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The National Board for The Placement and Protection of Indonesian Overseas Worker (BNP2TKI) DATA COLLECTION PLACEMENT AND PROTECTION OF INDONESIAN OVERSEAS WORKER By Abdul Ghofar Regional workshop on Strengthening the collection and use of international migration data in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Bangkok, 5 – 8 February 2019 Transformation towards: Integrated Services and Protection of PMI Law Number 18 Year 2017, Article 1 paragraph (5) Protection of PMI is all efforts to protect the interests of PMI and / or PMI candidates and their families in realizing the fulfillment of their rights in all activities before work, during work and after work in legal, economic and social aspects 1. Administrative process PLUS strategic initiatives; 2. Integrated Information Technology Utilization and Management ("integrated & globally connected nationality") ‐ >>>> Big Data 3. Capacity building and empowerment in a structured and systematic manner; 4. National roadmap for K / L / D collaboration and collaboration under the protection of PMI. 2 Indonesian Migrant Workers' Goals Article 3 guarantee the fulfillment and enforcement of human rights as citizens and Indonesian Migrant Workers; and a. guarantee the fulfillment and enforcement of human rights as citizens and Indonesian Migrant Workers; and b. guarantee the legal, economic and social protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers and their families. Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) Article 4 paragraph (1) a. Indonesian Migrant Workers who work for legal entities; b. Indonesian Migrant Workers who work for individual Employers or households; and c. Seafarers and fishermen sailors. 3 Not Included As Indonesian Migrant Workers Article 4 paragraph (2) a. Indonesian citizens sent or employed by international bodies or by countries outside their territory to carry out official duties; b. Students and trainees abroad; c. Indonesian refugee or asylum seeker; d. Investor; e. ASN or local employee who works at the Republic of Indonesia Representative; f. Indonesian citizens who work for institutions financed by the state's income and expenditure budget; and g. Indonesian citizens who have independent business abroad. 4 Requirements for Indonesian Migrant Workers Article 5 Aged at least 18 (eighteen) years; Having competence; Physically and mentally healthy; Registered and has a Social Security membership number; and e. Have complete documents required. a. b. c. d. 5 rights and obligations for PMI Article 6 1. Every Pmi or Pmi candidate has the right: a. get a job abroad and choose a job according to their competence; b. gain increased access self capacity through education and job training; c. obtain information right about the job market, procedures for placement, and conditions work abroad; d. obtain service professional and humane as well treatment without discrimination on when before work, during work, and after work; e. carry out worship according to religious beliefs and beliefs; f. get wages according to wage standards that apply in the country destination of placement and / or agreement between the two countries and / or Employment agreement; 6 rights and obligations for PMI (cont.) Article 6 1. Every Pmi or Pmi candidate has the right: g. get protection and legal assistance for actions that can undermine dignity and dignity in accordance with the provisions legislation in Indonesia and in the destination country placement; h. get an explanation