, Zane.

Do you prefer Jenetta, or something else?

My friends call me Jen.

Jen it is. I have seventeen years of commissioned service, Jen. I graduated from NHSA in May of 2250.

2250? Then you must know my brother Richie. He was in the NHSA class of 2250.

Commander Spence stopped walking and turned to face Jenetta. The look of unbridled surprise on his face made her giggle. I don't believe it. Richie Carver is your brother? We roomed on the same floor in Wilcox Hall. I didn't even know he had a younger sister. I only knew about his older brother, Billy, who was an upper classman while we were there, and about Andy and Jimmy who were two years behind us.

It's understandable that he never mentioned me. Lots of older brothers would prefer to forget all about their kid sisters, and my brothers are no exception to the rule. As the baby of the family, and the only girl, I spent most of my childhood years trying to prove myself and be accepted as an equal. It was an uphill battle all the way, and I never really succeeded.

I can appreciate that, somewhat. I have an older brother and I followed him around like a little lost puppy dog, always hoping he'd allow me to play with him and his friends. They rarely did. Commander Spence turned to continue walking and Jenetta followed his lead. "So you're one of those Carvers? I think I understand you a bit better now. Your brothers never do things halfway. I'm sure you know they were all linebackers on the football team at the Academy, but did you know the coach at the Academy even named a play after them? It was a defensive blitz designed for situations where we expected the other team's offense to execute a pass play. It was called the Carver Charge. Your brothers are all so tall and strong that they could penetrate almost any offensive line as if it wasn't there. If they couldn't go through it, they went over it. If the opposing team's quarterback was the least bit slow in getting the ball off, he either had to eat it or lose it. You take after them."

I rather think we all take after my father. He's retired now, but he was a frigate captain when he was separated from service at the mandatory space retirement age. Actually— we come from a long line of Space Command officers. My great-great-grandfather was a lieutenant on the Severance, the first ship to break the light speed barrier, during its space trials and first several years of FTL service. We're just following along in the family tradition. Andy and Jimmy are lieutenants, but both are on the selection list for lieutenant commander promotions. Richie's a lieutenant commander, and Billy's just recently made commander.

That's great. I hope to make commander myself within the next few years. The exposure from your court-martial defense should put me in good stead with the Promotions Selection Board.

I hope so; you did a wonderful job. I was very impressed, and I appreciate everything you did for me.

It was my pleasure. Ah, here's the restaurant. I think you'll like this place.

The retro appearance of the restaurant compared favorably to the other dining establishments lining the promenade. Instead of the usual collection of floating 'oh-gee' geometric lights, glitzy chrome, and flashing fluorescent colors currently in vogue, Gregory's had the subdued but elegant look of expensive restaurants from Earth's twentieth century. Real wood veneer had been brought to the station for the construction of the interior and then stained to a red walnut color. The earth tones of red, yellow, and brown were pervasive throughout the establishment. One of the few visible concessions to modernity was the opposed gravity seating, but the upper assembles of the floating chairs still retained a traditional twentieth-century appearance.

Upon entering the establishment, Jenetta and Zane observed that a couple of dozen people were waiting to be seated. Judging from their bored expressions, it appeared they had been waiting for some time.

It looks like we're not going to get seated early, Zane lamented. In fact, we'll probably have to wait for quite a while beyond our reservation time. Would you like to go somewhere else?

Where else could we go?

I'll find out, he said as he extended his left hand towards the Space Command ring on his right. When an SC officer touches his or her ring, it signals the station's computer to establish a voice transmission carrier wave. Commander Jerrod Tomlins, he said, looking at Jenetta. After another several seconds, he said, Jer, do me a favor. Check the current availability of seating at restaurants on the concourse.

He's checking, Zane said to Jenetta, then, Yeah, that's great. Thanks, Jer. Talk to you later. Spence out.

To Jenetta, he said, Constantine's, the Greek restaurant just down the concourse, is seating patrons immediately. The food's not quite as good as Gregory's, but they give you a good meal for your credits.

Jenetta thought for a second before responding. Let's wait for a few minutes and see how the queue moves here. It's not our reservation time yet.


You employ your cranial transducer for personal use?

Not for extended communications, but in certain instances, like finding sustenance, no one's going to fault you. The computer will break in if another caller is attempting to contact you and priority messages will always override any call.

Jenetta nodded. When my CT was implanted at the Academy, I was told never to use it except for important Space Command business.

Yes, I know, but that's mainly to keep twelve-hundred-plus kids from overtaxing the system at the Academy. They also have to monitor the communications there pretty closely to ensure no one uses it for cheating on exams.

