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Peut-on clairement délimiter le territoire argien ? Le rôle des kômai dites frontalières dans la définition de l’Argeia à l’époque classique

2023, Arianna Esposito et Airton Pollini (éd.), Cités nouvelles, villes des marges. Fondations, formes urbaines, espaces ruraux et frontières de l’archaïsme à l’Empire

Since the 1980s, many researchers have been interested in the question of the boundaries of Greek territories. However, the study of Argos reveals the difficulties which exist in finding concrete markers of the domination of a city on the limits of its territory. On the contrary, the Argive border areas are characterized by a certain fluidity in their definition: the kômai, which are established there, keep a certain independence and can easily change their allegiance. The city of Argos is then defined spatially not by clear and precise borders, but by accumulation of kômai which integrate the political system of Argos.

Di a basei s La collana Diabaseis ha la sua sede presso il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia. Essa nasce dal progetto di ricerca nazionale di storia antica La ‘terza’ Grecia e l’Occidente, avviato nel 2009 grazie alla fattiva collaborazione tra le unità di ricerca delle Università della Calabria, Venezia Ca’ Foscari, Napoli Federico II, Parma e Roma La Sapienza. Diabaseis, in senso polibiano, sono tutti quei percorsi che attraversando i mari – il Golfo di Corinto, il Mare Ionio e l’Adriatico, ma anche lo Stretto di Messina e il Canale di Sicilia – collegano terre ed esperienze in un continuo e reciproco contatto, svelando volti inediti di una grecità che si suole definire ‘periferica’ ma che si dimostra invece vitale e originale. Fin dai suoi primi volumi la collana ospita i risultati delle indagini che indicano con chiarezza la dinamicità di mari già percorsi verso Occidente in età arcaica e classica e protagonisti, a partire dall’età ellenistica, di un movimento complementare che dall’Occidente guarda di nuovo alla Grecia propria. La collana intende accogliere studi monografici e miscellanei, edizioni di testi, atti di convegni sulle relazioni tra la Grecia occidentale e l’Occidente greco e non greco, così come sulla storia politica, istituzionale e culturale della Grecia ‘terza’. Ci si propone di diffondere i risultati delle più recenti ricerche storiche, archeologiche ed epigrafiche e di garantire una piattaforma di discussione approfondita e internazionale grazie all’ampiezza del comitato scientifico. Diabaseis is an editorial series based in the Department of Humanities Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The project sprung from the 2009 National Research Project in Ancient History, The ‘Third’ Greece and the West, which included research units from the Universities of Calabria, Venice Ca’ Foscari, Naples Federico II, Parma and Rome La Sapienza. As is clearly indicated by the first published volumes, the goal is a common one: to highlight the relations between Western Greece – which is too often seen as ‘peripheral’ – and Greek and non-Greek peoples in the West. The series is published under the guidance of the Editor-in-Chief in collaboration with an International Scientific Committee. Its aim is to widen research on the Greek World and provide a critical contribution to the debate on the interaction between local history and international relations in the Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic ages, as well as to the knowledge of Greek political dynamics beyond Athens and Sparta. Di a basei s Sede: Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici Dorsoduro 3484/D, 30123 Venezia C. Antonetti: +390412346329, S. De Vido: +390412346334, Direttrice Claudia Antonetti Segretaria Stefania De Vido Comitato scientifico Giovanna De Sensi Sestito, Adolfo. J. Domínguez, Ugo Fantasia, Klaus Freitag, Enrico Giorgi, Maria Intrieri, Maria Letizia Lazzarini, Catherine Morgan, Dominique Mulliez, Athanasios D. Rizakis Comitato di redazione Ivan Matijašić, Eloisa Paganoni Collana soggetta a double-blind peer-review e indicizzata in Scopus-Elsevier. Per ulteriori informazioni si consulti la pagina della collana Diabaseis sul sito CITÉS NOUVELLES, VILLES DES MARGES Fondations, formes urbaines, espaces ruraux et frontières de l’archaïsme à l’Empire sous la direction de Arianna Esposito et Airton Pollini Edizioni ETS UMR 6298 Archéologie Terre Histoire Sociétés Volume pubblicato nell’ambito dell’IdEx TeMAES (Territoires multiples : agentivité et environnements socio-économiques), Université de Strasbourg, con il sostegno dell’Università Italo Francese UIF/ UFI ( e grazie ai contributi dei laboratori UMR 7044 Archimède, UMR 7041 ArScAn, UMR 6298 ARTEHIS. Impaginazione Airton Pollini © Copyright 2023 Edizioni ETS Palazzo Roncioni - Lungarno Mediceo, 16, I-56127 Pisa Distribuzione Messaggerie Libri SPA Sede legale: via G. Verdi 8 - 20090 Assago (MI) Promozione PDE PROMOZIONE SRL via Zago 2/2 - 40128 Bologna ISBN 978-884676790-5 ISSN 2611-8165 PREFAZIONE Diabaseis si è proposta, tra i suoi fini programmatici, quello di indagare i ‘margini’ e le ‘periferie’ del mondo antico nella loro evoluzione sociale, culturale ed economica per sottrarle a quell’ingiustificato pregiudizio storiografico che vigeva negli studi di settore fino a qualche decennio fa, portandole a diventare un tema di ricerca promettente e di attualità: le frontiere, le aree marginali, non sono più intese quali meri limiti fisici ma come zone nelle quali società e culture diverse sono naturalmente indotte a interagire, generando un processo storico che crea nuove realtà. Il volume Cités nouvelles, villes des marges. Fondations, formes urbaines, espaces ruraux et frontières de l’archaïsme à l’Empire, diretto e curato da Arianna Esposito e Airton Pollini, è stato accolto come il decimo numero di Diabaseis per la sua evidente congruità con i temi trattati nella Collana, ma anche per la sua rilevanza nel panorama degli studi storico-archeologici sul rapporto fra fondazioni, spazialità e frontiere dall’età arcaica a quella romana imperiale. I curatori hanno coinvolto nel progetto reputati specialisti di queste tematiche applicate al bacino del Mediterraneo antico, manifestando un’apprezzabile attenzione al carattere intergenerazionale degli autori chiamati a contribuire all’opera. Conferiscono rigore e coerenza scientifica al volume l’ampio spettro storico-geografico considerato e il confronto programmatico tra la società greca e quella romana, troppo spesso dimenticato dagli specialisti dell’Antichità, nonostante l’importanza che l’approccio comparativo ha assunto VII EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 7 14/02/2024 19:26:36 Claudia Antonetti nei nostri campi di studio. Ma è il solido approccio metodologico, sapientemente articolato secondo le dinamiche di fondazione, la disamina degli spazi coloniali e la focalizzazione sulle città dei margini, che costituisce il pregio fondamentale del volume che presenta una dimensione storiografica, anche teorica, spesso assente nelle pubblicazioni di settore. Nell’augurare successo alla pubblicazione, mi rallegro che il decimo numero di Diabaseis porti con sé una proiezione ideale su tutto il Mediterraneo e spesso ben oltre! Venezia, febbraio 2023 Claudia Antonetti VIII EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 8 14/02/2024 19:26:36 SOMMAIRE Sommaire Arianna Esposito, Airton Pollini Réflexions préliminaires sur les cités antiques nouvellement fondées, les frontières et les territorialités socio-spatiales 1 Première partie. Les fondations Maria Cecilia D’Ercole Fondations : mots, gestes, représentations 17 Anne Jacquemin Bons sauvages (un peu naïfs) ou abominables anthropophages : rencontres en Sicile orientale 25 Perrine Kossmann Les fondations et refondations royales lagides en Asie Mineure 47 Johann Goeken Origine et fondation d’Alexandrie de Troade dans la théorie épidictique attribuée à Ménandros le rhéteur 85 IX EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 9 14/02/2024 19:26:36 Sommaire Michel Humm La fondation de colonies par Rome à l’époque médiorépublicaine et le modèle (grec) de la « cité idéale » 103 Marianne Coudry Fondations pompéiennes, fondations césariennes : deux modèles opposés ? 161 Sabine Lefebvre Les fondations de la colonie de Carthage, un enjeu de la vie politique romaine 191 Susana Marcos La fondation ex nihilo d’Augusta Emerita : la création d’une caput prouinciae en devenir 235 Deuxième Partie. Les espaces coloniaux Michel Humm, Sabine Lefebvre Les espaces coloniaux et leurs modèles dans l’Antiquité 267 Sabine Fourrier Réflexions sur la topographie urbaine de Kition et de Salamine à l’âge du fer 277 Giovanni Boffa Fra Lefkandi e Amarinthos: alcune osservazioni sulla nascita di Eretria 305 Flavia Frisone Fra presenza e progetto: le subcolonie del versante tirrenico dell’Italìa 339 X EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 10 14/02/2024 19:26:36 Sommaire Réjane Roure, Mathieu Toubas Espaces publics, espaces privés, espaces sacrés dans les colonies phocéennes : Marseille, Vélia, Emporion et Olbia de Provence 373 Guy Labarre Colonisations grecque et romaine en milieu pisidien 401 Bastien Lemaire, Rosa Plana-Mallart Physionomies urbaines et périurbaines dans le monde grec occidental 421 Anthony Álvarez Melero Contribution à l’étude des panthéons coloniaux d’Hispanie : l’exemple de Valentia 443 Troisième Partie. Cités des marges Arianna Esposito, Airton Pollini Villes des marges, cités de frontière : entre centralité et interactions territoriales 487 Xenia Charalambidou Settlement Changes, Material Culture and Communal Identity at the Border-Zone Settlement of Skala Oropou (Attica) During the Archaic Period 495 Clémence Weber-Pallez Peut-on clairement délimiter le territoire argien ? Le rôle des kômai dites frontalières dans la définition de l’Argeia à l’époque classique 535 XI EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 11 14/02/2024 19:26:36 Sommaire Christel Müller, Thierry Lucas (avec Jules Buffet) Frontières internes, frontières externes au sein du koinon béotien 567 Laura Ficuciello Lemnos: a Frontier Island in the North Aegean Sea 607 Elizabeth Deniaux Buthrote du mythe troyen à la colonie romaine : un « espace transfrontalier » original 651 Armin Becker Waldgirmes und Xanten. Zwei Coloniae nouae und die römische Repräsentationspolitik an der Rheingrenze 669 Morana Čaušević-Bully Les villes de la Liburnie occidentale (Croatie), entre centre et périphérie durant l’Antiquité et l’Antiquité tardive 693 Stefania De Vido Ségeste entre le vie et le ve siècle : comment devenir une polis 723 Sophie Bouffier Quelle chôra pour Marseille ? Territoire et exploitation des ressources entre les vie et iiie siècles av. J.