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ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.9284-81146-1-SM.1005sup201610 Alves AG, Martins CA, Lima e Silva F et al. Treating and travails of being a... ORIGINAL ARTICLE TREATING AND TRAVAILS OF BEING A NURSING INSTRUCTOR O DELEITE E AS AGRURAS DE SER PROFESSOR DE ENFERMAGEM EL PLACER Y LAS DIFICULTADES DE SER UN MAESTRO DE ENFERMERÍA Angela Gilda Alves¹, Cleusa Alves Martins², Fernanda Lima e Silva³, Laís Bárbara Ferreira4, Midiã Saraiva Aderaldo Alexandre5, Diego Vieira de Mattos6 ABSTRACT Objective: to elucidate the meanings that pervade the speeches of nurse teachers, the experience of teaching practice. Method: exploratory and descriptive study with a qualitative approach, based on Grounded Theory Data. They were interviewed using semi-structured interviews, using the recorded audios which were later transcribed in full, 22 teachers of nursing working in public and private Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the Midwest Region of Goiânia / GO, Brazil. Following PDT, submitted the data to the encoding process in three stages. Results: four families emerged: The enchantment of being a teacher, I teach learn, go over, welcome, educate; the tripod: affectivity, responsibility and quality; The counterpoint of teaching enchantment. Conclusion: we found contentment as a result of reciprocity, sympathy and respect the craft of being a teacher nurse. Descriptors: Affection; Teacher; Nursing. RESUMO Objetivo: elucidar os sentidos que perpassam as falas dos professores enfermeiros, na vivência da prática docente. Método: estudo exploratório e descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, baseado na Teoria Fundamentada em Dados. Foram entrevistados, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, utilizando o registro de áudios que, posteriormente, foram transcritos na íntegra, 22 professores de Enfermagem que atuam em Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) pública e privada, na Região Centro Oeste de Goiânia/GO, Brasil. Seguindo a TFD, submeteram-se os dados ao processo de codificação em três estágios. Resultados: emergiram quatro famílias: o encantamento de ser professor - ao ensinar, aprendo, repasso, acolho, educo; o tripé afetividade, responsabilidade e qualidade; o contraponto do encantamento docente. Conclusão: constatou-se o contentamento como resultado da reciprocidade, simpatia e respeito no ofício de ser professor enfermeiro. Descritores: Afetividade; Professor; Enfermagem. RESUMEN Objetivo: aclarar los significados que corresponden a los abordajes de los maestros enfermeros, en la experiencia de la práctica docente. Método: estudio descriptivo y exploratorio con un enfoque cualitativo, basado en la teoría fundamentada en datos. Fueron entrevistados por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas, utilizando el registro de audios que posteriormente fueron transcritos en su totalidad, 22 docentes de enfermería que trabajan en instituciones de educación superior, públicas y privadas, en el centro oeste de Goiânia/GO, Brasil. Siguiendo la TFD, los datos fueron sometidos al proceso de codificación en tres etapas. Resultados: surgieron cuatro familias: el encanto de ser un profesor, al enseñar aprendo, repaso, acojo, educo. El trípode: afectividad, responsabilidad y calidad; El contrapunto de encantamiento docente. Conclusión: encontramos la satisfacción como resultado de la reciprocidad, simpatía y respeto al oficio de maestro de enfermería. Descriptores: Afecto; Maestro; Enfermería. ¹Nurse, Master in Education in Health (egress), Federal University of Goiás/UFGO. Goiânia (GO), Brazil. E-mail:; ²Nurse, Lecturer, PhD , College of Nursing, Federal University of Goiás /UFGO. Goiânia (GO), Brazil. E-mail:; ³Nurse, Master in Education in Health student, Federal University of Goiás /UFGO. Goiânia (GO), Brazil. E-mail:; 4,5 Nurse (egress), Federal University of Goiás /UFGO. Goiânia (GO), Brazil. E-mail:; 6Nurse Obstetrician, PhD in Psychology student, President at ABENFO-Goiás. Goiânia (GO), Brazil. E-mail: English/Portuguese J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 10(Suppl. 5):4240-8, Nov., 2016 4240 ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.9284-81146-1-SM.1005sup201610 Alves AG, Martins CA, Lima e Silva F et al. INTRODUCTION How is it being a professor of Nursing? This question arises in this nurse when mated to the magisterium, the teaching, the experience of this professional practice which does not allow it to come out unscathed from this experience, and riddled affections and interference from the outside world, which undoubtedly reflect on their professional practice. The intention of supporting the theoretical framework of Vygotsky as a stimulating source of this study has the intention to elucidate the emotional senses externalized by teachers, nurses 1 when these states: "The teaching craft transcends the act of teaching and new methods" and the description that although it cannot say Vygotsky has postulated the theory of emotions, he gave great importance to affection.2 First of all we have to return the question. What is it like to be a teacher of nursing? "Is that the question?". According to a the scholars 3, "to be a teacher-educator today is not the same as in the Empire, the Old Republic or the ideals of the Pioneers or the latest