Employment Reports

Graduating students in the Class of 2023 entered the full-time job market during a period of economic uncertainty. After rapid MBA employment growth post-COVID, 2022–23 saw deep and widespread layoffs throughout the tech industry and a significant drop in growth-stage and late-stage venture funding. Our students reflected on what mattered most to them and responded to the challenging market conditions with diligence and agility, seeking unique opportunities for leadership.

One way our students pursued leadership opportunities was in the burgeoning field of Private Equity and Venture Capital operations, which is reflected in the increase of students going into the finance industry. For 25% of the class, this search for leadership opportunities meant pursuing their dream of starting or running their own business, since funding for early-stage ventures and search funds remained robust.

Despite the market conditions, mean and median salaries increased from the prior year. However, slightly fewer students received or accepted offers by three months after graduation. This is partly due to the market, but it is also a reflection of our students waiting for the right opportunity since students continue to receive and accept offers after the reporting deadline. Students from the Class of 2024 used their summer to explore early-stage companies, their own ventures, stipend-supported programs, and opportunities abroad.

Read More of the 2023 Employment Report

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