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É possível delinear o problema teórico do animal como o marco da fronteira tênue entre filosofia e literatura, se pensarmos no papel central que a figura da animalidade exerce em cenas primevas tanto filosóficas quanto literárias.... more
A pragmatically based exploration into language formats and the operations required to adapt them to the speaker's needs, with extensive exemplification from several languages.
The monograph implements a multidisciplinary approach in describing language (a) in its ontogenetic development, and (b) in its close interrelationship with other human subsystems: thought, memory, activity, etc. The focus is on the... more
Il contributo discute dell'uso dei nomi nella narrativa di Paul Auster, soffermandosi sui romanzi contenuti nella "Trilogia di New York", che presentano interessanti aspetti sull'origine della lingua e sulla diatriba, inquadrata dal punto... more
This paper told about language. The paper is done by my team work in college. We did it to complete our task and gave our presentation in the 6th semester
Сборник посвящен вопросам исследования разных типов текста и их функционирования в общем культурном пространстве. Рассматриваются философские проблемы текста, особенности художественной выразительности, взаимодействия художника и читателя... more
У манаграфіі разглядаецца рытарычны трактат Мацея Казіміра Сарбеўскага «Аб вастрынi i досцiпе» (1619/1623 гг.): паказаны асноўныя карэляцыі паміж ідэямі Сарбеўскага і праблемамі сучаснай лінгвістыкі і тэорыі камунікацыі; раскрыта сувязь... more
By using descriptive research design with qualitative method of data gathering and analysis, the main objective of this study was to analyze the representation of postcolonial themes in Dinaw Mengistu's novel called 'All Our Names'. This... more
About the book Peter Kosta The Syntax of Meaning and the Meaning of Syntax This book provides a summary of Radical Minimalism, putting forth a neurocognitively implementable theory of grammar as I-language. Radical Minimalism tries to... more
At present, foreign and second language teachers face, more than ever, the challenge of envisioning future language teaching and learning. In this article, it is argued that foreign language education (FLE) cannot be properly developed... more
I will first present Humboldt's definition of Bildung as interplay or transformation of the relationship between self and world (1.1), then define Humboldt’s concept of Bildung via the learning of languages (Sprachenbildung) as a means to... more
The article discusses the problems of linguistic ontology, in particular, of personification of language in the discourses of philological and philosophical sciences. Although from a psychological point of view, language is one of the... more
This article investigates the implications of the ancient nomos/physis debate to Trinitarian theology. While the Cappadocians, countering Heteroousians, eventually demonstrated that naturalist understanding of naming did not work for... more
Se suele recordar la observación de Duns Escoto (1295) sobre que en su tiempo existía una magna altercatio acerca de cómo interpretar las célebres frases iniciales del De Interpretatione de Aristóteles. Su cofrade Roger Bacon había... more
Peter Koch and Wulf Oesterreicher’s concepts immediacy and distance (Koch/Oesterreicher 1985), as well as Koch’s closely related notion of discourse traditions (Koch 1987), are probably the most successful and frequently cited in Romance... more
In virtù dell'analisi dei testi linguistici di Benedetto Varchi, rimasti manoscritti fino all'Otto e al Novecento, si individuano le tappe in cui, in concomitanza con gli studi di testi aristotelici (la logica al primo posto), nell'autore... more
The book is a collection of articles about the next issues: the philosophy of language, semantics, functional grammar, sociolinguistics and pragmatics of language.
The first section of this paper deals with the crisis of contemporary theoretical linguistics, illustrating the coexistence and independent development of a number of mutually exclusive language theories such as those of Noam Chomsky, Ray... more
Friedrich Nietzsche blames the “Eleatic concept of Being” for the “error” of our belief in the existence of self-contained, standalone “subjects” and “objects”. He also accuses language of being the “perpetual advocate” of this error in... more
Existen dos afirmaciones centrales en las cuales convergen todos, o al menos casi todos, los autores que se autodenominan «originalistas»: 1) la tesis de la fijación que mantiene que el contenido semántico de cualquier disposición... more
The author considers the impact of postmodernism on the contemporary humanities, especially on the theoretical linguistics. The main thesis of the paper can be formulated as follows: postmodernism contributes to the fact that in... more
Obwohl Nikolaus von Kues die Sprache nicht zum Gegenstand seiner Spekulationen machte und infolgedessen keine systematische Sprachphilosophie formulierte, habe ich in meiner Dissertation ?Metaphysik der Sprache. Das Problem der Sprache... more
Предметом статьи является обсуждение теоретических проблем функциональной семантики, а также эвристических способов представления языковых значений. Автор рассматривает основные положения современной лингвистической семантики с учетом... more
Der Band umfasst Beiträge zu einem Symposium über die „Zukunft von Grammatik – Die Grammatik der Zukunft“, das vom 12. bis 13. Februar 2016 zu Ehren des 80. Geburtstags von Werner Abraham an der LMU München abgehalten wurde. Thematisiert... more
Animal communication can be understood in terms of signals to which receivers respond. However, human animals are special in our ability to produce numerous signals that relate to our different languages and cultures. This evolutionary... more
Proceedings of the XIV SIEPM Congress in Porto Alegre (Brazil) 2017. Table of Contents and Introduction (Forthcoming)
The book presents discussion linguistic, semiotic and philosophical problems concerning the relationship between pragmatics and semantics.
The paper deals with the description of linguistic knowledge using the theory of paradigms. The author focuses on two aspects of the linguistics paradigms: the integration and the differential, highlighting the diversity of research... more
The naïve intuition that languages are different, and that each of them offers a “vision of the world”, becomes an unscientific statement – opposed to a universalism – save as it is explained in the framework of a theory of language and... more
This paper tries to briefly describe the relation between the triad language - world - (phenomenological) ego, on one side, and Otherness (which in its turn has a threefold constitution) on the other side. Coseriu's trichotomy of the... more
Purpose The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the current and past work using discourse analysis in the field of educational administration and of discourse analysis as a methodology. Design/methodology/approach... more
This book continues the "Language Attraction" series, the first volume of which was published in 2007. The book includes articles written in Russian and previously published in journals and collections, the topics of which concern the... more
É notável que, apesar dos inegáveis e incessantes avanços nas investigações sobre o funcionamento da linguagem e seu valor para a experiência humana, pouco se tem explorado sobre sua origem e fundamentos naturalísticos. Seguindo a... more
Hegedüs Béla. „Bessenyei György az anyanyelvről”. Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények 123, 6 (2019): 764–771.
В статье рассматривается перевод как семаономасиологический процесс, т. е движение от текста к смыслу и от смысла к тексту. Осмысление текста исходного языка (ИЯ) рассматривается в связи с такими понятиями, как реконструкция дискурса и... more