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This paper re-contextualizes Burkhard Heim's theory of 12 dimensions within the framework of extant literature on energy, reality, and consciousness, providing a comprehensive synthesis that aligns Heim's dimensional theory with... more
Resumen: La Dinastía Shāng es una dinastía china distante y misteriosa. Hoy en día, nuestro conocimiento sobre ella todavía es muy limitado, pero, a partir de esa información que hemos podido alcanzar, hemos descubierto una gran... more
The Yijing (I Ching) has very significant relevance to our present-day worldview because it offers a holistic, coherent and integrated approach for navigating the paradigm shift required of educational science as we confront global... more
Edición de la investigación para este proyecto site specific, donde se conjugan cuestiones ya experimentadas por Fernando Sinaga en etapas anteriores, que buscan ahora un enlace iconológico idóneo para el contexto del museo y, a la vez,... more
This is the third main paper extending the two previous papers on the invention of the gua 卦 "hexagrams" of the Yijing, with the associated 象 xiang "symbols" and 辭 ci "statements." It is the most difficult and challenging of all to... more
This paper discusses the Chinese worldview on 公平正義 gongping zhengyi (fairness and justice) and correlates it with equilibrium and nonequilibrium. Moving far from equilibrium (away from fairness and justice) is a social phenomenon that... more
The relationship between modern science and metaphysics has been challenging due to the different ontological and epistemological perspectives they are based on. However, the challenge is mainly attributable to modern science's empirical... more
One of the central features of the Yijing is its use of yin-yang correlative cosmology, a fundamental concept in traditional Chinese philosophy. This cosmology involves the idea that all things in the universe are interconnected and... more
This paper draws on the relatedness of 易經 Yijing and quantum physics. They come from different cultural and historical contexts but share some similarities in their underlying principles. One of the main similarities between Yijing and... more
RESUMEN: Repasamos las características sociales y evolutivas de la antigüedad de China para hablar de los métodos más importantes utilizados para medir el tiempo. Presentamos sus principales características y utilidades sociales y... more
I am trying to do two things by posting this material from my book-in-progress, Magic Matters: Science and Medicine in Chinese Popular Culture, 1600–1800. One is to invite constructive criticism 指正 (please respond directly to... more
The book about reconstructed method of combining of trigram and hexagram for to find an optimal algorithm.
I-chin as a method of calculating of the optimal algorithm of behavior
This paper first draws attention to the striking similarities between the parable for which Dr. Iain McGilchrist named his book, The Master and His Emissary, and the top line of 2nd hexagram, The Receptive, of the Chinese Book of Changes... more
Resumen: Hoy, aunque las inscripciones de plastrones y huesos fueron descubiertas hace 120 años, todavía hay muchas palabras que no están descifradas debido a la falta de recursos, incluida la palabra "" que, en este texto, trataremos de... more
This article discusses how to use the Book of Changes (I Ching, Yijing, Changes) to teach philosophy and religious thoughts in liberal arts college.
While other papers have tried to elucidate the symbols and text of the Yijing, this paper will make some small attempt to discuss the most difficult but also the most important problem of all, the core philosophy of the Yijing.
This paper will attempt to show what correspondences may exist between the sequence of the received order of the hexagrams and the sequences of the two arrangements of hexagrams developed in the previous paper on the xiang 象 "symbols" of... more
RESUMEN La mayor parte de las ricas concepciones filosóficas y científicas que nutrieron el pensamiento chino que conocemos hoy, se gestó en la conflictiva época final de la era anterior a la nuestra, del siglo V al II. Luego de leer... more
The previous paper discussed the first stage in the traditional development of the Zhouyi, the invention of the xiang 象 “symbols” known as trigrams and hexagrams, and this paper will look at the second stage, the appending of ci 辭... more
Nociones sobre el Feng Shui
Traditionally there were two main stages in the development of the Zhouyi, the invention of the gua 卦 “trigrams” and “hexagrams” as xiang 象 “symbols,” and then the appending of ci 辭 “statements” or “words” to the hexagrams and lines. The... more
We have hypothesized a model of the Ancient Chinese Worldview based on a new theory about how Acupuncture works constructed in this series of papers. In this paper we will compare that Model of the Chinese Worldview with the already... more
Resumen. Mostrando algunas analogías entre el pensamiento oriental, especialmente del antiguo taoísmo chino, y algunas escuelas psicológicas contemporáneas cercanas al neo-humanismo gestáltico y la llamada psicología transpersonal, en el... more