-C. 745 Laurence Mercuri Milieux d’interface en Sicile archaïque : questionnements et propositions 781 Abstracts 801 XII EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 12 14/02/2024 19:26:36 PEUT-ON CLAiREMENT DÉLiMiTER LE TERRiTOiRE ARGiEN ? LE RÔLE DES KÔmai DiTES FRONTALiÈRES DANS LA DÉFiNiTiON DE L’ARGEiA À L’ÉPOQUE CLASSiQUE En 4511, les Argiens et les Lacédémoniens concluent entre eux une paix de trente ans, qui règle notamment la question de la Cynourie, région âprement disputée entre les deux camps. Celle-ci devient dès lors une zone que chacun peut légalement revendiquer avec les armes et qui revient au plus puissant. L’une des clauses de cette paix, qui nous est livrée par Thucydide, stipule qu’il est interdit de poursuivre l’adversaire « au-delà des limites d’Argos ou de Lacédémone » (περαιτέρω τῶν πρὸς Ἄργος καὶ Λακεδαίμονα ὅρων)2. Ce conflit entre Argos et Sparte autour de la Cynourie dura des années. Dans son récit sur la hardiesse de Lysandre, Plutarque, reprenant des apophtegmes laconiens, décrit une scène au cours de laquelle le général spartiate prit son couteau pour mettre fin à une des multiples disputes entre Argiens et Lacédémoniens sur la question de leurs frontières respectives : « Celui qui maîtrise ceci, aurait annoncé Lysandre, raisonne le mieux au sujet des limites de la terre. » (ὁ ταύτης, ἔφη, κρατῶν βέλτιστα περὶ γῆς ὅρων διαλέγεται)3. Aussi bien chez Thucydide que chez Plutarque, les cités de Sparte et d’Argos sont représentées avec des limites déterminées, précises et qui se définissent au gré des événements militaires et des forces en présence. Pourtant, Strabon, évoquant le même conflit, attribue l’origine de celui-ci à l’ignorance que chacun avait alors des frontières de son territoire. C’est pourquoi il invite les cités à dessiner leurs limites territoriales le plus précisément possible afin d’éviter ce genre de désagrément4. Les Argiens 1 2 3 4 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 535 Sauf indication contraire, toutes les dates sont à situer avant J.-C. Thucydide, V, 41. Plutarque, Vie de Lysandre, 22, 1. Strabon, I, 4, 7-8. 14/02/2024 19:27:17 ABSTRACTS Anthony Álvarez Melero Departamento de Historia antigua, Universidad de Sevilla CONTRIBUTION TO THE STUDY OF THE COLONIAL PANTHEONS OF HISPANIA: THE EXAMPLE OF VALENTIA The aim of this work is to study the topography and religious landscape of Valentia and its ager, between the time of its foundation in 138 BC and the 3rd century AD I will rely on epigraphic and archaeological documentation to determine which gods were honoured in the city and on its territory, with a particular emphasis on public religion. Keywords: Epigraphy, Archaeology, Roman religion, Roman Spain, Roman colony Armin Becker Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main WALDGIRMES AND XANTEN. TWO COLONIAE NOVAE AND THE ROMAN POLITICS OF REPRESENTATION ON THE RHINE Waldgirmes was founded during the Augustan offensive into Germania in an initially peripheral location. Its endowment with buildings and statues, however, prove the site to be the object of a deliberate urbanization. Xanten’s importance, on the other hand, was based on the legions EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 803 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Abstracts stationed nearby and the existence of the harbour. Its elevation to the status of a Roman colony is perhaps directly related to Trajan’s accession to power (in Xanten?). Subsequently, not only Trajan but also his successors promoted considerably the further expansion of what was at that time the northernmost Roman colony in Germania. In both places, a politically motivated representative urban development took place. Keywords: Roman Germany, Romanization, Xanten, Waldgirmes, Augustus, Trajan Giovanni Boffa Università del Salento, Lecce BETWEEN LEFKANDI AND AMARINTHOS: SOME REMARKS ON THE BIRTH OF ERETRIA New recent geoarchaeological data from Eretria allow us to reconsider the birth of the city and its double peculiar nature of “new foundation” and “metropolis”. The role of Lefkandi and Amarinthos, the status of polis and the concept of short-distance foundation will be the focus of this paper. Keywords: Geometric Eretria, Lefkandi, Amarinthos, Polis, Short-distance colonization Sophie Bouffier Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, UMR 7299 CCJ WHAT CHORA FOR MARSEILLE? TERRITORY AND EXPLOITATION OF RESOURCES BETWEEN 6th AND 3rd CENT. BC For over fifty years, French historiography has studied the territory of Marseille(s) along two main lines: the postulate