progressive ideas of the 1980s (...)". The culture that permeates nursing activities is ancient times, but not limited to the act of caring. Moreover, appropriates knowledge as an integrated practice of science, art and ethics, the principle insurgence seem to glimpse the possibility of a symbiosis between the teacher's office and the nurse. Paraphrasing Vygotsky 4 mirrored in Marx and Engels, "If things were directly what they seem, scientific research would not be necessary." Being a teacher is to develop the skill and sensitivity to the needs of their students. Not only the methods learned in the academic environment are needed to be a teacher. It is also required to be a teacher to balance scientific knowledge and the knowledge that the teacher as an individual brings with it. The professor of Nursing should obtain basic knowledge related to educational teachinglearning methods so that you can implement activities that facilitate the learning of their students.5 Being a teacher is to be a facilitator and mediator of the learning process and empowerment of their students, since these empowered students can act with greater confidence in their profession.5-6 The exchange of affection and knowledge, bring remarkable and extraordinary events for the reconfigured role of teacher in a linear, analog model, which in a turn can mean an ubiquity model. English/Portuguese J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 10(Suppl. 5):4240-8, Nov., 2016 Treating and travails of being a... Reflection on affectivity in historical cultural psychology leads us on matters of the human psyche. Emotion is not lonely and isolated nor the psychological functioning component because it is rooted in memory, thought, imagination, planning, knowledge, concepts, meanings, senses, perception, attention and language. There is accordingly one in form of polarization of conceiving reason and emotion.2 Here the word is not a simple word, but it becomes the unit of verbal thought and intellectual speech. So the word acquires meaning that "at the same time are speaking of phenomena and intellectuals".7 Affection has been a major ally to the act of learning and teaching should be linked to emotional acts that should be pleasurable in pedagogical practices. This dominates the personal activity in the instinctive sphere, perceptions, memory, thought, will, in the actions, designing balance and harmony to personality.8 The various experiences of teachers as social and cultural subjects, with their values, feelings, emotions and behaviors, inserted in the social context leads to understanding the dimensions of the social life of teachers partly determine their pedagogical practice.9 In this sense the present study aims to elucidate the meanings that pervade the speeches of nurses teachers, and the experience of teaching practice. METHOD An exploratory and descriptive study with a qualitative approach, guided by Grounded Theory Data (GTD). The GTD aims to capture and interpret what happens in a particular context or object studied, how is the day-today of the participants, and from the understanding of the meanings and implications, to produce knowledge and provide relevant guidance for action.10-1 Constituted a non-probability sample, with 22 teachers, nurses, including those disciplines in the third-year of the nursing course, working in the pedagogical practice of Public Health, Women's Health and Children's Health, seven public and private Higher Education Institutions (HEI), that have more than five years of course therefore have recognition from the Ministry of Education. The research excluded those teachers who were on vacation or leave, and nursing courses that have less than five years. The production data took place between August and November 2015, through semistructured interviews with open and closed 4241 ISSN: 1981-8963 Alves AG, Martins CA, Lima e Silva F et al. questions, using the record audios which were later transcribed in full. Following PDT, the data submitted to the coding process into three stages: the first time after initial reading of the answers << What is being a teacher >> and talking about this practice, the coding was carried out by microanalysis on which allowed more information in small portions of data. The similarity and differences of this stage called open coding - first step to develop families. The next step, the axial coding by Atlas Ti tool allowed the interweaving and interconnection that after encoded, the data were compared to the others. The action of such procedures is called selective coding that is understood as the highest level of complexity. The research project of the study was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of the Federal University of Goiás Clinical Hospital as Certificate Presentation of Findings Ethics No. 35107814.4.0000.5078 and Opinion No. 852 830, and serves Resolution No. 466 / 1211do National Health Council. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Among the subjects of the study 14% were male. And, 55% of teachers were older than 45 years. Regarding marital status 63% of the teachers were married, 23% single and 14% divorced, of which 73% had a child and 27% had no children. All teachers reported not being limited to knowledge acquired in the graduation period, but continue seeking knowledge from specializations, master's and doctoral degrees. As a result also notes that among the 22 respondents, 41% had a Master's degree; 23% had some kind of specialization; 18% the title of Doctor; Also, 19% of teachers are still in the process of knowledge acquisition, of which 14% reported to be studying their master's and 5% a doctorate. Respondents answered the question regarding which educational institution is bound in its provision service. Data showed that 82% are linked to Private Education Network, and 18% the Public Network. As for the weekly working hours 55% of the teachers worked more than 25 hours per week and 45% less than 25 hours. Data was not obtained related to extra time devoted to work for the preparation of the material and preparation of the content to be taught. For data analysis we used the ATLAS IT analysis tool, building the microanalysis of words, phrases and sentences that gave the codes. Families connected with other families English/Portuguese J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 10(Suppl. 5):4240-8, Nov., 2016 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.9284-81146-1-SM.1005sup201610 Treating and travails of being a... represented in the drawing format, in semantic networks, then the process of refinement and abstraction of lines of highly reduced participants, explain all the interrelated families contextualized derived the central core related to these results and associated GFD generated plausible 12 explanations. In the data analysis came a central core which nominated << The sense of being a teacher >> moves through the nurse's goal, and attributed the four families names: Professor of enchantment; By teaching, I learn, go over, welcome and educate; The tripod: affectivity, responsibility, quality and 4th family received the counterpoint against the teaching enchantment.  The sense of being a teacher moves through the nurse desideratum The teaching profession was sought originally by women who wanted a dimension of social recognition.13 In the nineteenth century teaching was a predominantly male profession. But with the changes in the educational system of the time there was a sexual division of labor, causing women to become a majority in teaching. The teacher profile and the elements of its formation are contextualized in the following order to be described. According to the data obtained, it is observed that 86% of teachers are women. As a profession, 13 sought originally by women who wanted a dimension of social recognition and this division, the Western world has imposed a division of roles between male and female. Dictating what action is female and what action is male. In the nineteenth century teaching was a profession with a predominance of males. Two arguments are imposed on women: the ecological argument, where the woman must be a mother and housewife and the essentialist argument which states that every woman has in their nature characteristics such as affection, dependency, irrationality and weakness.14 Teaching was one of the first places where women entered the labor market. From the nineteenth century increased the number of women in teaching and reduces the incidence of men. In the twentieth century there is a clear salary reduction of teachers and poor working conditions culminating in the distancing of men in this career. Teaching being a profession with a predominance of women, it is considered as a feminist profession where women earn less than men even performing equivalent functions and 4242 ISSN: 1981-8963 Alves AG, Martins CA, Lima e Silva F et al. suffer social discredit. As for careers as a female said: teacher and nurse. They are said to demonstrate skills related to femininity as affection and care. Being somewhat erroneous, because the effectiveness is a sense of the human being and not only the woman.16 In our research this participant explained her feelings related to these arguments. Being a teacher is to be a little bit father, a little bit mother [...] is when we carry our students at the beginning and teach them to walk, so we teach our children to walk and talk, Come son, mom will hold you! That's about it, come I'm here to give you that support, and then get off and he understands that he knows how to run, jump and it will play a little with nursing (P 08). Among our data from 22 teachers interviewed, some teachers reported the need to continually update due to the ease in which students have to check what is being said in class: If you place outdated, inadequate information it has the means to quickly get to check that information. So you have to maintain means to keep updated (P19). The responsibility to pass content to the student, and these factors causing stress because of their job requirements responsibilities. Some of the reasons that motivate teachers to continue in his career is like the opportunity to exchange experiences and information16, and get the opportunity to upgrade and good socializing with colleagues. The construction of the teacher profile is built as you perform the task, it is very interesting because every day is a new situation and challenges constantly. Challenges to seek new knowledge, to seek new technologies to apply the teaching assurance and student learning (P18).  The enchantment of being a teacher During teaching practice teachers experience numerous experiments, one of which is the delight of the profession. The English/Portuguese J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 10(Suppl. 