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Sublethal effects of spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben on life-history traits and life-table parameters of two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae)

2018, Experimental and Applied Acarology

Exp Appl Acarol Sublethal effects of spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben on life‑history traits and life‑table parameters of two‑spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) Moosa Saber1 · Zeinab Ahmadi2 · Gholamreza Mahdavinia3 Received: 16 October 2017 / Accepted: 14 February 2018 © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 Abstract Two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, is one of the economically most important pests on a wide range of crops in greenhouses and orchards worldwide. Control of T. urticae has been largely based on the use of acaricides. Sublethal effects of spirodiclofen, pyridaben and abamectin were studied on life-table parameters of T. urticae females treated with the acaricides. LC25 values of spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben (3.84, 0.04 and 136.96 µg a.i./ml, respectively) were used for sublethal studies. All acaricides showed significant effects on T. urticae biological parameters including developmental time, survival rate, and fecundity. The females treated with spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben at LC25 exhibited significantly reduced net reproductive rate (R0), finite rate of increase (λ) and intrinsic rate of increase (r). The intrinsic rate of increase in spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben treated groups and control were 0.0138, 0.0273, 0.039 and 0.2481 female offspring per female per day, respectively. The results indicated that sublethal concentrations of tested pesticides strongly affected the life characteristics of spider mite and consequently may influence mite population growth in future generations. Keywords Tetranychus urticae · Sublethal effects · Life-table parameters · Spirodiclofen · Abamectin · Pyridaben Introduction Two-spotted spider mite (TSM), is one of the most important pest on many plant species in worldwide. Using of acaricides has been the main approach to controlling TSM, although biological control has proven successful in some protected crops. Continuous * Moosa Saber; 1 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran 2 Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran 3 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Basic Science, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran 13 Exp Appl Acarol use of pesticides may lead to high-level resistance in pests populations and destroy populations of natural enemies of the pest (Ruberson et al. 1998; Ambikadevi and Samarjit 1997; Isman 2000; Shi et al. 2005). Considerable research works have been devoted to finding other strategies for suppression of T. urticae population. In recent decades, with the increasing knowledge on detrimental effects of chemical pesticides on human, environment, and non-target organisms, the use of lower amounts of toxic compounds have received relatively great attention. There are several studies indicating sublethal effect of pesticides on life-history traits and life-table parameters of tetranychid mites (Marcic 2007; Marcic et al. 2010, Landeros et al. 2002; Li et al. 2017). Searching for new acaricides with novel mode of actions is necessary due to rapid development of pest resistance to several chemical compounds with different modes of action. Nervous system of mites has long been the target for most chemicals used for their control, but at the recent years many compounds acting on respiration and growth and development of the pest have been introduced (Dekeyser 2005; Marcic 2012; Van Leeuwen et al. 2015). Spirodiclofen, a tetronic acid derivative, has recently been introduced as a compound that inhibits lipid biosynthesis. It was commercialized as an acaricide highly effective against all relevant phytophagous mite species. This compound effectively controls the population of mites resistant to other acaricides (Nauen et al. 2000; Elbert et al. 2002; Dekeyser 2005; Marcic 2007). Pyridaben belongs to the pyridazinone class of acaricides. Its mode of action is inhibition of mitochondrial electron transport at complex I (METI). Pyridaben provides long-lasting and good efficacy against all developmental stages of the spider mites (Stumpf and Nauen 2001; Marcic 2012). Abamectin is a mixture of avermectins containing more than 80% avermectin B1a and less than 20% avermectin B1b. The avermectins are insecticidal, acaricidal and anti-helminthin compounds derived from various laboratory broths fermented by the soil bacterium Streptomyces avermitilis (Hayes and Laws 