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Deadly Intent: Ghost Squadron, #2
Deadly Intent: Ghost Squadron, #2
Deadly Intent: Ghost Squadron, #2
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Deadly Intent: Ghost Squadron, #2

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Chaos, created by factions determined to end the centuries-old accord between human settled worlds and Earth, is spreading at an alarming rate.


Centralists, aided and abetted by their corporate paymasters, are working hard to destabilize sovereign star systems and strip them of independence. Only the Fleet's hard-pressed Special Forces can stop those who would foment a series of violent revolutions and trigger a bloody civil conflict capable of destroying humanity's interstellar civilization. And that means the best of those Special Forces units, Ghost Squadron, doesn't lack for missions.


Disrupting riots aimed at toppling star system governments, seeking out and destroying the Centralist-owned security and intelligence agency's assets, eradicating cartels used as Centralist cat's-paws — no operation is too complex. However, each mission takes them deeper into the heart of darkness, and before the Fleet can declare victory, Ghost Squadron may come to resemble the enemies it fights. Yet not using all the means at its disposal could result in the deaths of billions.


But will the Special Forces' legendary prowess and valor suffice, both to save humanity and Ghost Squadron's soul? Or will the Commonwealth experience the horrors of an existential war before the Fleet can arrest the spiral into madness?

Release dateOct 14, 2020
Deadly Intent: Ghost Squadron, #2

Eric Thomson

Eric Thomson is my pen name. I'm a former Canadian soldier who spent more years in uniform than he expected, serving in both the Regular Army (Infantry) and the Army Reserve (Armoured Corps). I spent several years as an Information Technology executive for the Canadian government before leaving the bowels of the demented bureaucracy to become a full-time author. I've been a voracious reader of science-fiction, military fiction and history all my life, assiduously devouring the recommended Army reading list in my younger days and still occasionally returning to the classics for inspiration. Several years ago, I put my fingers to the keyboard and started writing my own military sci-fi, with a definite space opera slant, using many of my own experiences as a soldier as an inspiration for my stories and characters. When I'm not writing fiction, I indulge in my other passions: photography, hiking and scuba diving, all of which I've shared with my wife, who likes to call herself my #1 fan, for more than thirty years.

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    Deadly Intent - Eric Thomson






    Deadly Intent

    Copyright 2020 Eric Thomson

    First edition October 2020

    Revised edition July 2024

    All rights reserved.

    This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living, or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    No generative artificial intelligence (AI) was used in the writing of this work. The author expressly prohibits any entity from using this publication to train AI technologies to generate text, including, without limitation, technologies capable of generating works in the same style or genre as this publication. The author reserves all rights to license uses of this work for generative AI training and development of machine learning language models.

    Published in Canada

    By Sanddiver Books Inc.

    ISBN: 978-1-989314-32-6

    — One —

    Ariel’s sun was kissing the horizon when Warrant Officer Miko Steiger entered the ill-kept public park in a suburb of Andersen, the star system’s capital. Tall, muscular, with short platinum hair, a square jaw, and watchful eyes, she looked nothing like an officer of the Commonwealth Armed Services.

    Most people would take her for one of the vicious so-called activists who bedeviled Andersen and Ariel’s other major cities. A Naval Intelligence undercover operative, she wore their characteristic black clothes, heavy boots, and fingerless street-fighting gloves.

    She saw her contact sitting alone on a park bench, arms thrown over its back, legs outstretched, ankles crossed. Marine Corps Captain Washburn Tesser, officer commanding Ghost Squadron’s Keres Company, was, if anything, scruffier than Steiger, though he looked more like a wharf rat than a rioter. Still, anyone paying close attention would notice the watchfulness in his dark eyes along with neck muscles hinting at a powerful physique beneath the faded work clothes. He appeared entirely at ease, chewing on a blade of grass, but Steiger knew Wash could become a deadly fighter at the drop of a hat.

    Steiger walked around the park once, making sure no one could overhear them, then dropped onto the bench beside Tesser.

    And? He asked without looking at her.

    They’re slowly assembling for another night of political mayhem — same compound as before. I saw plenty of illegal weaponry — blasters, plasma carbines, needlers, and explosives this time. It means they plan on ratcheting up the violence by several notches. A couple of cops are watching them from a distance, but even if the Andersen police department turns out in force, they’ll be overwhelmed unless they open fire. It might be enough to make the prime minister panic and call for martial law, which would mean blood running in the streets.

