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Of Treasons Born
Of Treasons Born
Of Treasons Born
Ebook311 pages4 hours

Of Treasons Born

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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“An excellent military SF novel, part Hornblower, part Wiggins. It had me from the first page and held on for the rest of them” (Kevin J. Anderson, New York Times–bestselling author).

As a lifer in the Imperial Navy fighting in a war that has lasted for generations, York Ballin’s only hope for an honorable discharge is the grave. But what events led up to his reluctant enlistment? What spawned York’s almost fanatic loyalty to his friends—and his doubts regarding the imperial uniform he once wore with such pride?
York rarely recalls his childhood, which began with a mystery and ended at age eleven when he was given a harsh choice: Join the navy or face certain death on a prison asteroid. The navy has its own code of justice, but a youngster with curiosity and grit is able to rise in the ranks . . . if he’s given a fair shot.
A few rigorous years later, as a newly commissioned ensign, York is assigned to the hunter-killer ship The Fourth Horseman. But when an unexpected foe kills his superior officer and leaves the crew stranded in enemy territory, the young ensign must do whatever he can to save the ship—even if it means he’ll be court-martialed for treason.
Of Treasons Born is a novel of the Treasons Cycle; the series was written so that it can be read in any order.
Release dateApr 5, 2016
Of Treasons Born

J.L. Doty

Trained as a scientist with a PhD in Electrical Engineering (specializing in laser physics), J. L. DOTY has been writing science fiction and fantasy for over thirty years. He has nine published novels, including the three series: The Treasons Cycle, The Gods Within, and The Dead Among Us. Born in Seattle, he now lives in Arizona with his wife and three cats. He writes full-time now and continues to focus on speculative fiction, but never with lasers as a weapon, since most writers invariably get that wrong.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The saga continues to engage!I said that I awaited the next of the Treasons cycle with bated breath. And every breath was worth it. Wow! The saga continues. This time we have the back story to York Ballin's journey into where how he came to be in the Navy and a lifer in 'Choice of Treasons'.This is a gripping story that had me flipping through the pages.I love Doty's writing. It's all here, the underdog with a mysterious background who works his way up through the ranks. Always there's a catch! He's the badly treated hero who still comes through, fighting a mindless war, controlled by the higher echelons of society, with lives being thrown away without regard to the fact that they are more than numbers on a tally sheet.An unusual ploy, having as the second book as virtually the prequel for the first in the series, relating how York Ballin arrives at the point of being in the navy in 'A Choice of Treasons'. Can I connect this treatment of the storyline to that of The Norman Conquests by Alan Ayckbourn where the same weekend is viewed in three different rooms? It seems to me that Treasons is giving us three different timelines and perspectives of Ballin's life from which to read. We've had two. I am looking forward to the third. I really like this technique. I immediately reread 'A Choice of Treasons just to place both aspects of Ballin's life so far side by side. What we do see is that Ballin is not only a survivor, but there is something innately good about him, that puts him apart from othersAnother exciting facade of York Ballin's story that's as mysterious, as heart wrenching on occasion, as it is bold.A NetGalley ARC
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Interesting , well written. I started out thinking I would not like it but by about 1/3 in, I realized I was enjoying it a lot. I read 5 or 6 books most months (retired) and it is amazing how much utter garbage SF is being published. Refreshing.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Doty has written an excellent military sf book. This book is apparently a prequel to A Choice of Treasons. The protagonist , Ballin, has been impressed into the Navy as this book begins. The complex structure of Ballin’s society is just beginning to be revealed. This promises to be an excellent series.

Book preview

Of Treasons Born - J.L. Doty

Chapter 1:


All rise.

The hand and leg manacles hampered eleven-year-old York Ballin, and his attorney had to help him stand. Next to him, Cracky, Ten-Ten, and their attorneys stood as well. It bothered York that the older boys looked frightened.

As the judge entered the courtroom, York tried to look sorrowful and repentant. He was counting on the judge being too soft-hearted to throw the book at a poor little boy raised by foster parents, and he’d practiced looking pitiable.

The judge sat down behind the bench, then shuffled a small sheaf of papers for a second before looking at Cracky, Ten-Ten, and York. When he spoke, his voice sounded hard and unyielding. Charles Towk, Robert Tennerin, and York Ballin. The three of you made a conscious decision to steal a woman’s purse, and when she resisted, you, Charles Towk, struck her over the head with a still unidentified blunt object. She died of that wound, and a jury of your peers has found you guilty of felony murder, a capital offense. Mr. Tennerin and Mr. Ballin, that you did not personally strike the blow does not lessen your culpability in the matter.

