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NATIVE MESSENGERS OF GOD IN CANADA?: A TEST CASE FOR BAHA’I UNIVERSALISM (1996) *** Christopher Buck, “Native Messengers of God in Canada?: A Test Case for Baha’i Universalism.” Baha’i Studies Review 6 (1996): 97–133. *** Award... more
This book deals with many subjects but mostly about finding a "universal" or "generic" God from religious experiences. This includes the search for God and the afterlife in the age of science through the study of near-death experiences... more
PART 1: The hope of the faithful, and the grave from which we are dug. The traditional (patristic and early Reformation) doctrine of heaven and hell. PART 2: The “Larger Hope” and lesser grave taught in the 1894 Revised Version. The... more
questo file è allegato all'articolo "La controversia fra integristi universalisti e antirazzisti" pubblicato qui:; in questo file sono tradotti... more
Philosophers disagree whether Composition as Identity entails mereological universalism. Bricker (2016) has recently considered an argument which concludes that Composition as Identity supports universalism. The key step in this argument... more
This article defends the thesis that, in light of the postulates of liberal ethics, it is not possible to put forward universal arguments in support of any form of marriage. The existing forms of marriage should be either deemed unjust or... more
This presentation was  made in Autumn 2016, to a class of undergraduates in the Faculty of Politics & International relations at the University of the West of England.
Der Ruf nach Freiheit, wie sie auch in der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Men-schenrechte (AEMR) definiert wurde, scheint universal zu sein . Die Freiheits-rechte sind in die AEMR eingebettet, die mit der Verwendung der Begriffe ›Freiheit‹,... more
Rabindranath Tagore's opposition to imperialism and national chauvinism was manifest long before the series of lectures he delivered that came out in 1917 with a very misleading title, Nationalism. In Naibedya, poem no. 64 (1901) he had... more
This paper (in Dutch) places Alexander's universalism in the context of the tradition of universal empire that was current in the Ancient Near East. It is argued that Alexander's pothos, especially his urge to reach the edges of the earth... more
The paper presents an epistemology of the assumption of the values of universalism and relativism. Though the main interest is to understand the present attitudes of intellectuals towards these values, the historical origin of this... more
Ini adalah Tugas paper yang saya bahas ketika di semester 1 Magister Jurusan Sejarah kebudayaan Islam dengan mata kuiah "Filsafat Ilmu" untuk Ujian tengah semester. Universitas UIN Syahid Jakarta.
Since making headlines as the first Moroccan woman to be awarded the Goncourt prize in 2016, best-selling author and official face of “Francophone Affairs,” Leïla Slimani, has quickly become one of the most influential figures on the... more
A major theme of the current “Haitian turn” has been what I call a “universality-analysis”, which stresses that the Haitian Revolution, in contrast to the American and the French, once and for all abolished slavery. The chapter... more
Au nom de l'universel, la plupart des philosophes font abstraction de notre ancrage local : ils appréhendent l'homme comme être au monde en général, comme être-là. C'est pourtant toujours dans des lieux particuliers que nous nous... more
The incorporation of Nicaraguan migrants in Costa Rica’s welfare arrangements is polemic, especially because the country’s ‘exceptional’ social policy regime and its flagship healthcare institution are under (financial) pressure, and the... more
Lebanon is often described as having a "vibrant" civil society. While such a description sounds promising, it presents drawbacks that equally affect women's rights and feminist organizations. The number of nongovernmental organizations... more
WALLERSTEIN, Immanuel (2008). L'universalisme europeu. La retòrica del poder. Traducció de Maite Insa. València: Publicacions de la Universitat de València. Col·lecció: Assaig, 128 p. WALLERSTEIN, Immanuel (2007). Universalismo europeo.... more
This essay considers virtue ethics and universalism in the wisdom literature of Musharrif al-Din Muṣliḥ Saʿdī (d. ca. 690/1291). Published in Renovatio, Spring (2018). If possible, please use this link to access:... more
A.W.E. - Abbreviated form of: Ancient Wisdom Everlasting. AWE: The all-knowing, divine knowledge within oneself; the voice of the soul. This is not a book about religion. The conversations in this book have been purposely written in a... more
TESTING THE UNIVERSALITY OF HUMAN RIGHTS The universality of human rights is tested through a cross confrontation between the legal conception and the ethical and political conception of legal rights. In this perspective three... more
The philosophical concept of apocatastasis denotes a return to the beginning, restoration of the primal order of things, restitution of the ideal unity, which on the basis of the law of necessity or the original sin has been lost. In... more
Within the realm of modernizing the humanities, the aspiration of art history to transform into a universal discipline and modern science manifests itself as a cultural, anthropological, and spatial orientation toward world art and... more
บทความชิ้นนี้ได้ทำการสำรวจเชิงวิพากษ์ตัวแบบพื้นที่สาธารณะแบบท้าทายของอาเรนด์และตัวแบบพื้นที่สาธารณะแบบปรึกษาหารือของฮาเบอร์มาส โดยผู้เขียนเสนอว่าข้อแตกต่างระหว่างตัวแบบทั้งสองนั้น สืบเนื่องมาจากภววิทยาที่แตกต่างกันของนักคิดทั้งสองท่าน... more
Larges extraits de l'introduction. Relu et médité à la lumière de l'histoire du présent, le Tableau des esprits de Jean ou John Barclay (1582-1621), publié pour la première fois en latin sous le titre Ioannis Barclaii Icon Animorum... more
In this course, we will focus on the relationship between everyday uses of culture and analytical approaches to 'culture' and related concepts. Following the PBL-model of learning, we start with specific stories and events in which... more
In The Ticklish Subject, Žižek argues that the Hegelian concrete universal is not the organic comprehensive totality that it is often assumed to be. Rather, he argues that Hegel's concrete universality is defined in its very concretion by... more
Gre za prvo celovito monografijo v slovenskem jeziku s področja teološke etike po Drugem vatikanskem koncilu. Zavest o nujnosti etičnega diskruza je tudi znotraj naše družbe čedalje večja in tudi teologija se želi dejavno vključiti v... more
Uses Social Identity Theory (SIT) to study the Didache community’s identity formation, including showing an instance of “group polarization.” The group holds on to a symbolic Jewish identity, but evinces its Christian identity in its... more
The paper examines the nexus between two allegedly contesting objectives of international children's rights law: protection and empowerment. It focuses on child labour movements as a case study to examine this tension. The paper shows... more
Com'è noto, l'impero romano e la religione cristiana esprimono entrambi un'ideologia universalistica ovviamente di contenuto diverso (quella cristiana non tende ad un dominio ovviamente spirituale sulle genti, ad una conversione... more
El primer evangelio presenta algunos rasgos que parece referirlo sólo a Israel, excluyendo de su horizonte a los paganos; estos pasajes están en tensión con otros en los que con claridad se formula la misión universal. En estas páginas... more