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Quantitative evaluation and analysis of morphometric parameters derived from ASTER DEM using ARC Hydro tool in a GIS Environment – A study of Vaishali River Basin of Madhya Pradesh

GIS has become a key source to understand the hydrological conditions of watersheds for the last few decades. Arc Hydro tool of ArcGIS has been proven its role in the automated extraction of drainage network and morphometric analysis from DEMs. The delineation of drainage network can be done either manually from topographic sheets or derived from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data by means of computational methods. In the present work, ASTER DEM has been incurred to extract drainage network with the aid of Arc hydro tool. The Vaishali River basin of Madhya Pradesh has been taken as the study area. This study has been done primarily based on a geo-spatial software ARC GIS in which ARC HYDRO a tool has been used extensively. The quantitative evaluation and analysis of about twenty morphometric parameters has been done based on the linear, areal and relief aspects. The analysis has revealed that the Vaishali River basin is a fifth order basin showing dendritic drainage pattern with drainage density of 0.40 per km and stream frequency of 0.08 per km2. Low drainage density indicates the basin has not been much affected by structural disturbances while drainage frequency and very coarse drainage texture specifies low relief and porous, permeable rocks beneath the ground surface. The form factor, circularity ratio and elongated ratio suggest the basin shape as elongated. The area has low to moderate relief and slopes displays moderate relief ratios. It is concluded that this technique is not only reduces time but also provides valuable results which are very helpful for watershed management studies. Keywords— Drainage network, Morphometric parameters, Arc Hydro, GIS, ASTER DEM.

I nternational Journal of I nnovative Resear ch in Advanced Engineering (I JI RAE) ISSN: 2349-2763 I ssue 09, Volume 3 (September 2016) Quantitative evaluation and analysis of morphometric parameters derived from ASTER DEM using ARC Hydro tool in a GIS Environment – A study of Vaishali River Basin of Madhya Pradesh Monika Sharma SOS in Earth Science Jiwaji University, Gwalior S.N.Mohapatra * SOS in Earth Science Jiwaji University, Gwalior Mohit Singh SOS in Earth Science Jiwaji University, Gwalior Abstract— GIS has become a key source to understand the hydrological conditions of watersheds for the last few decades. Arc Hydro tool of ArcGIS has been proven its role in the automated extraction of drainage network and morphometric analysis from DEMs. The delineation of drainage network can be done either manually from topographic sheets or derived from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data by means of computational methods. In the present work, ASTER DEM has been incurred to extract drainage network with the aid of Arc hydro tool. The Vaishali River basin of Madhya Pradesh has been taken as the study area. This study has been done primarily based on a geo-spatial software ARC GIS in which ARC HYDRO a tool has been used extensively. The quantitative evaluation and analysis of about twenty morphometric parameters has been done based on the linear, areal and relief aspects. The analysis has revealed that the Vaishali River basin is a fifth order basin showing dendritic drainage pattern with drainage density of 0.40 per km and stream frequency of 0.08 per km2. Low drainage density indicates the basin has not been much affected by structural disturbances while drainage frequency and very coarse drainage texture specifies low relief and porous, permeable rocks beneath the ground surface. The form factor, circularity ratio and elongated ratio suggest the basin shape as elongated. The area has low to moderate relief and slopes displays moderate relief ratios. It is concluded that this technique is not only reduces time but also provides valuable results which are very helpful for watershed management studies. Keywords— Drainage network, Morphometric parameters, Arc Hydro, GIS, ASTER DEM. I. INTRODUCTION