about rights and obligations as contained in the Agreement Work; i. gain access to communication; j. master travel documents during work; k. associate and gather in the country the destination of the placement corresponds to provisions of laws and regulations that apply in the country placement goals; l. get guaranteed protection safety and security of the return of Indonesian Migrant Workers to the area of origin; and / or m. obtain documents and Work Agreement for Prospective Migrant Workers Indonesia and / or Workers Indonesian Migrants. 7 rights and obligations for PMI (cont.) Article 6 2. Every Indonesian Migrant Worker have obligations: a. Comply with laws and regulations, both domestically and in the destination country placement; b. Respect the customs or customs that apply in the country placement goals; c. Obey and implement the job is in accordance with Employment agreement; and d. Report arrival, existence, and return Indonesian Migrant Workers to Republican Representatives Indonesian in the destination country placement. 8 rights and obligations for PMI (cont.) Article 6 3. Every Family of Indonesian Migrant Worker has right: a. Get information about conditions, problems, and return PMI; b. Receive all property PMI who died abroad; c. Obtain a copy of the document and employee employment agreement PMI; and d. Gain access to communication. 9 Protection for PMI Article 7 Protection of CPMI or PMI includes: a. Protection before working; b. Protection during work; and c. Protection after work. d. Have complete documents required. IMPLEMENTATION OF PMI PLACEMENTS Article 49 Executors for the placement of PMI abroad consist of: a. Board; b. PMI Placement Company (P3MI); or c. Companies that place PMI for their own company. 10 Reform of governance of PMI • • • • The increasing aging population in a number of countries has resulted in high demands for the needs of foreign workers, but the lack of policy in the country and the infrastructure that regulates foreign workers is feared to cause new problems in handling migrant workers; The Indonesian government in its reform efforts includes initiatives such as forming desmigratif (productive migrant villages), kkbm (community of migrant workers' families) and other coaching steps towards pmi (Indonesian migrant workers) and their families. Government attention to migrant workers is further enhanced by the existence of social security, empowerment including financial literacy and education to Indonesian migrant workers and their entire family with the increasing need for migrant workers in many countries due to the increasing aging population, the need for active involvement of the international community to ensure the movement of migrant workers can be handled humanely within the framework of sustainable development goals. 11 Reform of governance of PMI (cont.) • Commitment to the management of migrant workers in a safe, orderly and orderly manner is reflected in the results of the conference in Marrakech, Morocco in 2018, the ASEAN consensus 2017 and the G‐20 leaders declaration calling for ongoing dialogue on labor migration issues. • the need for changes in the management of labor migration, especially in Asia, including the management of remittance flows • the need to develop mutual recognition of skills (MRS) between recipient and sending countries. this is important to avoid problems that often arise and cause problems for both parties. • To address a number number of countries where the absence of population growth even tends to be reduced so that aging population is dominant, the opportunity for labor migration to these countries needs to be ensured the elements of the new culture are important 12 THE SCHEME FOR PLACEMENT AND PROTECTION SERVICES OF INDONESIA OVERSEAS WORKERS 1. PRIVATE TO PRIVATE The Placement is facilitated by Private Company in both of Indonesian (PPTKIS) and Destination Countries (Agency). 