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God' Blueprint of the Holy Bible: God's Blueprint of the Holy Bible, #1
God' Blueprint of the Holy Bible: God's Blueprint of the Holy Bible, #1
God' Blueprint of the Holy Bible: God's Blueprint of the Holy Bible, #1
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God' Blueprint of the Holy Bible: God's Blueprint of the Holy Bible, #1

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The Bible is the indisputable word of God; the Bible is alive and will never die. God gave the Bible to humanity as an instruction manual on how to conduct our lives, to build a relationship with God, and to help us understand His love for the human race. This book will help you understand how and why the Bible is the blueprint of God's divine plan for the human race. As you read this book, you will also become familiar with the language of heaven. Knowledge is power; supernatural knowledge will give you supernatural strength. You will understand and enjoy reading the Bible a lot better if you can see the supernatural mysteries buried in the Bible. This book will help you unlock the secrets of the Bible and ultimately bring you closer to God through Jesus Christ.

PublisherFelix Wantang
Release dateSep 14, 2022
God' Blueprint of the Holy Bible: God's Blueprint of the Holy Bible, #1

Felix Wantang

After meeting face-to-face with Jesus Christ regularly for more than 25 years, Felix Wantang now shares in this book some Biblical revelations to unmask Satan. These supernatural secrets will help you understand the limitations of Satan’s power, his true identity, and how to resist him.

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    Book preview

    God' Blueprint of the Holy Bible - Felix Wantang


    of the Holy Bible

    Volume One

    Second Edition


    Copyright © 2022 Felix Wantang.

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.


    The Bible is the indisputable word of God; the Bible is alive and will never die. God gave the Bible to humanity as an instruction manual on how to conduct our lives, to build a relationship with God, and to help us understand His love for the human race. This book will help you understand how and why the Bible is the blueprint of God’s divine plan for the human race. As you read this book, you will also become familiar with the language of heaven. All Biblical references were taken from The New International Version (NIV) of the Holy Bible.

    Dedicated to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

    Lord Jesus, I thank you for the wonderful gift of my lovely family - my wife Christine and all my children.


    Father in heaven, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Lord I thank you for your glory, your mercy, and compassion; thank you for the wonderful gift of your son Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. Lord Jesus, I thank you for your cross, your blood, and your friendship. Father, I pray for your chosen people of Israel and your holy city of Jerusalem. Almighty God, I pray for all those who are persecuted for righteousness, those who are battling with terminal illness, and those who call upon your name humbly in prayer. I also pray for all those who are victims of tyrannical government measures across the world. I pray for the weak and all aborted babies.

    Hear the cries of your children and grant them your peace through your son Jesus Christ. Thank you for being our refuge and for protecting us from the evil one. Strengthen our faith, hope, trust, and confidence in you, for you alone are the Holy One and Most High God. Thank you for being our Father and for giving us life through your son Jesus Christ. In his mighty name I pray. Amen - Amen - and Amen.

    Dear Reader,

    I pray the grace, peace, and mercy from God our Father, be with you and your loved ones through Jesus Christ, Amen. I will love to pray for you and your loved ones; please send your prayer requests to or



    am grateful and highly honored that my Lord Jesus Christ made me a part of this wonderful revelation to the world. When you sit down to listen to Jesus Christ lecture you on God’s blueprint of the Holy Bible, you will be completely lost every step of the way. You just can’t necessarily follow because the natural human mind is not designed to effortlessly understand the supernatural concepts that God uses for His creative library.

    When he started talking, it took me a very long time through a series of dumb questions to finally understand what he was trying to teach me. This experience once again reminded me why Jesus Christ is the author of life. No level of theological studies, scientific advancement, or technological breakthrough can successfully bring humanity to acquire the knowledge contained in this book because God revealed His divine plan for humanity only to His son who died on the cross for the sins of the world.