Morphometry is the measurement and mathematical analysis of the configuration of the earth’s surface, shape and dimension of its landforms (Clarke 1996; Agarwal 1998; Obi Reddy et al. 2002). Morphometric studies were first initiated in the field of hydrology and the main idea behind this work was to ascertain complete stream properties from the quantification of various stream attributes (Horton 1940 and Strahler 1950). Horton’s laws were later on modified and developed by several geomorphologists. Most noteworthy among them are Strahler (1952, 1957, 1958, and 1964), Schumm (1956), Scheidegger (1965), Shreve (1966), Gregory (1966), Gregory and Walling (1978). The thematic layers required for the morphometric analysis can be prepared by using remote sensing and GIS. One of the major advantage being the use of digital elevation data. However, the resolution of the satellite image varies with the sensors, but the DEM provides the base for extracting the drainage network. Geographical information systems (GIS) have been very popular for the last decades amongst the researchers to determine interprete and analyses the river basins and related parameters. Delineation of drainage network and its parameter analysis generally emphasis the climate, geology, geomorphology, and relief aspects of a basin. The morphometric analysis of a river basin thus provides the first hand information to understand the geomorphology and watershed characteristics. Recently many researchers have derived the drainage morphometric analysis using Geographic Information System (GIS) tools. Some of the notable recent researchers who have successfully utilized these tools to derive morphometric parameters are Ahmed et al. (2010), Pareta and Pareta (2011), Hajam et al. (2013), Magesh et al. (2013), Mondal (2013), Rai et al. (2014) .In the present work effort has been made to derive drainage network from ASTER DEM and evaluate the morphometric parameters with the help of Arc hydro tool. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ I JI RAE: I mpact Factor Value – SJI F: I nnospace, Morocco (2015): 3.361 | PI F: 2.469 | Jour I nfo: 4.085 | I ndex Copernicus 2014 = 6.57 © 2014- 16, I JI RAE- All Rights Reserved Page -6 I nternational Journal of I nnovative Resear ch in Advanced Engineering (I JI RAE) ISSN: 2349-2763 I ssue 09, Volume 3 (September 2016) II. STUDY AREA The study area for the present work is the Vaishali River basin of Madhya Pradesh. The Vaishali River is a tributary of Sind River and the basin area is 2869.48 km2. The area falls between 26o4’36”N to 26o34’14” N latitude and 77o58’58” E to 78o56’31” E longitudes. The large portion (83 percent) of the area covers the Bhind and Gwalior districts and rest of the portion (17 percent) covers the Morena and Datia districts of Madhya Pradesh (Fig. 1). The total length of the Vaishali River is 138 km and Morar is its important tributary. The river originates from 262 m height from the mean sea level and flows through Devgarh Reserved Forest Gwalior range which is fairly dense forest. The climatic condition of the area is characterized by a hot summer and general dryness except during the south western monsoon. The normal rainfall of the area is 759 mm and the normal maximum temperature during the month of May is 46o C and minimum 7.1oC. Basin experiences maximum rainfall throughout southwest monsoon period i.e. June to September about 91.9% of the annual rainfall predicates during the monsoon season. The study area is situated on the central edge of peninsular shield of India. It is extremely hot during the summers but gets fairly cool throughout the winters. Fig.1 Location of study area III. