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Busting Loose From the Business Game: Mind-Blowing Strategies for Recreating Yourself, Your Team, Your Business, and Everything in Between
Busting Loose From the Business Game: Mind-Blowing Strategies for Recreating Yourself, Your Team, Your Business, and Everything in Between
Busting Loose From the Business Game: Mind-Blowing Strategies for Recreating Yourself, Your Team, Your Business, and Everything in Between
Ebook374 pages6 hours

Busting Loose From the Business Game: Mind-Blowing Strategies for Recreating Yourself, Your Team, Your Business, and Everything in Between

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The Business Game—here’s how you can win!

Are you a business owner, manager, or employee who struggles with:

  • Taxes, cash flow, sales, and profits
  • Marketing and advertising effectiveness
  • Hiring, motivating, and managing talent
  • The economy, stock market, and competitors
  • Bosses, boards, stockholders and partners
  • Never-ending to-do lists and sacrificing your quality of life to succeed?

If you answered "yes" to any of these, you’ve been playing The Business Game and suffering the consequences. Even if you’re rolling in profits right now, there are hidden costs you’re paying to earn that money—money that’s always at risk.

You learned "the rules" and you’ve been faithful to them, thinking you can win. But you can’t really win The Business Game, because it’s designed to be unwinnable—that is, as long as you play by the rules you were taught. The only way to truly win is to bust loose from the "old" game and start playing a new game with a new set of rules.

This book helps you discover who you really are, what you’re really capable of, and how you can tap new sources of power, wisdom, and abundance to radically transform your experience of business. When you bust loose from the old game, you’ll suddenly be playing a new game:

  • For the sheer pleasure of playing, with no worries about sales, marketing, profits, cash flow, taxes, other people, or personal income
  • Entirely unaffected by the economy, stock market, competitors, or technological innovation
  • Having more fun with less effort than you’ve ever experienced
  • Doing only what you love to do—all day, every day
  • Watching as amazing results come your way, without having to "make it happen"

It may sound unbelievable, but it’s entirely possible. You can do it—if you open your mind and embrace the strategies in this book. Busting Loose from The Business Game leads you into a New Business Game filled with results and satisfaction beyond anything you’ve ever imagined possible. Read on… and bust loose!

Release dateJan 4, 2011
Busting Loose From the Business Game: Mind-Blowing Strategies for Recreating Yourself, Your Team, Your Business, and Everything in Between

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    Ce livre est fabuleux ! Très pédagogique, clair, précis je recommande

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Busting Loose From the Business Game - Robert Scheinfeld


First Series: To destroy, mercilessly, without any compromises whatsoever, in the mentation and feelings of the reader, the beliefs and views, by centuries rooted in him, about everything in the world.

Second Series: To acquaint the reader with the material required for a new creation and to prove the soundness and good quality of it.

Third Series: To assist the arising, in the mentation and in the feelings of the reader, of a veritable, nonfantastic representation not of that illusory world which he now perceives, but of the world existing in reality.¹

—G. I. Gurdjieff, speaking of his intent for his

All and Everything book series

When I was in my early thirties, living in a city whose name shall remain anonymous, I bought a house from a bank that had foreclosed on the owner. That owner had been a famous, high-flying, big-money-earning quarterback for the professional football team in that city. He’d gone bankrupt. When I had moved into the house and gotten to know the neighbors, they told me stories about how the quarterback had been so physically beaten up by the game of football and in so much pain that on some mornings he couldn’t walk down the stairs from his second-floor bedroom and had to stay in bed all day.

The quarterback played football—a game he loved—as a child, in high school, in college, then as a professional. He had lots of fun, won championships, received many honors, and earned a lot of money. But there was a huge price to pay later in his life in the form of physical pain and limitation. Perhaps he anticipated that consequence and it came as no surprise, but the odds are that as he played all those years he didn’t consciously think about the price he might one day pay. He was just focused on playing!

If you’re like me, you love playing The Business Game, whether you own your own business or you’re an employee. It challenges, excites, and exhilarates you at a very deep level. Playing The Business Game may even be one of the things you enjoy most in life. But if you’re like I used to be, and like the quarterback I just described, a big price will always be paid—a price you can see and feel—if you play the way you were taught. I call this The Visible Price.

