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The Desire Factor: How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritual Power
The Desire Factor: How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritual Power
The Desire Factor: How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritual Power
Ebook215 pages3 hours

The Desire Factor: How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritual Power

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How to Master Your Energy so You Can Have What You Desire

Christy Whitman, transformational leader, founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, and channel for The Divine Council unfolds the precise steps for bringing about the manifestation of any desire. 

The book is built around 7 Universal Principles for tapping into the divine energy stream that is the source of all things so that you can have more peace, prosperity, and joy.

The Desire Factor shows you how to master your energy so you can create a life that you love despite what’s going on around you.

When you harness the energy of The Desire Factor, you’ll understand:
  • How to transform longing into joyful expectancy
  • What alignment feels like and how to achieve it
  • How to use the power of focus to manifest your desires
  • The role that surrender plays in the manifestation process
  • How to cultivate the energy of having, even before your desire has manifested
  • The secret to infusing your external actions with spiritual power
  • How to attract your desires through the power of love

Christy Whitman’s philosophy is that YOU are the energy master of your own life; you embody healing energy and have the power to improve your circumstances; you direct this unlimited flow of energy wherever you want, allowing you to manifest; it is your Divine Nature to create—and this creation is invigorating!

Whitman has applied her principles of energy mastery to train over three thousand life coaches to take their innate gifts and skills and turn them into profitable fulfilling businesses.

And now in The Desire Factor she provides one of the most current, comprehensive, and easy to apply explorations into the realm of energy, and shows you how, by mastering your energy, you can bring any desire into physical form.

Order your copy today.
PublisherBeyond Words
Release dateApr 20, 2021
The Desire Factor: How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritual Power

Christy Whitman

Christy Whitman is a transformational leader and the New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and co-author of Taming Your Alpha Bitch. She has appeared on Today and The Morning Show, and her work has been featured in People, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, among others. As the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, Christy has helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches, coaching sessions, and products. She currently lives in Scottsdale, Arizona with her husband and their two boys.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I’d been reading a lot of books that were just hitting too close to current events lately when the opportunity to join the tour for The Desire Factor arrived. I said yes because I thought it would be a nice change of pace and because it would fit in with my guiding word “Intention” for 2021. When the first case of coronavirus community spread in Ohio was declared in March 2020, I thought working from home would last until September. When September 2020 rolled around and no end was in sight, I started getting my finances in order and came up with goals for 2021. One of those goals was a new role with a pay increase.The layout of the principles are easy to follow. They naturally flow from the current one to the next. It can be difficult to practice a visualization exercise though if you don’t have it memorized. It’s probably easier to record yourself walking your future self through the exercise as a voice memo to play it later. This was a somewhat quick read and the pacing was good.I won’t get into the details and timeline specifics because then this blog post would be super-long, but I started setting the ball in motion in November to meet my goal by stating my intention to others. I began reading The Desire Factor in January which is really when things started to come together for my goal. I experienced a temporary “no” but persevered and when I had about 2 chapters left to go, the new role with pay increase came together in less than a week. Maybe it’s anecdotal but I really feel as though this book helped me. I’ll continue to revisit it as I continue to make progress on my other 2021 goals.

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The Desire Factor - Christy Whitman


The Spiritual Nature of Material Desire

Desire. It’s a powerful force that triggers a surge of heightened pleasure and purpose, sending life-giving energy rushing through every fiber of our beings. And regardless of whether the object of our desire is a person, a possession, or an idea that we want to make manifest in our lives, the act of wanting something is about far more than its attainment. Desire is a catalyst that can awaken our highest qualities, our greatest human potential, and our full spiritual power.

Like the proverbial carrot dangling from a stick that gives the mule a reason to keep striving toward a destination, the act of acknowledging a desire also leads us on a journey. And this is not only a journey toward simply having but also a journey of becoming. Desire is intended to feed you, to thrill and refresh you, and every desire, big or small, summons life force itself through you. And yet, each of us must make the choice to grant our desires permission to be, and to tend to any resistant or opposing thoughts that contradict them. When we surrender to this process by allowing our desires to blossom—first within the unseen realm of our own heart and mind, and ultimately in full manifestation in the three-dimensional world—they have the potential to guide us to our fullest spiritual expression and our most abundant life. I have had countless experiences of this throughout my life.