From the moment Cracky whacked that woman over the head, York knew what a mistake it had been to listen to the two older boys. Easy money, they’d said. Nobody gets hurt. You just gotta be lookout.

I’ve considered your sentences carefully. Mr. Ballin, while you have not been before this court as repeatedly as Mr. Towk and Mr. Tennerin, you have appeared here twice for shoplifting and petty theft, so I’m not going to waste time with long explanations. It is my responsibility to ensure that predators like you three are not free to victimize the law-abiding public. Mr. Towk, I sentence you to death in a low-gravity gallows. May whatever god you honor have mercy on your soul.

Cracky leaned forward on the table in front of him and started crying—big gulping sobs, tears streaming down his cheeks, snot flowing freely from his nose.

Mr. Tennerin, I sentence you to death in a low-gravity gallows. May whatever god you honor have mercy on your soul.

Ten-Ten shouted, You can’t do that! I didn’t hit her!

Silence, the judge snapped. Be silent or I’ll have the bailiffs restrain you.

He looked at York. Mr. Ballin, like your two friends I consider you nothing more than a set of genes that need to be removed from our gene pool. Because of your age, the law won’t allow me to give you a death sentence, but I can still put you away where you can never harm anyone again.

York’s stomach muscles tightened. This wasn’t going to be good.

The judge shuffled the papers again, then carefully read from them. I sentence you to life without parole at hard labor on a prison mining asteroid, the location of which will be determined by the penal system.

But I didn’t kill her, York said. I just wanted—

Shut up, the judge barked. There’ll be no more discussion of the matter.

He stood, turned, and marched out of the courtroom.

Two bailiffs descended on York and almost picked him up by his arms as they hustled him through a side door and out of the room. His feet barely touched the floor as they half-carried him to an elevator, then down to the basement level. At the end of a long corridor, they stopped at a metal door and nodded to another bailiff seated behind a glass partition. He did something, and the metal door slid aside to reveal a hallway with more metal doors on either side, each with a large number stenciled on it. One of the bailiffs holding him said, He’s a minor, so we got to put him alone.

A metallic-sounding voice came from the speaker above them. Put him in three.

As they marched him down the hallway, the second door on the right slid aside with the clatter of steel gears. The cell had two bunks folded up against one wall. One of the bailiffs pulled the lower one down and they sat York on it, then removed the manacles. Then both guards backed out of the cell without saying a word and the door clanked shut.

York had been counting on the fact that the judge couldn’t give an eleven-year-old boy the death penalty, but for all intents and purposes he’d done just that. York knew he wouldn’t last a year on a mining asteroid.

He lay back on the small bed and tried unsuccessfully to sleep.

York had only been in the cell for a couple of hours when the door clattered open and two bailiffs walked in. Holding manacles, one said, You got visitors.

They manacled his hands and feet and marched him out of the cellblock, then down a series of long corridors and into a small room where Maja and Tollem waited, both seated at a plain, rectangular table. York’s foster parents weren’t much to look at; tired, one might say—tired eyes, skin, hair, clothing. As the bailiffs hustled him into the room, Maja scowled at him while Toll stood and started to step around the table.

One of the bailiffs stepped between York and Toll, held out an arm, and said to Toll, No. You stay seated on that side of the table; we sit him down on this side. You talk, but you don’t touch, you don’t exchange anything. If he wasn’t a minor, you’d be talking to him through a blast-proof partition, but we can’t let him among the general inmate population.

Toll sat back down beside Maja, and the bailiffs pushed York down into a chair opposite them. Toll leaned forward and said, We’re trying to get hold of your attorney, see what we can do.

Maja’s scowl deepened. That lawyer ain’t going to give us shit for time. We don’t have no money to pay him.

York knew that story all too well. Maja and Toll had tried to make it as croppers, but even with a government subsidy, they’d barely put food on the table from one day to the next.

But we gotta do something, Toll said, his voice rising into that pleading tone York knew so well.

Maja leaned back and looked at York, making no attempt to hide her contempt. We don’t gotta do shit. He fucked up and got himself into this. Maybe if the money hadn’t stopped when he was six, we might have some now to help him with.