    That’s what the buggers want.

    And it means tonight’s the night. She glanced at him.

    "Yep. Time to kill a few pour encourager les autres, and let their off-world backers know playtime is over."

    When are you going in?

    As soon as we’re done here, I’ll deploy the company into the battle positions we prepared. When they come out of their lair, chains swinging and chanting their idiotic revolutionary slogans…

    Tesser let his words hang between them. Ariel wasn’t their first cleanup operation in recent months. Extremist groups seeking to destabilize democratically elected governments were sprouting up in many vulnerable star systems.

    They were the newest phenomenon in the Commonwealth-wide secret war waged by Centralists wanting a more powerful Earth exercising greater control over her former colonies. Standing against them were the sovereign star systems, independent entities within the broader human federation. Though nominally neutral, the Fleet had long ago decided humanity’s future was with the latter.

    Steiger stood.

    I won’t stick around for the main event. See you at the pickup point.


    The activists, who belonged to the Ariel branch of a newly formed umbrella group calling itself the United Commonwealth Front, had taken over a rundown part of Andersen, near the waterfront, and created their own no-go zone. The authorities, fearful of a bloodbath that would inflame public opinion across the Commonwealth, had kept the police away from UCF turf for the last few weeks, hoping the movement would burn itself out. But it wouldn’t, because interstellar corporate interests with deep pockets provided funding, which was why the Fleet had secretly dispatched one of its elite direct action units.

    Tesser left a few minutes later, after making sure no one was shadowing Steiger, and slipped through the lengthening shadows to the warehouse Keres Company had taken over as its staging area. The trooper standing guard inside the doorway nodded at him.

    Everything is quiet.


    Once inside, Tesser looked for his first sergeant, Antanas Gade, among the hundred or so Marines variously snoozing, playing cards, or cleaning already spotless weapons. Most sported beards of varying lengths, haircuts that would break a regimental sergeant major’s heart, and wore clothes just one step above those generally associated with vagrants.

    Keres Company had arrived a few days earlier aboard one of the Navy’s Q-ships and landed in small groups, bit by bit, to stay inconspicuous. From the spaceport, they’d made their way to the abandoned warehouse identified by Miko Steiger as the best hide and staging point for an attack on the UCF compound.

    Steiger herself landed a week before Keres Company, dispatched by Captain Hera Talyn, chief of staff of Naval Intelligence’s Special Operations Division, the Fleet’s top-secret espionage, subversion, assassination, and sabotage unit. But unlike the Marines, she’d traveled aboard a Navy aviso disguised as a commercial courier ship. Avisos, smaller than sloops but with a frigate’s hyperdrives, could reach the highest hyperspace bands where the universe became an eerily strange place, and cross interstellar space at more than twice the speed of larger starships.

    Gade, upon seeing his CO, put down the cards he was holding and stood.

    Is it on?

    We move out at last light.

    Good. It’s time we taught those worthless punks a lesson they’ll never forget. At least those who’ll see the next sunrise.

    Gade, along with most of Keres Company, named after the Greek goddesses of violent death, had watched the UCF rioters turn downtown Andersen into a battle zone several nights running. By now, they were impatient to show the galaxy how cowardly the revolutionaries really were.

    With orders already given, firing positions prepared, and the extraction route scouted out, Keres Company was ready and raring to go in no time. Once they’d packed their gear, Tesser and Gade inspected the warehouse and made sure they left nothing behind that might identify them as Fleet.

    After one last verbal run-through of the operation, E and F Troop headed for their firing positions, disassembled weapons hidden in backpacks. G Troop deployed behind them to secure the withdrawal route, and H Troop moved off to the assembly point, where trucks waited. Tesser, Gade, and the Marines from company HQ took an observation post overlooking the UCF’s no-go zone.

    The moment he slipped in behind a broken upper floor window, Tesser saw the rioters getting ready by shouting revolutionary slogans and brandishing improvised weapons. There were several hundred of them, many from off-world rather than Ariel citizens, yet the destruction they’d wrought and the political crisis they were precipitating belied their small numbers.