1991). Abamectin is a natural fermentation product of this bacterium. This compound, acting as a modulator of glutamate-gated chloride channels in the nervous system, causes mites paralyze. There are two major types of toxicological studies, the acute toxicological study looking at mortality occurred in short time and the chronic exposure study that monitoring the effects of repeated exposures to pesticides over longer time periods (Stark and Banks 2003; Martinez-Villar et al. 2005). Toxicity of pesticides are often evaluated at the laboratory by testing on pests by estimating values that measure median lethal dose (LD50) or median lethal concentration (LC50) (Robertson and Worner 1990; Stark et al. 1997; Kim et al. 2004) because these assessment are fast, easy and inexpensive. One approach attaining popularity in ecotoxicology is the use of demographic parameters as endpoints of toxicological bioassays (Daniels and Allan 1981; Stark and Banken 1999). Acaricides may affect life-history traits (longevity, fecundity, fertility, developmental time, sex ratio etc.) and population growth rates of mites that survived exposure to pesticides (Stark and Rangus 1994; Stark and Banks 2003; Teodoro et al. 2005). The acute toxicity tests has mostly been utilized for toxicity studies while sublethal effects include any negative effect other than mortality, such as reduced feeding; lower fecundity or egg viability; reduced longevity or increased developmental time; and altered sex ratios (Beers and Schmidt 2014; Biondi et al. 2013) and are important for understanding the total effects of pesticides (Parsaeyan et al. 2017; Delpuech et al. 1998). Bioassays that address all potential effects of pesticides provide needed information to use in IPM programs (Beers and Schmidt 2014). It is suggested that life-table analysis is the best method to evaluate the lethal and sublethal effects of an acaricide (Kim et al. 2006; Li et al. 2017). 13 Exp Appl Acarol The aim of this study was to evaluate the sublethal effects of low lethal concentration (LC25) of three commonly used acaricides against two-spotted spider mite and consequently to determine the potential of these pesticides to include in management of T. urticae populations at low lethal rates (applied at rates under recommended dose). The objectives were to expose T. urticae females to low lethal concentrations and estimate life-table parameters. The results of this study could be seen as a starting point for further greenhouse and/or field research in order to improve the management of spider mites. Materials and methods Mite rearing Tetranychus urticae was collected from infected leaves of bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L., at the agricultural research greenhouse of the University of Maragheh, Iran. The mites have not been exposed to any chemical pesticides prior to the experiments during the preceding 2 years. Tetranychus urticae were reared on P. vulgaris in a growth chamber at 25 ± 1 °C, 60 ± 10% RH, and L16:D8 h photoperiod for at least three generations before using them for experiments. Bioassays were performed under the same conditions. Acaricides The acaricides used in the study were: Spirodiclofen (Envidor® 24 SC, Bayer CropScience, Germany), abamectin (Vermectin® 1.8 EC, Golsam, Iran) and pyridaben (Sunmite® 20% w/w, Iprochem, China). These acaricides were chosen because they are recommended for controlling the TSM in Iran and many other countries and belong to different classes of chemicals with different modes of action on T. urticae. Toxicity bioassays Pre-ovipositing females (< 1 day old) were used in bioassay tests. Leaf discs (2 cm diameter) were dipped in each of specified concentrations of either acaricide for 30 s and allowed to air dry for 1 h at laboratory conditions. Then 15 young adult females of TSM were introduced on each leaf disc. Leaf discs were placed on moist cotton in a plastic Petri dish (6 cm diameter) with a ventilation hole (1 cm diameter) in the center of the lid covered by net. After 24 h exposure, the number of dead and survived females was recorded. Each bioassay consisted of five concentrations. The bioassays were replicated five times. Control leaf discs were dipped in distilled water only. The concentrations used for the bioassay were selected based on preliminary tests (dose setting). The concentration range were 2.4, 3.63, 5.49, 8.32, 12.59 and 19.2 µg a.i./ml for spirodiclofen, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.07, 0.11, 0.17 and 0.27 µg a.i./ml for abamectin, and 100, 144.88, 209.4, 304.6, 437.4 and 600 µg a.i./ml for pyridaben. Data were subjected to probit analysis (Finney 1971). Concentration–mortality curves were estimated by probit analysis (SAS Institute 2002). Life‑table bioassays Sublethal effects of the acaricides were evaluated