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Abundance On Demand: Five Easy Steps to Master The Inner Game of Money
Abundance On Demand: Five Easy Steps to Master The Inner Game of Money
Abundance On Demand: Five Easy Steps to Master The Inner Game of Money
Ebook210 pages3 hours

Abundance On Demand: Five Easy Steps to Master The Inner Game of Money

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About this ebook

You may have been wondering for years what has been blocking you from making the quantum leap in your dream business, or realizing the life of freedom and fulfillment you are really after. There is a good chance that you are not lazy or unlucky. The culprit may be your blueprint. If your blueprint is preparing all your decisions, and decisions a

PublisherResults Press
Release dateApr 30, 2017
Abundance On Demand: Five Easy Steps to Master The Inner Game of Money

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This is nothing but an ad for her course. She refers to her special method repeatedly but there are no instructions for it here. The "free gifts" link to her website leads to a blank page. This is also poorly edited - she refers to "David Henry Thoreau". There are many better books available on this subject.

    2 people found this helpful

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Abundance On Demand - Colette Streicher




Fear of lack on this planet has ruined the lives of billions.

The most destructive fear is the fear of poverty. Napoleon Hill explains this in his best-selling book, "Think and Grow Rich". This book is a summary of 30 years spent comparing and studying the difference in mind-sets, between the general population and the richest people on the planet.

Its impact on our world is immeasurable. Without it, our world would be very different. It would be a world where peace dominates, because war for resources would not exist; a world where integrity would reign, because we would have no need to take from others what doesn’t belong to us; and a world where cooperation would rule, because everyone would share and bring resources together. Hill clearly explains:

Fear of poverty is a state of mind. Nothing else! It is enough to destroy one's chances of achievement in any undertaking; a truth that became painfully obvious during the depression.

This fear paralyzes the faculty of reason, destroys the faculty of imagination, kills off self-reliance, undermines enthusiasm, discourages initiative, leads to uncertainty of purpose, encourages procrastination, wipes out passion, and makes self-control an impossibility. It takes the charm from one's personality, destroys the possibility of accurate thinking, diverts concentration of effort, it masters persistence, turns the willpower into nothingness, destroys ambition, beclouds the memory, and invites failure in every conceivable form. It kills love and assassinates the finer emotions of the heart, discourages friendship, and invites disaster in a hundred forms. It leads to sleeplessness, misery and unhappiness. All this, despite the obvious truth; that we live in a world of overabundance of everything the heart could desire, with nothing standing between us and our desires except lacking a definite purpose (p. 206).

You may have never even looked at your fear of lack, poverty, and scarcity as something that is destructive or limiting in any way. You may not have ever pondered the impact of this fear on yourself, your family, your society, or even other countries in the world. It is one of the most common and transparent fears of all.

So, can our consciousness ever change? I believe we have to change it; the effects are too dire. Millions are dying or in severe poverty on this planet as a reflection of our collective beliefs.

How do we tackle this fear? The change always begins with one person at a time. As the new vibration spreads, I believe, the individuals tuned into abundance will become naturally, unconsciously, and effortlessly, more and more abundant. The new vibration will attract more solutions, more opportunities, and build stronger relationships and companies. The new consciousness will be contagious. People will realize that lack of consciousness is what is keeping them stuck, and that it is dramatically limiting their ability to realize their dreams.

Hill was right. Fear of poverty is the most difficult fear to master. However, it is not a simple phobia. It is a fear that has been anchored in our body and mind since the beginning of time. Survival is the role of the brain. The brain has not been designed for thriving. It is designed to survive. It is naturally geared towards protection and prevention of lack and pain. This may be the reason that very few have ever attempted to shift or transform the fear of lack at a group consciousness level.

So, if we are geared biologically towards the fear of lack, what can we do? Does this mean we are powerless?

No, not at all. There is very good news. Lately, we are discovering more and more about the power of the brain, as well as the power of the mind. The brain can easily be changed. We can change what we believe. We have dominion over our brains. We are more than our bodies; we are more than our brains; we are conscious beings with the ability to create and think.

Our limitations are in fact self-imposed. They come from our own minds as thoughts that we keep having and producing, that end up creating deeply anchored neural networks in our brain. Once a thought is accepted as a belief, a specific part of the brain lights up. Then from there the brain does whatever it can to keep you thinking that this thought is true. It is now working 24/7 to make sure you experience what you believe.