That was all York had ever meant to Maja: the money, the mysterious bank transfer that had arrived every month, then stopped, for some reason, shortly before his seventh birthday. She hadn’t been mean or abusive, just sour and hateful, with never a kind word for anyone. On the other hand, Toll had always been friendly, but they’d both lived under Maja’s thumb.

Maja and Toll argued back and forth for about a half hour, then the bailiffs escorted York back to his cell.

York sat on the bunk in his cell and tried to remember when he’d first come to Maja and Toll. He’d been four at the time, clutching desperately to a man’s hand. He recalled that hand now; not a father’s hand, not someone he loved or longed for, but a face and a voice that was at least familiar when he’d needed familiarity most.

Somewhere deep in his memories there was someone he’d thought of as Mother, but he could no longer picture her, couldn’t even recall the color of her hair or eyes, nothing. Maja and the man that brought him talked money, though York hadn’t understood any of it at the time. They came to some agreement and the fellow left. York never saw him again.

During the two days he spent in the holding cell, he repeatedly tried to contact his attorney, but the man wouldn’t take his calls. Then they transferred him to solitary confinement in the maximum-security block of the county magistrate’s court. Sitting there with nothing to do, staring at the walls of his small cell, he lost count of the days.

They came for him in the middle of a dark and rainy day: two bailiffs who locked him into manacles again. He assumed they’d drive him out to the spaceport, then put him on a shuttle up to Dumark Prime, the big satellite station that served all the shipping in the Dumark system. There, he’d be transferred to some sort of ship for passage to one of the mining asteroids. He was too numb to pay any attention to his surroundings until they marched him into a room and sat him down in a chair at a table. Seated opposite him was his attorney, who looked quite frightened and ill-at-ease, and an older man with salt-and-pepper gray hair wearing an expensive business suit. Standing to one side were a woman and a man, both dressed in some sort of military uniform.

The woman said, I don’t like this.

The fellow in the expensive suit looked her way and said, I’m sorry, Captain, but you have no choice.

She said, The Admiralty has no—

He raised a hand, silencing her with a gesture. York got the impression that she was not one to take orders easily. His attorney sat silently through the whole exchange, and was careful not to make eye contact with anyone.

The fellow in the suit turned to York’s attorney and said, Please proceed.

The attorney had a comp terminal in front of him. He spun it around and slid it across the table to York. Sign that, he said.

There was some sort of document on the screen of the terminal. York looked at the page count, saw that it was quite long, and in any case, even if he could read, he probably wouldn’t understand it. What is it? he asked.

It’s the only chance you’ve got to stay alive, so just sign it, dammit.

The guy in the expensive suit said, You’re joining the navy—for the rest of your life. You know full well you won’t last a month on a mining asteroid, so we’re giving you a second chance. The navy has its own rather harsh code of justice, and you may not survive that, either, but you have a better chance there than on a prison asteroid.

When York hesitated, the fellow added, If you don’t sign it, we’ll just fake your signature, and you’ll be in the navy anyway.

York looked at his attorney, then at the woman and man in uniform, then back at the suit.

The bailiffs had to remove his wrist manacles so he could lift his hand and press his palm against the screen of the terminal. Then they took a DNA sample to file with whatever it was he’d signed. After that, the suit said to the woman, He’s all yours, Captain.

The woman turned to the man in uniform standing beside her and said, Master Chief, get him aboard ship.

Aye, aye, ma’am, the fellow said, and practically lifted York out of his chair.

The fellow called Chief then fulfilled York’s earlier expectations. They took him to the spaceport where they boarded a military boat of some sort, but they didn’t stop at Dumark Prime. When the boat came to rest and Mr. Chief marched York off it, he had a brief glimpse of an open deck that someone called Hangar Deck, with a lot of navy uniforms bustling about. The captain went her way, and Mr. Chief quickstepped York down through the bowels of the ship. He turned him over to another fellow, also named Chief—York assumed they were brothers or something. The second Mr. Chief walked York into another cell, removed his manacles, and locked him in.

A cell was a cell, small and cramped with a sink, a toilet, and some sort of bed flat against the wall, like a big picture hanging there. He could tell it was a bed because it had blankets on it, held in place and prevented from falling to the floor by a shallow gravity field. But since it was flat against the wall, he figured it was folded up, and he had to figure out how to unfold it if he was going to sleep in it.