2. PLACEMENT BY PERSONAL Working by themselves 3. GOVERNMENT TO GOVERNMENT (G TO G) Placement facilitated by Government refer to MoU between Indonesia Government and Destination Countries, i.e; South Korea, Japan. 4. GOVERNMENT TO PRIVATE (G TO P) Placement facilitated by Indonesia Government with Private Company in Destination Countries, i.e; Company in Penang (Malaysia). 5. COMPANY OWN INTERESTS Placement by Indonesian Private Company abroad for its own interest Flow Proc e ss of Pla c e m e nt M igra nt Worke rs 15 1 Selection Agency, Endorse Job Order Monitoring & Protection Migrant Worker Permit deployment of migrant workers (SIP), Monitoring & Protection of Migrant Worker EMBASSY BNP2TKI 2 4 Permit Recruitment of migrant workers (SPR) Info Jobs & Socialization, Recruitment & Selection, Agreement Placement, Recomm of Passport LAB. OFFICE PROV. LAB. OFFICE DISTRICT 3 EMBARKATION PERBANKAN 14 Verification Docs, PAP, Issued IDCard (E-KTKLN), Protection of Migrant Worker Documents requirements Get Data by NIK HOME AFFAIRS OFFC. Database Citizens Single ID (NIK) INSURANCE/BPJS INSURANCE/BPJS Pre-Placement Insurance, update data JO 7 12 2 MEDICAL CENTER JOBSINFO IMIGRATION OFFICE Issued Pasport, update data Departure and Arrival 10 11 Apply Recommend of Passport Medical check, update data, Certificate VOC. TRAINING CENTER CERTIFICATE INST/BNSP 9 Certification, update data, Certificate of Competension Registration, duration of Training, update data 5 CANDIDATE MW (SISKOTKLN) 13 During and after placement Insurance, update data PPTKIS ONLINE SYSTEM REGISTRATION (Insert Data) SYSTEM INFORMATION PLACEMENT OF OVERSEAS WORKERS BNP2TKI BRANCH OFFC. SIP & SPR 6 Non Tunai DEPARTURE 5 8 THE PLACEMENT SERVICE OF PROCESS STEPS 1. Employment Agency Indonesia (PPTKIS) & Agency Destination Country makes placements cooperation agreement, job order/demand letter as a condition for the recruitment of migrant workers. Consular or labor attaches to verify and endorsment job order/demand letter. 2. Job Order/Demand Letter as a condition of the permit deployment of migrant workers (SIP) by BNP2TKI 3. Issued permit recruitment of migrant workers by Labour Office Province 4. To disseminate information about job order, recruitment and selection of candidates by Labor Office Districts & PPTKIS, placement agreement between PPTKIS & candidates 5. Employment Agency & Candidates have document requirements 6. Candidates data entry through an Online System Resgistration by NIK based on database Citizen conducted by the Labor Office District THE PLACEMENT SERVICE OF PROCESS STEPS 7. Candidates insurance/BPJS TK included pre‐ placement by PPTKIS and then update data insurance to SISKOTKLN 8. Candidates shall pass medical checks at health facilities and given a Certificate of health, then update data health to SISKOTKLN 9. Candidates registered and training in Vocational Training Center for 1‐2 months and then update data training to SISKOTKLN 10. Candidates take the test competence in Competency Test Institutions and given a certificate of competence, then update data sertificate to SISKOTKLN 11. Candidates their passport at the immigration office