Tell me about it! During my freshman year, they caught two students from my dorm. They were summoned to the commandant's office and we never saw them again. I heard that a central stores clerk came to pack up their things because they had been sent home immediately, with emphasis on the immediately. We heard later that the pair had initiated a carrier before entering the test center and were in constant communication during an exam, passing answers back and forth in Morse code by lightly tapping a pencil behind their left ear where the CT would pick up the sounds.

Jenetta had been studying the striking interior décor of the restaurant as they stood talking in the foyer and was musing about the effect of furnishings on the appetite when Gregory spotted them and hurried over. The short, dark-haired restaurateur was always on the alert for the presence of important visitors in his reception area and at all times kept one or more tables in reserved status so that important persons, even those without the foresight to make reservations, would not have to be turned away.

Commander Carver, congratulations on your promotion, Gregory said effusively as he approached Jenetta and Zane. I just heard about it this afternoon. I was hoping you'd come in tonight to celebrate, but I wasn't aware you would be in Commander Spence's party. Come in, please. I have your table all ready for you.

Thank you, Gregory, she said as they followed him to an empty table with a reserved sign.

Here you are, Commanders, Gregory said as he picked up the reserved sign and slipped it beneath his arm. Your waiter will be with you in just a minute. Enjoy your meal.

They both thanked him and Gregory quickly hurried off to greet someone else as Zane seated Jenetta.

Gregory always seems to know what the grapevine is saying, even before the grapevine is saying it, Zane said, as he sat down. If he knows about your promotion, then I guess it's official.

Jenetta looked at him uneasily. You didn't believe me when I told you?

A pained expression immediately shrouded Zane's face and he said, ruefully, Yes, I did. I'm sorry. I was just trying to be witty.

Jenetta, feeling guilty for being so quick to challenge, said contritely, It's okay, Zane. I guess I'm just a little too sensitive after what I've been through the past month with so many people appearing to doubt my every word.

Uneasy after committing the solecism, Zane groped for a new topic of conversation. I, ah, had no idea you and Gregory were friends. I feel foolish for assuming I was bringing you someplace new.

"We've only met once. I came here for lunch with my friends from the Vordoth after the verdict was announced last Friday."

The waiter assigned to their table arrived then and stayed while they selected from the menu, answering questions about the offerings and taking their order. He hurried into the kitchen to place their orders but returned quickly with a bottle of wine.

Compliments of Gregory, Commanders, he said, as he made a flamboyant production of pulling the cork before pouring a small sample for Commander Spence to taste. The semi-dry Maulon wine from the Sebastian Colony was an excellent vintage, and Zane nodded after taking a sip and swirling it around in his mouth. The waiter then filled Zane's glass halfway before pouring Jenetta's wine. With that, he gently settled the wine bottle into the wine bucket beside the table, bowed deeply, and left.

Zane lifted his glass. I propose a toast to your promotion, Commander.

Thank you, Zane.

After they had sipped from their glasses, Zane asked, What else did the admirals have to say today?

"I've received a new posting. I'm to be the second officer aboard the Prometheus. We'll be returning to Earth shortly."

Oh, Zane said forlornly, disappointment written across his face. Congratulations. I knew you had received a shipboard posting when I noticed the line officer insignia on your collar, but I had hoped it might be to a ship assigned to this deca-sector.

But it is, Jenetta said. "Following the ship's official launching and my medal ceremony, the Prometheus will call Higgins its home port."

Medal ceremony? Haven't they already awarded you the medals? You're wearing the ribbons.

I'm talking about the other one.

Other one?

Yes, the Medal of Honor for infiltration of a Raider base, recovering the two stolen battleships, and then destroying their base of operations in this deca-sector.

Zane's eyes grew wide. He had been swirling his wine gently in his glass, but upon hearing Jenetta's news he put the wineglass down and sat back in his chair. Medal of Honor! Why didn't you tell me about that?

Smiling coyly, Jenetta said, I wanted to save something to talk about over dinner.

Now I'm really confused. They went to all the trouble to court-martial you, and then they promote you three grades and decorate you with the Galactic Alliance's highest honor. I'm beginning to wonder if I did such a marvelous job after all.

"Of course you did. Can you imagine the repercussions on morale if they just shunted me off into a corner after making such a production of my activities during the past year? You brought so much support my way from the Space Command personnel who saw the live vid broadcast that Supreme HQ didn't dare not reward me. They had to show my contribution

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