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The world currently faces terrible issues of corruption, conflicts, political instabilities, violence and injustices causing traumatic experiences for humans and nature. Likewise, Hos 4:1-3 offers a link between the corruption of the... more
Cannabinoids, especially Cannabidiol from Industrial Hemp is becoming known as a medicine for symptoms including Cancer, Epilepsy, PTSD, Alzeheimers, Pain and Crohn's disease. Why?
Service Members experience trauma on the literal battlefield so severe that it has a terminal effect on their faith. Many civilians may also experience events that produce a paralyzing effect through trauma on the figurative battlefield.... more
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is an emerging therapeutic intervention that has demonstrated effectiveness in treating post-traumatic stress, anxiety and depression. The ART protocol aligns with first-line trauma-focused... more
Визначено особливості соціально-психологічної реабілітації як активації здатності особистості, що постраждала від воєнної травматизації, до життєтворення; розглянуто етапи процесу реабілітації та технології, які доцільно використовувати... more
How can a child soldier reintegrate into society after such trauma? The stories of child soldiers vary depending on the war, region and specific circumstances. However, their rehabilitation and “life after” stories seem to hold similar... more
Zadnji dan leta 1943 je preko Jadranskega morja odrinila prva skupina od skupaj skoraj 30.000 beguncev, ki so našli zatočišče v šotorskih begunskih taboriščih Egipta. Večino so sestavljali ženske in otroci. Daleč od doma in očetov, ki so... more
PERSONAL LANDSCAPE TRANSFORMATIONS FOLLOWING THE TRAUMATIC WAR EXPERIENCE The personal landscape transformations are defined as the territory of a person's life, which has special dynamics, structural and functional characteristics,... more
The acts of war and violence are increasingly prevalent in contemporary society. Within the last decade, the use of weapons has become more efficient and powerful resulting in devastation and loss of human life. Globally, people in... more
This paper explores the potential that involving communities in media production has in post-conflict countries to foster healing and reconciliation. The trauma caused by intense violence on individuals and their communities is severe. In... more
Інформаційний буклет для осіб, які зазнали впливу травматичних подій, їхніх родичів, фахівців, які працюють з психологічною травмою та інших зацікавлених осіб. Основні питання, на які мижна знайти відповідь у буклеті: Що таке травма та... more
המאמר דן בצורך לבטל את המונח "הפרעה" בתסמונת הפוסט-טראומתית, ולהחליפו במונח "פציעה". הדיון מתמקד בטראומת מלחמה (קרב וטרור) בלבד, ומציע כי במקרים אלה תיקרא התסמונת PTSI, (Post-Traumatic Stress Injury) ולאPTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress... more
Art Spiegelman's "Maus" is an emotional graphic novel about the life of Spiegelman himself and the atrocities that his parents faced during the Holocaust. This paper looks at Spiegelman's use of animals as characters and how that... more
Psychological support is considered as a mediator of constructive personality transformations, which is a specially organized activity aimed at restoring and maintaining psychological health, professional self-realization, and deepening... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book summary in downloadable .pdf] According to the poet Elias Canetti, "All the things one has forgotten / scream for help in dreams." To the ancient Egyptians they were prophecies, and... more
William Shakespeare’s Macbeth is an intriguing and intricate tragedy which depicts the consequences of ambition and manipulation. The storyline of the play is intriguing on its own, presenting the audience with enough drama and action to... more
Przyjmuje się, że podczas I wojny światowej w siłach zbrojnych cesarskich Niemiec służyło około 850 000 żołnierzy polskiej narodowości. Już podczas mobilizacji w sierpniu 1914 roku w szeregi kaiserowskiego wojska trafiło 320 000 Polaków.... more
שנים ארוכות התנכרו החברה והממסד בישראל לנפגעי טראומת מלחמה, והאשימו אותם בפחדנות ובהשתמטות. למרות שיפור ניכר בסוגיה זו בשני העשורים האחרונים, טרם התפוגג הספק: האם טראומה נפשית בשל מלחמה היא אכן פציעה של הנפש, כפי שאובדן רגל או יד הוא... more
(Comment): This is a rare study describing the development and validation of a psychological test of perceived social support as conducted in a war-torn field setting. Although originally developed for use with Bosnian adolescents who,... more
A true life story of facing war time conflict internally and externally to overcome extreme trauma, focusing on post lobotomy coping mechanisms and empowerment through reframing dynamics situations and sculpting the situation into your... more
Burri’s paintings, with their emphasis upon process, exhibit the effects actions and time have upon matter –the wear and tear of burlap sacks, further stressed in areas by the artist and conspicuously repaired, integrated into the plane... more
Research and historiographical overview on the issue of PTSD among World War II veterans
A specific cultural awareness and educational preparation is necessary to most effectively minister to US Military personnel and Veterans. US Military Service Members and Veterans are a unique and the only voluntary minority group in the... more
This chapter discusses how the childhood history of politicians and their enablers can throw light on certain aspects of national and international politics. Our work is based on and inspired by the core of Dr Alice Miller’s theory and... more
Kaum ein anderes Medium scheint besser geeignet, traumatische Verletzungen zu visualisieren und zu speichern, zu kommunizieren und zu transformieren, als der Film. Er macht sie sichtbar, indem er sie als Wunden ausstellt, er öffnet sie,... more
Denial, anger, depression and acceptance, these are the stages of grief. Grief is a very complex emotion, a multifaceted response to loss, that is unique to each individual that has the unfortunate chance of experiencing it. Tim O'Brien... more
I call the complexity of the cultural complexes of the Ryukyus "the Ryukyu complex." Applying Thomas Singer and Samuel L. Kimble's concept of the cultural complex and Michael Vannoy Adams' multicultural imagination of the mythological... more
To evaluate the comparative effectiveness of a classroom-based psychoeducation and skills intervention (tier 1) and a school-based trauma- and grief-focused group treatment (tier 2) of a three-tiered mental health program for adolescents... more
Refugees from the current conflict in Syria have been exposed to a variety of stressors known to increase the risk of mental distress. These may include witnessing atrocities as well as dealing with the challenges of surviving in the... more
Unser Beitrag widmet sich der Situation von Flüchtlingen nach ihrer Ankunft und während des Asylverfahrens in Österreich unter besonderer Berücksichtigung gesundheitlicher und psychologischer Aspekte. Beispiele aus den Ergebnissen einer... more
Trauma helpers require specialized supervision. Individual, group and team supervision for trauma counselors and therapists are described and evaluated. Originally published in: Wilson, J. P. & Drozdek B. (Eds) (2004), Broken Spirits.... more
According to Morrison, race and home have always been priorities in her work. All her novels focus on race-inflected topics, and home, which African-Americans have been historically dispossessed of, is also one of her concerns as it is... more
This chapter focuses on the multidimensional trauma of witnesses to mass ethnic violence. The author analyzes the personal experiences of civilians during World War II in Eastern Galicia (once a multi-ethnic borderland region: before 1939... more
The article inter-discusses the experiments conducted by German doctors at Ravensbrück concentration camp on Polish women and their impact on the fateof the operated patients. The experimental lower limbs bone operations conducted in... more
For over fifteen years it has been an accepted historical practice to refer to episodes within ancient Greek history, and portrayals of characters in Greek drama, as exhibiting behaviours akin to modern veterans suffering with... more