Maybe you’re paying The Visible Price right now and you’re already aware of it. Maybe you’ve been paying it for many years, also aware of it. Maybe you’ll pay The Visible Price later on in a way that will come as a surprise to you. The Visible Price may be an emotional one, in the form of negative emotions like burnout, stress, fear, anger, or frustration. The Visible Price may be a physical one, in the form of exhaustion, pain in your body, illness, or disease. The Visible Price may be paid in the form of limited free time, troubled relationships, or constantly repeating up-and-down or success/failure patterns in your business affairs (which was a biggie for me before I busted loose).

The possibilities for when, where, and how you’ll pay your Visible Price are unlimited, but The Visible Price will be paid and will continue to be paid, in some way, shape, or form, if you continue playing The Business Game in the way you were taught and the way you’ve been playing until now (which I call The Big Lie and discuss in Chapter 1).

What I just shared comes as no surprise to you, I’m sure. Numerous experts, authors, speakers, consultants, and coaches have discussed the most common prices being paid for playing The Business Game, the need for balance, reducing stress, and playing The Business Game differently. Many formulas, techniques, and strategies have been offered to remedy the situation, but few, if any, work in an ultimate sense—for reasons you’ll soon see.

I must also share that there’s a price to be paid for playing The Business Game the old way that you can’t see or feel. I call it The Invisible Price, and the impact of paying The Invisible Price in your life, as I’ll explain in the pages that follow, is even larger than that of the Visible Price you can see and feel and may already be experiencing, yet it’s rarely discussed.

You originally began playing The Business Game for specific reasons. You started with very specific goals. I divide those goals into two types that I’ll discuss in greater detail in the pages that follow:

1. True Goals: These are the goals, generally beneath your conscious awareness and hidden from view, that if achieved would absolutely provide consistent and deep, deep, deep levels of satisfaction, fulfillment, joy, and pleasure for you. I refer to True Goals as what you really want. True Goals do not change as you and your circumstances change. They’re a constant because they relate to who you really are, not who you think you are.

2. Hypnotic Goals: These are the goals, always conscious, that are very seductive and get a lot of your attention. You work very hard to achieve them, thinking that if you did, your life would change and improve in major ways. Common examples of Hypnotic Goals are increases in sales, profits, or personal income, and new homes or cars. I refer to Hypnotic Goals as what you think you want. Hypnotic Goals often change as you and your circumstances change. True Goals occasionally find their way into your conscious awareness and seem like Hypnotic Goals, but from my experience it’s rare for this to happen.

No matter what your personal story is, I can virtually guarantee that three things are True for you:

1. You haven’t achieved many of your Hypnotic Goals yet, despite investing lots of time, money, and energy in pursuit of them.

2. When you have achieved Hypnotic Goals, some if not all of them didn’t provide the ultimate satisfaction, joy, and pleasure you thought they would—or those feelings didn’t last long if you did experience them.

3. You haven’t achieved many (if any) of your True Goals.

In this Introduction and in Chapter 1 that follows, I’m intentionally going to be aggressive and heavy-handed in the way I paint a picture of the dark side of playing The Business Game. As I paint that picture, I’m aware that it might stimulate feelings of discomfort or resistance within you. I’m aware that you might say something like this to yourself in response: Sure, The Business Game is tough, but my story doesn’t match your picture. My picture isn’t that bleak or depressing! If I do trigger thoughts or feelings like that within you (and I may not), I ask your indulgence a while longer because I’ll document and validate all my claims in the pages that follow.

This book is not designed to help you play the old Business Game better, faster, or more efficiently.

It’s not designed to support you in proactively pursuing the Hypnotic Goals of growing your business, income, and wealth, living and working in more luxurious surroundings, boosting your ego or reputation, and so on.

I’m not going to offer you any advice in this book on sales, marketing, management, leadership, finance, or any of the subsets within those Business Game topics.

As the title suggests, this book is designed to support you in busting loose from the old Business Game—completely—and beginning to play an entirely new game that will amaze and delight you.