    But then, history proved over and over that it takes just a handful of determined, ruthless, ideologically motivated psychopaths backed by wealthy financiers to ruin entire societies. Of the power weapons and explosive devices Steiger mentioned, there was so far no sign. But if the rioters were working off the usual playbook, those would be in the rear ranks, hidden by the black-clad mass, ready to cause further confusion and frighten both the police and local politicians.

    Tesser glanced at his timepiece. E and F Troops should be in position by now, silent, sniper-grade railguns assembled and ready. He studied the rioters’ front ranks again, trying to identify the leaders. But with most of them masked, the task proved well-nigh impossible. And by design.

    United Commonwealth Front members were, in everything but name, insurgents, enemies of star system governments. Grand Admiral Larsson, supreme commander of humanity’s ground and naval forces, had issued secret orders designating them as such, meaning for Keres Company, they represented legitimate targets in a counterinsurgency war.

    The amorphous mass began spilling through the wide gates of the UCF compound, headed for downtown Andersen and another orgy of destruction, this one worse than before. Tesser saw police in riot gear standing at a distance instead of moving in to block them. When the rioters were half in, half out of the compound, he raised his communicator to his lips and spoke a single word, invoking the mother of the Keres.


    Almost immediately, two dozen rioters in the front rank collapsed, shot through the center of mass with ten-millimeter slugs. At first, the ones behind them couldn’t absorb what was happening, and another two dozen fell to the ground, dead. The shouts died away, replaced by screaming, and the mob broke apart, each rioter running for his or her life, exposing the armed faction that was hiding in their midst.

    The way they looked around for snipers and held their weapons told Tesser these weren’t spoiled, middle-class kids masquerading as wannabe revolutionaries, but trained troops. Yet even that training wouldn’t save them. Armed rioters were a priority target, and the Keres Company snipers changed their aim.

    Sirens lit up, competing with the screaming and shouting, and Tesser smiled as the Andersen cops finally got into gear, blocking off the main avenue and side streets, and intercepting terrified would-be rioters. The police chief must have found her spine and told both the mayor and the prime minister it was over.

    You’re welcome, he muttered before raising his communicator to his lips again. Extract.

    He took one last look at the carnage and estimated his people killed or wounded over sixty UCF goons. The police would take care of another bunch, while those who escaped altogether would burn their masks and black garments and pretend they never took to the streets. UCF members in other cities across Ariel would count themselves fortunate and slink away, never to riot again. But if they did, Keres Company or another unit from the 1st Special Forces Regiment would return and make sure the lesson stuck.

    Keres Company’s escape, with each troop using a different route, went unnoticed in the confusion. The trucks they’d rented were in the expected locations away from the waterfront, with Marines from H Troop guarding them. They climbed aboard and left Andersen for an abandoned airstrip where they met Warrant Officer Steiger, who informed Tesser shuttles from the Q-ship Thespis were on their way.

    Two hours later, Keres Company, along with Steiger, stepped aboard the ship, currently masquerading as the Merchant Vessel Orpheus. Thirty minutes after that, Thespis broke out of orbit while Tesser composed a subspace message informing Captain Talyn of the operation’s success.

    When he’d done so, Tesser joined his company for a hot wash, followed by an issue of cold beer on the hangar deck. At Steiger’s suggestion, they watched the Ariel newsnets on the primary display while enjoying their drinks.

    Those overgrown babies won’t be trying shit like that again, First Sergeant Gade said after the newsies tallied UCF casualties and arrests. Although massacre isn’t the proper term. We simply took out the garbage.

    Tesser slapped him on the shoulder. Damn right, Top.

    — Two —

    Lieutenant Colonel Zachary Thomas Decker’s secure office communicator lit up with a call, and he dropped his reader, happy for an interruption. Headquarters came out with new orders, directives, and recommendations seemingly every hour of every day. As Ghost Squadron’s commanding officer, he had no choice but to read them, in case something miraculously applied to humanity’s foremost Special Operations unit.


    It’s me, Zack. Captain Hera Talyn’s face materialized on the screen. She was a slender brunette whose smooth features belied her long years as an undercover field operative. Talyn was in her office as well, but at Fleet HQ, several hundred kilometers east of Fort Arnhem, the Special Forces and Pathfinders’ home station.

    He grinned at her.

    Are you calling because you miss me?