based on data (reff: recommendation of passport) from SISKOTKLN for passports issued, then update data pasport to SISKOTKLN 12. Candidates insurance included during & after placement by PPTKIS and then update data insurance to SISKOTKLN 13. Candidates documents requirement verified , following the end of departure briefing ( PAP ) , issued ID Card (e‐KTKLN) by BNP2TKI representative in the Province/District, and employment contract signing, then update data to SISKOTKLN 14. Candidates departure to country of destination and update data departure from database Imigration to SISKOTKLN FLOW PROSES SI SKOTKLN SKEMA LAI NNYA DIT P3 – BNP2TKI REG. PMI for COMPANY OWN INTERESTS REG. PMI G TO G/P 1 REG. PMI PERSONAL REG. PMI SAILOR 1 1 PUBLIC INTERNET NETWORK PUBLIC INTERNET NETWORK 1 PUBLIC INTERNET NETWORK ASTINET NETWORK TKI PERSONAL P4 & P5 GOVERNMENT / PRIVATE SISKOTKLN BP3TKI/LP3TKI/P4TKI DOCUMENT and DATA VERIFICATION REG. PMI MANDIRI REG. PMI RE-ENTRY 1 2 3 TAKE a FOTO & F FINGERPRINT BIOMETRICS 4 PAP & E-KTKLN Center for Research, Development and Information The National Board for The Placement and Protection of Indonesian Overseas Worker DATA PLACEMENT OF INDONESIAN OVERSEAS WORKER 2011 – 2018 DATA OF PLACEM EN T (As of 2011 ‐ 2018) 700 600 586.802 494.609 500 512.168 429.874 400 275.737 300 234.451 261.82 264.092 2017 2018 200 100 0 2011 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2012 2013 Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2014 2015 2016 Total 586,802 494,609 512,168 429,874 275,737 234,451 261,820 264,092 DATA OF PLACEM EN T (As of 2011 ‐ 2018) INFORMAL SECTOR FORMAL SECTOR 350,000 320,611 285,297 300,000 266,191 258,411 247,610 250,000 300,000 236,198226,871 250,000 200,000 152,395 125,176118,830133,640 150,000 100,000 182,262 200,000 142,990130,452 123,342 109,275 150,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 NO YEAR TOTAL FORMAL % INFORMAL % 1 2011 586.802 266.191 45 320.611 55 2 2012 494.609 258.411 52 236.198 48 3 2013 512.168 285.297 56 226.871 44 4 2014 429.872 247.610 58 182.262 42 5 2015 275.737 152.395 55 123.342 45 6 2016 234.451 125.176 53 109.275 47 7 2017 261.820 118.830 45 142.990 55 8 2018 264.092 133.640 51 130.452 49 2018 2 DATA OF PLACEM EN T (As of 2011 ‐ 2018) FEMALE MALE 235,170 210,116214,825 186,243 200,000 400,000 376,686 250,000 350,000 279,784 276,998 300,000 243,629 250,000 150,000 200,000 166,767 150,000 183,561 179,448 145,392 108,970 89,059 100,000 100,000 78,259 84,644 50,000 50,000 0 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 NO YEAR NUMBER FEMALE % MALE % 1 2011 586.802 376.686 64 210.116 36 2 2012 494.609 279.784 57 214.825 43 3 2013 512.168 276.998 54 235.170 46 4 2014 429.872 243.629 57 186.243 43 5 2015 275.737 166.767 60 108.970 40 6 2016 234.451 145.392 62 89.059 38 7 2017 261.820 183.561 70 78.259 30 8 2018 264.092 179.448 68 84.644 32 3 DATA OF PLACEM EN T (As of 2011 ‐ 2018, By Marital Status) 400.000 379.366 350.000 309.427 300.030 300.000 251.149 250.000 200.000 150.423 150.000 120.510 115.213 110.664 100.000 165.753 158.858 158.124 142.463 104.718 100.117 95.25989.724 61.432 48.762 41.68336.45543.88336.260 20.59618.682 50.000 0.000 Married Tahun 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Married 379,366 300,030 309,427 251,149 150,423 120,510 110,664 115,213 Single Single 165,753 158,124 158,858 142,463 104,718 95,259 89,724 100,117 Divorced Divorced 41,683 36,455 43,883 36,260 20,596 18,682 61,432 48,762 DATA OF PLACEMENT (As of 2011 ‐ 2018, By Educational) 250,000 233,775 217,213 195,092 