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PAPERS OF THE ROYAL NETHERLANDS INSTITUTE IN ROME volume 64 - 2016 CONTEXTS OF EARLY COLONIZATION CONTEXTS OF EARLY COLONIZATION edited by Lieve Donnellan Valentino Nizzo Gert-Jan Burgers PALOMBI E DITORI Acts of the conference Contextualizing Early Colonization. Archaeology, Sources, Chronology and Interpretative Models between Italy and the Mediterranean Volume I Editorial Board Prof.dr. Harald Hendrix Dr. Jeremia Pelgrom Dr. Arthur Weststeijn Dr. Arno Witte Editorial Staff Malena B. McGrath Carla M. Summers Bibliographical abbreviations follow the American Journal of Archaeology guidelines and the Oxford Classical Dictionary (3rd edition) for classical texts. Correspondence regarding editorial material and contributions should be addressed to: Papers of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (KNIR) Via Omero 10/12 - 00197 Roma e-mail: Subscription and order of single volumes: Palombi & Partner Srl Via Gregorio VII, 224 00165 Roma Papers of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome Mededelingen van het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut te Rome PAPERS OF THE ROYAL NETHERLANDS INSTITUTE IN ROME - VOLUME 64 - 2016 Contexts of Early Colonization edited by Lieve Donnellan Valentino Nizzo Gert-Jan Burgers © 2016 Palombi & Partner srl Largo San Pio V, 16, I 00165 Roma Graphic design and layout by the publishing house. All illustrations have been provided by the authors unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of both the copyright owner and the editors of this book. Cover and page 4: Assyrian bas-relief of the Palace of Sargon II at Khorsabad, with a scene depicting transport ships of wood from Lebanon, 8th c. B.C., Paris, Louvre Museum (photo V. Nizzo). Pages 18-19: Fidene (Rome), ceramics found in an excavated hut adapted from Albert Nijboer’s contribution, this volume. Pages 86-87: The Kilamuwa stele, basalt stone, h. 155 cm x w. 130 cm x d. 37 cm, Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin adapted from Ida Oggiano’s contribution, this volume. Pages 138-139: Vulci, the tomb of the Nuragic bronze statuettes (elaborated from Arancio, M. L., A. M. Moretti Sgubini e E. Pellegrini 2010. “Corredi funerari femminili di rango a Vulci nella prima età del ferro. Il caso della Tomba dei bronzetti sardi,” in N. Negroni Catacchio (ed.), L’alba dell’Etruria. Fenomeni di continuità e trasformazione nei secoli XII - VIII a.C. Ricerche e scavi: atti del nono incontro di studi, vol. 1, Milan) adapted from Gilda Bartoloni’s contribution, this volume. Pages 258-259: Naxos, a panoramic view of the intersection between plateia A and stenopos 11, 5th c. B.C. adapted from Maria Costanza Lentini’s contribution, this volume. ISBN xxx-xx-xxxx-xxx-x  Dedicated to the memory of David Ridgway  Contents ACKN OW L E D GE M E N T S 13 I N M EM O RI A M DAV I D R I D GWAY Pier Giovanni Guzzo 15 PA R T 1 : C H RO N O LO G Y I ‘tempi’ della colonizzazione greca arcaica. Spunti per un dialogo tra discipline Manuela Mari 21 Is the tangling of events in the Mediterranean around 770-60 B.C. in the Conventional Absolute Chronology (CAC) a reality or a construct? Albert J. Nijboer 35 Cronologia versus Archeologia. L’ ‘ambiguo’ scorrere del tempo alle soglie della ‘colonizzazione’: i casi di Cuma e Pithekoussai Valentino Nizzo 49 Considerations around a polarized Mediterranean Iron Age Chronology Francisco J. Nuñez 73 PA R T 2: TH E M E D I T E R R A N EA N AT T H E B E G IN N I N G O F TH E ‘ CO LON I Z AT I O N ’ The Mediterranean dimension of Levantine Coast in the 1st millennium B.C.: ancient sea routes, new explorations and ‘colonial’ foundations Ida Oggiano 89 Local response to the early Phoenician presence in Western Andalusia: the case of material culture from Setefilla Michał Krueger 105 Circolazione del metallo e pratiche della pesatura fra Oriente e Occidente: inerzia e adattamento delle misure fra Tarda Età del Bronzo e Prima Età del Ferro Gianluca Melandri e Nicola Parise 113 Forme di contatto sulle coste della Sardegna: indigeni e fenici a Bithia, nuove acquisizioni Marco Minoja, Carlotta Bassoli