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Work-values of employees often determine the attitude and disposition that they are likely to display, while discharging their daily duties. In addition to the extrinsic and intrinsic values attached to work by employees in organisations,... more
Overall job satisfaction is likely to reflect the combination of partial satisfactions related to various features of one's job, such as pay, security, the work itself, working conditions, working hours, and the like. The level of... more
Employees have a responsibility to develop and maintain job satisfaction within their job.  I brieflyexplore attitudes and philosophies pertaining to employee rights, job security and responsibilities of employers and employees.
Job satisfaction is considered to be a significant factor driving organizational change and organizational learning, and it has consequentially continued to be an important area of cross disciplinary study. Extensive research has been... more
In its spatial expansion, capital has globalised the production and distribution chain. The division of labour has been restructured throughout the world, factories have shifted from North to South, structural unemployment has increased... more
Talent/Employee turnover in human resources refers to employee recruitment upon any employee turns out, the total number of employees remains constant. Workers moving between states of employment and unemployment and employment, between... more
Hücresel imalat sistemi son yillarda yaygin olarak kullanilan ve parti bazindaki üretimlerde uygulanan bir tekniktir. Fiziksel olarak bir araya kümelenmiş makinalardan oluşan bir hücrede üretim verimini, kaliteyi ve iş emniyetini... more
In this research were investigated the three most frequently studied characteristics of entrepreneurs – motivation, self-efficacy, and risk attitudes. We divided the sample of entrepreneurs into two subgroups: opportunity-driven vs.... more
The right to work is a fundamental human right ensuring that every individual shall be able to continue their lives with a desired job and an income allowing the protection of human dignity. The right to work is directly related with the... more
The study sought to establish the mediating effect of job security on career management practices and administrative staff job satisfactionin chartered public universities in Kenya. The study adopted correlational survey research design.... more
Perceived organizational support has been considered attention as main variable of research for long period. A number of studies have conducted on this variable. Due to its importance, latest researches are still considered as key... more
The present study is to observe the moderator impact of travel agency type in perception of new services risk. In this study accordingly one main and twelve subsidiary hypotheses have been proposed based on the research model. This study... more
Η αυξηµένη συµµετοχή, κυρίως ενήλικων ατόµων, σε δραστηριότητες µε ελληνικούς παραδοσιακούς χορούς που προσφέρουν οι πολιτιστικοί σύλλογοι, έχει οδηγήσει στη δηµιουργία µιας σηµαντικής αγοράς εργασίας για έναν µεγάλο αριθµό στελεχιακού... more
This study is anchored on Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory which suggests that satisfaction of employees is related to motivation (e.g. achievement, recognition, advancement, growth, and responsibility) and dissatisfaction is related to... more
Valcour, M., Ollier-Malaterre, A., Matz-Costa, C., Pitt-Catsouphes, M., & Brown, M. (2011). This study examined predictors of employee perceptions of organizational work–life support. Using organizational support theory and conservation... more
The present work emphasizes on employee job satisfaction in an organization. For this purpose a small survey was done to analyze the level of job satisfaction among the teaching staffs in North-Eastern Hill University. Employee... more
Although advocacy is embraced by nursing as an essential component of holistic philosophy, its scope is often limited in practice. In this article, a research study that examined the use of an expanded definition of advocacy is described.... more
The increasing use of incentive pay schemes in recent years has raised concerns about their potential detrimental effect on intrinsic job satisfaction (JS), job security and employee morale. This study explores the impact of pay... more
Resumen En la presente investigación se realizó una evaluación de los riesgos laborales presentes en 6 panificadoras en la ciudad de Riobamba. El trabajo de la industria panificadora consiste en la elaboración de un alimento de tipo... more
Job satisfaction has become the most common topics in the world. Job has been very important issue not only peoples’ life but also their companies. It is important for employee because they spend their rest of life.