    You’re never away long enough these days for me to miss you. I heard from both Erinye and Keres Company. They report operations carried out successfully within expected parameters. They extracted as per plan, unseen, and are by now in interstellar space. Miko Steiger is coming back with Keres, and Caelin Morrow sends us her best, along with thanks for Curtis’ help. There’s more to the story, but I’ll let him tell you. The newsnets will be interesting in the next few days, once word of events on Mission Colony and Ariel spreads across the Commonwealth.

    Decker’s grin widened. Good. It’s about time.

    We’ll open a bottle of champagne and watch them together when you visit this weekend.

    Decker gave his partner a wink.

    Temptress. But you forgot I prefer Shrehari ale. Champagne gives me headaches.

    Another thing, I received warning the Senate is about to summon Grand Admiral Larsson for the quinquennial defense budget hearings. Under the circumstances, he’d like a company from Ghost Squadron instead of his normal escort and close protection detail.


    A few weeks from now. Enough time for Erinye and Keres to return home and recuperate.

    Ghost Squadron’s third company, Moirae, was preparing for a mission, leaving him with a choice between Curtis Delgado, who led the Erinyes, and Washburn Tesser as escort commander.

    If it makes the choice easier, whoever is in charge should be a major, even if it’s only on an acting basis.

    Then we’re talking Erinye Company. Curtis has seniority in rank over Wash.

    I’ll let the admiral know. Talk to you tonight, Big Boy. She blew Decker a kiss. Talyn, out.

    Her image vanished before he could return the kiss. She still enjoyed teasing him, even after their many years together. As relationships went, theirs was more unusual than most. But Decker couldn’t imagine being with anyone else, even though they only saw each other in person on weekends and days off. Or when Talyn flew up to Fort Arnhem so she could personally deliver a mission briefing.

    Decker reached for the secure communicator, then decided he might as well stretch his legs and see the regimental commander in person to tell him Erinye and Keres were on the way home. Though he’d rather be out there with his Marines, fighting the good fight, Decker understood his days as a Special Forces commander in the field were almost over, and not just because of age. The operational tempo meant they no longer enjoyed the luxury of sending an entire squadron on a given operation if a single company was sufficient. Of course, the addition of a fourth troop to each company shortly after the Arcadia strike gave them more strength and staying power than ever.

    Colonel Kal Ryent, a career Pathfinder and the 1st Special Forces Regiment’s commanding officer looked up from his desk when he heard Decker’s knuckles rapping on the door frame. Light-haired, with clear blue eyes and rugged features, Ryent, a product of the Commonwealth Armed Services Academy, was several years younger than Decker who’d climbed up the ranks from private. But they respected and liked each other.

    Decker considered Ryent a bit like a younger brother who’d done well, instead of always getting into trouble like his elder. They’d worked together often when Ryent commanded the 251st Pathfinder Squadron, and Decker was crisscrossing the Commonwealth with Hera Talyn, righting wrongs, and terminating enemies.

    What’s up, Zack? Ryent gestured at a chair in front of his desk.

    Hera just called. Erinye and Keres Companies reported success and are on their way home. Keep an eye on the newsnets. Apparently, what my troopers did on Ariel might shake things up.

    Excellent. It’s well past time we make our enemy follow their own rules. Too bad you and I aren’t younger and more junior in rank. We could make up for the opportunities we missed during the years our beloved Fleet was too timid.

    Yep. Hera also warned me Larsson is heading to Earth in a few weeks and wants one of my companies under an acting major as escort instead of his usual. I’ll be sending Curtis Delgado and his Erinyes.

    Can’t say I blame the Grand Admiral. Plenty of people want his head for letting slip the dogs of war without permission.

    Thank the Almighty he did. Otherwise, Ariel would circle the drain right now. Violent revolutionaries, spineless politicians — not exactly a match made in heaven. Without Larsson’s orders, this crap would have spread to most of the outer star systems by now, my ancestral home of Mykonos included.

    Ryent made a face.

    Until we go after the people financing this alphabet soup of radical revolutionaries, we’ll be playing catchup while honest folk lose faith in their elected leaders.

    With any luck, Hera and the Naval Intelligence brain trust in Sanctum will cook up an actionable plan soon. My squadron’s operation taking out Elize and Allard Hogue caused a lot of positive downstream effects and offers a decent blueprint for future strikes against the financiers of chaos. Decker paused for a few seconds, then a broad grin split his square, honest face. You know, I just experienced a brain fart. We can take away the financiers’ own action arm by dusting off Grand Admiral Kowalski’s playbook. I wonder why Hera hasn’t thought of it yet.