that the Phocaean city would be a city without territory, living from its trade and its maritime power; and relations between the Phocaeans and the local populations, in accordance with one of the main orientations of the research on Greek 804 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 804 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Abstracts colonization, which focused more on the relations between Greeks and indigenous peoples than on the exploitation of colonial territories. The paper proposes to resume the study of the Massalia’s land searching for the indices of production on hinterland: geographical and hydrological setting, land organization and distribution, production and supply, interactions with local populations. Between the 6th and the 3rd centuries BC, the city of Marseille(s) constituted a double territory, land and sea, completing with an import-export system the inadequacies of its own resources. Keywords: Marseille(s), Greek, Land, Agricultural production, Trade Morana Čaušević-Bully Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, UR 4011 ISTA THE CITIES OF WESTERN LIBURNIA (CROATIA), BETWEEN CENTER AND PERIPHERY DURING ANTIQUITY AND LATE ANTIQUITY Western Liburnia is defined here as a marginal zone of the Dalmatian province on its frontier with the Italian regions, covering roughly today’s Kvarner archipelago and the coastal portion of Hrvatsko Primorje. A number of archaeological and epigraphical evidence exposed in this research tend to prove that this region shows a relatively important development from the end of the 2nd century onwards, throughout Late Antiquity. The increase in different activities, mostly connected to the organisation of the defense and its logistics – such as renewal of the road network – have been possible precisely thanks to its marginal position. Its principal coastal city with its territory, Tarsatica, thus gains in this period ephemeral importance and plays a role of a true capital “of the margins” with its Principia connected to the system of the Claustra. The insular cities with their respective territories make no exception, also showing a certain renewal, largely seen through the developing urbanism and establishment of early bishoprics. Keywords: Kvarner, City, Claustra, Bishopric, Island territory 805 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 805 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Abstracts Xenia Charalambidou Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam SETTLEMENT CHANGES, MATERIAL CULTURE AND COMMUNAL IDENTITY AT THE BORDER-ZONE SETTLEMENT OF SKALA OROPOU (ATTICA) DURING THE ARCHAIC PERIOD The settlement of Skala Oropou (OSK plot), placed between three different geographical entities (Attica, Boeotia, Euboea) is among the most strategic coastal sites in the central Euboean Gulf region in the Aegean. Being a peraia and a “cross-border” site, the situation ensured a continuous material and cultural exchange with other settlements in the area. This paper highlights re-arrangements in the Skala Oropou settlement space that seem to occur alongside the happening of ritual and other communal activities and the shaping of communal identity from the turn of the eighth to the seventh centuries BC and into the Archaic period, at times when various patterns of socio-political organization were evolving in the Greek world, with the polis being among the most prevalent. Keywords: Northeast Attica, Oropos, Settlement changes, Communal identity, Archaic period Marianne Coudry Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse, UMR 7044 Archimède POMPEY’S AND CAESAR’S FOUNDATIONS OF CITIES: IDENTICAL OR OPPOSITE DESIGNS? By the late Roman Republic, founding new cities, either for subdued provincial populations, or for poor inhabitants of Rome, and mostly for discharged Roman soldiers, became a common practice for imperatores. It was also part of the political competition, as happened, among others, for Pompey and Caesar, whose actions in this field were partly identical, and partly different. The purpose of this paper is to stress these differences, well known as far as the material and political aspects of their foundations are concerned, but much less studied at the level of their ideological aims. Focusing on the discourses built around their projects 806 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 806 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Abstracts and achievements places their rivalry into a broader frame, and might allow a better understanding of the phenomena of Roman colonization at this period as a whole. Keywords: Foundation, Roman colony, Veteranus, Political competition, Political ideology Elizabeth Deniaux Université de Paris Nanterre, UMR 7041 ArScAn BUTHROTUM FROM THE TROJAN MYTH TO THE ROMAN COLONY: AN ORIGINAL “CROSS-BORDER” AREA The geographical situation of Buthrotum in a border area, known as the last stop of Aeneas before crossing the sea to reach Italy, gives a specificity and an original history at this little koinon where the Romans founded a colony at the time of Cesar and Augustus. From