on life-table parameters of offspring from T. urticae females treated with the acaricides. The experimental procedures and acaricides were 13 Exp Appl Acarol the same as those used for concentration–mortality bioassays described above. According to the methods of Li et al. (2017), Mohammadi et al. (2016) and Yin et al. (2013), 100 pairs of unmated female and male individuals of T. urticae (< 1 day old) were placed on each leaf arena treated by LC25 concentration of spirodiclofen, abamectin or pyridaben acaricides that were 3.84, 0.04 and 136.96 µg a.i./ml, respectively. After 24 h exposure, the surviving pairs of mites from each treatment (control and acaricide treatments) were transferred to new clean leaf discs free of acaricide residue for oviposition. Eggs laid were counted daily and collected per female for each replication and treatment. The number of hatched eggs was recorded. Females and males were monitored for survival daily, until all mites died naturally. Daily monitoring of the number of eggs laid per female for each replication and treatment and the number of offspring individuals, developmental time of subsequent stages reaching the adult stage provided the basic elements for both the construction of life tables and the calculation of life-table parameters. Leaf discs treated with distilled water only served as the control. Data analysis Data were analyzed by the age-stage, two-sex life-table theory (Chi 2015). TWOSEX-MS Chart software was used to analyze the data (Chi 2015). Age-stage survival rate (sxj, where x indicates age and j stage), age-stage specific fecundity (fxj), age-specific survival rate (lxj), agespecific fecundity (mx), age-stage life expectancy (exj), age-stage specific reproductive value (vxj), adult pre-ovipostional period (APOP, the time from emergence of the adult female to its initial oviposition), total pre-ovipostional period (TPOP, the time from female birth to the initial oviposition), and the population parameters (rm, intrinsic rate of increase; λ, finite rate of increase; R0, net reproductive rate; GRR, gross reproductive rate; T, mean generation time) were estimated accordingly. Means, standard errors of developmental time, longevity and variances of the life-table parameters were calculated with the bootstrap (m = 100,000) method (Efron and Tibshirani 1993; Huang and Chi 2012). Differences among treatments were compared using the paired bootstrap test (Chi 2015). The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was estimated using the iterative bisection method from the Euler–Lotka equation: ∞ ∑ e−r(x+1) lx mx = 1, (1) x=0 with the age indexed from zero (Goodman 1982). Gross reproductive rate was calculated as: GRR = 𝛴mx . (2) Net reproductive rate represents the mean number of offspring that an individual can produce during its lifetime and was calculated as: R0 = ∞ ∑ lx mx (3) x=0 Mean generation time defined as the period that a population needs to increase to R0-fold of its size was calculated as: T= 13 lnR0 . r (4) Exp Appl Acarol The finite rate of increase was calculated as 𝜆 = er . (5) is the probability that a newborn nymph will survive to age x and is The value of lxj calculated by pooling all of the surviving individuals of different stages. It is calculated as: lxj = ∞ ∑ sxj , (6) j=1 where ∞ is the last stage of the study cohort. mx was calculated using the following equation: ∑∞ s f j=1 xj xj mxj = ∑∞ s j=1 xj . (7) The age-stage life expectancy (exj) was calculated according to Chi and Su (2006) and defined as the time that an individual of age x and stage j is expected to live. The life expectancy for individuals in different age-stage-sex units can be calculated as: exy = n m ∑ ∑ s� ij. (8) i=x j=y The age-stage-specific reproductive value (vxj) of T. urticae female was calculated for an individual of age x and stage j to the future population: [m ] n ∑ er(i+1) ∑ −r(k+1) s� (k, y, 1)f (k, y, 1) . × e v(i,j,1) = (9) s(i, j, 1) k=i y=1 Results Toxicity bioassay tests results of spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben are shown in Table 1. Based on LC50 values and fiducial limits it was concluded that abamectin was the most toxic acaricide against T. urticae followed by spirodiclofen and pyridaben. Pyridaben had the lowest toxicity against the pest compared to the others. Sublethal effect study showed that the mean total pre-adult developmental times of females of F1 generations and male were significantly affected when exposed to LC25 values of spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben compared to control female and male, Table 1 Mean lethal concentration (µg a.i./ml) of spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben for 25, 50 and 90% of pre-ovipositing females of Tetranychus urticae (95% fiducial limits in parentheses) Treatment