191,542 200,000 162,731 160,097 147,129 138,822 150,000 124,825 119,714 104,370 106,831 108,725 100,666 95,945 85,545 100,000 79,899 70,309 70,185 69,931 100,708 90,393 79,203 64,395 50,000 819440352179 31 17 24 21 29,012 26,572 24,276 17,355 6,349 6,340 5,662 4,685 4,051 3,956 3,079 2,976 1,594 1,307 1,187 1,224 0 Pasca Sarjana Tahun Sarjana Diploma Pasca Sarjana Sarjana SMU Diploma SMP SMU SD SMP SD 2011 819 6.349 24.276 104.370 233.775 217.213 2012 440 5.662 26.572 119.714 195.092 147.129 2013 352 6.340 29.012 124.825 191.542 160.097 2014 179 3.956 17.355 106.831 162.731 138.822 2015 31 1.594 4.685 70.309 108.725 90.393 2016 17 1.187 2.976 69.931 95.945 64.395 2017 24 1.307 4.051 70.185 85.545 100.708 2018 21 1.224 3.079 79.899 100.666 79.203 DATA OF PLACEMENT (As of 2011 ‐ 2018, By Province) NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PROVINSI ACEH BALI BANGKA BELITUNG BANTEN BENGKULU DI YOGYAKARTA DKI JAKARTA GORONTALO JAMBI JAWA BARAT JAWA TENGAH JAWA TIMUR KALIMANTAN BARAT KALIMANTAN SELATAN KALIMANTAN TENGAH KALIMANTAN TIMUR KALIMANTAN UTARA KEPULAUAN RIAU LAMPUNG MALUKU MALUKU UTARA 2011 1.490 15.066 225 27.576 373 4.395 18.718 52 578 148.850 123.154 109.233 1.689 1.250 107 665 0 1.179 17.085 462 54 2012 762 14.082 144 10.853 317 4.620 15.021 46 747 120.045 115.456 100.368 2.607 797 67 959 0 1.427 16.259 353 44 2013 910 14.617 110 13.244 334 4.967 14.248 29 934 129.885 105.971 93.843 10.091 888 60 716 0 1.540 17.975 325 56 2014 951 7.716 49 9.720 319 3.808 7.561 37 835 105.479 92.591 78.306 5.190 711 69 449 0 1.223 18.500 312 121 2015 786 4.869 22 4.270 294 1.856 1.212 4 528 63.064 57.078 48.313 2.231 422 24 179 0 804 16.109 78 85 2016 766 3.258 25 2.684 220 1.428 811 4 374 51.047 49.512 43.135 1.834 223 15 428 0 1.068 16.049 14 8 2017 680 4.872 16 2.315 294 1.525 894 41 261 50.756 54.737 63.498 1.325 129 37 2758 9 1.882 15.327 104 8 2018 925 4.172 21 2.316 398 1.360 762 14 303 54.740 56.100 60.714 1.797 150 40 1.722 561 1.209 17.910 38 14 22 NUSA TENGGARA BARAT 72.835 46.245 63.438 61.139 51.743 40.415 34.975 32.121 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 7.478 85 73 495 1.082 13.948 1.273 496 1.196 960 2.233 12.447 586.802 8.328 47 75 459 625 13.875 820 641 1.742 1.176 1.874 13.728 494.609 5.308 110 54 717 542 10.358 1.066 689 1.543 1.639 2.662 13.299 512.168 5.515 48 47 868 450 7.497 897 423 1.076 1.227 1.958 14.782 429.874 3.307 8 6 561 132 2.348 587 135 429 789 1.410 12.054 275.737 2.357 4 3 617 114 904 327 93 185 812 1.580 14.137 234.451 1.955 13 8 637 236 1124 631 158 458 945 2.103 17.109 261.820 1.970 11 4 1.011 278 1.072 767 349 430 1.081 1.845 17.887 264.092 NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR PAPUA PAPUA BARAT RIAU SULAWESI BARAT SULAWESI SELATAN SULAWESI TENGAH SULAWESI TENGGARA SULAWESI UTARA SUMATERA BARAT SUMATERA SELATAN SUMATERA UTARA Total DATA OF PLACEMENT (As of 2011 ‐ 2018, By Top Destination Countries) 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 MALAYSIA TAIWAN HONG KONG SINGAPORE KOREA SELATAN TAHUN MALAYSIA TAIWAN HONG KONG SINGAPORE SAUDI ARABIA BRUNEI DARUSSALAM ITALY KUWAIT TURKEY OMAN UNITED ARAB EMIRATES QATAR JAPAN BAHRAIN CHINA SPAIN SOUTH AFRICA UNITED STATES LAINNYA BRUNEI KOREA SAUDI UNITED ARAB SOUTH UNITED DARUSSALA ITALY KUWAIT TURKEY OMAN QATAR JAPAN BAHRAIN CHINA SPAIN LAINNYA SELATAN ARABIA EMIRATES AFRICA STATES M 2011 134.310 78.865 60.301 47.786 11.392 137.835 10.804 3.408 2.723 1.016 7.306 39.917 1.616 2.508 4.379 1.072 1.484 2.009 13.749 19.322 2012 134.097 81.071 45.478 41.556 13.593 