At this point, you might be wondering, What does it mean to ‘bust loose’ from The Business Game? I’ll be discussing the answer to that question in great detail later in the book. For now, however, let me sketch out the following key points—some or all of which may be extremely difficult for you to accept as being possible at this point on our journey together. Busting loose from The Business Game means:

• Living in an inner space that’s joyful, exciting, peaceful, and serene—no matter what’s going on around you, what happens in your business or elsewhere in the world, or what anyone else says or does.

• Playing The Business Game for the sheer pleasure of playing, without any specific, conscious agenda, goals, or attachment to producing specific results—yet creating extraordinary results anyway, financial and otherwise.

• Having a strong, positive impact on your customers and the world at large through the distribution of your products and services—but again, without any effort, specific intent, goal, or agenda to do so.

• Doing only what you love to do, what really floats your boat—all day, every day—as part of playing The Business Game, and leaving everything else up to someone else (or eliminating the need for it entirely).

• Working only when you want to, and having more free time and freedom than you can possibly imagine right now, while still effectively playing your chosen role in your business—no matter how large or small the business may be.

• Playing The Business Game while being completely unaffected by and unconcerned about the economy, the stock market, the tax authority, gas prices, competitors, employee turnover, industry trends, technological innovations, lawsuits, or other factors that now make you feel vulnerable.

• Having support teams (employees, partners, board members, vendors, stockholders, investors, etc.) effortlessly and joyously unite, work together, motivate themselves, and hold themselves accountable for high levels of performance.

• Having amazing things come to you in joyful, fun, surprising, and effortless ways, instead of you having to go get them, work hard, or push, push, push to make things happen.

• And so much more, all of which I’ll be sharing with you in the pages that follow.

An amazing journey led to me busting loose from The Business Game. That journey began with a conversation I had with my grandfather, Aaron Scheinfeld (Gramps, as I called him) when I was a kid. Gramps was amazingly talented, a Renaissance man. Among his many extraordinary skills and accomplishments, two stand out most in my mind:

1. He turned a simple idea into one of the world’s largest and most successful international businesses—Manpower, Inc.—now a Fortune 150 company and the world’s largest temporary help service with sales in excess of $18 billion. That global success made possible levels of financial abundance and freedom most people (even extremely successful people) would drool over. I’ll be telling you more about him in the pages that follow.

2. He was the happiest person I’ve ever known. I can still see and feel his joyfulness in my mind, especially when he played the piano or ukulele and sang or told silly stories.

Aaron Scheinfeld


When I was 12 years old, in response to my relentless nagging about the secret of his success, Gramps started chatting with me about a very unusual philosophy, a mind-set and set of strategies related to what he called power in the invisible world that he claimed were the true source of all his business success, happiness, and lifestyle. I discussed some of what he shared with me (and what I discovered in the search that followed) in my previous books, The 11th Element (John Wiley & Sons, 2003) and Busting Loose from The Money Game (John Wiley & Sons, 2006).

Gramps died shortly after our chats began, before he could complete mentoring me. What he shared ultimately amounted to a gigantic tease that created within me an obsession to find and map out the invisible power sources he told me about. I spent 34 years following that obsession, what I now call The Treasure Hunt of the Century. As I searched for the treasure, finally found it, and busted loose from The Business Game myself, I metaphorically stumbled into quicksand, had flat tires, ran out of gas, saw my radiator overheat, drove down numerous dead ends, careened off cliffs, and got lost, confused, and extremely frustrated by the many twists and turns in the road.

Along the way, I had tremendous success playing the old Business Game, starting and building extremely profitable multimillion-dollar businesses on and off the Internet, for myself and others. One of my greatest achievements playing the old Business Game was building and operating a marketing machine that propelled Blue Ocean Software from $1 million to $44 million in sales in less than four years, resulting in the company being named three times to Inc. magazine’s Inc. 500 list. That tremendous growth, accompanied by outrageous profitability during the Internet boom and the tech wreck bust, led to Blue Ocean being acquired by software giant Intuit for $177 million in cash.

Prior to busting loose from The Business Game, I continually repeated an up-down, boom-bust cycle that caused me to feel a great deal of frustration and anger. When I crashed and burned the first few times, the numbers were smaller and I was single. Losing everything was excruciatingly painful, but I’ve always had a high threshold for pain. As I got older and the cycle continued, the numbers grew larger.