    With all the confusion that was going through my mind in every step of the lecture as I sat there watching and listening to him, there is absolutely one thing I know for certain; I know that I will never be able to understand why he is using me to reveal this supernatural mystery to the world. My natural identity as a sinner completely disqualifies me from this unique assignment. When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, it is true that you made a choice to get there. However, it still doesn’t change the Biblical truth that you did not choose him; he chose you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit - fruit that will last - and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. John 15:16.

    The right to become a child of God and share in the citizenship of His paradise in heaven can only be granted to humanity through Jesus Christ. There is absolutely no other way to get there. The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. John 1:9-13.

    When you work for Jesus Christ, you joyfully become a prisoner of Christ. You cannot run or hide from the author of life and neither can you push him away. Regardless of the physical discomfort and strain, I feel very honored and blessed to work for him and if I have to do it all over again, it will be my greatest pleasure to always serve as his prisoner. Lord Jesus Christ, I am all yours.



    od knows what you need because all you need is His son Jesus Christ. Life is not measured by material accomplishments; life is measured by your relationship with the author of life. At the End of the Age, if only one household (Father, Mother, and Child) successfully makes it to God’s Paradise in Heaven, then the death of Jesus Christ on the cross will still be considered a huge success because God is not interested in quantity. As a Christian, have you ever wondered how God came up with the Holy Bible or what exactly is God’s plan for humanity? If you have, then be rest assured that there is absolutely nothing wrong with your curiosity because you are definitely not alone.

    The Bible teaches that God used a supernatural process to make man; He used the dust and His breath. Then the Lord God formed a manfrom the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7. After the creation of man, the Bible teaches that God made another human – the woman by using the man’s rib. But for Adamno suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribsand then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the ribhe had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. Genesis 2:20-22. This Biblical truth is effectively God’s blueprint for humanity; but what about the Bible? What blueprint did God use to create the Bible? The key to this supernatural mystery is only in the hands of Jesus Christ. As far as published material is concerned, when it comes to abuse, criticism, misinterpretation, and rejection, the Holy Bible will always retain an unbeatable record. The Holy Bible is the only book in human history that has successfully surmounted all obstacles and eradication attempts from humanity. If the world had a way and the Bible was not truly the Spirit of God, then this mysterious book would have been erased from the world a long time ago. Erasing the Holy Bible is one task that the world cannot achieve. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Matthew 24:35. It is practically impossible for the Bible to be shaken by humanity because it is not just a book; it is alive with the Spirit of God. The Holy Bible is the living spirit of God exposed to humanity in the Language of Heaven.

    One indisputable fact is that the Holy Bible has been in the world for more than two thousand years which also explains how long humanity has been studying the word of God. Religious leaders and Bible scholars have also been studying the word of God since the beginning of the world. With all the years spent in studying God’s word, if the Bible is written in the language of the world, then there is absolutely no reason why humanity should be currently confused, dumfounded, and completely lost in spiritual translation when it comes to Biblical interpretations. As far as the word of God is concerned, we should be experts by now in Biblical interpretations after more than two thousand years of study. The truth is that false Biblical interpretations account for the number one reason why many church leaders for the most part have completely lost their way and subsequently leading many people astray. No human is naturally equipped with the intellectual tools to successfully interpret the Bible; only the Holy Spirit can do it. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26.




    Every human has a specific view of the Holy Bible. Some call it the word of God, the Christian Book, the Laws of God, or man-made story. Some people even call it the Enemy. Regardless of what the Bible means to you, the truth is that in the Christian world or environment, the Bible is commonly referred to as the book God gave humanity to worship Him, to understand Him, to fight the evil forces of this sinful world, and subsequently overcome the power of sin. Table A is a list of the Chart of Heaven with numerical values for each letter in the chart A to Z.

    Table 1 is a list of the divine numbers of heaven; God has assigned two divine numbers for Satan to operate in the world. They are divine numbers 6 and 9. The sum of the divine numbers assigned to Satan is 15 (6+9 = 15). Out of the ten divine numbers of heaven, eight of them (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10) have been reserved for God; Satan cannot use any of the reserved eight numbers. On the other hand, God can use any of the ten divine numbers because He owns it all. The sum of God’s reserved (divine numbers) numbers is 40 from the eight reserved numbers. In the Language of Heaven, the sum of the divine numbers of Heaven is the value of Heaven.