the earliest times of the colony, its institutions are similar to those of Rome and Buthrotum reveals a perfect integration to the Roman world. Keywords: Roman Colony, Trojan Myth, Buthrotum, Prasaiboi, Maritime Border, Imperial Cult Stefania De Vido Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia SEGESTA BETWEEN THE 6th AND 5th CENTURIES: HOW TO BECOME A POLIS In his Histories Thucydides defines Segesta as a ‘polis’: this is not a simple or meaningless definition. In this paper, I consider the set of evidence relating to Segesta between the 6th and 5th centuries BC: historical sources, archaeological and topographical data, and numismatic and epigraphic evidence describe Segesta as a community with a recognizable political and social structure. Segesta becomes a city similar to a Greek polis. At least from the last quarter half of the 6th century, 807 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 807 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Abstracts Segesta differentiated itself from the other indigenous communities in Western Sicily and acquired a progressive hegemony in the territory: in the second part of my paper, I question modes, subjects, reasons for this evolution; in particular I highlight the importance of the construction of a social hierarchy and the progressive definition of a local aristocracy. Keywords: Segesta, Sicily, Polis, Aristocracy Laura Ficuciello Università degli studi di Napoli l’Orientale LEMNOS: A FRONTIER ISLAND IN THE NORTHERN AEGEAN SEA The contribution examines the archaeological evidence, ranging from the subgeometric period to the archaic age, related to the main sites of Lemnos, with the aim of demonstrating that the Athenian construction of the marginality of Lemnos can be deconstructed, on an archaeological basis. During the Archaic period, in fact, Lemnos was at the center of complex socio-economic and cultural networks in the northern Aegean, which allow it to be identified as an “interface” between Thrace, the Aegean and Anatolia and, ultimately, to be recognized as a “frontier island”. Keywords: Lemnos, North Aegean, Frontier island, Middle ground, Hybrid culture Sabine Fourrier CNRS, UMR 5189 HiSoMA Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean-Pouilloux, Lyon THE IRON AGE URBAN TOPOGRAPHY OF KITION AND SALAMIS (CYPRUS): A REAPPRAISAL Salamis and Kition are specific cases that can be hardly compared to Greek or Phoenician foundations. Moreover, any study of the organi808 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 808 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Abstracts zation of their urban layout is made difficult by the fragmentary state of the evidence. This is partly due to their long history: ancient Kition lays under modern Larnaca; Salamis was inhabited until the 8th century AD. Departing from previous studies that considered Cypriot Iron Age urbanism through the lens of foreign models (Greek or Phoenician), this contribution focusses on archaeological evidence, in order to draw a comparative study of the two cities and of their urban evolution. The review of urban markers helps to define an original urban development that departs from foreign models and that was influenced by the Late Bronze Age antecedents of the two cities. Keywords: City-wall, Cyprus, Necropolis, Phoenicians, Urban layout Flavia Frisone Università del Salento, Lecce BETWEEN PRESENCE AND PROJECT: THE GREEK SECONDARY COLONIES ON THE TYRRHENIAN COAST OF ANCIENT ITALÌA The paper examines the Greek secondary colonial foundations on the Tyrrhenian coast of southern Italy, from southern Campania to Calabria (ancient Italy), with the aim of identifying the specificity of the settlement processes and valorising their exemplarity in relation to the different historical contexts. The focus is on the different settlements created by the Locrians in extreme Calabria and by the Achaean cities, Sybaris and Croton. In the first group, the methods of settlement and organisation show relevant links with the experience of the Locrian ethnos in the motherland. They realised a model of cooperation that was to be maintained for a long time, but without, at least in the first phases, paying particular attention to the ‘form’ of the city. On the other hand, as far as the Achaeans were concerned, Sybaris founded its first secondary apoikìai, Metapontum and Poseidonia, promoting real projects of autonomous political communities capable of supporting, on territorial and mythical-genealogical grounds, the creation of the identity of ‘Achaean’ Italìa. However, this is not a unique 809 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 809 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Abstracts and always recurring model, as is shown by the fact that the Achaean colonial metropolises, both Sybaris and Croton, at different times and in different historical circumstances, founded secondary colonies with very different settlement patterns, with less territorial impact and urbanistic commitment, and even almost mimetic with the settlements of the local populations. Keywords: Ancient