Eventually, the up-down cycle moved into millions of dollars, then multiple millions of dollars, and at that point, I had a wife and two kids. We’d created a home and lifestyle we all loved and thrived on. If I crashed and burned again under those circumstances, I knew the pain would be unbearable for me because I’d have to watch my family lose everything, too. Despite my historical high threshold for pain, I knew I couldn’t survive that experience and I became desperate to find a way to avoid it.

By the way, as a brief aside, you may find it interesting to know that my father (Aaron’s son) traveled a similar path. Despite tremendous early success with Manpower, he experienced many ups and downs in business and in life, including two volatile marriages that ended in divorce, and had so much repressed frustration that he struggled with cluster headaches, which are even worse than migraines. My bedroom shared a wall with his, and I was haunted for years by how it sounded—and felt—to hear him scream in pain when he got one of those headaches.

Several times, when I was in an up cycle, I thought I’d finally uncovered the last missing puzzle pieces that would enable me to tap the invisible sources of power Gramps told me about. At those times, I honestly thought I was seeing a clear and complete big picture about how to bust loose from The Business Game, but then the down cycle would come again and I’d have to go back to the drawing board, as the old saying goes.

As you’ll discover in the pages that follow, and as you may already know from your own journey and studies, I’ve always had a knowing that we each have an expanded aspect of our Consciousness that partners with us to create our day-to-day life and experiences. I’ll be discussing that part of you in great detail in the pages that follow. That expanded aspect is generally called Higher Self in the literature I’m familiar with, but there are numerous other labels. I now refer to it as Expanded Self or The Real You, as you’ll soon see.

When it felt like I might crash and burn again with my wife and family at the millions-of-dollars level, I got angrier than I’d ever been in my life—at my Expanded Self. Look, I said to him, my eyes tilted up toward the sky, "I’ve been searching since I was a kid. I’ve worked my ass off to do the work you asked me to do in assembling the puzzle pieces you gave me. I’ve paid my dues. Obviously, there’s something I’m still missing here. So, either you show it to me—now—or get me the hell out of here, because I won’t run this up-down, up-down cycle anymore."

Now, before I continue, I must share that getting angry at expanded aspects of your Consciousness isn’t a magic formula guaranteed to get results. I know that because I’d gotten angry plenty of times before along my journey and nothing moved as a result. But this time, there was tremendous movement. I began exploring again, absolutely committed to finding the missing pieces to the puzzle. And lo and behold, eight months later, I found them. Despite all those challenges and the many times I felt like giving up, I persevered and ultimately busted loose from The Business Game myself. I’ll be giving you a lot of detail on what that meant and how that looked for me, and others, in later chapters (and in the special downloadable bonus chapters described in Chapter 16). Because I felt it to be my mission in life and because of my passion for playing what I call The Teaching Game, I used my personal experiences to create a map and tool kit others could use to bust loose from The Business Game themselves. In the pages of this book, I’ll be sharing them with you.

I want to make two things crystal clear at this point:

1. I used the very same mind-set, map, tool kit, and navigation support you’ll discover in this book to bust loose from The Business Game myself—over time. There was nothing else.

2. There’s nothing special or unique about me. Anyone who uses the mind-set, map, tool kit, and navigation support offered in this book can bust loose from The Business Game.

I have a few more important thoughts to share, and then we’ll officially begin our journey together. First, to support you in busting loose from The Business Game and beginning to play an entirely New Business Game, I have to support you in taking a quantum leap from where you are now and where you have been. I have to fry your circuits and dynamite the lies and illusions you’ve thought to be True most or all of your life, then support you in rebuilding everything in new ways. Therefore, as you read the pages that follow, especially parts of the first eight chapters, you may feel like you’ve entered The Twilight Zone or a science fiction movie.

Instead of discussing topics like sales, marketing, management, leadership, finance, team building, motivation, and productivity, I’m going to be discussing topics like Truth, Consciousness, power, abundance, quantum physics, lies, and illusions. If you want to bust loose from the old Business Game, that’s where you must go. If you want to bust loose from the old Business Game, you must understand the True Source of everything that ultimately happens in your business (and your personal life, for that matter).

