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An analysis of the physical implications of abstractness reveals the reality of three interconnected modes of existence: abstract, virtual and concrete. This triple-aspect monism clarifies the ontological status of subatomic quantum... more
I shall argue that the combination of classical theism and a traditional three-part dyothelite Christology runs afoul of the Two Sons Worry because it cannot offer an account of the hypostatic union. After offering some preliminary... more
"Layman's Abstract: This dissertation looks at how there is a texture to our temporal experience, how sometimes time seems to go faster, or slower, and how, on rare occasions, it seems to stop altogether. I suggest that this is a... more
In this paper I argue that the conversation in Plato's Phaedo operates on two levels, and appeals to two different kinds of considerations in arguing that the soul is immortal. On the one hand, Socrates and his friends are interested in... more
La siguiente investigación ha estudiado qué tienen las columnas de José Jiménez Lozano, escritas hace 40 años, para que sigan interesando a un lector del siglo XXI. Es decir, qué elementos tiene la columna de JJL que hacen superar la... more
Timeless awareness is the essence of Dzogchen. Time experienced within timeless awareness is also an expression of the essence of Dzogchen. Dzogchen is an ancient form of Tibetan mystic humanism. Dzogchen makes the essential distinction... more
This article points to some of the ways in which future research into medieval philosophy might help the discussion of eternity break out of its present confines, and examines some modern takes on Boethius, Neoplatonic influences,... more
It is not easy to understand the nature of the guru and understanding the nature of the guru can be bewildering. There is often bewilderment about the guru. One source of the bewilderment is that people think that the guru is an... more
<b>Abstract:</b> What follows is intended to be a kind of ‘white paper’ on the doctrine of divine simplicity (hereafter DDS). DDS is a radical doctrine. It proposes a radical view of God with extensive implications, which are not... more
This paper, written in the course of a Research Master specializing in English studies, questions a wide-ranging literary phenomenon: the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. This reflection is based on the observation of this character’s... more
May, A. (2021b): What can Earth history and Evolution tell about the Creator of the Universe?. - International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science, vol. 8: p. 19-41; Târgoviște, Romania. ABSTRACT Conclusions about the Creator of... more
This book will challenge how you think about time. Any complete understanding of the universe must include an understanding of time. Yet, so far, no theory describes our experience of time. Physics can no longer purport a theory of... more
This paper illustrates that the first four chapters of Genesis symbolizes the twelve signs of Astrology and the Seven Major Light Chakras. Each sign of the Zodiac is discuss in their days of creation. TIMELESSNESS (Astrology) overlaps... more
Advergames have been appearing alongside digital games since the very beginning. Although they had been originally created as marketing tools, their gaming nature has made from them an important part of digital-gaming industry heritage.... more
This paper offers a new way to evaluate counterfactual conditionals on the supposition that actually, there is no time. We then parlay this method of evaluation into a way of evaluating causal claims. Our primary aim is to preserve, at a... more
La nuova prospettiva teoretica proposta dall'Open Theism impone un approfondimento e una rivalutazione delle soluzioni " classiche " all'antinomia tra onniscienza divina e libertà umana. Tra queste " soluzioni " vi è, com'è noto, quella... more
A fairly deep, almost Buddhist theory of hermetic immortality.
"Mai è stato e mai sarà, perché è adesso tutto insieme" (28 B 8.5 D.-K.). È in questo verso del poema di Parmenide, che la tradizione ha riconosciuto la prima espressione del concetto di eternità atemporale, come affermazione di un... more
Short exposition into the process of predicting the past with numerous elaborate examples.
One way that philosophers have attempted to defend free will against the threat of fatalism and against the threat from divine beliefs has been to endorse timelessness views (about propositions and God's beliefs, respectively). In this... more
Since the early days of Greek philosophy, many theologians have imagined God as timeless. Included in this long line of theologians is C.S. Lewis, internationally known Christian apologist, imaginative theologian, and powerful author of... more
Call for papers "Theological Explorations in Time and Space". Special Issue on " TheoLogica. An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology" Deadline for submissions: May 31st 2020. We invite papers that... more
John C. Peckham introduces and engages with major questions about God's nature and how God relates to the world. Does God change? Does God have emotions? Can God do anything? Does God know the future? Does God always attain what God... more
Eastern philosophy and western science have convergent and divergent view points for their explanation of consciousness. Convergence is found for the practice of meditation allowing besides a time dependent consciousness, the experience... more
Quantum mechanics based on uncertainty measurements are generally thought to be associated with weird conceptions, not conceivable in the macrocosm. Nevertheless, quantum mechanics and consciousness seem to have some isomorphism. At the... more
This paper presents a line of thought against the possibility of causation without time. That possibility, insofar as it is supposedly rested upon a Lewisian counterfactual theory of causation, does not stand up to scrutiny. The key point... more