5):4240-8, Nov., 2016 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.9284-81146-1-SM.1005sup201610 Treating and travails of being a... pleasure in teaching is linked to freedom of expression, the progressive knowledge, socializing with co-workers and students, the recognition and valuing.17 The satisfaction of the teacher during the exercise of his office to be relevant in the process of learning, and the teacher a mediator of knowledge and not just the engagement holder in this processo.18 Thus, production and knowledge transfer is essential and is only possible through the interaction between teachers and students. It's wonderful [...] Why is something we are doing for the future life of other professionals (P 01). Is my passion. I love very much to be a teacher (P 05). [...] When I'm in class, I'm in heaven. Because I think the process of teaching, to bring information and move to the other is too great (P 07). Being a teacher is to be a little bit father, a little bit mother (P 08). Being a teacher is rewarding, you participate in the training of others (P12). Pleasure in the profession is also triggered by the achievement of a childhood dream, the outcropping of a vocation or even the influence of the family, which shows the lines: I usually say that I have a professor's soul. Because I was born on the day of the teacher and being a teacher for me is wonderful it is important. My mother was a teacher, she worked in some activities was coordinating. And as a young child I remember picking up chalk and write short, being a teacher is my soul (P 02). It is a vocation because we fail to practice nursing in the proper care to work in teaching (P 06). So for me to be a teacher at first it is something I always wanted, I think when I played, played at being a teacher. My mother was a teacher of an elementary school, she taught them to read and write. I remember I was about 13, 14 years we lived in and my mother became ill and I took her classroom (P21). 4243 ISSN: 1981-8963 Alves AG, Martins CA, Lima e Silva F et al. DOI: 10.5205/reuol.9284-81146-1-SM.1005sup201610 Treating and travails of being a... Figure 1. Semantic Web - Enchantment of being a teacher. The relationship between the codes are set out below: is delivery of (is part of); is a (is); is property of (belongs to); is associated with (is associated with).  By teaching I learn, go over, I welcome, educate The teacher has an extremely important role in the academic life of the students, but as there are people in a group of diverse personalities you need to know to deal with people of different personalities. It is a building process still [...] The construction of the teaching profile builds as you perform the task, it is very interesting because every day is a new situation. Challenges to seek new knowledge to seek new technologies to apply the teaching assurance and student learning. Because each student being is a being with individuality, specificity, specifically in our each school [...]. We have much respect for the individuality of the student, because each brings an individual process of knowledge. And also different applications during the practical classes have to have a whole teaching to deal with the difference ensuring that students learn (P 18). Contributing to education aimed not only at individual growth but a collective growth, where society is positively affected by the quality of this teaching.16 The human being, whatever their degree of socialization, to break free of this false English/Portuguese J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 10(Suppl. 5):4240-8, Nov., 2016 obsession that only those who seem like us are close and fraternal to be with us, the other must be identical to us.19 It is believe we are at all times sharing the construction of learning, considering the contribution of each student, including it as a historical and subject of its own motion. For the teacher to pass a content it needs to get a good grip on the theme addressed and teaching is to pass on information. Since then teaching the teacher exposes your scientific knowledge relating them with already lived experiences. By doing so there is an information transfer process and meaningful experiences for their students. Since in addition to teaching the theory, presents the practice reports thus facilitating the visualization from content for their students. To make a plan and implement it is necessary that this teacher gets a pedagogical basis previously. This base must bring a basic understanding of the subject to be transferred, experiences practice the same, the ability to correlate the information cognitive spheres, and emotional skills, repertoire for discussion of the topic related to the ethical and political burden that the 4244 ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.9284-81146-1-SM.1005sup201610 Alves AG, Martins CA, Lima e Silva F et al. subject demands, so your listeners Treating and travails of being a... can develop a critical look at the theme.5 Figure 2. Semantic Web - teaching, learn, go over, welcome, educate. The relationship between the codes are set out below: is is because of (is because of); is an (is); is associated with (is associated with).  