e Fabio Nieddu 123 PA R T 3 : IN DI G E N O U S CO N T E X T S AT T HE B E G I N N I N G O F TH E ‘ C O LO N I Z AT I ON ’ Le comunità tirreniche all’alba della Magna Grecia Gilda Bartoloni 141  Il contesto indigeno della Campania all’arrivo dei Greci Pier Giovanni Guzzo 153 La cultura orientalizzante tirrenica come frutto di una crescita endogena: l’esempio di Pontecagnano Bruno d’Agostino e Patrizia Gastaldi 159 Forme di insediamento del Primo Ferro in Calabria Marco Pacciarelli 177 Forme insediative e contatti di culture lungo la costa ionica d’Italia meridionale tra i fiumi Basento e Sinni (VIII - VII sec. a.C.) Massimo Osanna 183 Gli indigeni della Sicilia tra la Prima e la Seconda Età del Ferro: il contesto locale della ‘prima colonizzazione’ Rosa Maria Albanese Procelli 199 I primi contatti col mondo greco e levantino a Capua tra la Prima Età del Ferro e gli inizi dell’Orientalizzante Gianluca Melandri e Francesco Sirano 211 Gli Enotri - e i Greci - sul Basento. Nuovi dati sul Metapontino in Età Proto-coloniale Mario Denti 223 Local identity and cultural exchange in (pre-) colonial Francavilla Marittima: the Macchiabate necropolis in the light of new excavations Martin A. Guggisberg 237 La Sibaritide prima e dopo la fondazione di Sibari Francesco Quondam 247 PA R T 4: THE G R E E K A N D P H O E N I CI A N ‘ C OLO N I Z AT I O N ’ I N I TA LY Le ‘prime fondazioni’ greche in Occidente: tradizioni antiche e letture moderne Mario Lombardo 261 Dall’Italia alla Grecia, IX-VII sec. a.C. Alessandro Naso 275 The Phoenicians in the central-west Mediterranean and Atlantic between ‘precolonization’ and the ‘first colonization’ Massimo Botto 289 Le origini di Naxos. Nuovi dati sulla fondazione Maria Costanza Lentini 311 Greci e indigeni nel golfo di Taranto: il caso di Satyrion Valeria Parisi, Chiara Maria Marchetti e Enzo Lippolis 323 ‘Prima colonizzazione’ e ‘primo alfabeto’. Osservazioni su soggetti e modalità dell’interazione culturale fra le più antiche presenze greche in occidente e l’ambiente italico in riferimento alla scrittura Giovanni Boffa 335 Nuovi orizzonti per nuove comunità. Qualche riflessione sui processi di definizione delle società arcaiche della Puglia meridionale durante l’Età del Ferro. Grazia Semeraro 351 Models of interaction between Greeks and indigenous populations on the Ionian coast: Contributions from the excavations at Incoronata by the University of Texas at Austin Sveva Savelli 371 Publications of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome 385  Acknowledgements The present volume constitutes the first volume issued from the international conference Contextualizing early Colonization: Archaeology, Sources, and Interpretative Models between Italy and the Mediterranean, held in Rome between June 21-23, 2012. The conference was only made possible with the generous support of many individuals, organizations and institutions. We would like to thank the scientific committee for their time and generous support: Michel Gras, Piero Guzzo, Robin Osborne, Gert-Jan Burgers and Roald Docter. The conference was hosted by the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome, Academia Belgica and British School at Rome. Financial and logistic support in various forms was enabled through the joint efforts of the following organizations and institutions: Belgian Historical Institute in Rome, Academia Belgica, Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome, the British School at Rome, Ghent University, the Free University Brussels, the Flemish Fund for Scientific Research, Forma Urbis, Ediarché, the Ecole Française de Rome, the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, the Accademia di Romania in Roma, the Istituto Storico Austriaco a Roma, the Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueologia en Roma, the Institutum Romanum Finandiae, the Accademia di Danimarca, the Accademia Polacca a Roma, the Istituto Svizzero a Roma, and the Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica. The conference was organized under the patronage of the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali and the Ministero degli Affari Esteri. 