40.655 13.146 3.691 2.518 1.209 8.836 35.888 20.380 3.293 6.328 1.967 1.746 1.813 15.353 21.991 2013 150.250 83.544 41.769 34.655 15.374 45.394 11.269 3.746 2.534 1.518 10.719 44.505 16.237 3.042 5.384 2.055 1.417 1.161 15.021 22.574 2014 127.870 82.665 35.050 31.860 11.849 44.325 11.616 1.295 1.714 1.246 19.141 17.963 7.862 24.283 5.472 915 889 783 9.233 15.878 2015 97.748 75.304 15.322 20.895 5.501 23.000 9.993 1.516 210 1.108 6.766 7.619 2.460 468 2.570 108 268 115 1.029 3.737 2016 87.623 77.087 14.434 17.700 5.912 13.538 8.152 851 987 498 1.014 2.575 1.355 75 123 65 126 16 249 2.071 2017 88.991 62.823 68.103 13.379 3.728 6.471 6.623 1.010 1.162 811 1.085 1.667 1.037 538 125 84 142 172 317 3.552 2018 90.671 72.373 56.033 16.660 6.905 5.894 5.707 1.204 1.172 1.005 749 726 587 458 86 378 68 54 45 3.525 DATA OF PLACEMENT (As of 2011 ‐ 2018, By Top Indonesia Districts) 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 TAHUN LOMBOK TIMUR 2011 28.391 32.213 22.133 18.152 23.352 13.977 18.386 11.918 11.918 13.407 11.366 13.742 14.446 13.260 9.918 9.273 10.159 6.458 7.113 295.669 2012 19.936 28949 19.799 16.755 13.675 10.967 12.266 9.742 9.742 11.657 10.329 11.291 10.338 9.380 9.422 7.939 6.191 5.648 8.509 260.876 2013 33.287 28.410 17.592 18.675 14.793 11.497 14.639 10.661 10.661 10.218 9.880 9.336 11.749 10.577 7.957 7.707 5.837 7.200 7.567 264.092 2014 29.510 25.521 16.013 15.786 14.109 11.212 11.311 8.357 8.357 8.114 7.973 8.216 8.499 8.665 7.271 6.723 7.472 7.582 5.267 213.404 2015 25.772 19.025 10.753 10.953 12.175 7.581 5.437 7.254 7.254 3.873 5.209 5.292 3.907 3.660 4.876 5.091 6.871 6.692 3.399 121.474 2016 19.274 16.625 9.574 10.078 10.907 6.391 3.227 6.522 6.522 3.348 4.815 4.310 2.749 2.250 4.039 4.692 5.191 5.994 3.387 104.481 2017 15.230 17.618 10.128 10.170 9.800 7.431 1.975 7.853 7.853 8.238 8.426 4.811 9.098 1.926 5.129 6.129 4.418 5.453 3.415 121.497 2018 12.782 21.045 10.806 11.353 9.522 6.645 1.523 8.647 7.282 6.987 7.701 5.723 3.489 1.754 5.409 6.377 4.183 6.564 3.493 122.807 INDRAMAYU CILACAP CIREBON LOMBOK SUKABUMI( BANYU TULUNG LOMBOK LAMPUNG KENDAL CIANJUR PONOROGO SUBANG MALANG BLITAR BREBES KARAWANG PATI (KAB) TENGAH KAB) WANGI AGUNG BARAT TIMUR LAINNYA DATA OF PLACEMENT (As of 2011 ‐ 2018, By Top Jobs) 2011 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 DATA OF PLACEMENT (As of 2011 ‐ 2018, By Top Jobs) NO JABATAN 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 1 Domestic Worker 267.733 166.646 170.023 136.083 60.982 45.309 92.158 75.311 2 Caregiver 54.999 53.501 49.231 49.521 51.772 54.160 44.033 51.386 3 Operator 44.592 47.423 57.319 48.119 35.187 32.411 31.367 36.005 4 Plantation Worker 39.622 36.478 47.598 47.790 38.526 30.834 26.470 25.108 5 Worker 58.860 47.346 33.044 24.106 20.352 29.010 26.704 26.668 6 Housekeepers 14.643 16.352 9.086 7.773 6.839 3.757 1.616 1.471 7 Construction Labourers 5.625 10.853 13.039 10.761 4.928 2.853 1.831 2.038 8 Driver Automotive 11.966 9.141 7.848 7.467 1.278 388 242 36 9 Fisherman 4.371 5.213 5.559 4.852 1.866 692 2.819 2.620 10 Waiter 5.742 5.903 4.979 3.245 2.310 1.426 1.670 1.045 11 Cleaning Labor 1.258 2.000 2.472 5.093 2.773 2.416 1.817 1.440 12 Gardener 2.018 2.580 3.831 3.214 2.245 1.211 1.386 843 13 Agricultural Labour 6.814 3.201 3.604 1.302 699 301 475 542 14 Steaward 5.952 5.341 2.690 1.380 235 11 96 65 15 Sanitation Officer 4.262 254 698 981 1.594 1.090 376 365 16 Cooks 1.070 1.137 1.606 1.267 634 323 387 259 17 Nurse 1.496 1.644 1.397 930 466 178 240 227 18 Farmer 861 700 891 890 776 977 1.147 532 19 Cook 