Slope ± SE χ2 (df 5) LC25 LC50 LC90 Spirodiclofen 1.80 ± 0.28 40.67 3.84 (2.61–4.90) 9.07 (7.38–11.60) 46.46 (29.19–108.16) Abamectin Pyridaben 0.04 (0.03–0.05) 136.96 (96.63– 170.40) 0.092 (0.076–0.11) 283.57 (237.71– 342.49) 0.38 (0.28–0.63) 1130 (783.83–2164) 2.05 ± 0.23 73.76 2.13 ± 0.32 43.05 13 Exp Appl Acarol respectively (Table 2). Adult longevity of female and male adults exposed to LC25 values of spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben were shorter in comparison with control. The total longevity of female and male treated with abamectin, spirodiclophen and pyridaben also was reduced significantly (Table 2). The finding of this study revealed that the sublethal concentration of spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben may influence the durability of pre-adult stages, longevity and biological parameters of T. urticae. Results showed that exposure of females to spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben reduced the net reproductive rate (R0) and intrinsic rate of increase (r) compared to control. Similarly, the finite rate of increase (λ) and gross reproduction rate (GRR) for the control were significantly higher than those of for spirodiclofen, abamectinand pyridaben. Also mean generation time (T) of control was significantly shorter than of abamectin and pyridaben treatments (Table 3). The age-stage-specific survival rate (sxj) of T. urticae represents the probability that a newly born individual will survive to each age-stage unit age x and stage j. The agestage, two-sex life table is able to describe the stage differentiation, the beginning and finish of subsequent stages can be observed in the survival curve for each stage. There were no significant differences in the survival rate at the egg stage of treated T. urticae with LC25 of acaricides (Fig. 1). The highest sxj for the curve of nymph stage was 1.00, 0.90, 0.90 and 0.92 for control¸ abamectin, spirodiclofen and pyridaben, respectively. The curves in Fig. 1 show that nymphal period sxj of control (7 days) is significantly shorter than the treatments and the longest nymphal period observed in abamectin and spirodiclofen (11 days). Female adult stage began at age 7, 8 and 8 days for abamectin, spirodiclofen and pyridaben, respectively, and continued until days 18, 16 and 16, respectively, while for the control the first female adult stage began at age 6 days and the last female died at age 22 days. The survivorship rate of different stages of the pest Table 2 Life-history traits [mean ± SE developmental time (days)] of offspring of Tetranychus urticae females treated with spirodiclofen, abamectin or pyridaben Sex Female Male Stage Egg Nymph Adult Total pre-adult APOP TPOP Longevity Fecundity Egg Nymph Adult Total pre-adult Longevity Control Spirodiclofen Abamectin Pyridaben 2.87 ± 0.17b 4.58 ± 0.13a 4.52 ± 0.24a 4.68 ± 0.14a 4.67 ± 0.19b 10.53 ± 0.52a 7.53 ± 0.26c 0.2 ± 0.05b 7.7 ± 0.135b 17.65 ± 0.29a 21.47 ± 0.85a 2.78 ± 0.28c 4.44 ± 0.18ba 12.56 ± 0.84a 7.22 ± 0.36c 19.78 ± 0.91a 5.75 ± 0.11a 4.25 ± 0.24c 10.33 ± 0.2a 0.23 ± 0.08b 10.57 ± 0.18a 14.58 ± 0.26b 2.46 ± 0.24b 4.83 ± 0.11a 5.58 ± 0.29a 5.33 ± 0.4b 10.42 ± 0.29a 15.75 ± 0.51b 5.0 ± 0.31ab 4.1 ± 0.28c 9.52 ± 0.42b 0.63 ± 0.1a 10.15 ± 0.31a 13.62 ± 0.56c 3.33 ± 0.29b 3.6 ± 0.21b 4.47 ± 0.17ba 5.93 ± 0.56b 8.07 ± 0.21b 14 ± 0.59c 5.2 ± 0.58ab 4.72 ± 0.27bc 9.88 ± 0.19a 0.68 ± 0.09a 10.4 ± 0.18a 14.6 ± 0.22b 3.2 ± 0.33b 4.07 ± 0.25b 4.86 ± 0.33a 6.36 ± 0.6b 8.93 ± 0.54b 15.29 ± 0.5b APOP Adult pre-oviposition period and TPOP total pre-oviposition period Treatments were estimated with the bootstrap technique using 100,000 replications; SEs were estimated using 100,000 bootstraps and compared by paired bootstrap test (comparison of 95% CL). Means within a row followed by different letters are significantly different between treatments by using the paired bootstrap test (P < 0.05) 13 Exp Appl Acarol Table 3 Mean (±SE) life-table parameters of offspring of Tetranychus urticae females treated with spirodiclofen, abamectin or pyridaben Treatment rm λ R0 T GRR 12.9 ± 1.1a 10.29 ± 0.09b 13.39 ± 1.1a Control 0.2481 ± 0.01a 1.28 ± 0.01a Spirodiclofen Abamectin Pyridaben 0.0138 ± 0.01b 0.0273 ± 0.01b 0.0390 ± 0.01b 1.01 ± 0.01b 1.02 ± 0.01b 1.04 ± 0.01b 1.2 ± 0.16c 1.4 ± 0.20bc 1.6 ± 0.23b 11.95 ± 0.63ba 12.28 ± 0.46a 12.03 ± 0.21a 1.55 ± 0.19d 3.84 ± 0.674b 2.1 ± 0.28c rm Intrinsic rate of increase, λ finite rate of increase, R0 net reproductive rate, T mean generation time and GRR gross reproduction rate Means within a column followed by different letters are significantly different between treatments by using the paired bootstrap test (P < 0.05) Fig. 1 Age-stage-specific survival rate (Sxj) of offspring of Tetranychus urticae females treated with LC25 of abamectin, spirodiclofen andpyridaben followed exposure to the acaricides is shown in Fig. 1. Adults and nymphal of T. urticae emerged sooner and survived for a longer time in control (Fig. 1). Figure 1 shows the survival curve and differentiated stages, which is an important feature of mites. Overlapping between stages were shown the different growth rate among individuals. By ignoring individual differences and assuming the same developmental period for them provide incomplete survival and reproduction curve. 