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In 2018 Mickey Mouse, an iconic brand hero of Disney, celebrated the 90th birthday anniversary in the National Film Archive – Audio-Visual Institute (Pol. FINA) in Warsaw, Poland. By this occasion, the global corporation positioned itself... more
بعض صفحات من رسالة الدكتوراه بعنوان "الصياغة الشكلية للعلامة والرمز"2007 تتناول هذه الصفحات العلاقة الرابطة بين الصياغة الشكلية (أسلوب تلخيص) الفن المصري القديم للعناصر، وبين التصميمات الحديثة للعلامات المستخدمة في مجالات الاتصال البصري.... more
In 2018 Mickey Mouse, an iconic brand hero of Disney, celebrated the 90th birthday anniversary in the National Film Archive-AudioVisual Institute (Pol. FINA) in Warsaw, Poland. By this occasion, the global corporation positioned itself in... more
En correspondencia con la reflexión metadiscursiva del discurso cinematográfico, uno de los planteamientos creativos más recurrentes en los años de transición entre los siglos XX y XXI, la película Shrek recupera, para invertirlos,... more
Ce cours fait partie du séminaire "La communication visuelle et audiovisuelle" dans le cadre de la licence (3ème année) "LLCER - Communication et Formation Interculturelles" de l'INALCO à Paris. Le séminaire "La communication visuelle... more
Resumo: Este trabalho propõe, a partir da obra de Landowski, um estudo preliminar dos diferentes usos do corset, partindo da análise do nome da peça – que traz em si seu uso pressuposto – seguindo para sua plástica – ou sua anatomia –, e,... more
La neuvième partie du séminaire est consacrée à la problématique transversale à toutes les campagnes et actions de communication d'une organisation, à savoir à la problématique de l'identité visuelle. Nous abordons les deux sujets... more
Esta es una lección publicada originalmente en el portal del INCOM de las UAB en 2006, y corresponde a un texto didáctico (Lección) para introducir al lector a los objetos y problemas de la semiótica de la imagen (SI). Entendemos por SI... more
A practical book, based on the most recent advances of art theory, neurosciences and the sciences of sensory perception, that helps both the expert and the student to have a better control over the emotive effects and the behavior... more
È estatico ogni discorso che, costruendosi nel linguaggio e col linguaggio, rappresenta nondimeno una fuoriuscita da esso, un bloccarsi della semiosi, un venir meno delle distinzioni che fondano il senso. Trattasi dunque di un’impostura?... more
This paper is a semiotic analysis of Summer Olympic Games Opening ceremonies as performative texts. Owing to massive media attention, these events have become eagerly awaited global spectacles. However, with such a wide audience, the... more
Di tutte le annunciazioni che popolano la storia umana e le sue svariate tradizioni, al semiologo non interessa la fonte in sé, il numinoso che all’umano si rivolge per significargli di volta in volta la propria presenza, intenzione,... more
L’oggetto tradizionale della semiotica, il segno, deriva da una selezione. Il lato significante del segno non riproduce mai semplicemente quello significato, ma piuttosto ne individua un aspetto. “Aspetto” (dal latino “aspicere”,... more
In this article, the street is both a place of travel and a space for critical discourse. As tensions between public and private spaces play out in the streets, street artists claim visible space through multiple forms of art. Through a... more
Un vento di protesta sta scuotendo il mondo intero. È un vento che soffia da lontano, ma in questi ultimi tempi si è fatto impetuoso. Le elezioni presidenziali in Iran nel 2009, i moti di rivolta in Tunisia, Egitto, Siria, per tutto il... more
The social sciences have mostly focused on the formation of social opinions from a semantic point of view: given a certain semantic field, interviews, statistics, and other analytical instruments are commonly deployed in order to map the... more
In this paper we attempt to enlighten a " obscure " concept of the Lotman's theory, that is included in a pre-pubblication which has been presented in Urbino in 1977: for the author, the collective and individual mind are isomorphics. In... more
As part of our coursework for the Doctor of Ministry program in Semiotics & Future Studies (Leadership in the Emerging Culture), lead faculty mentor Leonard Sweet asked us to write an essay describing how semiotics has changed us, our... more