In his book, The Believing Brain, Dr. Michael Shermer explains that Once beliefs are formed, the brain begins to look for and find confirmatory evidence in support of those beliefs. This adds an emotional boost of further confidence in the beliefs and thereby accelerates the process of reinforcing them. This process goes around and around in a positive feedback loop of belief confirmation.

In the case of fear of lack, it begins in the womb. As babies, we may have felt the fear of lack from our mom. Then year after year, listening to our parents, family, friends, school teachers, and the media, we are bombarded by messages of scarcity. They all tell the same story, over and over again: there is not enough. Unless you were born into a wealthy family, the belief that money is hard to get is pretty much the core belief for most of us on the planet. As we know, once the brain believes in something, it will do whatever it can to keep proving to you that this belief is true. Your brain might have already started telling you that this is impossible to change, that this is truly how the world is, that there is nothing you can do to change it, and that it would be dangerous if you tried.

Don’t listen, keep reading.

The fear of poverty is without doubt, the most destructive of the six fears, it has been placed at the head of the list because it is the most difficult to master. ~ Napoleon Hill

However, a new revolution is going on in the world of belief management. New tools, more powerful than ever before, are coming to the planet now and they will facilitate the shift of consciousness. They allow, for the first time in history, a very easy, fast, and painless way to change and upgrade our unconscious beliefs and emotions. With these new techniques, everyone, individually, will be able to change their own beliefs and manage their own fears and emotions. As groups we will be able to come together and reinforce the new beliefs in abundance.

A revolution for abundance consciousness is on its way.

It is time to shift the destructive consciousness of lack on our planet and move into a consciousness of abundance. We can all live more fulfilling and secure lives full of abundance, joy, love and cooperation, if we shift our viewpoints and rewire our brains to make room for it.

We know that our brain looks for anything that will confirm our beliefs. Imagine if the brains of millions of people, everywhere on the planet, begin to constantly, automatically, and unconsciously look through the lens of abundance in every moment? How many more innovative solutions would we find? How much more cooperation would exist? How much more generosity would occur? How much more peace would there be on this planet? There is no limit to the abundance we could experience.

The universe is already abundant; there is nothing to change. Just look at the seashore and count the grains of sand and the shapes of clouds in the sky. Look at the number of oxygen atoms that exist, and the unlimited thoughts and ideas that are still to be thought. Look at the number of neurons in your brain, it is mind boggling how much abundance there is.

Abundance is a mind-set. The outside world doesn’t have to change. It is our own consciousness that has to evolve – one soul at a time. Now that we have better tools than ever to change our

minds, for the first time it is conceivable that with the help of the Internet, one day abundance will be the new buzzword on the planet.

Abundance is the essence of the universe. It is the underlying, ever present, intent of the quantum world, a world of infinite possibilities. We have nothing to invent, we simply have to open our eyes and mind to it and to tune into it. This book is an invitation to the possibilities of a new world that is right in front of us.



Jane, head of an entire school organization and very charismatic woman, was laying on my massage table, relaxed, and fully dressed. It was our first session. We were giving her Superconscious mind its first little job: treat a lifelong phobia.

To my surprise, one of her biggest phobias were frogs. In fact, just mentioning the word frog would make her feel complete disgust. I asked her to assess her level of disgust and fear. She was at a 10 on a scale of 0 to 10. I continued and after a few more minutes, I was communicating with her subconscious mind: Subconscious, do you see this fear?

Yes, so I gave the command, Subconscious, please treat this phobia.

I waited, and a few minutes later, Jane, who had been focusing on a frog, started to give me feedback: I feel more relaxed now.

The fear declined to a 4, then to a 2, and then, she got an A-HA!. She had a memory and explained; I remember now, why I have been so afraid of frogs all my life. She continued, One day my brothers were being very cruel to a frog, I was a young girl then. I cried and I tried everything I could to get them to stop, but nothing would stop them. Jane continued telling me the story.

The following day, she walked by the place where it all happened, and saw the result of her brothers’ cruel behaviors. Another wave of deep emotion flowed into her. She felt disgusted, guilty, ashamed, and, above all, powerless. For years after that, she avoided passing by that place.