Greek colonial patterns, Magna Graecia, Secondary colonization, Locrians, Achaeans Johann Goeken Université de Strasbourg, UR 3094 CARRA ORIGIN AND FOUNDATION OF ALEXANDRIA TROAS IN THE EPIDEICTIC THEORY ATTRIBUTED TO MENANDER RHETOR About Alexandria Troas, we have a unique rhetoric testimony: that of Menander, to whom two treatises are ascribed, dating from the second part of the third century AD. The colony is used several times as an example in Treatise II (On Epideictic Speeches). The interest of the text, which should be read in conjunction with Treatise I (Division of Epideictic Speeches), lies in the fact that it formulates the questions the rhetorician asks himself when reflecting on the origins of Alexandria, but also those asked by the orator who has to speak in a situation and according to the expectations of his audience. Indeed, nothing is said about the augustan deductio and Alexandria (which was actually founded by Antigonos Monophthalmos) becomes a city founded by Alexander the Great, with the divine approval of Apollo. Alexander may be seen as a kind of forerunner and even a model for the Roman authorities. Keywords: Alexandria Troas, Rhetoric, Praise, Origin, Colony 810 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 810 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Abstracts Michel Humm Université de Strasbourg, UMR 7044 Archimède THE FOUNDATION OF COLONIES BY ROME IN THE MID-REPUBLICAN PERIOD AND THE “IDEAL CITY” MODEL The coloniae populi Romani are the colonies founded by the Roman state (under Roman law or with ius Latii) as from the second half of the 4th century BC. They met the strategic requirements arising from Rome’s conquest of Italy, but at the same time bore a political message aimed at the other peoples of Italy and the Mediterranean. The Romulean legend which developed from the end of the 4th century portrayed the foundation of Rome by Romulus along the lines of these colonial foundations, and this in turn enabled the colonies to be portrayed as “little Romes”, fashioned according to the (ideal) image of their mother-city : the colonies followed a town-planning, architectural and institutional model reflecting that of an “ideal” or indeed idealised Rome, since the latter was thus supposed to be viewed by other peoples, particularly the Greeks, as a “Greek city”. Keywords: Colony (Roman), Hellenization, Model (Roman), Romulus, “Ideal city” Anne Jacquemin Université de Strasbourg, UMR 7044 Archimède GOOD SAVAGES (SOMEWHAT SIMPLE-MINDED) OR AWFUL ANTHROPOPHAGI: ENCOUNTERS IN EASTERN SICILY If stories of the foundation of cities evoke the deterioration of good relations between Greeks and local populations due to Greek bad faith, the installation in Sicily of the Cyclops and the Lestrygons as the first inhabitants is part of a rewriting of history. It signifies the impossible agreement between different populations and the necessary disappearance of the natives. The precise location of these monstrous and cannibalistic creatures is not due to chance, nor even to the fact that most 811 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 811 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Abstracts of the arrivals approached Sicily from the east. The Syracusan origin of the discourse may explain some of the constructions revealed there. Keywords: Eastern Sicily, Cyclopes, Lestrygonians, Greeks, Barbarians Perrine Kossmann Université de Bourgogne-Dijon, UMR 6298 ARTEHIS PTOLEMAIC ROYAL FOUNDATIONS AND REFOUNDATIONS IN ASIA MINOR During the Hellenistic period, the Ptolemies, like the other successors of Alexander the Great, founded or refounded settlements in the Greek world, carrying forward the trend initiated by the conqueror of the Achaemenid kingdom in the East. They followed the general trend to refound rather than found from scratch, but they also made original choices, such as favouring the establishment of cleruchs in Egypt, the core of their kingdom, whereas they founded settlements of the citystate kind exclusively in their foreign possessions; and most of the time, they established those possessions in coastal areas, in order to control access and communication points. An inscription tells us about one of their creations, Arsinoe in Cilicia, in Asia Minor. The document allows us to reconstruct the process of its foundation, many elements of which are consistent with the fragmentary information given by the sources regarding other settlements created during the Hellenistic period, and also to assess the hold of the royal power over the community. Keywords: Ptolemies, Foundations, Refoundations, Asia Minor, Arsinoe in Cilicia 812 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 812 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Abstracts Guy Labarre Université de Franche-Comté Besançon, UR 4011 ISTA GREEK AND ROMAN COLONIZATION IN THE PISIDIAN ENVIRONMENT It’s only after the conquest of Alexander that Pisidia was colonized by the Greco-Macedonians. In this region, the Seleucids etablished colonies. What were the reasons for their choices for the places of the sites? If the global