13 Exp Appl Acarol The age-specific survival rate (lx) remained as high as 1.0 until age 5, 6, 5d and 7 days in abamectin, spirodiclofen, pyridaben and control treatments, respectively. The lowest survival rate of all age stages was observed in T. urticae treated with abamectin. The highest offspring production for abamectin (0.48) occurred at age 11 days, for spirodiclofen (0.45) at age 13 days, for pyridaben (0.57) at age 11 days and for control at age 8 days with 2.8 offspring (Fig. 2). The parameters lx and fecundity (mx) are also plotted in Fig. 2 and 3. The lowest peaks of mx and the lowest fecundity of all age stages were observed in T. urticae treated with spirodiclofen. The maternity (lxmx) of spirodiclofen-treated mites were lowest of all (Fig. 4). The maximum values of lxmx were 1.0, 1.33 and 1.0 for mites treated by LC25 concentration of spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben, respectively, which occurred on day 8. The age-stage life expectancy (exj) represents the length of time that an individual of age x and stage j is expected to survive. The age-stage-specific life expectancy (exj) of T. urticae in different treatments is shown in Fig. 5. Overall, the life expectancy of T. urticae individuals treated with abamectin was shorter than in all age and stage groups (Fig. 5). The vxj value defines the contribution of an individual at age x and stage j to the future population. The age-reproductive values (vxj) of T. urticae in different pesticides are plotted in Fig. 6. The peak of the reproductive values of females treated with abamectin was at age 9 days, spirodiclofen at age 8, pyridaben at age 9, and for control it was at age 8 days (Fig. 6). When females emerged, the vxj increased to a high value of 1.41, 1.28, 1.56 and 7.83 in abamectin, spirodiclofen, pyridaben and control, respectively. The reproductive values for T. urticae treated with LC25 of pesticides were significantly lower than for the control. Fig. 2 Age-specific survival rate (lx) of offspring of Tetranychus urticae females treated by LC25 of abamectin, spirodiclofen and pyridaben compared with control 13 Exp Appl Acarol Fig. 3 Age-specific fecundity (mx) of offspring of Tetranychus urticae females treated with LC25 of abamectin, spirodiclofen and pyridaben compared with control Fig. 4 Age specific maternity (lxmx) of offspring of Tetranychus urticae females treated with LC25 of abamectin, spirodiclofen and pyridaben compared with control Discussion Demographic toxicology or life-table analysis is the best method for evaluation and combining lethal and sublethal effects of pesticides (Daniels and Allan 1981; Day and Kaushik 13 Exp Appl Acarol Fig. 5 Age-specific life expectancy (ex) of offspring of Tetranychus urticae females treated with LC25 of abamectin, spirodiclofen and pyridaben compared with control Fig. 6 Age-reproductive value (vx) of offspring of Tetranychus urticae females treated with LC25 of abamectin, spirodiclofen and pyridaben compared with control 1987; Kim et al. 2004). LC25 Concentration of these acaricides influenced the life-table parameters of two-spotted spider mite. Our study here is the first comprehensive research on the sublethal effects of spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben on life-table parameters of progeny generation of T. urticae. The results demonstrated that LC25 of acaricides could reduce the survival rate, oviposition period, fecundity and longevity of the female of T. urticae. Several studies have been done on the effect of pesticides on T. urticae. 13 Exp Appl Acarol For example, Marcic (2007) reported that sublethal concentration/dose of spirodiclofen reduced the survival rate and other life-table parameters of T. urticae. Stark et al. (1997) revealed that reproductive potential of T. urticae can be greatly influenced by their susceptibility to acaricides. This described and compared the effects of LC25 concentrations of tested pesticides by using the age-stage, two-sex life table the demographic characteristics of T. urticae. The present study showed that spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben had sublethal negative affect on life-table parameters of adult T. urticae. The concentrations (LC25) of either acaricide applied to females were enough to affect fecundity and