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FUNDAMENTOS DE BIOENERGÉTICA ACUPUNTURA PLAN DE LA OBRA Esta obra nace como necesidad de aportar libros de texto a todos los que en occidente se inician en el estudio de la Medicina Tradicional China. Por ello la hemos estructurado... more
惠棟揭櫫「漢學」典範,推明「古義」而催發清儒共撰「新疏」之風,並以《易》學為其核心,力圖發揚漢代象數《易》學的內容與精神,建構一套獨特的詮釋思維。而檢覈惠棟豐富之《易》學著作,我們可以發現惠氏除以《易》結合明堂、禘祭之禮而寄託政治理想,進而將典禮制度展示儒者教化之風外,又由《易》會通《中庸》、《大學》思想以對抗「宋學」體系。更為關鍵的是,在此之中,更呈現出「以《荀》解《易》」的詮釋傾向,著重《荀子》義理思想的闡揚。可惜的是,目前學者未對惠棟思想中所反映出的荀學取向有一整體勾勒... more
COSTA, M. O. (Resenha) GNERRE, Maria Lúcia Abaurre; POSSEBON, Fabrício (orgs.). China Antiga: aproximações
religiosas. São Paulo: Fonte Editorial, 2015. 134p. Revista Religare (UFPB), v. 12, 2015, pp. 370-377.
《〈周易〉卦序问题综论》为易经卦序的三千年谜题提出了一个解决方案。这本书由八篇文章组成,除了两篇是对英文已刊文章的翻译之外,其他六篇论文都是用汉语首次发表。基于来知德等象数学者的理论,作者不仅构建了分析卦序结构原理的工具,而且将历史上关于《周易》卦序的理论综合成一个连贯的系统。他发现卦序遵循一套自定的规则,有的也见于邵雍的六十四卦方图。作者相信,象数学家所论及的卦序列的属性和规则,可以通过在计算实践中添加定性维度的方式,为使用二进制进程的科学领域提供潜在理论框架补充。这个鲜为... more
Estudio del contenido y la estructura del texto "padre de todos los libros de alquimia de China". No existe traducción al castellano de este tratado imprescindible para comprender los fundamentos de la alquimia china. Este estudio se... more
The sequential patterns of the sixty-four hexagrams in the Yijing, variously known as I Ching (the Book of Changes) are structured to embrace the universe of possibilities, scenarios and probabilities. Each hexagram equates to each moment... more
Há uma histórica relação entre o 易經 Yìjīng (I Ching), Clássico das Mutações, e o 太極拳 Tàijí quán (Taichi chuan), Boxe da Extremidade Sublime. As possibilidades de es-tudos dessa relação são amplas, e abrangem aspectos filosóficos, de... more
Divination is the attempt to elicit the mysterious veil of future or unknown secrets of past by interpreting the signs with some transcendent help or intrinsic nature by means of some tools or with a pure clairvoyance. Those who interpret... more
A modal interpretation of the Chinese classic "Book of Changes"

keywords: yijing, I Ching, music, harmony, modes
While other papers have tried to elucidate the symbols and text of the Yijing, this paper will make some small attempt to discuss the most difficult but also the most important problem of all, the core philosophy of the Yijing.
The work in this paper is presented with this spirit to draw the relatedness of Yijing to quantum physics and seek to express the continuity between the ancient sages and contemporary scientific thought. Yijing is abstract philosophical... more
Plum Flower Divination is an ancient Chinese calculation method based on the Yijing 《易經》. This essay discusses the medical uses of Plum Flower Divination, but once the principles are understood, this method can be applied to other... more
Ancient culture of China has made great contributions to world culture. Book of Changes is one of the most precious contributions of Chinese culture, which has exerted a great influence on Chinese philosophy, literature, historical study,... more
The Yi Jing, The Book of Changes, over the centuries is in use as an philosophical treatise of the universe, a guide toward ethical life style, an advisory for ruling, and as an oracle for one's personal life and spiritual future. The... more
Article begins on page 13. In the past, scholar-physicians studied broadly, including the classics of history and philosophy in their curriculum. One particular book that captured the attention of many doctors was the Yī Jīng (Change... more
Traditionally there were two main stages in the development of the Zhouyi, the invention of the gua 卦 “trigrams” and “hexagrams” as xiang 象 “symbols,” and then the appending of ci 辭 “statements” or “words” to the hexagrams and lines. The... more
北涼石塔中八卦神與淨度三昧經構成起源解題: 《淨度三昧經》中的八王使者與北涼佛塔底層神秘的八卦神王造像 NB: two sentences were accidentally deleted during the process of editing in Line 3 of page 73. "It seems so. In addition, the Eight Trigrams Deities are described as invocatory... more
The previous paper discussed the first stage in the traditional development of the Zhouyi, the invention of the xiang 象 “symbols” known as trigrams and hexagrams, and this paper will look at the second stage, the appending of ci 辭... more
The Yijing has been persistently approached in the west through conflicting interpretive strategies. While Leibniz saw in it an expression of and source for genuine philosophy and the new logic and mathematics, Hegel rejected it as a work... more
Palestra dada entre as atividades da "Semana Mundial da Acupuntura" de 2018 na EBRAMEC (Escola Brasileira de Medicina Chinesa).