    "You mean wiping out the Sécurité Spéciale just like Kowalski erased the old Special Security Branch last century? Hera probably hasn’t raised the idea yet because she, just like us, is too busy putting out fires before they destabilize entire star systems."

    The Sécurité Spéciale, which didn’t officially exist, was the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth’s own covert security intelligence agency, answerable only to him and funded through the executive budget.

    Maybe it’s time, what with the 2nd Special Forces Regiment coming online soon. The Fleet Pathfinder Squadrons can round out our strength, and they come with their own transport. I’m sure Jimmy Martinson would love blooding his division by taking out the biggest trash in the Commonwealth. When he saw Ryent’s dubious expression, Decker said, We didn’t start this crap, but we will end it, Kal. Might as well think big right away.

    Ryent smiled at his friend.

    You’ll never change, will you?

    Nope. There’s nothing the judicious use of high explosives can’t solve. Our motto ought to be ‘do it with a bang,’ don’t you think?

    "Nice double entendre, but we’ll stick with ‘Audeamus’ if you don’t mind. Your Marines might look like vagabonds when they’re carrying out operations, but we should still keep a modicum of dignity."

    Dignity is vastly overrated. I should know — I lost mine often enough, but here we are, doing the Almighty’s work, nonetheless.

    Yet if you hadn’t tried so hard to lose it, you might sit in my chair right now, and I’d be sitting in yours.

    Decker winked at Ryent.

    Sure, but then I wouldn’t have met Hera.

    Will you two ever make it official?

    Why? I ended my roving days a long time ago, and she had eyes for no one before me. Now she has eyes for no one else. Or are you looking for an excuse to throw the biggest party in Fort Arnhem’s history?

    The union of the most infamous Special Forces officer with the most famously dangerous former Naval Intelligence Liaison Officer? It would be a gala for the ages.

    Decker gave him a suspicious look.

    Or is the Pegasus Club in need of replacement, and you want to blame its destruction on a party that spiraled out of control?

    Don’t even joke about that, Zack. The Pegasus is sacred. When we build a new club, the old one will become a museum.

    If you say so. But back to your original question, the answer is no. Hera doesn’t need an uncouth Marine at her side in an official capacity while she climbs the flag officer ranks. She’ll be Chief of Naval Intelligence one day, mark my words.

    That, I believe. Though the way things are going, you and I could become general officers ourselves.

    Pass. I’m not interested in becoming a uniformed politician.

    All the more reason for a few stars on your collar, so you can tell the uniformed politicians how it is in the real universe without risking another court-martial.

    Decker scoffed. I doubt the Corps is that hard up for combat-experienced colonels it can promote.

    Stranger things happen.


    Later that evening, Decker mentioned his idea while he and Hera Talyn spoke over a secure link, something they did most days when they were on Caledonia, but apart from each other.

    A tall order. Kowalski had the full force of the Armed Services Security Branch at her disposal. She turned most of it into the Constabulary afterward, remember.

    Take out the command-and-control nodes, then roll up the field agents at leisure. Surely your lot knows where the former are by now.

    We’d need Grand Admiral Larsson’s sign-off on something of that magnitude, and I don’t think we’ll get it just yet. The political situation isn’t quite as fraught as it was in Kowalski’s day.

    "But we’re well on our way. Give it a few more months or perhaps a year. And since Josh, Squadron HQ, and I are nothing more than administrators these days, we have plenty of time for contingency plans. Send me your data on the Sécurité Spéciale command-and-control nodes, and we’ll war game scenarios."

    My, my, you are getting bored.

    The thought of relinquishing my current rank so I can return to field operations crosses my mind daily.

    That won’t happen. We have plans for you, my dear. She blew him a kiss.

    Don’t I know it. Kal was talking about stars on my collar earlier today. Decker raised his whiskey glass. Here’s to those plans.

    The next morning, at the weekly operations meeting, he announced Ghost Squadron HQ would study taking out the Sécurité Spéciale with the help of the entire regiment and selected Fleet Pathfinder Squadrons. Major Josh Bayliss, Decker’s second in command and like him, commissioned from the ranks, chuckled with undisguised amusement.

    "You want to one-up Grand Admiral Kowalski and be more than a footnote in history? I

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