In my early twenties, I began what would become a lifelong love affair with high fashion and designer brands. Matching an adorable handbag with the perfect pair of shoes was for me an exalted—even spiritual—experience. I remember the exact day when, after being struck with what seemed to be a superficial attraction to a luxurious handbag, I was led upon a profound journey of becoming. I’d been browsing in a department store in downtown Chicago when I spotted, and instantly fell in love with, an adorable little saddlebag purse made by Coach. Now, in comparison to my salary at the time, the price tag was definitely a stretch—and most reasonable people would never have even considered it. But everything about this purse excited me, so instead of feeling angry about how much it cost, I allowed my senses to drink in every glorious detail. I admired the softness of the leather, the quality of the stitching, its intoxicating scent. I walked out of the boutique that day resolved that I would, in time, become the owner of that purse.

As I continued along my window-shopping spree, envisioning myself carrying my new bag happily from store to store, I reached into my current purse for a cigarette and was stopped in my tracks by a powerful insight: I had been a pack-a-day smoker for years, and while I knew it wasn’t good for me, I had never found enough motivation to quit. I suddenly realized that the version of me who would one day carry that adorable Coach handbag would never dream of using it to hold a smelly pack of cigarettes! In that moment, I saw that I could use my desire to buy that purse as both the leverage and the reward to finally quit smoking, and sure enough, this desire—and the possibility contained within it—gave me all the incentive I needed. My desire for that handbag was not nearly as superficial as it may have seemed. It was an agent that the Divine was using to guide me to my next level of health and vitality.

About fifteen years after this event, I experienced a similar calling. I was on vacation in Venice, Italy, with my mom and dad and my then-boyfriend Frederic, who is now my husband. As I walked through the beautiful cobblestone streets, I felt as if I’d stepped into a fashionista Shangri-La. Designer boutiques lined the streets as far as the eye could see: Chanel, Prada, Gucci, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana… oh my! As I stepped into the fifth or sixth store, my eyes locked on a stunning hand-stitched Fendi handbag, perfect in every way—with the single exception of the price tag, which happened to be three thousand dollars. At that time, nothing about spending three thousand dollars on a handbag would have been a good idea. I had just left my steady, fifteen-year career in corporate America to follow my passion of becoming a life coach, and my fledgling business was barely off the ground. I had to be mindful of every expense. Still, I really, really wanted that purse! To me, it represented elegance, abundance, and beauty—qualities that I very much wanted to include, nourish, and enhance in my experience. Without realizing it, in that moment of nonresisted desire, I set into motion another process of becoming. I told myself that I would return to Venice someday and purchase a purse of my choosing—a marker of and a reward for my success.

As I write these words today, having devoted the past twenty or more years to studying, applying, and teaching others about the powerful universal laws that govern the process of all manifestation, I now understand the full spiritual significance of the flashes of insight I received on each of those days.

Those coveted purses had been symbols that helped me focus my attention and creative energy toward much bigger and more important goals: The Coach bag symbolized my becoming a woman who is healthy, active, self-loving, energetic, and—naturally—a nonsmoker. And that, by the way, is the woman who returned to that very boutique two months later, cigarette-free, and walked out with a Coach purse on her arm. Similarly, the Fendi bag was a symbol of success; when I envisioned myself carrying it, I saw a woman who is confident and accomplished, who has the freedom to spend her money and time in ways that are pleasing to her and that contribute meaningfully to others.

The day I spotted the Coach purse, I was not only a pack-a-day smoker; I was also twenty pounds overweight. Discouraged after a string of bad relationships, I truly did not like myself very much. The day I saw the Fendi bag, my experience of life was one of having a shortage of both time and money. But nine years later, when I returned to Venice with my husband, two children, and my parents (a gift provided to my parents at Christmas), I declared I would purchase whatever purse most excited me regardless of the price. As I spent a wonderful day with Frederic going into every shop (he is such a good sport!), I saw the one. Walking into Dolce & Gabbana, I purchased the perfect symbol of my success. And I did so with the full pride and satisfaction of knowing that I had created a multimillion-dollar coaching business that not only serves others but also rewards me with an abundance of both time and money. My desire for each of these material objects provided the vehicle, the awareness, and the avenue to discover and manifest the next version of myself that the higher part of me was urging me to become.