This paper argues that the logic of the Xici, contra scholars who ascribe to it a copy-theory of meaning, is best described through “philosophy’s linguistic turn,” specifically Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of the symbolic forms. Cassirer’s... more
After the end of the 6th century, due to a sound change of /v/ in eastern Indian dialects, the sounds /v/ and /b/ were represented by the same letter in eastern India. A Chinese Buddhist monk, Yijing (義浄), spent about 10 years in the late... more
Both medicine and the principles of Yi Jing originated in China’s ancient past. But ever since the Yi Jing came into existence, the principles of Change Theory have strongly influenced the principles of medicine. This essay explores some... more
楊輝(約1238-1298)為南宋末年的數學家,其著作《續古摘奇算法》(1275)中以「縱橫圖」一詞,稱呼吾人今日所知的幻方,自此之後,縱橫圖開始出現在中國歷代的算書中。數學史家Schuyler Cammann(1912-1991)認為楊輝乃是受到阿拉伯幻方的影響,但當真如此嗎?是故,本文之主旨乃是探究楊輝 之縱橫圖是否隱含著阿拉伯數學的影響。 縱橫圖是否隱含著阿拉伯數學的影響。 縱橫圖是否隱含著阿拉伯數學的影響。 縱橫圖是否隱含著阿拉伯數學的影響。... more
Through a key passage (Xici 2.2) from the Book of Changes, this paper shows that Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms shares similarities with the canonical account of symbolic formation in the Chinese tradition: the genesis of... more
This article shows how it is possible to logically and univocally connect the Pre-Celestial Diagram (Xiāntiān Tú 先天圖) to the Post-Celestial Diagram (Hòutiān Tú 後天圖), that is, how it is possible to realize the Transition from one to... more
This paper will attempt to show what correspondences may exist between the sequence of the received order of the hexagrams and the sequences of the two arrangements of hexagrams developed in the previous paper on the xiang 象 "symbols" of... more
""Western" philosophy has been typically defined through the exclusion of non-Western forms of thought as non-philosophical. In this paper, I place the notion of what is “properly” philosophy into question by contrasting the... more
This is an update to the model described in the original theory. The triune of time is replaced with an analogous one describing cønscious experience: Memory (past), Sense (present) and Imagination ("future"). This adjustment avoids... more
A numerological interpretation of the received order of the 64 hexagrams of the Chinese classic 'Book of Changes'.
I Ching has been spread to the Western world for three hundred years. The worldwide scholars have put forward various understandings and explanations from their respective academic backgrounds, but whether and how to understand it from... more
Resumo: Pretendemos apresentar brevemente ao público brasileiro o conceito chinês de "biantong" ("adaptação" ou ainda "flexibilidade"), como tal conceito influenciou o pensamento, a cultura, os valores e a política chinesa desde a... more
This piece was originally called "Delayed impact: Leibniz and Binary Arithmetic" but was retitled "Slow burn impact" by the publisher.
from ‘double description’ to ‘double divination’
Chegamos a terceira e última parte do nosso estudo corporal das Mutações que publicamos aqui mesmo na Revista Daojia (Costa, 2019a; 2019b). Caso você ainda não tenha lido as outras duas partes, tratamos sobre a relação entre o estu-do das... more
Based on the previous studies, this paper is a comparative review of the editions of Lai Zhide’s Zhouyi Jizhu, Zhang Weiren’s (Zhang) and Gao Wengying’s (Gao), to clearly present the differences between the two branches, while revealing... more
This paper introduces a hexagonal-based measurement apparatus. The experiment culminates in a quantum object production. The experiment testing quantum wave collapse was inaugurated under Covid19 quarantine. Leong Yijing methodology... more
This paper is intended to reveal that the history of studies of Guaxu(卦序: the orderly sequence of 64 hexagrams in current version of I Ching) is acting as an important pillar of his theory of Cuozong by reviewing Lai Zhide(Lai)’s... more
An exploratory research about traditional Chinese Religions in Latin America. In especial: Daoism, Confucianism, Popular Religion and oracles.