longevity. However abamectin and spirodiclofen have had a greater impact on longevity and fecundity (Table 2). Similar effects on life-table parameters were recorded by Marcic (2007) and Martinez-Villar et al. (2005), who treated T. urticae adult females with several spirodiclofen concentrations. Their results showed that higher concentrations caused greater reduction in rm. Our results revealed that the population growth rate of T. urticae was affected by LC25 of tested pesticides as result of negative effects on immature developmental time, reproduction period, fecundity and, finally in the population parameters (i.e., rm, λ, R0, and T). Our findings are in agreement with many studies on the effects of pesticides on development, survival, and reproduction of T. urticae (Kim and Seo 2001; Kim and Yoo 2001; Marcic 2003; Ashley et al. 2006; Hardman et al. 2007). Compared with the control, the reproductive values in mites treated with LC25 were changed, which may cause restriction in reproduction and survivorship. In accordance with Alinejad et al. (2014), the sublethal dose of fenazaquin affected survivorship and fecundity of T. urticae. Intrinsic rate of increase (rm) is the best factor to describe the effect of pesticides on pests (Hamedi et al. 2010; Stark and Banks 2003), because it demonstrates the overall effects on both survivorship and fecundity (Li et al. 2017). The results of this study showed that rm in T. urticae was reduced by acaricides compared with the control indicating the adverse effect of the chemicals on this parameter. Li et al. (2017) also reported that the rm values of progeny generation of the treated mites with bifenazate decreased significantly. The net reproductive rate (R0) of T. urticae treated with spirodiclofen is significantly lowered compared to that of the others (Table 3). The mean generation time (T) of the T. urticae treated with acaricides was also influenced significantly by the acaricide. Moreover, Tuan et al. (2016) and Alinejad et al. (2014) illustrated that because of the variable developmental rates occurring among T. urticae individuals, the survival rate curve showed significant stage overlap. This agrees with our results. In our experimental conditions, the mites treated with abamectin were reduced the age-specific survival rate (lx) values (Fig. 2). Furthermore, lxmx (age-specific maternity) values were reduced by pyridaben and spirodiclofen, in agreement with results of Marcic (2007). His results indicated that the tested acaricides would significantly reduce mite growth. Lower age-specific reproductive value and life expectancy was observed in treated mites by acaricides. Mohammadi et al. (2016) reported that life expectancy of Tetranychus turkestani Ugarov and Nikolskii was affected differently in individuals of the same age, stages and sexes. Similar results were observed in this research: for example, exj of female adults was about 10–12 days, whereas the value was between 9 and 12 days for males in different treatments. Finally, studies of sublethal effects on life-table parameters of pests allow us to have the most complete delineation of the population-level responses to pesticides. Quantification of the importance of pesticide impact on life cycle timing at the population level of target pest species will assist the researchers to manage the pest population properly. The fact that pesticides in lower doses may have significant effects on population levels and might affect population dynamics of T. urticae (Stark and Banks 2003). According to our results, 13 Exp Appl Acarol the lower lethal concentration (LC25) of the tested acaricides showed negative effects on survivorship and life-table parameters of the subsequent generation of T. urticae. Despite the negative effects of LC25 values of spirodiclofen, abamectin and pyridaben on life-table parameters of T. urticae at laboratory study, more detailed evaluations are needed on total effects of these acaricides on the mite and its biological control agents under greenhouse and field conditions. References Alinejad M, Kheradmand K, Fathipour Y (2014) Sublethal effects of fenazaquin on life table parameters of the predatory mite Amblyseiuss wirskii (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Exp Appl Acarol 64:361–373 Ambikadevi D, Samarjit R (1997) Chemical control of red spider mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval) on okra. J Trop Agric Sci 35:38–40 Ashley JL, Herbert DA, Lewis EE, Brewster CC, Huckaba R (2006) Toxicity of three acaricides to Tetranychusurticae (Tetranychidae: Acari) and Oriusinsidiosus (Anthocoridae: Hemiptera. J Econ Entomol 99(1):54–59 Beers EH, Schmidt RA (2014) Impacts of orchard pesticides on Galendromusoccidentalis: lethal and sublethal effects. 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