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY Now-a-days automated delineation technique of drainage network and stream ordering from ASTER DEM is more convenient, time saving and accurate way than the manual delineation technique of drainage network. The methodology adapted for the study is to first extraction of river basin and then to extract the drainage network. First ASTER DEM images were downloaded from this website then downloaded ASTER DEM images were successfully mosaicked. Mosaicked image was used to delineation of the river basin boundary and Vaishali river basin area was extracted using Arc hydro tool in ARC GIS 10.0 software. Secondly the number of steps in Arc hydro tool have been attempted for delineating drainage network of Vaishali river basin (Fig. 2). In addition slope map, aspect map, and triangular irregular network map of Vaishali river basin were derived from ASTER DEM with Spatial Analyst tool in ARC GIS 10.0. The mathematical formulas given in Table I have been used for evaluating morphometric parameters viz. stream order, stream number, bifurcation ratio, stream length, stream length ratio, length of overflow land, basin area, basin perimeter, basin length, length of overland flow, drainage density, drainage frequency, drainage texture, infiltration number, form factor ratio, elongation ratio, circularity ratio, basin relief, relief ratio and dissection index based on linear, areal and relief aspects respectively. The various stages during the process of extraction of drainage network and stream orders by using various tools in ARC GIS have been shown in Figure 2. S. NO. PARAMETERS TABLE – I MORPHOMETRIC PARAMETERS WITH FORMULAS SYMBOL FORMULA 1 REFERENCE LINEAR ASPECTS 1.1 STREAM ORDER Sµ HIERARCHICAL RANK 1.2 BIFURCATION RATIO RB RB = Nµ/ Nµ+1 WHERE, RB = BIFURCATION RATIO, Nµ=NO. OF STREAM SEGMENTS OF A GIVEN ORDER AND Nµ+1= NO. OF STREAM SEGMENTS OF NEXT HIGHER ORDER. STRAHLER AN AND CHOW VT (1964) SCHUMN SA (1956) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ I JI RAE: I mpact Factor Value – SJI F: I nnospace, Morocco (2015): 3.361 | PI F: 2.469 | Jour I nfo: 4.085 | I ndex Copernicus 2014 = 6.57 © 2014- 16, I JI RAE- All Rights Reserved Page -7 I nternational Journal of I nnovative Resear ch in Advanced Engineering (I JI RAE) ISSN: 2349-2763 I ssue 09, Volume 3 (September 2016) 1.3 MEAN BIFURCATION RATIO RBM RBM= AVERAGE OF BIFURCATION RATIO OF ALL ORDERS STRAHLER AN AND CHOW VT (1964) 1.4 STREAM LENGTH Lµ LENGTH OF STREAM ( KILOMETERS) HORTON RE (1945) 1.5 MEAN STREAM LENGTH LSM STRAHLER AN AND CHOW VT (1964) 1.6 STREAM LENGTH RATIO RL LSM= Lµ/ Nµ WHERE, Lµ= TOTAL STREAM LENGTH OF ORDER ‘Μ’ Nµ=TOTAL NO. OF STREAM SEGMENTS OF ORDER ‘Μ’ RL= LSM / LSM -1 WHERE, LSM =MEAN STREAM LENGTH OF A GIVEN ORDER AND LSM -1= MEAN STREAM LENGTH OF NEXT LOWER 1.7 LG 1.8 LENGTH OF OVERLAND FLOW BASIN PERIMETER P 1.9 BASIN LENGTH LB 2.1 BASIN AREA A AREA FROM WHICH WATER DRAINS TO A COMMON STREAM AND BOUNDARY DETERMINED BY OPPOSITE RIDGES. STRAHLER AN AND CHOW VT (1964) 2.2 DRAINAGE DENSITY DD SINGH S AND SINGH MC (1997) 2.3 DRAINAGE FREQUENCY FS 2.4 INFILTRATION NUMBER IF 2.5 DRAINAGE TEXTURE DT 2.6 FORM FACTOR RATIO RF DD = LΜ/A WHERE, DD = DRAINAGE DENSITY (KM/KM2) LΜ = TOTAL STREAM LENGTH OF ALL ORDERS AND A = AREA OF THE BASIN (KM2). FS = NΜ/A WHERE, FS = DRAINAGE FREQUENCY, NΜ = TOTAL NO. OF STREAMS OF ALL ORDERS AND A = AREA OF THE BASIN (KM2). IF = DD × FS WHERE, DD = DRAINAGE DENSITY (KM/KM2) AND FS = DRAINAGE FREQUENCY. DT = NΜ /P WHERE, NΜ = NO. OF STREAMS IN A GIVEN ORDER AND P = PERIMETER (KMS) RF = A/LB 2 WHERE, A = AREA OF THE BASIN AND LB = (MAXIMUM) 2.7 ELONGATION RATIO RE RE= √A / Π / LB WHERE, A= AREA OF THE BASIN (KM2) LB=(MAXIMUM) BASIN LENGTH (KM) SCHUMN SA (1956) 2.8 CIRCULARITY RATIO RC SARMA ET AL. (2013) 3 3.1 BASIN RELIEF H 3.2 RELIEF RATIO RR 3.3 DISSECTION INDEX DI RC = 4ΠA/ P2 WHERE, A = BASIN AREA (KM2) AND P= PERIMETER OF THE BASIN (KM) RELIEF ASPECTS H=Z–Z WHERE, Z = MAXIMUM ELEVATION OF THE BASIN (M) AND Z = MINIMUM ELEVATION OF THE BASIN (M) RR = H / LB WHERE, H = BASIN RELIEF (M) AND LB = BASIN LENGTH ( M) DI = H / RA WHERE, H = BASIN RELIEF (M) AND RA = ABSOLUTE RELIEF (M) HORTON RE (1945) ORDER 2 LG=1/2D KM WHERE, D=DRAINAGE DENSITY (KM/KM2) P=OUTER BOUNDARY OF DRAINAGE BASIN MEASURED IN KILOMETERS. LB=1.312XA0.568 HORTON RE (1945) SCHUMN SA (1956) SCHUMN SA (1956) AREAL ASPECTS SINGH S AND SINGH MC (1997) ZAVOIANCE I (1985) HORTON RE (1945) AND P ARETA K AND PARETA U (2011) SINGH S AND SINGH MC (1997) BASIN LENGTH RUDRAIAH ET AL. (2008) SCHUMN SA (1956) MAGESH ET AL. (2012) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ I JI RAE: I mpact Factor Value – SJI F: I nnospace, Morocco (2015): 3.361 | PI F: 2.469 | Jour I nfo: 4.085 | I ndex Copernicus 2014 = 6.57 © 2014- 16, I JI RAE- All Rights Reserved Page -8 I nternational Journal of I nnovative Resear ch in Advanced Engineering (I JI RAE) ISSN: 2349-2763 I ssue 09, Volume 3 (September 2016) Fig. 2 Process of extraction of drainage network and stream orders IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION In the present study morphometric investigation has been done based on three major aspects which are linear, areal and relief parameters. In addition to these the ground slope and slope aspect have also been analyzed. A. SLOPE Slope analysis is a key parameter in geomorphological studies for watershed development and is very crucial for morphometric analysis (Magesh et al. 2011). The degree of slope in Vaishali River basin varies from <2.2o to >40o. The slope map of Vaishali basin is shown in Fig. 3. Higher slope is clearly seen in the southern part of the Vaishali basin. Fig. 3: Slope Map of Vaishali River Basin B. ASPECT Aspect generally denotes the direction to which slope faces. The value of the output raster data set represents the compass direction of the aspect (Magesh et al. 2011) .The aspect map of Vaishali basin is shown in Fig. 4. On the basis of the majority of the raster cells it is very clear that the South-facing slope mainly occur in the Vaishali basin. C. LINEAR MORPHOMETRIC PARAMETERS The morphometric analysis of the linear parameters of the Vaishali basin contains of stream order (Sµ), stream number (Nµ), bifurcation ratio (Rb), stream length (Lµ), stream length ratio (RL), length of overland flow (Lg), basin length (Lb) and basin perimeter (P). These parameters along with mean stream length ((Lsm) and mean bifurcation ratio (Rbm) have been calculated and tabulated in Table II C1 STREAM ORDER (Sµ) Stream ordering is one of the most elementary and crucial step in the determination of morphometric analysis as it gives idea about the geometry of the drainage networks. In this study Strahler (1964) method has been adopted for numbering the stream order. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ I JI RAE: I mpact Factor Value – SJI F: I nnospace, Morocco (2015): 3.361 | PI F: 2.469 | Jour I nfo: 4.085 | I ndex Copernicus 2014 = 6.57 © 2014- 16, I JI RAE- All Rights Reserved Page -9 I nternational Journal of I nnovative Resear ch in Advanced Engineering (I JI RAE) ISSN: 2349-2763 I ssue 09, Volume 3 (September 2016) The Vaishali River basin is a fifth order basin Figure 4. Details of stream orders of Vaishali River are shown in Table II. It is noticed that maximum stream order frequency is observed in first order stream and gradually decreases as the order increases which satisfies the Horton’s law showing inverse linear relationship Fig. 4: Aspect Map of Vaishali River Basin TABLE II LINEAR MORPHOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF THE DRAINAGE NETWORK OF VAISHALI BASIN. STREAM ORDER (Sµ) 1st STREAM BIFURCATION NUMBER RATIO (N µ) (RB) 177 STREAM MEAN STREAM STREAM LENGTH (Lµ) (KMS) LENGTH (LSM) (KMS) LENGTH RATIO (R L) 586.86 3.32 299.57 8.56 105.20 9.56 78.89 26.30 89.62 1160.14 89.62 137.36 5.05 2nd 35 3rd 11 4th 03 5th Total 01 227 LENGTH OF OVERLAND FLOW (LG) BASIN PERIMET ER (P) BASIN LENGTH (LB) 3.70 1.25 km 580.39 km 120.7 6 km 2.58 3.09 1.09 3.66 2.75 3.00 14.80 MEAN BIFURCATION RATIO (RBM) 3.41 9.83 C2 STREAM NUMBER (Nµ) As per Horton (1964) law, “the count of stream channels in a given order is known as stream number.” Vaishali river basin is having 227 total number of streams as shown in Fig. 5 covering an area of 2869.48 km2. It is observed that the number of streams gradually decreases as the stream order increases (Table II). Out of the total 227 streams 1st order streams are 177 (77.97%), 2nd order is 35 (15.42%), 3rd order is 11 (4.85%), 4th order is 3 (1.32%) and that of 5th order is 1 (0.44%). Fig. 5 : Stream Order Map of Vaishali River Basin _________________________________________________________________________________________________ I JI RAE: I mpact Factor Value – SJI F: I nnospace, Morocco (2015): 3.361 | PI F: 2.469 | Jour I nfo: 4.085 | I ndex