    From the Chart of Heaven, the value of Heaven is:

    H + E + A + V + E + N

    8 + 5 + 1 + 22 + 5 + 14

    Heaven = 55

    This is the same value as the sum of the divine numbers of Heaven in Table 1.

    Heaven = 5+5

    Heaven = 10

    Number 10 is God’s divine number for Heaven.

    From our study in "God’s Divine Plan for Humanity – Vol.1", we know that number 9 comes from expanded divine number 18 = 9. We know that 6 is the divine number for man, sin, and dominion.

    In the garden of Eden, sin was born because Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; sin therefore became the spiritual DNA of humanity. The spirit of the serpent (Satan) was in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When God spoke to Adam about the tree, God’s concern was not the serpent which explains why He said nothing to Adam about the serpent. God only talked about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because the spirit of the serpent (Satan) was confined to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

    The Bible teaches that after the birth of sin, Adam and Eve had two sons – Cain and Abel. The Bible teaches that Cain killed Abel and we know that Abel had no children before his death. God however gave Adam another son to replace Abel. Adam made love to his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth,saying, ‘God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.’ Genesis 4:25. Both Cain and Seth lived long enough to produce children (seeds), which officially makes both of them the reference point of the human race. From a natural standpoint, every human is therefore a descendant of Seth and Cain. We can therefore conclude that the entire human race inherited sin from Cain and Seth – the sons of Adam. With this Biblical truth, if we trace humanity from the birth of sin (Adam) all the way to Cain and Seth, we should be able to see a manifestation of the path of sin to the human race. Fig. F-66-2 is an illustration of the path of sin from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil all the way to Cain and Seth. The path is as follows:

    ❖  Step 1: The tree of the knowledge of good and evil with divine number 9.

    ❖  Step 2: Eve

    ❖  Step 3: Adam

    ❖  Step 4: Cain

    ❖  Step 5: Abel

    ❖  Step 6: Seth

    In the language of heaven:

    ❖  Eve = 32 .... (3+2) = 5

    ❖  Adam = 19 .... (1+9) =10

    ❖  Cain = 27 ...... (2+7) = 9

    ❖  Abel = 20 ...... (2+0) =2

    ❖  Seth = 52 ...... (5+2) =7

    Let’s take a look at the path of sin from its origin in the garden of Eden, all the way to Cain, Abel, and Seth, who were the children of Adam and Eve.

    The Path of Sin from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, to Cain, Abel, and Seth:

    The Path of Sin to Cain, Abel, and Seth = 9+5+10+9+2+7

    = (9+5+10) + (9+2+7)

    = 24 + 18

    24 + 18 = 42

    4+2 = 6

    Sin = 19+9+14

    Sin = 42

    4+2 = 6

    Sin = 6

    If the path of sin to humanity is also the value of sin in the language of heaven, then we can conclude that Cain, Abel, and Seth are therefore the pathway of sin to the human race.

    The Origin of God

    From time immemorial, the relentless search for the origins of Biblical truth has persistently trapped humanity in an endless loop. Bible critics have come up with all sorts of theories to refute Biblical truth. The most notorious claim is that Jesus Christ was married and even had children. If there is any element of truth in this claim, then that will practically make the Bible completely false. If the Bible is not the truth, then God obviously doesn’t exist. On the other hand, the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the image and son of God Himself. Jesus answered: ‘Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? John 14:9. In every scientific research in human history, you cannot prove a theory without a traceable origin.

    For example, we cannot scientifically trace the origin of a new life on earth beyond the point of male and female unification. The fact that the world cannot trace the origin of God, makes it practically impossible to conclude that God doesn’t exist. Biblical critics claim that there is no God. They believe that every aspect of life on earth is an embodiment of scientific dispersion. They claim that science is what

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