Tripod: affectivity, responsibility and quality The meanings in people's lives and particularly of nursing teachers because of their peculiarities denote the Nursing education that is carried out in a teaching complex environment requiring a pedagogical action, more than the technical and scientific training, establishing also dedicated training for social transformation. Larger muscles as the experiences, knowledge of which arouse the internal processes related to the cultural environment.18,20 [...] It is the responsibility we have in professional training (P 18). Transmitting look more critical of reality [...] for the training of citizens and citizen (P21). Contribute to quality care (P 16). Have scientific and pedagogical knowledge to teach their student, the teacher as the protagonist of this process with the duty to teach the student Nursing practice care must be constantly reformulated, as the scene of practices, so the teacher's task is to English/Portuguese J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 10(Suppl. 5):4240-8, Nov., 2016 appropriate scientific instruments and constantly seek to empower, qualify to achieve a teaching-learning process beyond the competence. A didactic preparation regarding the pedagogical area is evident in the speeches of the participants. It is understood that the quality linked to responsibility and one more attribute that gave plasticity to exercise of teaching.5,21  The counterpoint enchantment of teaching In the nineteenth century the teaching was a predominantly male profession. Two arguments are imposed on women: the ecological argument, where the woman must be a mother and housewife and the essentialist argument which states that every woman has in her nature characteristics such as affection, dependency, irrationality and weakness.14 Differences between men and women are strongly qualified by sex, with obvious biological connotations and strong intention to produce hierarchies that sustain unequal and domination relations in the specific context of 4245 ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.9284-81146-1-SM.1005sup201610 Alves AG, Martins CA, Lima e Silva F et al. Treating and travails of being a... the social relations of gender and its articulation with class, race, ethnicity and generation. 15 teaching enchantment. For more impacting professional practice reports appear subtly, but very content indignation.22 It also was noted stressors as the devaluation of the teacher itself, the desire for better wages other reasons why they feel unmotivated. As we can see in Figure 2 the pain also causes anguish that is related to lack of interest of students and lack of resources . [...] But I think the teacher should be more valued and better paid (P 06). What I have observed is a very great lack of interest of the students. [...]aroused me some anxiety [...] the teacher had more significance (P 15). Nurses teachers have stress triggers in their daily lives as professional requirements, accumulation of work that they have and multiple functions, double shifts and need for a better salary. Reports as an overlay to this appear in the speeches of the participants. We understand that the counterpoint of Figure 3. Web Semantics - The counterpoint of teaching enchantment By observing Figure 3 an overlapping sense of being a teacher and the relationship of this overlap forming a network nearby with responsibility and learning, which teachers carry in their professional practice. When filtering out the interlocking relationships of code emphasizes the importance of mediation of the Vigotsky assumptions when he says that we learn from someone older or someone more experienced. It is understood that teachers respond very strongly how important they are to occur in the teaching learning process. Moreover, these codes correlate with families in a very English/Portuguese J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 10(Suppl. 5):4240-8, Nov., 2016 close way in features and capabilities. Knowledge and dedication converging with being a teacher is the training base of the sense of being a teacher. These pillars are those that hold the other concepts as follows: learning, emotions, culture, educational practices which overlap like tiles, like the petals of flowers with the purest and thin sure to protect what simpler behaved the desideratum nurse teacher. CONCLUSION With the process of data analysis became clear affective-emotional reaction that the 4246 ISSN: 1981-8963 Alves AG, Martins CA, Lima e Silva F et al. teacher expresses when asked about their craft. The relevance of teaching is something undeniable: knowledge modifies human behavior. In this context, to analyze the speeches of teachers, we found the weight of the master task, arousing feelings of pleasure and displeasure. It was observed that an aura of love, passion, pleasure breaks out on his face, the expression of the look and glowing smile of the participants. Such emotional reactions succumbed any other cloud unpleasantness that the profession carries "the hardships," making them tiny nearly as much pleasure in doing what you like. The Contentment is the result of reciprocity, sympathy and respect between teacher and student and professional achievement. In contrast, the unpleasantness is manifested by the desire of professional recognition. 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