Copernicus 2014 = 6.57 © 2014- 16, I JI RAE- All Rights Reserved Page -10 I nternational Journal of I nnovative Resear ch in Advanced Engineering (I JI RAE) ISSN: 2349-2763 I ssue 09, Volume 3 (September 2016) C3 STREAM LENGTH (Lµ) As per Horton (1945) the average stream of each of the different orders in a drainage basin tends closely to approximate a direct geometric ratio. It is an important parameter which explains the surface runoff characteristics. The total length of stream segments is high in first order streams and decreases as the stream order increases. Stream length of different order of Vaishali basin is given in Table II. C.4 MEAN STREAM LENGTH (LSM) Strahler (1964) expressed the mean stream length as a characteristic property which is interrelated to the drainage network and its surrounding surfaces. The mean stream length values for Vaishali basin ranges from 3.32 to 89.62 km (Table II) with a mean Lsm value of 27.47 km. It is noticed that mean stream values are differ with respect to different order owing to differences in topographic conditions. C.5 STREAM LENGTH RATIO (RL) Horton’ law (1945) of stream length ratio states that mean stream length segments of each of the successive orders of a basin tends to approximate a direct geometric series with stream length increasing towards higher order of streams ( Table I). The values of stream length ratio (Table II) indicates increasing trend. C.6 BIFURCATION RATIO (RB) It is apparent from the irregular branching of tributary streams that the area exhibits dendritic drainage pattern. Schumn (1956) explained the term bifurcation ratio (Rb) as the ratio of the number of streams of one order by the segments of the next higher orders (Table I). The bifurcation ratio for the Vaishali basin varies from 3.00 to 5.05 (Table II). It is noticed that bifurcation ratio is not identical for different orders. These variations are mostly dependent on the geology lithology and development of the basin (Strahler, 1964). The influence of geological structures is negligible when the bifurcation ratio ranges between 3.0 and 5.0 (Ozdemir and Bird 2009). The mean bifurcation ratio may be defined as the average of bifurcation ratio of all orders (Table I) and it is calculated for Vaishali basin as 3.70 km. C7 BASIN LENGTH (LB) Schumn (1956) defined the basin length as the longest dimension of the basin parallel to the principle drainage line. The Vaishali basin length is computed as 120.76 km (Table II) C 8 BASIN PERIMETER (P) Basin perimeter is the outer boundary of the basin that encircles its area which is 580.39 km (Table II). C.9 LENGTH OF OVERLAND FLOW (LG) Horton (1945) coined this term to refer the length of the run of rainwater on the ground surface before it is confined into infinite channels. It is one of the most independent variables which affect both hydrological and physiographical development of drainage basin (Schumm, 1956). Horton considered overland flow as the half of the reciprocal of the drainage density (Table I). Here the Lg of the Vaishali basin is 1.25 km (Table III) which shows low surface runoff of the area. D AREAL MORPHOMETRIC PARAMETERS The morphometric investigation of the areal parameters of the Vaishali basin includes Drainage Area (A), Drainage Density (Dd), Drainage Frequency (Fs), Drainage Texture (Dt), Infiltration Number (If), Form Factor Ratio (Rf), Elongation Ratio (Re), Circularity Ratio (Rc). These parameters have been computed as per the given formula in Table 1 and results are tabulated in Table III. TABLE III AREAL MORPHOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF THE VAISHALI DRAINAGE BASIN. SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PARAMETER DRAINAGE AREA (A) DRAINAGE DENSITY (DD) DRAINAGE FREQUENCY (FS) DRAINAGE TEXTURE (DT) INFILTRATION NUMBER (IF) FORM FACTOR RATIO (RF) ELONGATION RATIO (RE) CIRCULARITY RATIO (RC) CALCULATED VALUE 2869.48 KM2 0.40 (KM/KM2) 0.08 /KM2 0.39 0.02 0.20 0.50 0.106 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ I JI RAE: I mpact Factor Value – SJI F: I nnospace, Morocco (2015): 3.361 | PI F: 2.469 | Jour I nfo: 4.085 | I ndex Copernicus 2014 = 6.57 © 2014- 16, I JI RAE- All