Cet article aborde, dans un premier temps, les approches que les sémioticiens ont adaptées ou façonnées pour s’approprier l’étude des graffitis et des écritures de rue (analyse historique, plastique, matérielle, énonciative). Dans un... more
The call for applications of the doctoral program in semiotics at the University of Turin has just been published. Scholarships are available for both Italian and international candidates.... more
Infiltrarea noilor mijloace de comunicare în actualele sfere ale vieții profesionale și sociale a produs mutații semnificative, punându-și amprenta asupra manierei de a construi mesaje. Revalorizarea modului de comunicare antic, arhaic și... more
Remix is now considered by many to be a form of derivative work, but such generalizations have resulted in numerous non-commercial remixes being wrongfully accused of copyright infringement. Gallagher argues that remix is a fundamentally... more
In her article "Towards a Framework of a Semiotics of Dance" Nicoleta Popa Blanariu constructs a framework of based on de Saussure's, Peirce's, and Barthes's thought. She applies Ferdinand de Saussure's concept of semiosis defined as a... more
Desde seu estabelecimento como ciência, a semiótica tem se utilizado da publicidade como corpus de análise. O objetivo deste artigo é resgatar alguns dos modelos de análise do anúncio, protótipo da publicidade impressa, destacando o papel... more
The article presents the taxonomy of visual rhetorical figures proposed by the Belgian Group µ in their study titled “Traité du signe visuel: Pour une rhétorique de l'image” where the visual rhetorical act is consider as an extension of... more
In Bergsonism, we come to a halt when it comes to communication because it involves static immobile elements such as concepts and words, which, for Bergson, make it impossible to gain an adequate understanding of each other’s nature.... more
While metaphor and narrative have often been discussed (with much controversy) but rarely together (e.g. Fitzpatrick and Farquhar, 2019). As cognitive semiotics aims to integrate concepts and methods from semiotics, cognitive science and... more
La investigación parte del reconocimiento que la innovación social es una práctica cultural que se favorece con el liderazgo de emprendedores que contribuyen con su acción social a la búsqueda del bien común. Los resultados de la... more
The traditional object of semiotics, the sign, stems from a selection. The signifying side of the sign never simply reproduces the signified one but singles out an aspect of it. “Aspect” (from the Latin “aspicere”, “to look at”)... more
A recent article in this journal caught my attention, and prompted me to voice reservations I initially had reservations about voicing...
In an epoch in which both global and local representations of time and space seem to undergo a dramatic shifting, the "Meetings of Meaning", the international doctoral seminar for semiotics at CIRCE, the Center for Interdisciplinary... more
Cet article vise à montrer comment tant les méthodes de la sémiotique française de l’École de Paris initiée par Algirdas Julien Greimas, que les travaux du Groupe μ, peuvent être utiles pour l’interprétation des logos. À cette occasion,... more
This course aims to equip students with the skills necessary to critically analyse popular culture starting from the theoretical tools offered by the discipline of semiotics as applied to art. In this regard, the course represents a... more
Cina - Nanjiin university 2008 - Italy Venezia Iuav 2010 - printed paper with Aracne ed - Rome Italy - poster, power point and wide stripes to display horizontally
Resumen: Los discursos sobre los rostros verdaderos son tan antiguos como la civilización misma. Su relevancia social y religiosa está atestiguada a través de numerosas prácticas simbólicas y semióticas que abarcan un amplio espectro de... more
In 2018 Mickey Mouse, an iconic brand hero of Disney, celebrated the 90th birthday anniversary in the National Film Archive – Audio-Visual Institute (Pol. FINA) in Warsaw, Poland. By this occasion, the global corporation positioned itself... more
The paper contains a theoretical analysis of communicative means comprehended at diverse levels of psyche. The comprehension is understood as an involving of received information into internal systems of cognition, valuation, and skills... more
The paper contains a theoretical analysis of communicative means comprehended at diverse levels of psyche. The comprehension is understood as an involving of received information into internal systems of cognition, valuation, and skills... more