reasons affecting the control of their empire are quite well known, can we identify local reasons? These colonial foundations were the prelude to a large urbanization movement which brought to light many pisidian sites most often transformed into cities whose hierarchy was later modified by Roman colonization in the Augustan era. With some examples, we will try to show what were the consequences of these evolutions on the previously existing sites. Keywords: Greek colonization, Roman colonization, Pisidia, Urbanization, Social evolution Sabine Lefebvre Université de Bourgogne-Dijon, UMR 6298 ARTEHIS THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE COLONY OF CARTHAGE, AN ISSUE IN ROMAN POLITICAL LIFE We know very well the destruction of Carthage in 146 BC. The various attemps to found a new colony and the episodes linked to these trials are much less well known: in 123 by C. Sempronius Gracchus, in 63 BC, in 44 by Caesar, in 29 BC and in 12 BC. Political, social, ideological, imperialist, and religious issues show that the foundation of the Roman colony of Karthago was indeed much more a Roman concern than related to the local situation. Local issues could have influenced the founders; if little is known from written sources, most of the local situation can be perceived through the analysis of archaeological remains. Having become the showcase of Rome, as a pole structuring the southwest quar813 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 813 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Abstracts ter of the Mediterranean Sea, the colony of Carthage shows a successful history during its second life. Keywords: Carthage, Colony, Foundation, Augustus, Gracchus Susana Marcos Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, Boulogne-sur-Mer, UR 4030 HLLI THE EX NIHILO FOUNDATION OF AUGUSTA EMERITA: A CAPUT PROVINCIAE IN THE MAKING Wondering about the colony’s foundation is dealing with a complex and thorough process that meets legal standards but also its capacity for adaptation in all the diverse provinces of the Roman Empire. In this sense, the example of Augusta Emerita (Mérida, Spain) is meaningful. From military colonia founded ex nihilo, it was designed to become the caput provinciae. Through this analysis, different aspects of the question could be review: first of all, the choice of this colony and its issues, the chronological question and the induced debates – that nowadays is still unresolved –; then the different steps involved by the operation; and finally, the consequences for local communities and people. These are as many issues as we hope to highlight through the Lusitanian example, in such a way as to understand in a better way the Mediterranean process of foundation. Keywords: Colony, Foundation, Provincial capital, Epigraphy, Lusitania Laurence Mercuri Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, UMR 7264 CEPAM INTERFACE AREAS IN ARCHAIC SICILY: QUESTIONS AND PROPOSALS The contribution examines the concept of the frontier applied to Greek Sicily between the 8th and 5th centuries. It focuses on the concept re814 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 814 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Abstracts newed by geographers and Africanists. It highlights as well the process of territorial integration observed in eastern Sicily at the interface of the territories of Megara Hyblaea and Leontinoi. Keywords: Greek Sicily, Cultural identities, Territories, Megara Hyblaea, Leontinoi Christel Müller, Thierry Lucas, avec Jules Buffet Université de Paris Nanterre, UMR 7041 ArScAn et École française d’Athènes INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL BORDERS: TERRITORIAL NEGOTIATIONS IN THE HELLENISTIC BOEOTIAN KOINON The two questions of internal borders between poleis and external borders with neighbouring regions, especially Attica, are addressed here together, in relation to the Boeotian koinon. After a comparison with the Schengen area, which allows to measure the differences with the ancient case, the relevant sources are collected and a new edition is proposed for the four inscriptions identifiable as boundaries between cities: SEG 64, 371 (mentioning Haliarte?); SEG 23, 297 (Lebadaea-Coronaea); SEG 30, 440.1 (Akraiphia-Kōpai) and a second unpublished side; IG VII 2792 (Kōpai-Akraiphia). The last two documents are an opportunity to return, notably thanks to a GIS simulation, to the economic stakes represented by a small secondary basin in the North-East of lake Copais, the bay of Kephalari, which, dry in periods of low water, offered coveted resources in crops, reeds and fish. The historical study shows the role of arbitrator played by the Hellenistic koinon. In the absence of a koinon, during the Archaic period and after 171 BC, the Boeotians had to call upon international referees to settle their territorial disputes. Finally, the porosity of external borders for individuals, if not for armed troops, is underlined, as well as the hybrid character of the identities played out “on the border”. Keywords: Boeotia, Hellenistic koinon, Epigraphic demarcations, Lake