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RESUMEN Algunos de los rasgos característicos del turismo sostenible ofrecen una mejor predisposición a cumplir los protocolos sanitarios necesarios cuando se retomen las actividades en el sector turístico tras l a Crisis del COVID-19. Se... more
The travel industry in Saudi Arabia is considered to be one of the most important sectors to be affected by technological advancements. We found that the number of travel agents in Saudi Arabia has decreased since 2002, even though the... more
This paper presents the role of travel agencies in choosing a tourist destination, a choice that is increasingly difficult for tourists due to the many existing offers. The travel agencies, in the tourist activity, have the role of... more
Visit To Himachal provide a wide range of Himachal Pradesh Tour Packages starting from 5000Rs to 30000rs and higher for 1 adult. Days of tour can vary from 3-7 days depending on the tourists. You can customize your package according to... more
In travel industry, the main tool used is the computerized booking systems and now known as Global Distribution Systems or GDS. This paper aimed to determine the effect of using Computer Reservation System among Travel Agencies in terms... more
Tourist product is composed of an amalgam of services and products that are brought together to create an overall tourist experience. This multi-service product, by definition, includes a trip away and an overnight at the destination, and... more
Thème du projet : Gestion d'une agence de voyage routière I-Présentation du projet Les agences de transport Garantie Express (GE) constituent une entreprise commerciale qui compose et vend des offres de voyage à ses clients ; Elle joue le... more
As successful tourism firms invest heavily in marketing to defend or improve their competitive position, they increasingly need to measure their marketing performance. Previous studies related to tourism have largely focused on financial... more
Tourist product is composed of an amalgam of services and products that are brought together to create an overall tourist experience. This multi-service product, by definition, includes a trip away and an overnight at the destination, and... more
In travel industry, the main tool used is the computerized booking systems and now known as Global Distribution Systems or GDS. This paper aimed to determine the effect of using Computer Reservation System among Travel Agencies in terms... more
ltinerary is a detail plan or route of a journey. It is a very common term used in tourism industry. There are three types of itinerary used to describe how a tour package would be executed, what places of interest visited, and which... more
Study is based on Branding of travel agency business and its products, the role played by Internet, Travel aggregators, Social media, Print media, Mobile applications, Content of website etc in promoting the brand. Travel and tourism is... more
In travel industry, the main tool used is the computerized booking systems and now known as Global Distribution Systems or GDS. This paper aimed to determine the effect of using Computer Reservation System among Travel Agencies in terms... more
CITATION: Hasan, S. R., Hassan, K., Hasan, M. S., Afroz, F., & Islam, M. S. (2021). Rejuvenation of Small Businesses Affected by COVID-19: A Case on Tour Operators in Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism,... more
i am jagjeet Patel I am sharing a accountancy project class 11th and 12th cbse BOARD
The present study is to observe the moderator impact of travel agency type in perception of new services risk. In this study accordingly one main and twelve subsidiary hypotheses have been proposed based on the research model. This study... more
The paper investigates the extent to which Romania’s largest travel agencies adopt and implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies, correlating these findings with their business performance refl ected by their net turnover... more
Bireylerin sürekli yaşadıkları sosyo-kültürel ve fiziksel çevrelerinde deneyimlemiş oldukları bir takım olumsuzluklar onları doğaya yöneltmekte ve adına Doğa Turizmi denilen niş bir pazarı oluşturmaktadır. Bu pazar turizm etkinliklerinin... more
With the exponential increase in the use of telematic access mech- anisms to tourism services, Directive 90/314/EEC has gradually dem- onstrated its inadequacy with respect to the requirements of effective- ness of the protection of the... more
Öz Denetleme kavramı çok eski tarihlere dayanmaktadır ancak tur ve turist rehberliği denetimi konusunda günümüzde yapılmış teorik ya da bilimsel bir çalışma yok denecek kadar azdır. Turist rehberlerinin bu konudaki algıları, denetimden... more
This study explores the use of eLearning courses created by destination management organizations for education and certification in the travel trade. Phone interviews were conducted with travel agents based in the United Kingdom, India,... more
Öz Turizm endüstrisi içerisinde kurum/kuruluş ve birçok faaliyeti bulunduran bir sektördür. Küreselleşme ve teknolojinin beraberinde getirdiği değişimler, bu kurum/kuruluşları ve faaliyetleri büyük oranda etkilemiştir. Yaşanan değişim ve... more
El impacto de la pandemia del Covid-19 está siendo devastador para el sector turístico. Las consecuencias de la pandemia empiezan a verse en forma de fusiones, cierres o adquisiciones que dejarán tras de si un nuevo panorama en el... more
Son yıllarda örgütsel bağlılık kavramı, yönetim ve organizasyon yazınında önem kazanan ve üzerinde çalışmalar yapılan konulardan birisi konumuna gelmiştir. Örgütsel bağlılığın oluşmadığı durumlarda çalışanlar, örgüte zarar verecek... more
Visa Agent in Jodhpur, Holiday Planner is a leading Visa agency in Jodhpur, We Provide holiday tour packages, Visa Service, Hotel Booking, Flight tickets. And we provide all types of services like visa assistance, visa agent in jodhpur.
В статье рассматривается влияние интернет сети на эффективность работы турагенств как возможность размещения рекламы, поиска новых партнеров, презентации своей деятельности, и т.д., и как следствие увеличение турпотоков.  При помощи... more
El comercio electrónico se ha desarrollado aceleradamente en los últimos años; el turismo es uno de los sectores que más ha aprovechado estos canales de comercialización, específicamente el transporte aéreo. Las plataformas en línea que... more
Ένα ενδιαφέρον άρθρο για την οικονομική κατάρρευση της δεύτερης μεγαλύτερης εταιρείας παγκοσμίως, Thomas Cook Travel Agency.

Copyrights:  © 2019-2020, Δημήτρης Ζ. Κωστούλης & Κωνσταντίνος Ν. Μαντζίκος,
The Covid -19 pandemic is having a devastating impact on the travel industry. The consequences of the virus are beginning to be seen in the form of mergers, closures or acquisitions that will leave behind a new landscape in the travel... more
Sejarah Islam di Turki
Apresentação online na International scientific conference "Tourism and the global crises" na University of Veliko Tarnovo, Faculty of Economics, Tourism Department na cidade de Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
Psikolojik sözleşme, çalışan ve işveren arasında yazılı bir anlaşmaya bağlı olmayan, ancak her iki tarafı da olumlu yönde etkileyen bir sözleşme olarak kabul edilir. Siber kaytarma davranışı, işyerinde çalışanların çalışma saatlerini... more