He examined the periphery of the bed carefully for some sort of latch or release mechanism, spent a good half hour doing so and never did find a way to unfold it so he could lie in it. He did discover some controls that contracted or extended the gravity field that held the blankets in place. He finally pulled the pillow, sheets, and blanket off the bed, laid the pillow on the floor, wrapped the blanket around his shoulders, and lay down to sleep.

He was a man who had kept himself alive all these years by never being curious, or at least never acting on that curiosity. It was the busiest hour of the day in the bar in the spaceport on Dumark Prime, which he liked. Most of the bar’s customers glanced frequently at the wall clock, some planning to board an outbound ship, some to meet inbound acquaintances. It was also a place that didn’t have a group of regulars, just nameless, transient people all waiting for something, and he liked that, too. He could wait and remain anonymous.

He took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink and lunch. He was hungry and thirsty, but he would have ordered something either way; all part of fitting into the surrounding terrain and remaining anonymous. He had finished half the food when a younger man in an expensive suit took the seat next to him. Carson, the fellow said, how’d it go?

Carson wasn’t his real name, but it worked for the purposes of this job. He’d change his identity before going through customs and boarding an outbound ship. He said, Everything went as planned, Mr. Tolliver. Carson had no doubt that Tolliver was not the young fellow’s real name, either. The identity codes you gave me elicited the … appropriate responses from the authorities and the navy.

The bartender came over and Tolliver ordered a drink. Had Carson been a curious man, he would guess that the younger man was all navy, probably an attaché of some sort working for someone very high in the Admiralty. Definitely not Admiralty Intelligence; AI tended to have a more thuggish, heavy-handed approach. Had Carson been a curious man, he would wonder why Tolliver would go to the trouble to travel to a backwater agro-planet to oversee a relatively simple clandestine operation, and why they’d pay Carson to travel such distances when they could have easily used local talent. Had Carson been a curious man, he might have wondered about these things, but acting on that curiosity in any way would probably get him killed.

Tolliver asked, So the boy’s on his way?

That he is, Carson said. Though he has only a slightly better chance of surviving the navy than a prison asteroid.

Tolliver tossed back his drink and stood. It wasn’t your responsibility to worry about his survival, just see to it he signed those papers and got on that ship alive.

He turned and walked away, leaving a small comp card on his seat. Carson picked it up and put it in his pocket. It would contain access codes to a bank account supplying untraceable electronic funds.

Had Carson been a curious man, he would wonder why they were going to all this trouble for an orphaned boy from a back­water agro-planet. But Carson took great pains to never be curious.

Chapter 2:

A Prisoner

Wake up, kid.

York opened his eyes and found Mr. Chief standing over him, a small package under one arm, the cell door behind him open.

Couldn’t figure out the grav bunk, eh?

York unwrapped himself from the blanket and stood. Grav bunk?

Here, let me show you.

Mr. Chief stepped up to the bed, reached down, touched the controls, and extended the gravity field a bit. He turned around, leaned his back against the bed, and did a funny sort of pivot. When he was done, he lay against the surface of the bed, flat against the wall and held in place by the gravity field, like a painting on the wall of a man lying in bed.

York glanced over his shoulder, noticing that no one stood between him and the open cell door.

Don’t even think about it, kid. You’re on a ship and there’s no place to go.

York turned back to Mr. Chief.

And the captain would be pissed if you tried. You don’t want the captain pissed.

The man reversed the funny pivot and once again stood upright on the floor. He opened the package and handed York bright, fluorescent-yellow coveralls with the word PRISONER stenciled on the back. Put that on.

York stripped down in front of Mr. Chief and pulled on the coveralls. The man then locked him in hand and leg manacles, marched him out of the cell, and put him at the back of a line of three men and a woman wearing similar coveralls.

Sturpik, Mr. Chief said as he turned his back on them. Tell the kid the rules.

The man in front of York turned around. He was tall, with greasy black hair; a two-day-old stubble of beard; sharp, pinched eyes; and sunken cheeks. We’re going to the mess hall to eat. You’re one of us—a prisoner. You don’t do shit, you don’t say shit. You stay in line, you take what they hand you, you sit down, you eat it. When we’re done, we get up and march back here. Got it?

Yes, sir, York said, not sure he was going to like this navy thing. But it still had to be better than a mining asteroid.

"You don’t call me sir, neither."

Sturpik turned around and now all York saw was his back.

Okay, you pieces of shit, Mr. Chief said. Let’s go. He shouted, Prisoners on deck, then marched forward. The five prisoners followed him.