1.460 1.595 1.717 655 144 10 2 7 20 Man Worker 2.413 1.360 1.009 585 153 40 22 4 21 Technician 987 796 966 876 294 148 163 66 22 Carpainter 934 891 1.096 599 288 168 156 226 23 Welder 619 805 935 891 477 154 75 227 24 Cooker 551 858 811 560 280 107 30 299 25 Mechanic 678 747 817 601 100 21 26 23 47.276 71.844 89.902 70.333 40.539 26.456 26.512 37.279 586.802 494.609 512.168 429.874 275.737 234.451 261.820 264.092 26 Lainnya TOTAL Center for Research, Development and Information The National Board for The Placement and Protection of Indonesian Overseas Worker DATA PROTECTION SERVICES OF INDONESIAN OVERSEAS WORKER 2011 – 2018 RECAP of ARRIVAL DATA TKI, 2011 ‐ 2018 NO AIRPORT 1 Soekarno - Hatta International Airport 2 Juanda 3 Lombok 4 Ngurah Rai 5 Adisutjipto 6 Kualanamu 7 Achmad Yani 8 Entikong 9 Hang Nadim 10 Husein Sastranegara 11 Adi Sumarmo 12 Mahmud Badaruddin Ii 13 Minangkabau International Airport 14 Tanjung Balai 15 Hasanudin 16 Kidjang 17 Pinang Kampai 18 Simpang Tiga 19 Supadio 20 Blang Bintang 21 Samratulangi 22 Sepingan TOTAL 2017 124.236 39.314 19.997 12.185 10.410 14.932 7.661 4.507 7.320 4.967 1.111 692 722 637 215 312 347 247 283 132 104 9 250.340 2018 92.546 5.213 18.649 8.390 8.698 18.632 6.849 1.884 6.854 2.597 66 605 694 641 188 260 117 207 152 120 82 8 173.452 YEAR Number of Arrivals 2010 539,169 2011 494,266 2012 393,720 2013 260,093 2014 201,779 2015 262,942 2016 308,468 2017 250,340 2018 173.452 COMPLAINT STATUS TKI YEAR 2011 - 2018 NO Complaint Status 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 1 Pengaduan Baru 0 0 0 0 0 3 20 100 123 2 Validasi 0 0 0 0 0 12 48 63 123 3 Distribusi 0 0 0 0 12 26 84 173 295 4 Proses di Unit Kerja BNP2TKI 0 0 0 0 8 42 189 87 326 5 Proses di Luar BNP2TKI 0 0 0 0 0 28 166 43 237 4.637 5.423 4.432 3.942 4.874 4.649 3.840 4.212 36.009 4.637 5.423 4.432 3.942 4.894 4.760 4.347 4.678 37.113 6 Selesai Total Complaint Service TKI at CRISIS CENTER YEAR 2011 - 2018 No Media Complaints 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TOTAL 1.392 2.083 1.757 1.379 1.864 2.196 1.668 2.282 14.621 1 Directly 2.221 1.475 1.371 1.662 1.501 1.395 1.429 12.006 2 Letter 952 3 E-mail 11 42 8 89 137 138 273 146 844 4 SMS 42 34 80 25 90 32 8 28 339 2.216 946 1.015 978 896 659 755 423 7.888 24 97 97 100 245 234 248 370 1.415 5 Telepon 6 Lain-lain Total 4.637 5.423 4.432 3.942 4.894 4.760 4.347 4.678 37.113 20 Largest Complaints by Country YEAR 2011 - 2018 NO COUNTRY 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total 2.884 2.766 1.863 1.294 1.103 1.145 890 435 12.380 1 SAUDI ARABIA 2 MALAYSIA 387 613 723 886 1.994 1.535 1.777 3.120 11.035 3 TAIWAN 161 204 345 277 274 442 630 271 2.604 4 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 170 305 262 280 264 314 201 128 1.924 5 SINGAPORE 102 149 110 152 154 204 181 98 1.150 6 JORDAN 253 282 188 132 70 47 46 44 1.062 7 SYRIA 137 345 166 129 99 97 37 14 1.024 8 OMAN 66 109 147 155 158 122 55 16 828 9 QATAR 59 94 189 126 93 75 63 23 722 10 HONG KONG 42 76 86 89 102 195 104 119 813 11 KUWAIT 172 138 86 55 56 52 23 22 604 12 BAHRAIN 29 64 64 86 107 102 61 9 522 13 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM 17 40 25 63 79 92 108 67 491 14 KOREA SELATAN 42 63 35 51 55 65 53 118 482 15 MESIR 11 17 10 9 33 13 10 4 107 16 TURKEY 1 6 3 15 15 21 9 8 78 17 ALGERIA 2 11 3 2 10 37 4 1 70 18 JAPAN 6 3 3 7 11 12 26 19 87 19 CHINA 1 1 3 7 25 16 7 14 74 20 IRAQ 0 0 0 3 9 19 14 13 58 21 LAINNYA 95 137 121 124 183 155 48 135 998 4.637 5.423 4.432 3.942 4.894 4.760 4.347 4.678 37.113 TOTAL TERIMA KASIH