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Secondary cities are a subject of renewed interest to international development organizations and finance agencies. Secondary cities vary in size from a few hundred thousand to over five million in countries like China. Cities Alliance is... more
The Global Green Growth Institute, the Ministry of Infrastructure, Rwanda Housing Authority, local authorities, and other stakeholders collaborated on the improvement of public spaces in Rwanda’s secondary cities. The report was developed... more
This short graphic novel is about desire paths, about how people only rarely follow the designs imposed on them. You know, when a landscape architect or urban planner develops a park or something, within a few days you see that people... more
Secondary cities comprise over 16% of the world's population. They play an important role in the development and operations of countries as intermediary hubs and logistics centres within national industry supply chains and production... more
The elaboration process of Huye District Development Strategy (DDS) has been guided by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government (MINALOC) as the overall coordinating... more
This study aims to enhance understanding of the direct and indirect ways by which the well-being of poor households is shaped by the availability and nature of transport infrastructure and services in East Africa. The study is based on... more
This M.A. thesis (1993) examines the urban environmental problems of Kisii town, Kenya. Focusing mainly on solid waste generation ana management, the thesis identifies the main types of waste generated and the amount collected by the... more
The adoption by United Nations (UN) Member States of Agenda 2030 in September 2015 was a major milestone: for the first time there was clear recognition from the international community of the need to focus on sustainable urbanisation,... more
Most studies on urbanity in Africa focus on megacities whereas secondary cities, the unspectacular middle ground between metropolises and small towns, have largely been neglected. However, as the World City Report by the UN from 2016... more
Secondary cities comprise over 16% of the world's population. They play an important role in the development and operations of countries as intermediary hubs and logistics centres within national industry supply chains and production... more
Systems of secondary cities play a vital intermediary role as economic, administrative and logistics hubs within national and global systems of cities. They have three basic spatial typologies: regional hubs, metropolitan clusters, and... more
"Le nombre de plus en plus élevé de villes moyennes en Afrique nécessite de développer une analyse du phénomène urbain qui ne soit subordonnée ni à l’étude des métropoles ni à celle des communautés, lesquelles ont fait les beaux jours des... more
The book comprises a collection of vignettes outlining ideas and arguments about how secondary and intermediary cities can recover from the impacts of COVID-19 and adopt a pathway towards more sustainable and regenerative development. It... more
In this paper I examine the assumptions underlying discourses on co-production – particularly in the field of urban planning – by focussing on the local level and local actors' perspectives on secondary-city planning and development in... more
Systems of secondary cities play a vital intermediary role as economic, administrative and logistics hubs within national and global systems of cities. They have three basic spatial typologies: regional hubs, metropolitan clusters, and... more
This article claims space for secondary cities in urban studies. It criticizes that scientists tend to study urban life in metropolises and, hence, do not represent urban life in its full diversity. In reality, the majority of the worlds’... more
With the rapid growth of the market economy coupled with a rapid urbanization, rural livelihoods and food security rely more and more on trade between rural and urban areas. A common way to look at these urban-rural commercial... more
Secondary cities are a subject of renewed interest to international development organizations and finance agencies. Secondary cities vary in size from a few hundred thousand to over five million in countries like China. Cities Alliance is... more
本书试图为次级城市系统的发展方式建立一种新的思考模式。本书挑战了有关该主题的许多传 统思想,并呼吁政府改变对待国家、地区和地方发展政策和规划的方式,以支持更公平的地区 经济发展。它认为政府对于城市体系发展的支持需要采取系统的,扁平的方式。如果要使城 市体系更具韧性,繁荣并更加公平地发展,我们就必须引入一种新型的“战略架构”以支持 城市间合作发展并建立经济联系,从而为开拓新市场创造更多机会。 Connecting Systems of Secondary Cities... more
Marseille, das heute in etwa 855.000 Einwohner_innen (1.349.772 in der Me- tropolregion) aufweist und mit 35 km Ufer und 24 km Reede die gleiche Fläche wie Paris umfasst, erscheint vor diesem Hintergrund ein interessanter Fall von... more
Drawing on a collaborative research programme with teams from India, the Sudan, Nigeria and Argentina, this is one of the most detailed research initiatives on small and intermediate urban centres. Although it was published in 1986, it... more
Secondary systems of cities in Africa (SSCA) have become the subject of renewed interest by scholars and international development organisations. This book explores the role played by secondary cities in the development of African... more
Kankan, founded in the eighteenth century and Guinea’s second largest city in terms of inhabitants, is the centre of the Upper Guinea Region, located some 650 kilometers northeast of the capital Conakry. According to the newest census,... more
The post-apartheid era in South Africa demonstrated a grand shift in the country’s legislation. Local government legislation was particularly affected, as it was at the municipal level that the policies of apartheid were visible. Part of... more
Urban marketing has recently been adopting the concept, and the label, of “second city”. However, this concept requires sharper theoretical definition in order to turn heuristic. Thus far, it has been conceived in relation to an “ideology... more
This text summarises an ongoing research project about small cities which are usually not included in the research agenda on global cities. We aim at bridging between research focused on global or world cities and that on smaller or... more
In Garoua and Maroua, the main cities of the North and Far North regions of Cameroon, waste management can be analysed from the perspective of urban governance, as a local political arena. Such an approach, through the study of the... more
De nieuwe burgemeester van Den Haag zou meer aandacht mogen besteden aan het internationale profiel van de stad. Behalve dat een corruptievrij gemeentebestuur natuurlijk noodzakelijk is, en dat vreugdevuren voortaan misschien beter op een... more
In Southeast Asia, how flooding is named or studied is not only a matter of fact, but distinctions of flooding as ‘beneficial’ or ‘disaster’ elicit specific reactions from city management, government and residents. This is particularly... more