Rights Reserved Page -11 I nternational Journal of I nnovative Resear ch in Advanced Engineering (I JI RAE) ISSN: 2349-2763 I ssue 09, Volume 3 (September 2016) D 1 DRAINAGE DENSITY (DD) Drainage Density is defined as the total length of streams of all orders per drainage area (Table1). Drainage Density depends on annual rainfall, infiltration capacity of rocks, vegetation cover, surface roughness and runoff intensity. Highly resistant and permeable subsoil and low relief areas exhibit low drainage density. High Drainage density on the other hand is favoured in regions of impermeable rocks and high relief (Strahler 1964). The Drainage Density for the whole basin is 0.40 km/km2 (Table III) indicating that the basin is nearly unaffected by structural disturbances and the subsoil materials are permeable in a low relief area. D 2 DRAINAGE FREQUENCY (FS) The total number of stream segments of all orders per unit area is known as drainage frequency (Horton 1932). The drainage frequency for the whole watershed is 0.08 km/km2 (Table III) indicating low relief and permeable sub surface material and flat topography. It primarily relies on the lithology of the basin and reveals the texture of the drainage network. Lesser the drainage density and stream frequency in a basin, the runoff is slower, and therefore, flooding is less likely in basins with a low to moderate drainage density and stream frequency Carlston (1963). D 3 DRAINAGE TEXTURE (DT) Drainage Texture is total number of stream segments of all orders per perimeter of that area (Horton, 1945). Five different drainage textures i.e., very coarse (<2), coarse (2 to 4), moderate (4 to 6), fine (6 to 8) and very fine (>8) have been classified by Smith 1950. In the present study, the drainage texture of the watershed is 0.39 per km. (Table IV). It shows that category is exceptionally coarse drainage texture which shows good permeability of sub-surface rocks and soil with high infiltration of water in the basin. D.4 INFILTRATION NUMBER (IF) The infiltration number of a watershed is the product of drainage density and stream frequency which provides clue for the infiltration characteristics of the watershed (Table I). The infiltration number of the Vaishali basin is very low (0.02) (Table 3). It indicates that runoff will be very low and the infiltration capacity very high. D5 FORM FACTOR RATIO (RF) According to Horton (1932), form factor may be defined as the ratio of basin area to square of the basin length (Table1). Smaller the value of form factor, more elongated will be the watershed. The basin with high form factors have high peak flows of shorter duration, whereas elongated Vaishali basin with low form factor ranges from 0.20 indicating them to be elongated in shape and flow for longer duration ( Table III). D6 ELONGATION RATIO (RE) According to Schumm (1965), elongation ratio is defined as the ratio of diameter of a circle of the same area as the basin to the maximum basin length (Table I). The varying slopes of watershed can be classified as circular (0.9-0.10), oval (0.8-0.9), less elongated (0.7-0.8), elongated (0.5-0.7), and more elongated (< 0.5) with the help of the index of elongation ratio. The elongation ratio of Vaishali basin is 0.50, which represented the watershed as elongated (Table III). D7 CIRCULARITY RATIO (RC) According to Miller (1953), Circularity ratio is defined as the ratio of watershed area to the area of a circle having the same perimeter as the watershed and it is affected by the lithological character of the watershed (Table I). The circularity ratio (Rc) is utilized as a quantitative measure for visualizing the shape of the basin. The calculated Rc value, 0.106 shows that the drainage basin is pretty much elongated and is considered as medium to low relief Table III. E. RELIEF MORPHOMETRIC PARAMETERS The morphometric investigation of the relief parameters of the Vaishali basin includes Basin Relief (H), Relief Ratio (Rf), Dissection Index (DI). These have been computed and shown in Table IV. TABLE IV RELIEF MORPHOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF THE DRAINAGE NETWORK OF VAISHALI DRAINAGE BASIN. SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 PARAMETER MAXIMUM BASIN HEIGHT (Z) MINIMUM BASIN HEIGHT ( Z) BASIN RELIEF (H) RELIEF RATIO (RF) DISSECTION INDEX (DI) CALCULATED VALUE 260 M 135 M 125 M 1.04 M 0.48 M E1 BASIN RELIEF (H) According to Schumm (1956), the total relief of the river basin is the difference in the elevation among the highest point of a watershed and the lowest point on the valley floor (Table I). Basin relief is an important factor in understanding the geomorphic processes and landform characteristics. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ I JI RAE: I mpact Factor Value – SJI F: I nnospace, Morocco (2015): 3.361 | PI F: 2.469 | Jour I nfo: 4.085 | I ndex Copernicus 2014 = 6.57 © 2014- 16, I JI RAE- All Rights Reserved Page -12 I nternational Journal of I nnovative Resear ch in Advanced Engineering (I JI RAE) ISSN: 2349-2763 I ssue 09, Volume 3 (September 2016) The total basin relief of the Vaishali drainage basin is 125m (Table IV). The lowest basin relief of 135m is witnessed in the plains and highest of 260m in the mountainous areas as shown in Figure 6. It has been observed that a high level of correlation exists between relief and drainage frequency and stream channel slopes. Figure 6. Relief map of the area E2 RELIEF RATIO (RF) The relief ratio may be defined as the ratio between the total relief of a basin and the longest dimension of the basin parallel to the main drainage line (Schumm, 1956). In the study area, the value of relief ratio is 1.04 (Table 4). It has been observed that areas with low to moderate relief and slope are characterized by moderate value of relief ratios. E3 DISSECTION INDEX (DI) Dissection index (DI) is a parameter implies the degree of dissection or vertical erosion and expounds the stages of terrain or landscape development in any given physiographic region or basin (Singh and Dubey 1994). On average, the values of DI vary between‘0’ (complete absence of vertical dissection/erosion and hence dominance of flat surface) and ‘1’ (in exceptional cases, vertical cliffs, it may be at vertical escarpment of hill slope or at seashore). DI value of Vaishali drainage basin is 0.48 that shows the basin is altogether dissected as shown in Table IV. V. CONCLUSION The present work demonstrates that the automated delineation technique of drainage network and stream ordering from ASTER DEM data with Arc Hydro tool in a GIS environment is more convenient, time saving and accurate way than the manual delineation technique of drainage network. The morphometric analyses were carried out through linear, areal and relief aspect of the Vaishali River basin more than 20 morphometric parameters. The drainage network of this basin shows dendritic pattern. It is noticed that mean stream values differ with respect to different order due to differences in topographic conditions. Low drainage density was indicated that the basin is not much affected by structural disturbances. The drainage frequency for the basin was indicated low relief and permeable sub surface material while very coarse drainage texture indicates good permeability of sub-surface rocks and soils with high infiltration. The form factor, circularity ratio and elongated ratio suggest the basin shape as elongated. It has been witnessed that areas with comparatively lesser relief and slope are characterized by moderate value of relief ratios. Hence, it can be inferred that ASTER DEM information with Arc hydro tool in a GIS environment, ascertains to be a proficient tool in extraction of drainage network and morphometric analysis. REFERENCES [1] A.E. Scheidegger, “The Algebra of Stream Order Number”, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, 525B, B1, pp 87-89. 1965 [2] A.N.Strahler AN, “Quantitative analysis of watershed geomorphology”, American Geophysical Union Transactions, 38, pp 912-920. 1957 [3] A.N.Strahler AN,”Equilibrium theory of erosional slopes, approached by frequency distribution analysis”, Am Jour Sci, 248, pp 800-814. 1950 [4] A.N.Strahler, “Dynamic basis of geomorphology”, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 63, pp 923-938. 1952 [5] A.N.Strahler, V.T. 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