Copais, Akraiphia 815 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 815 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Abstracts Rosa Plana-Mallart, Bastien Lemaire Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3, UMR 5140 ASM - Archéologie des Sociétés méditerranéennes URBAN AND PERI-URBAN: PHYSIONOMIES OF URBANIZATION IN THE WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN The issue of urbanization is still relevant nowadays due to the progress in the archaeological knowledge of ancient cities and the use of new study approaches that gradually refine the perception and interpretation of urban constructions. In the first-millennium BC Mediterranean, Greek experience stands out for its scope and for the elaboration of developed urban forms. The urbanization process, far from remaining confined to a centre, often delimited by a wall, identified with the city itself, also integrates the surrounding space; hence, the need to broaden the framework to study the urban phenomenon. In the context of the formation and development of the Greek city, the goal is therefore to approach the specificities of urban construction by integrating into the analysis the space of the urban margins (proasteion), where took place some functions that were complementary to the running of the city life. The study focuses on the Greek Mediterranean area and in particular the Western Mediterranean, based on a few examples which, although limited, shed new light on the knowledge of urban and peri-urban physiognomies, i.e. the spatial constructions linked to the urbanization. Keywords: Urbanization process, Western Greek world, First millennium BC, Urban constructions, Peri-urban constructions Réjane Roure, Mathieu Toubas Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3, UMR 5140 ASM - Archéologie des Sociétés méditerranéennes PUBLIC, PRIVATE AND SACRED SPACES IN THE PHOCEAN COLONIES: MARSEILLE, VELIA, EMPORION AND OLBIA DE PROVENCE This paper is devoted to the western foundations of Phocaea, a Greek city in Asia Minor, whose inhabitants founded the cities of Massalia, 816 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 816 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Abstracts Emporion and Velia in the 6th century BC. Olbia de Provence was founded almost two centuries later by the Massalians. The spatial organization of these cities, the location of their sanctuaries and their public facilities make it possible to observe a certain number of recurrences, even if knowledge of each of these structures is rather disparate according to the extent of the archaeological excavations. Keywords: Greek, Urban project, Street, Squares, Sanctuaries Clémence Weber-Pallez Université de Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, UR 4601 PLH-CRATA CAN WE CLEARLY DELIMIT THE ARGIVE TERRITORY? THE ROLE OF THE “BORDER” KOMAI IN THE DEFINITION OF THE ARGEIA DURING THE CLASSICAL PERIOD Since the 1980s, many researchers have been interested in the question of the boundaries of Greek territories. However, the study of Argos reveals the difficulties which exist in finding concrete markers of the domination of a city on the limits of its territory. On the contrary, the Argive border areas are characterized by a certain fluidity in their definition: the kômai, which are established there, keep a certain independence and can easily change their allegiance. The city of Argos is then defined spatially not by clear and precise borders, but by accumulation of kômai which integrate the political system of Argos. Keywords: Argos, History, Classical, Border, Territory 817 EspositoPollini_Livre.indb 817 14/02/2024 19:27:56 Di a basei s 1. Lo spazio ionico e le comunità della Grecia nord-occidentale. Territorio, società, istituzioni. Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Venezia, 7-9 gennaio 2010), a cura di CLAUDiA ANTONETTi, 2010. 2. Sulla rotta per la Sicilia: l’Epiro, Corcira e l’Occidente, a cura di GiOvANNA DE SENSi SESTiTO e MARiA iNTRiERi, 2011. 3. I. Ethne, identità e tradizioni: la “terza” Grecia e l’Occidente, a cura di LUiSA BREGLiA, ALDA MOLETi e MARiA LUiSA NAPOLiTANO, 2011. II. RENATA CALCE, Graikoi ed Hellenes: storia di due etnonimi, 2011. 4. DAMiANA BALDASSARRA, Dal Saronico all’Adriatico. Iscrizioni greche su ceramica del Museo Nazionale di Adria, 2013. 5. Prospettive corciresi, a cura di CLAUDiA ANTONETTi ed EDOARDO CAvALLi, 2015. 6. Sulle sponde dello Ionio: Grecia occidentale e Greci d’Occidente. Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Rende, 2-4 dicembre 2013), a cura di GiOvANNA DE SENSi SESTiTO e MARiA iNTRiERi, 2016. 7. UGO FANTASiA, Ambracia dai Cipselidi ad Augusto. Contributo alla storia della Grecia nord-occidentale fino alla prima età imperiale, 2017. 8. Politics, Territory and Identity in Ancient Epirus, edited by ADOLFO J. DOMíNGUEz, 2018. 9. MARiA iNTRiERi, Ermocrate. Siceliota, stratego, esule, 2020. 10. Cités nouvelles, villes des marges. Fondations, formes urbaines, espaces ruraux et frontières de l’archaïsme à l’Empire, sous la direction de ARiANNA ESPOSiTO et AiRTON POLLiNi, 2023.