The popular saying thinking outside the box refers to thinking in creative and innovative ways. I’m fond of calling what you’re about to discover dynamiting the box. Why? Because it’s that different from what is typically taught about business success—even the most creative and innovative of teachings. As a result, as you read, depending on your familiarity with such concepts, you may have thoughts like these:

This guy is nuts!

What does this have to do with business?

He can’t be serious!

This isn’t what I expected when I bought this book!

No way!

Or my personal favorite:


You may chuckle, but please take these words seriously because in a few minutes (if you continue reading right now), thoughts like that may come up for you, and if they do, I don’t want them to distract you or delay your progress.

You may feel at times overwhelmed, disoriented, skeptical, angry, or uncomfortable. That’s to be expected. You can’t bust loose from The Business Game without a radical shift in your perceptions about yourself, other people, the world, and the beliefs, ideas, and strategies you relied on previously (The Big Lie)—and radical shifts can be extremely uncomfortable!

However, if you’re like most people I speak with about this work, no matter how much resistance you may feel from one part of yourself, another part will be whispering to you, That’s True . . . and somehow I’ve always known it. No matter how far out there what I’ll be sharing may seem at first (or it may not, depending on your background), the journey we’re going to take together and the ultimate destination you’ll reach after taking it are very real—and you can get there from here.

If you follow the action steps I give you at the end of the book and you still want or need proof, your own experiences will provide all the proof you want of the Truthfulness and validity of what I share. This is a key point I’ll be discussing in great detail in later chapters.

Beyond this Introduction, the book has six primary sections with critical support material in between:

1. The Big Lie: A summary of what you were taught to be true about The Business Game—lies about rules, regulations, and how playing the game is supposed to work; lies about sales, marketing, management, leadership, and finance; lies about what it takes to succeed, and so on.

2. The Big Truth: To begin bursting the bubble of The Big Lie and open a gateway you can leap through to ultimately bust loose, there are several philosophical concepts you must have in your conscious awareness. I call those concepts The Big Truth.

3. Science: Recent breakthroughs in science that document and validate even the wildest of The Big Truth philosophical concepts I share with you.

4. Practical tools: Four simple, easy-to-use tools you’ll apply on a daily basis to bust yourself loose once you leap through the gateway I open for you.

5. Navigation support: Once you leap through the gateway, you’ll find yourself in a world that feels alien to you. I therefore provide maps and other forms of support to help you get comfortable and navigate effectively in that new world.

6. The invitation: This is an invitation for you at the end of the book to apply what you discover here, prove its validity and power to yourself, and open up to a new and radically different way of life and playing The New Business Game.

As you’ll soon see, I don’t discuss the practical tools until Chapter 11. Why did I design the book that way? My goal is to support you in busting loose from The Business Game. The tools are what get you there. However, for the action steps within each of the tools to make sense to you, and for you to be truly empowered to use them with maximum effectiveness, a strong foundation must first be laid. I lay that foundation in Chapters 1 to 10.

You may feel impatient for me to get to the meat of the practical aspects of the book from time to time. If that happens, please remind yourself we’re ultimately headed for extremely practical application in your life and business. I promise you that when we get there, you’ll understand why I structured the book this way, and you’ll be extremely appreciative of the foundation I laid for you in advance.

One more key point before we move on: When reading books, some people start at the beginning and read to the end, sequentially. Others skip ahead, jump around, skim parts, dip down, and read other parts. My intent is to support you in busting loose from The Business Game. To do that, I must give you specific puzzle pieces in a specific order and support you in assembling them in a specific way. If you follow my lead, a magnificent big picture will pop into view and you will bust loose. If you don’t follow my lead, you may be left with a bunch of funny-looking pieces of cardboard sitting on a table—and you might short-circuit your ability to bust loose.

In short, please be patient, read the chapters sequentially at the pace you feel inspired to move, trust me, and follow my lead. I know how to support you in busting loose from The Business Game. I can help you do it, but only if you follow the precise map I’m in a unique position to share with you.

You must also understand from the start that I can’t actually bust you loose through the pages of this book alone. I can only show you the way, open the gateway into a new world, help you jump through that gateway, and show you what to do in the new world you find on the other side.

To actually bust loose, there’s work you must do.

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