York quickly learned that the leg manacles forced him to shuffle forward in a series of short, quick steps, though he was no worse off than the men in front of him, even if his legs were a bit shorter than theirs. They climbed up a plast ladder to another floor, then shuffled down a hallway with floor, ceiling, and walls all made completely of plast. When they approached other men and women in uniform, Mr. Chief called out, Prisoners on deck, and the others stood aside to allow the prisoners to pass.

They entered a large cafeteria with a lot of uniformed people seated at plast tables. Everyone but the prisoners wore khaki, dark gray, or black uniforms, making the bright yellow of the prisoners’ coveralls stand out even more. A line of uniformed men and women snaked past a long, plast counter where they were given trays of food. When Mr. Chief shouted Prisoners on deck, the line parted and the five of them were allowed to step in. A fellow behind the counter handed each of them a tray, Mr. Chief escorted them to an empty table, and they sat down with Mr. Chief standing over them.

One of the men whispered, Rotten crap for food.

Mr. Chief said, Button it, Thurgood.

The rotten crap they ate was far better than the rotten crap Maja had served, though York thought it wise to keep that opinion to himself.

York had left his civilian clothes in a heap next to the bunk, but when he returned to his cell they were gone.

You won’t need those anymore, Mr. Chief told him.

York’s days turned into a monotonous grind of sleeping and staring at the walls of his cell. The daily trip to the showers broke up the monotony a bit. Each morning, Mr. Chief marched them up there just before the second-watch rush—York wasn’t sure what second watch meant—and he learned quickly that he had a half-minute under chem wash to scrub down, then one minute of warm water to rinse off. But since he was low man on the shit list, they made him shower first, and warm didn’t apply to anything that came out of the spigot. The other four prisoners showered after him, which got them lukewarm water. York learned that part of their responsibility as prisoners was to warm up the showers for second watch.

His third day in the cell, Sturpik marched up to the showers with them but wasn’t present when they went up to the mess hall. When they assembled for lunch, York learned he’d been released and returned to duty.

At regular intervals, a speaker somewhere in the cellblock came to life, and a voice announced something to do with the ship, usually with a string of words that meant absolutely nothing to York. In the middle of York’s fourth day in the cell, he was waiting for the march to the mess hall for lunch—anything to break up the monotony—when the speaker came to life.

Up-transition in ten minutes and counting. All hands stand by.

It was the first time York understood anything that came out of the speaker. He’d heard of transition; it had something to do with traveling as fast as light—or faster, or something like that—and he wondered if it would make him sick or something. He noted the time on a small digital clock above the door to his cell, but he needn’t have bothered. The speaker gave a five-minute warning, then a one-minute warning, then a countdown from ten seconds. When the speaker said zero, York felt an odd little flutter crawl up the back of his spine, but that was all. He shrugged it off and continued his wait for lunch.

The next day, after the morning shower, Mr. Chief pulled York aside while he locked up the other three prisoners. He gave York khaki coveralls with his last name stenciled above the left breast pocket. The word PRISONER was not stenciled on the back of the coveralls. Put that on, he said. You ain’t a prisoner no more.

York said, Yes, sir, Mr. Chief, and started stripping down.

"You don’t call me Mr. Chief. You call me just plain Chief, or Chief Zhako."

When York had finished putting on the new coveralls, Zhako clipped an ID card to his chest. York glanced at it and saw his own picture prominent on its surface. His reading skills were limited, but he knew enough to make out the details of his own identity. Beneath his picture were bright-red letters that said UNCONFIRMED.

It’s got a DNA trigger in it, Zhako said. Touch it with a finger.

York reached up and tapped it lightly, and the word UNCONFIRMED


Zhako said, It needs to make contact with your skin to get a sample and confirm your identity. If anyone else touches it, it goes inactive and unconfirmed until you touch it again.

Zhako spun about. Follow me.

Chief Zhako led him down steep ladders to two floors below the cellblock, which surprised York. The cellblock was located so far down in the ship he’d assumed they were as low as they could get. Zhako stopped outside a funny-shaped, open plast door and turned to York. He lowered his voice and said, Listen to me, kid. Nobody but me, the master chief, the captain, and the XO know what you did as a civilian. And if you keep your mouth shut and work hard, no one ever needs to know. On the other side of this hatch, you get to start over, a second chance, so be sure you do something with that.

Yes, sir.

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