In fact, Jane soon realized that she was not afraid of frogs; she never had been. Instead, she feared all the negative emotions, such as guilt and regret that were associated with the animal. After this astonishing discovery, she smiled, giggled, and said, They are really cute! We laughed together.

A week later, Jane came back and gave me interesting feedback. Jane told me that she had realized how this specific childhood experience had unconsciously impacted her entire life in a very negative way. She had been feeling powerless to get her message out to communicate with important people in her life. After the session in which we treated all her disempowering emotions and beliefs about the event, many aspects of her life improved.

First, she could communicate with her family and express what she really needed. For instance, she was able to talk to her mom about a difficult situation she was going through. In addition, she was able to speak to her husband about their marriage. She felt empowered and noticed that a negative, unconscious program had been turned off. This program had sabotaged many of her relationships, affected the way she had made decisions, as well as her own communication skills as a leader and business owner. In fact, this program consisted of a self-sabotaging pattern full of disempowering emotions that were really blocking her. Jane made immediate changes in her life, and is now on her way to building the dream of fulfilling the life she has been designing for herself.

Unconscious programs, which make up your blueprint, have mind-boggling ramifications in all aspects of your life. Also, thanks to the previous example of the frog phobia, you have probably noticed that your mind has astonishing power. It has the ability to repair itself on demand.


Jenny has changed her mind. She had valued certainty for most of her life working for someone else at a nine to five job. Lately, she is going through a revolution--a value revolution. She is finally creating her dream business in the field of design. She has all the energy in the world and she is going for it intensely. Nothing will stop her. What has happened to Jenny?

We have four basic human needs that we value more than anything else in life according to Tony Robbins. Tony, the world renowned personal growth expert, has worked with almost half a million people over the years both in large seminars and one on one. He has discovered the power of our values and needs in determining our behaviors and choices in life. He believes that values are the core motivators of human behaviors.

Robbins found that we value these basic needs: certainty, uncertainty, variety, love, connection, and significance in an order unique to each person. This order controls how we live our lives and our success. For example, one person might value the sense of certainty more than anything else. When we value certainty, we want to know that our world is safe, and we want to feel secure. We want to feel in control and that nothing will rock our boat.

On the contrary, when someone values uncertainty more than anything else they want adventure, variety, freedom, and creativity. They thrive on exotic and unique experiences.

Others have, on the top of their list, the need to feel love and connection. They will do whatever it takes to get these needs met. They may end up spending their entire lives being the most loving mother and wife they can be. They live for that experience.

Some value, above everything else, feeling significant and they will spend their lives striving to be significant. I have met more than one businessperson who told me that their need for success and significance was so great that they didn’t have time for relationships. Obviously in these cases, love and connection was not at the top of their list.

The two other needs that are not basic like the previous four, are spiritual in nature. They are the need for personal growth and the need to make a difference. They both bring a deep sense of fulfillment when they are achieved.

When I first learned about needs, I wondered, What exactly are they? After some reflection, I concluded that values are in fact beliefs that define what we need to feel happy. Happiness is what we want in the deepest corners of our minds and hearts. When you ask yourself the question, Why do I want to feel happy? and when you dig a little, you will find that feelings of love and connection make you happy. It is as simple as that. For example, if you value being significant, this means that you have come to the unconscious conclusion, through your life experiences, that feeling significant is what will make you happy. Therefore, as you unconsciously desire to be happy, every decision you make will be influenced by this core need.

We all have to fulfill these basic needs. We simply all need them in a different order of importance. These basic and spiritual needs that you unconsciously want to fulfill, will shape your lives and your success. We will explore this later in the book.

Now that I have brought this important subject to your attention, you might be curious about your values. To identify your values, ask yourself these questions:

What do I value the most?

Do I value feeling significant?

Being loved?

Feeling certain?

Or being adventurous?

Do I really want personal growth?

Or do I value more than anything else, making a difference and contributing to society? Once you discover your number one value, keep asking yourself the same questions to find your number two value and so on. This will be a very enlightening exercise. It will clearly explain to you why you do what you do, and why you chose to create a business or to keep a job that you don’t like. In fact, for centuries, most of western society has valued certainty more than any other value. As

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