Purses, for me, ignite the Desire Factor. They light me up, summon energy through me, and give me a glimpse into a new, yet-unrealized reality. This is the divine purpose of desire, whether the desire itself is for something material or something intangible; big or small. Designer bags and shoes may inspire zero interest for the next girl, but it’s not about the items, the destination, or the specifics of any particular manifestation. It’s about the process of being lit up by something and the energy that is summoned through you as a result. The particular objects that you desire—whether they are big or small, tangible or intangible—are of no consequence. The real value lies in discovering that you want something more, better, or different than what you currently have and then allowing this life-giving realization to stir something within you. When you make the decision to use your desires for this expansive and spiritual purpose, you are actively cooperating with the Desire Factor within you.

The word desire, by the way, is defined by Webster’s dictionary as a conscious impulse toward something that promises enjoyment or satisfaction in its attainment. And we experience this on every level of our being. From a purely physiological perspective, whenever we desire something, dopamine is released in our brain, triggering a surge of heightened pleasure, focus, and aliveness. From a spiritual perspective, the act of wanting something, and of aligning ourselves with the image of its fulfillment, is what enables us to see the next greatest version of ourselves that the larger part of us is calling us to become. When we understand desire from the perspective that it is a conscious impulse being transmitted to us from our Divine Self, from the nonphysical part of us, we can truly be fulfilled, expanded, and excited by it.

Desire is the first step in all creation. Without desire, nothing happens, and there can be no motion forward. Without desire, the universe and the planet on which we are all living would not have been created. Without desire, you would not exist. Burning desires come forth as an activity of your Divine Self, stirring you up to realize that it wants to do more for you, with you, and through you. You can be certain that when you want something—provided it’s not hurtful to you or anyone else, and it will bring good into your life—it is your spiritual Divine Self tugging at your heart’s door, trying to get your attention. When you accept the existence of that desire, you must then accept the fulfillment of it. You must decide that you want it and become an active participant in the having of it.

Desire is one way to bring the human and unconscious part of you into alignment with the larger part of you, your Divine Self. Every desire you have really is a divine desire. Every frustration you have in the attainment of the desire happens so that you can integrate your boundless higher self with your time-bound personality. Desiring the partner, the money, the house, the shoes, the car, the vacations… they are ideas arising from the Divine for the purpose of bringing you back home to yourself. Any area of your life where you’re experiencing less than joy and fulfillment is a reflection that your creative potential is still asleep. And in an attempt to awaken you, your higher self gives you a burning desire. The burning desire at its core is a call for completeness, a call to return you home to yourself.

Contrary to what most of us have been socialized to believe, the desires that arise within us are neither good nor bad. A heartfelt desire to become a parent or meet the man or woman of your dreams is not inherently nobler than a desire to travel the world, make an impact in your career in service to others, or purchase a high-end purse. There is so much judgment cast upon people who openly express desire for material things, and this is the very epitome of irony, because—to paraphrase what pop icon Madonna noted all those years ago—we are all material boys and girls, living in a material world. Desire is not an evil agent intended to separate man from God’s grace; it is the avenue by which we come to understand the divinity that we are and to enjoy the full bounty of the abundant universe in which we live.

From spiritual traditions and pop culture alike, most of us have been deeply ingrained with the message that the pursuit of desire is evil and hedonistic, and that spirituality and materialism cannot, and should not, coexist. The Bible cites desire as the reason that Adam and Eve—having been lured by Satan to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil—fell from God’s grace and were cast out of the Garden of Eden. Hinduism and Buddhism tell us that in order to realize our full spiritual nature, we must renounce all desire for worldly things. And so, whether intentionally or unconsciously, most of us attempt to diminish the strength of our own wanting. How many of us allow doubt and disbelief to suffocate our dreams before we ever give them a chance to bloom? How many try to kill our desires off by rationalizing, defending, and justifying them to others or to ourselves?

The programming that desire is the root of all suffering, or that material things are inherently bad, stems from a belief that we lack the ability to attain those things. We judge desire as bad because we doubt that we deserve to live the good life or have it all. But all of us are divinely designed to have the good life. We are all born to have it all and to experience what we would love in all aspects of our individual lives, connected to the very life that breathes

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