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Since the first optical instruments were invented, the idea that the visible image of an object under observation depends on tools of observation became commonly assumed in physics. A way of formalizing this idea in mathematics is the... more
Since the first optical instruments were invented, an idea that the visible image of an object under observation depends on tools of observation became commonly assumed in physics. A way of formalizing this idea in mathematics is the... more
We suggest a generalization of Pontryagin duality from the category of commutative, complex Lie groups to the category of (not necessarily commutative) Stein groups with algebraic connected component of identity. In contrast to the other... more
The Structure Theorem for Hopf modules states that if a bialgebra H is a Hopf algebra (i.e. it is endowed with a so-called antipode) then every Hopf module M is of the form M coH ⊗ H, where M coH denotes the space of coinvariant elements... more
Let G be a finitely generated group, and let kG be its group algebra over a field of characteristic 0. A Taylor expansion is a certain type of map from G to the degree completion of the associated graded algebra of kG which generalizes... more